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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Game Of Hearts… }


Naomi Cindy B.








Luxury’s eyes were opened as she drowned, and she could feel the wound on her tummy reopening again.

Her blood started coming our, mixing with the water around her.

She started losing consciousness as she remembered how she actually got that wound.

It’s a mysterious wound, and she has had it since she was born.

The triplets were actually taken out of Mrs Maxim’s womb through operation, and she was the last to be taken out, but she came with a wound on her tummy which no one knew how it got there.

The wound got stitched, but immediately she was bathed, it reopened on it’s own.

Detecting that water is dangerous for it, the wound was always covered anytime she wants to bath.

As she remembered everything plus the fact that she’s drowning, Luxury’s eyes closed, and she started losing her breath.


Fernando and Spencer got in the Spencer’s car, and it was Spencer who drove. They’re actually tracing the number Wesley sent the message with, and luckily, it’s on.

“Drive faster, please!” Fernando said impatiently, and Spencer stepped harder on the accelerator, speeding so fast.

The stitch on his stomach hurts cos he’s supposed to still be in bed, but he cares less about that right now.

The number led them to a seaport, and they rushed out of the car, but Luxury is still nowhere to be found.

“She’s not here” Spencer said.

“But the number said here” Fernando said.

“Wait….” Spencer said, looking at the sea suspiciously.

“Could she be be in?” Fernando said.

“He’s a psychopath, we can’t waste chances” Spencer replied, and Fernando ran to the sea immediately.

Spencer wanted to go closer, but when he remembered he can’t swim, he stood back and just watched, holding his tummy.

Fernando jumped in, and Wesley smiled from where he’s hiding.

“They must have traced me” he muttered, looking at his phone.

“There’ll always be another day” he said and left.

Fernando found Luxury as suspected, and he swam fast to her .

He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the surface before hugging her body, then he started swimming to the shore with her.

He placed her down gently and untied the ropes from her body. Spencer came closer.

“She’s bleeding!” He said, and Fernando raised her blouse from her tummy.

His eyes widened, and the wound flashed across his memory as if he has seen it somewhere before.

Spencer carried her and started rushing to the car, but Fernando kept kneeling on his spot.

“Where on Earth have I seen that wound before?” He muttered.

“Get your @@zz here Fernando!” Spencer yelled, bringing him back to his senses.

He spranged up and rushed to the car, then they drove to the hospital.


Luxury was taken to the theater immediately they arrived at the hospital. The wound needs to be stitched.

They both started pacing around restlessly, waiting for good news.

Mrs Maxim rushed into the hallway with Deluxe and Nathan, but immediately Deluxe saw Fernando, she hid quickly.

He mustn’t know that they’re related yet, else the game will be ruined.

“Where’s my daughter?” Mrs Maxim asked breathlessly.

“She’s getting stitched, she got a wound on her tummy” Spencer replied.

“How could she allow water to penetrate” Mrs Maxim started crying.

“This will be the second stitch she got this year” Nathan said worriedly.

“She was actually… kidnapped by Wesley” Spencer said, and their eyes widened.

“What!” Mrs Maxim shouted.

“The popular psychopath?” Nathan said.

“He’s taking her for his dead girlfriend cos of her long hair” Spencer further said.

“And how come I’m just hearing of it?, She told me nothing!” Mrs Maxim yelled.

“Maybe she doesn’t want you to worry” Spencer smiled.

“What are the cops doing?, Why is he not in the rehab yet?, Remember that was how he tormented a lady last year till she travelled out of the country, so my daughter is his target this year, to hell with him and his dead girlfriend” Mrs Maxim ranted.

“Once she wakes up, she’s cutting her long hair” Nathan muttered.

“By the way… Are you her boyfriend?” Mrs Maxim asked Spencer, and he smiled.

“He’s Miguel’s senior brother, the disowned first son of chairman Cole” Nathan whispered to her, and she gasped.

“Margaux first son!, Aww!, I’m a fan of Margaux movies!, I watched all her movies… like HIT AND ki||, FLAMBOYANT, HOT MOTHER-IN-LAW, then her ongoing TV series and hundred more” she said.

“Really?, Thanks for being a fan…and .. I’m Luxury’s friend” he replied.

“You’re not into her?” Mrs Maxim asked.

“I actually… love her but….

*No buts!, You have my approval” Mrs Maxim cut him off.

“Mum, you only just met him today” Nathan said.

“Shut up, elders are talking” she rolled eyes, and he rolled eyes.

Minutes later, the stitches got completed, and Luxury was shifted back to the ward.

Everyone entered, and when Fernando made to go in too, Mrs Maxim blocked him.

“I choose not to talk to you since I arrived cos to me, you’re insignificant. You might be her boss right now but it’ll only last for a while, stay back you’re not needed, son of a tramp” she said harshly and shut the ward door on his face.

Fernando kept standing like that for a while before leaving in sadness.

Deluxe finally came out of her hiding place and smiled.

“Seems he really fell already, can’t wait for Luxury to pay you back for what you did to me, bastard” she muttered h@ťěfully.

“My daughter will wake up soon, don’t panic” Mrs Maxim said, stroking Luxury’s hair as she sat beside her bed.

“She’s used to getting stitches” she said again.

“I’ll put my mind at rest” Spencer said.

“Mum might give you her approval, but not me, I don’t like you” Nathan said, and Spencer faced him.

“Nathan” Mrs Maxim frowned.

“I don’t like his younger brother, he’s a big bastard, so you don’t expect me to like him” Nathan replied.

“I’m different from Miguel” Spencer said.

“Wh@ťěver” Nathan rolled eyes.

“Wait…we saw it in the news last night!, You got shot by that maniac!” Mrs Maxim suddenly said.

“Yeah, he’s after me because…. I kissed her” Spencer replied, and Mrs Maxim jumped.

“Luxury kissed a man OMG!, She really kissed you?”

“I was the one who kissed her” Spencer replied.

“Same thing so far she responded!, I should start preparing for a wedding!, Gosh!”

“What bloody wedding” Nathan continued rolling eyes.

“Wait!, Are you ok?” Mrs Maxim asked.

“Sure, my tummy is fine” Spencer replied.


Wesley waited for five minutes before Lauren showed up, and he got his gun immediately she came out.

He aimed for her, and she smiled.

“Are you high?”

“You wasted five minutes of my time!* He yelled.

“What time?, The one you waste going after Luxury?” She replied.

“She’s Kimberly, not Luxury” he replied crazily.

“You’ll never get tired of that line” she sighed, and he lowered his gun.

“You let them catch you, you should have put off your phone!” She snapped.

“I forgot!” He snapped back

“They say maniacs are smart, but you’re an exception” she replied, and he folded his fists.

“I can ki|| you here” he said.

“But you won’t” she smiled, and he grunted.

“Let’s make another plan” she said.


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