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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Game Of Hearts… }


Naomi Cindy B.








Tears poured out of Luxury’s eyes immediately Fernando left , and she got her phone.

She dialled Deluxe’s line, and she picked faster than expected.

“Sissy!, What’s up?” She asked cheerfully.

“It’s done…the deal” she said, covering her mouth with her palm so the sound of her cries won’t be heard.

“Wait…for real?” Deluxe said shockingly.

“He left in tears just now, in sure he’d almost die with the words I said to him, trust me I did a great job, more than he did to you” Luxury replied.

“Yeeeeeeesssss!!!” Deluxe screamed crazily, and Luxury Luxury’s tears poured more torrentially.

“Goodnight” she said almost in a mutter.

“”No no wait!, We must drink to this tommorow night, ok?, We must!” Deluxe shouted.

“Yeah” Luxury replied.

“Luxury are you ok?” She asked.

“Yes I am, goodnight” Luxury replied and hung up.

Immediately she did, Spencer’s call came in, but she threw the phone on the couch and sat on the bare ground, backing the couch before covering her face completely with her palms.

“Eeeeeehhh!!!” She screamed out so loud every second as she sat.

Only God knows how she managed to say those words to him without shaking, she wasn’t breathing throughout. It was the hardest thing she has ever done.

“I’m so sorry” she hiccupped, crying loudly again.

“I’m sorry!!!!”

Now she regrets ever making the deal with Deluxe. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t have met him, and she wouldn’t have fallen so hard for him…. Her sister’s enemy.

She’s so messed up right now, and she doesn’t know what to do after ruining everything.

She was hurting too as she said those words to him, she was so hurt.

She took her palms off her face before burying her teary face in her knees, but a news on TV made her look up quickly.

Fernando actually put it on earlier.

She raised her head , and her eyes widened when she saw the news of an accident not far from her street right now.

“An accident occurred right now at Darwin’s intersection, involving three cars, two dead bodies has been found, the owners of the first and second car, but the owner of the third car is …..

Before the caster could say the next word, power went out in the whole house, and darkness took over.

“Argghhhhh!!!!!” She screamed, and her head started making funny noises as she blocked her ears with her palms.

“No!, No please! No!” She gasped repeatedly as she resumed crying in the dark, remembering the kidnap sixteen years ago.

Luxury rushed out of the building and was shocked to see Wealth laying unconsciously in front of a car.

“Wealth!!!!!” She screamed and started rushing to her , but her nose was blocked from behind with a sedated hanky, and she slept off.

She woke up to find herself in a dark room, her arms were tied behind her.

“Where am I!!” She shouted.

“Don’t shout, he’d hurt us if you do” a boy’s voice said beside her.

It’s a dark room , so she couldn’t see his face.

“Who are you?” She asked.

“I was kidnapped too” he replied.

“Where are we?, Why is it so dark?” She asked.

“I have no idea” he replied, and she Mõ@ɲed in pains. Her stomach hurts.

It must have reopened as a result of how she jumped in the pool to save the boy earlier.

“Are you ok?” The boy asked beside him.

“No I’m not, my tummy is bleeding” she replied, and the door opened.

A man came in, but they didn’t see his face too.

He bent in front of them and smiled, his face cap covered his face a lot.

“Early tommorow morning, I’m selling you two to Vanuatu, my cash is coming!” He laughed.

“Mister, she’s bleeding, please stop it” the boy said, and the man got a Torchlight from his pocket.

He shone it on Luxury, and his eyes widened when he saw the bleeding wound.

“$h|t!, You can’t ruin things for me!” He shouted and left.

He came back some minutes later with a medical kit, then he got surgical equipments.

He started stitching the wound by himself, and Luxury started crying hard.

“It’s painful!, Return me back to the camp!, Argghhhhh!!!”

“Please take it easy!, Mister she’s crying!” The boy shouted.

The lights came back on, and Luxury started sniffing as small traces of tears still found their way out of her eyes.

She was sweating so much.

She spranged up and concentrated on the TV again, and her eyes widened when she saw the name of the third victim. Fernando Moritz!

“No…no” she muttered and ran out of the house, bumping into Deluxe by the door.

“Deluxe!” She said shockingly, wiping the tears on her face.

“I saw the news, you really did it big, it hit him so hard that he had an accident, and that’s why I came” Deluxe replied, pointing up the nylons with her.

They contain bottles of beer.

“Let’s drink to it, cheers!” Deluxe shouted and pulled her back into the house.

She got glass cups and poured them drinks, then they clinked glasses before drinking.

“I have to go somewhere Deluxe” Luxury said after dropping her cup.

“We haven’t even started, come on sit” Deluxe pushed her back, and she fell on the couch.

Deluxe poured them another cup, and Luxury drank dejectedly.


“Where the hell is my son!” Benita yelled as she stormed into the hallway .

“Lady Benita, this way” a doctor said, leading her till they got to the door or a ward.

“He’s the only survivor of the accident, we lost the other two while he only got a concussion on his arm” the doctor said, and she sighed.

“Was so scared”

“He’s stable already, so trust us on the rest” the doctor further said, and she entered the ward.

Fernando was unconcious on the bed with scratches on his face and forehead, then there’s a caste on his right arm.

“Fernando” she smiled, going closer to him.

She sat beside him and held his hand.

“Wake up soon baby”

Tyler came in, and she spranged up.

“What were you doing!, Where were you when he was driving!” She yelled.

“Lady Benita, I’m..

A thunderous slap followed from her, and he stopped talking.

“I’m so sorry ma’am” he said slowly.

“If he doesn’t wake up before tommorow morning!, Then consider yourself gone!” She yelled.

Spencer was about to come in when he saw her inside, so he stopped and left.

He got back to his car in the park and sighed, then he got his phone.

“What made him drive this time around?” He wondered loudly before dialling Luxury’s line.

She’s still not picking.

“Everything seems somehow” he muttered and drove off.


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