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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“You didn’t tell me you’d be coming!” Miranda gushed, running out of the house to hug her mum who’s just arriving in the country.

“I missed you, you don’t miss me too?” Mrs Coker smiled, stroking her hair.

“I have a boyfriend now” Miranda replied, and her eyes widened

“Oh my gosh!, Tell me more!”

“Sis!” Aunt Kiara came out too.

“Kiara* Mrs Coker smiled, and she came closer.

“Thanks for taking great care of my daughter, it’s obvious you’ve been doing a great job”

“You didn’t tell us you’d be coming” Kiara said.

“Surprise” Mrs Coker replied, and they laughed as they went in together.


Spencer’s cell was suddenly opened, and he looked up

“You can go” the warden said.


“You don’t wanna go again?”

He spranged up.

“Today was supposed to be the last court hearing” he said.

“Mrs Maxim ended the case, she’s not interested anymore so you’re free to go” the warden replied, and Margaux appeared with Miguel.

“Spencer!” She gasped and rushed to give him a hug with Miguel.

“Am I really free?” He said, and they broke the hug.

“Yes son, thanks to Mrs Maxim” she said, and they hugged again, and that instant, Marcus was brought in with handcuffs.

“I can walk by myself!, Don’t push me!” He shouted stubbornly as he was forced into the cell.

“Isn’t that Benita’s husband?” Margaux said.

“Start filling his case, he was arrested when he tried to kidnap a kid from an amusement park, and luckily his hideout has been found, he’s responsible for all the kidnaps that has been happening since years ago. He’s into human trafficking” the cop who brought him in said, and another cop started filling the case immediately.

“Wait…” Spencer said, remembering sixteen years ago.

When Fernando went in to get the car key, he actually saw a man who has a black for in his eyeballs like Marcus, he was lurking around.

“Was he the one who kidnapped Luxury and Fernando too? But how come he has a different face?, And he’s supposed to be the same age as Fernando” he said.

“I made the findings!” Another cop rushed in with a file, and the cop on the case took it.

“Plastic surgery every year just to look younger?” He said, and Spencer’s eyes widened.

“It’s him”

“He’s actually 47?” The cop said again.

“What!” Miguel said.

“Let’s go” Margaux took them out of the place.


Sarah looked cool in her school uniform as she stepped in with Princess, and all eyes fell on them immediately.

They were still making their way to class when someone bumped into them.

“Oh sorry!” He quickly apologized.

“Miguel!” Sarah smiled, and his eyes widened.

“Sarah?, I’ve been looking everywhere for you since Princess disappeared!” He said.

“Princess?” Sarah said, and his eyes shifted to Princess.

“Hi… Miguel” she smiled.

His eyes darted to her chest, and when he saw the necklace he came closer.

“Why are you wearing that?, It belongs to Princess”

Meanwhile, in an empty classroom, Nathan and Miranda were busy kissing, and her arms were hung on his shoulders as their lips dwindled.

They’ve been on it for two minutes, and Nathan suddenly broke it.

“Why?” She asked impatiently.

“Just tell me how you met Princess on the day she disappeared” he said.

“It was actually I and Brianna, we took her to a corner to talk, but Brianna had a razor blade with her, and….” She stopped talking.

“And what?” Nathan asked carefully.

“And….we…” She started stuttering, and that was when Nathan’s eyes darted to her chest.

Now he remembers where he saw the necklace from…

Princess’s neck!

“Wait!, You said your sister has the same necklace!” He said, but she ran out of the class instead, and he started running after her.

They got to the hallway and met a crowd, and they ran into the middle where Miguel is busy hugging Princess.

“Sarah” Nathan called surprisingly when he saw her.

“Nathaniel” Princess called from Miguel’s shoulder, and his eyes widened.

Princess’s voice!

“She is…your Princess” Sarah said, and his eyes widened more.

Princess made to break the hug, but Miguel hugged her tighter.


Luxury has all the duvet over herself when Mrs Maxim came in with Stacy and Kendra.

She forcefully took the duvet away from her and met her crying. She even looks leaner than she was.

“Luxury!” She screamed.

“She hasn’t been eating” Stacy said.

“All because of bloody Fernando?, The relationship can never work!, Don’t you get it?, He’s your sister’s ex!, How do you want her to feel?, And he’s someone I h@ťě so much!”

“Deluxe gave her consent already” Kendra said.

“Really?” Mrs Maxim said.

“Yes, though she has sworn not to attend their wedding” Kendra replied.

“And I’m not gonna attend the wedding too of you’re really serious about this, so will you manage a wedding without your mum and sis?” Mrs Maxim said, and Luxury only cried more.

“Suit yourself” Mrs Maxim said and left.

“So ..what are you gonna do?” Stacy asked.

Without minding the tears in her eyes, Luxury stood and rushed out of the house.


“Dad, let’s go to the hospital” Isabella said for the tenth time today when she noticed how sluggish Fernando is moving.

She actually followed him to work.

“I’m fine, Bella” he replied, and she sat on his laps.

“Dad….I don’t wanna lose you” she said, and e laughed.

“Someone grew up” he said.

“Dad I’m serious”

“No one is dying, I need to go for supervision” he replied, dropping her gently.

“What are we having for lunch?, Chocolate bread?” She said.

“Deal” he replied, and she kissed his hand before he left the office, but immediately he got to the RT office, the elevator door opened, and Luxury rushed in. She was in tears.

“Luxury!” Chelsea spranged up, and Fernando’s eyes widened as she rushed to him and hugged him tightly.

“Wow” Mr Moore smiled.

“Luxury” Fernando whispered, holding her

“I love you so much Fernando Moritz, how many times should I say it to make you marry me?” She cried.

Fernando broke the hug and held her face

“Why are you crying?” He asked, rubbing her teary cheeks.

“Mum and Deluxe aren’t gonna attend the wedding” she sniffed, her eyes so red.

“We can have a two people wedding then, just you and me” he replied.

“And us!!!” The research team screamed.

“Really?” Luxury smiled.

“Yes, and I have a daughter” he said.

“I know. Tyler told me everything yesterday, and he also told me she left already” she replied.

“That nosy guy” he said, and they both smiled.

Fernando was already crying too.

Luxury took his hand and kissed the wristband.

“The moment I gave you this, you got stamped as my husband” she said, and he laughed tearfully.

“My skinny witch”

“My douchebag, I missed you” she sniffed again.

“I missed you more” he smiled.

“I love you” she whispered.

“I love you more, Luxy” he replied, and it was Luxury who held his face and crashed her lips on his own.

Fernando held her waist immediately, deepening it as their lips fitted into each other.

“Yesss!” Chelsea screamed.

“Yay!!!!” Mr Moore and Mrs Williams shouted, hugging each other without knowing, but they pushed each other away immediately.

Isabella was watching from the office door, and she’s smiling.

“Mum was right, she’s not dad’s soulmate” she said.

Luxury broke the kiss slowly, still holding his face.

“Still remember the bet?” He said.

“We both failed, and you’ve stabbed my heart with the hurtful things you said the other time, what’s left is f-__-king you on my desk” he replied

“Let’s do that soon” she said, and he chuckled.

They still have tears in their eyes.

“Naughty” he replied and pulled her back into the kiss, holding her hips as their lips met crashingly.




TB Continued…

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