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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Spencer was holding a cup of coffee with his right hand, and his left hand was stuck in his pocket as he walked around the living room, thinking about Luxury.

The look on her face last night when he couldn’t defend her was so disappointing, he could imagine how much she’ll h@ťě him right now.

He dropped the cup of coffee and closed his eyes.

“I f-__-king kissed Lauren” he muttered, opening it slowly.

He walked to the backdoor and went out through it, then he came out to his pool.

It’s amusing that he has a pool in his house when he’s a seal in water. He can’t swim.

He sat beside the pool and got a call from Landon.

“The photo$h00t is in two hours time, I’ll be with you by 9, so get ready” Landon said, and he hung up.

He looked at the pool again and smiled, remembering the sweet memory attached to it.

“Am I really not over Kimberly?” He asked himself.


“Believe me babe!, He f-__-king called me his girlfriend in the party” Luxury laughed, coming out of the house.

She’s actually speaking to Stacy on phone.

“You think he fell for you already?” Stacy asked.

“What do you think?, I trust myself” Luxury replied, and Stacy laughed.

“But he’ll try hard to keep it in, not for long though” she said.

“I still have three weeks left, just wait” Luxury replied before entering her car.

She drove off to work, and Wesley came out of his hiding place with a sinister smile on his lips.

“My girlfriend became more beautiful” he chuckled, covering his head with the hood before walking away.


“Luxury!” Chelsea shouted when she came into the office.

“I see you’re over your heartbreak already” Luxury smiled, dropping her bag on her desk.

“It only takes a bottle of alcohol, and like I said, she’d fall in love again today” Mr Moore replied, and Chelsea pouted.

“Moments wine will be launched for tasting today” Mrs Williams announced.

“Really?” Luxury said happily.

“Trust me, and Chelsea was recognized as the chief researcher on the label, I think she’s getting a promotion” Mrs Williams continued.

“Aww!, I’m so happy for you!” Luxury hugged her.

“Miss Luxury, the president wants you in” Tyler said as he came out of the office.

Luxury entered the office immediately, and she met him on his laptop.

“Goodmorning Fernando Moritz” she smiled, flaunting her hair.

Fernando looked up, and his breath seized for a while before he got himself together.

“Come here” he said, and she walked to stand beside him.

“These researches were submitted by your colleagues, can you help me choose the best?” He asked.

“Why would I do that when I’m one of them?”

“You seem brilliant than I think” he replied, and she smiled before sitting beside him.

She shifted the laptop to herself and started reading the articles one by one.

Fernando started staring at her eyes again as she rolled it around the laptop screen.

He started smiling before he realized, and she looked at him.

“Mr Moore’s research is the best” she said.

“Your eyes are pretty” he replied, and she smiled.

“Did you call me in here to tell me about that?”

“Sorry, cupcake” he winked, smiling out his dimples again.

“Douchebag” she rolled eyes and stood to leave, but her heels hit on the chair, and she fell back…

She’d have landed on the ground, but Fernando grabbed her waist and pulled her to himself.

Her butt landed on his laps, and she looked back at him slowly.

“Be careful next time, I might not be there to catch you” he said, and she marched his shoes with her heels.

“Ouch!, Luxury!” He shouted.

She stood and rushed out of the office, then she smiled before walking to her seat.


Princess was still distributing her flyers when she started feeling pressed, so she made her way to the public restroom.

She entered and found a stall to ease herself, but when she was about to come out, she came face to face with two hefty men, and she was immediately sedated.

She slept off, and when she woke up, she found herself in a junkyard, inside a car.

“Junk…junk yard?” She stuttered, standing from the chair she was placed on.

She started trying to open the doors of the car, but none of it opened, and the windows are too small to escape through, so she started screaming.



She was about to scream for the third time when Miranda appeared with a bottle of gasoline which she threw into the car through the window.

“Who are you?” Princess asked fearfully.

“Your doom” Miranda smiled evilly before bringing out a lighter.

She lightened it and threw it into the car.

It landed on the broken bottle of gasoline, and it started burning, tracing the gasoline stream around the car.

Princess started coughing as tears came out of her eyes.





Spencer was the first person Luxury set her eyes on immediately she came out of the company, and she ignored him completely, walking to her car.

“Luxury!” He rushed to her and blocked her from entering her car.

“What do you want from a girl you can’t defend?” She questioned, and he sighed.

“Please…spare me five minutes, just five minutes” he said.

Luxury’s eyes softened, and she entered her car.

He got in his car too and drove behind her till she got to a coffee shop.

It was already so dark when they went in together, then they sat across each other.

“Coffee?” He asked.

“Not interested” she replied, and he sighed.

“I’m sorry”

“If sorry can take care of everything, why are there cops?” She replied bluntly.

“You wanna arrest me?” He asked jovially.

“I’m not here to joke, it’s not funny Spencer, taking me to the party then leaving me at the mercy of your father…he almost embarrassed me!”

“I know, and I’m sorry, saying that I’m still in love with Kimberly was just to make him feel small, not like I’m still in love with her” he replied, and she blinked.

“Believe me, I’d have spoken if not that Fernando was faster” he further said, and she stood.

“It’s ok, I need to go now, Spencer”

He stood too, and he walked to her.

He hugged her tightly.


“Just hug me back if you forgive me already” he said, but she remained motionless in his arms, so he broke it.

“I knew it, you’re still mad at me” he said, holding her face.

She was blinking as she stared at him, and he smiled.

“And I missed you” he said, and she was about to bite her lip when he leaned in and kissed her softly.

He broke it and studied her expression for a while. She kept blinking, so he kissed her again.

Luxury responded this time around, holding on to him just like he did.

He grabbed her waist and deepened the kiss, slipping in his tongue.

“Umm” Luxury Mõ@ɲed silently right there, and he hardened it again, holding her face more firmly.

“Kimberly…” He Mõ@ɲed into her mouth, and her eyes flew open.

She broke the kiss and pushed him away.


“f-__-k you!” She spat and got her bag, then she rushed out of the shop.

Spencer ran after her, but he couldn’t catch up

She got in her car and drove off, so he did the same and started chasing after her.

Before Luxury got home, she was already in tears.

How dare he take her as his dead girlfriend?

So he has been using her to quench his thirst for Kimberly, he’s not even seeing her as Luxury.

She drove into her mansion and came down from the car, but surprisingly, Fernando was waiting just getting to the mansion too.

He actually came to see her.

“Luxury!” He said shockingly when he saw tears in her eyes.

Spencer’s car drove in, and he came out fast, walking to her.

He grabbed her hand, and she faced him.

“I’m not your Kimberly!, Let go of me!” She shouted.

“Luxury I’m sorry, I’m…

“Let go of me!” She snapped, but he didn’t.


Fernando stepped in at that moment. He took her hand from Spencer forcefully, then he stood in front of her.

“She told you to leave her” he said, and Spencer smirked.

“It’s between the two of us, stay back.

“And if I don’t?” Fernando replied stubbornly.

Spencer shocked him by grabbing his shirt in the front,so firm.

“I’m gonna punch you, till you bleed” he said.

“Then punch me” Fernando replied.


“Yes, punch me ok?” Fernando said bravely.

Luxury started staring at Fernando, but it was interrupted when Spencer did it.

He punched Fernando on the face, and he fell on the ground.

“Fernando!” Luxury rushed to him, and when she saw his bleeding lips and nose, she stood and walked briskly to Spencer.

Before Spencer could think, she punched him back.

“f-__-k!, Luxury!” He groaned shockingly.

“How dare you hurt him”



TB Continued…

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