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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Game Of Hearts… }


Naomi Cindy B.








“Really?” Luxury broke the hug to look at his face.

“For real” he replied seriously, and she brought her hand to his face.

She poked his cheek, and he smiled out his dimples.

“I wanted to see them” she said.

“My dimples?” He continued smiling.

“Yeah yeah” she replied, and he hugged her again.

“How’s your tummy doing?, How many stitches did you get?” He asked.

“I’m not feeling any pain anymore, and Spencer said I got seven stitches, the wound is very stubborn” she replied, and Fernando went mute.

Luxury squinted, waiting for him to speak, but he didn’t, so she broke the hug again.

“Fernando” she called gently.

“Huh!” He woke up from his thoughts, and she blinked.

“Are you ok?, You zoned out completely” she said.

“Just that….I feel like.. like we’ve met before, like a long time ago….I just…i dunno” he said, and Luxury giggled.

“Impossible, I’ve never met a douchebag all my life” she said.

“Be serious, skinny witch”

” I’m serious, I’m hundred percent sure that we’ve never met before, now go make me chocolate bread” she said, and Fernando made to kiss her hair, but she shifted back.

“The bread” she rolled eyes, and he smiled.

“Ok, give me just an hour and a half” he winked and left the ward hurriedly.

Luxury started smiling, cupping her face with her palms.

“Aww!, He’s so ….

Before she could say the next word, she slapped herself.

“He’s….a jerk, yes…a jerk” she giggled sillily, and Spencer came in.

” Spencer!” She smiled.

He got to her and dropped the food flask on the bed, then he started leaving.

“Spencer!” She called loudly, and he stopped to look back.

” Are we… fighting?, Why are you leaving just like that?” She asked with raised shoulders.

” Nothing, I’m tired and I need to rest, call Fernando if you need someone to stay with you” he replied and left.

” Wait…what!” Luxury said, spreading her palms in awe.

She looked at the flask and took it away from the bed.

She dropped it on the stand and rested her back on the pillow.

“Such a jerk” she muttered and closed her eyes for twenty minutes, then she got her phone.

She played bubble pop when she got bored, but she hasn’t even finished level one when she lost interest, then she texted Fernando.


She sent it and waited for close to one hour before he showed up with a bag of the bread.

“You took so long!” She pouted.

“I’m sorry, It wasn’t easy making hundred at once” he replied, and her eyes widened.

” What!”

“You said you wanted two hundred, but I could only make hundred, the rest is in the car, I promise to make the remaining hundred tommorow” he said breathlessly, and she started staring at him as he brought three chocolate breads out of the bag he’s holding.

He settled it in front of her with a bottle of chilled yogurt.

“Eat up” he smiled, and she smiled before realizing.

“Eat before it gets cold, you should enjoy the warmness of the bread, I put a lot of chocolate so it’s delicious” he said, and that was when she noticed his hands.

He has burns on almost all his fingers.

“Your fingers” she said slowly.

“I was rushing, so the baking machine hurt me, but I’m fine, just eat up already” he said, and she took the first bread.

She had a bite, and he blinked, waiting for her review.

“Thumbs up” she said, and he smiled.

He took the yogurt and opened it for her, then she drank from it before continuing to eat the bread.

“I have to go now” he suddenly stood, and she grabbed his hand.

“No….you can’t”

“Your mum h@ťěs me, she warned me to stay away” he said.

“She’s not coming here anymore tonight, please stay with me” she said pleadingly, and he sighed.

He called Tyler and told him to leave with the car and come back for him tomorrow morning, then he sat beside her and watched her eat.

She finished the three, then she drank the whole yogurt before facing him

“Let’s sleep” she smiled, laying on the bed.

He slept beside her gently.

Both tried to get some sleep, but it didn’t come even after ten minutes.

Luxury turned to Fernando and their eyes met.

“You’re not asleep too?” She asked.

“I couldn’t” he replied.

” Same here” she said, and he immediately pulled her head to his chest.

He hugged it there and started stroking her hair.

Luxury smiled before closing her eyes, then she slipped her arm around him.

It only took three minutes before she slept off on his chest.

Fernando covered them well, then he kissed her hair and slept off too.


Spencer has been replaying the hug scenes of Fernando and Luxury in his head over and over again, and at each replay, he gets angry.

He’s currently sitting beside his pool, imagining when he got saved from the pool by Luxury sixteen years ago.

He sighed and drank from his wine, then he smirked.

“Fernando ki||ed Wealth, her sister” he muttered.

‘Should I tell him Wealth is Luxury’s sis?, Should I tell Luxury that he’s the criminal who ki||ed Wealth?’ He thought, but he brushed it off immediately.

“No, I won’t do such” he said and stood , then he walked in and got his phone.

” I behaved like a jerk to her earlier, I’m so stupid” he said and dialled her line, but it’s off .

” I badly wanna hear her voice….I’m over Kimberly I swear, I’m really over her, and I love Luxury….I do” he whispered, sitting on the bed.

He buried his face in his palms.


Princess has been kneeling with her hands raised since three hours ago, and now her limbs are on fire.

She only mistakenly poured water on the shop floor, that’s the reason for the punishment.

Her arms were already shaking weakly, and her head was splitting with headache.

Granny Kate came out of her room and crossed her arms on her chest, standing in front of her.

“What have I ever done wrong?, Why do you always decide to affect me with bad luck!, Were you cursed? ” She asked harshly.

” I’m so sorry granny, I promise it won’t happen again” she cried.

” Stop saying that!, Cos anytime you say that, you end up doing something worse! ” Kate shouted, and she shrunk.

” I’m so…

Before she could say sorry, Kate pulled her up by the ear and started taking her out of the shop.

“Ouch!, It’s painful!, Granny!”

She pushed her out, and Princess cried louder.

“Sleep out tonight, then you’d know it’s not easy!, Maybe you’ll repent by the time you freeze up before daybreak! ” She sneered and shut the door.

Princess sat in front of the house, waiting to know if Kate will change her mind for over thirty minutes, but it didn’t happen, so she stood and started walking away from the house, strolling the big market.

The heavy sounds of footsteps behind her made her look back, and as suspected, two people are following her.

They’re masked, but by their build, they’re girls.

“Who are… Who are you… Guys…” She stuttered fearfully, and the next thing they did was cover her mouth with a gag, then they dragged her away forcefully.

They let go of her when they got to a garbage site, then they held her down.

“Please let me go!!, Don’t hurt me!!” She cried, but it was futile.

The first one got something from her pocket, then she handed it to the second one.

Princess’s eyes widened when she saw what it is. Razor blade!

“No!, No!!!”

They brought it to her face, and Immediately they tore her right cheek with it….

“Someone help!!!!!!” She screamed as blood gushed out.

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