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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“The dinner party is tomorrow?” Fernando said surprisingly when Tyler broke the news.

“Yes, chairman Cole is hosting it this time around, meaning Mr Spencer will be there” Tyler replied.

“You forgot about the disownment already?, Spencer wouldn’t wanna go” Fernando replied, and Spencer came in immediately.

“Says who?, I’ll go” Spencer replied, coming in.

“When did you get here?” Fernando said surprisingly.

“Just now” Spencer replied, sitting in front of him.

“To take Luxury out for lunch again?” Fernando asked.

“What has that got to do with you?” Spencer replied, and Fernando sighed.

“She’s my employee”

“I know, but that doesn’t mean you should delve into her private life” Spencer replied.

“Fine, go have lunch with her if you like” Fernando said, and Spencer smiled.

“You’re really going to the party?, What if your dad causes a scene?” Fernando asked.

“I’ll handle it” Spencer replied.

“Wh@ťěver” Fernando rested back on his chair, and Spencer stood.

“I’m off to lunch!” He winked and left the office.

Fernando stood and left the office too, and when he got to the RT office, Spencer and Luxury were already leaving, hand in hand.

“One will think they’re dating” Chelsea said.

“I think they are” Mr Moore replied.

“I’m just glad he’s getting over Kimberly, and he looks good with Luxury, I mean…. they’re perfect” Mrs Williams said.

“Submit your research results in thirty minutes time” Fernando said, and they all faced him.

“President!” Chelsea said, surprised to see him.

“It’s lunchtime, we can’t possibly work” Mr Moore said.

“No lunchtime today, work!” Fernando shouted before entering his office, slamming the door shut.


?️ Isn’t that Spencer Cole?

?️ He made his comeback just yesterday!, You should have seen the pictures!

?️ My model is back!

?️ The golden faced guy!

?️ Wait!, Is that his girlfriend?

?️ I’m jealous!

?️ She’s so cute!, Look at those eyeballs!

As Luxury walked into the restaurant with Spencer, she was blushing, listening to the comments about her.

They settled down when they got in, and they ordered their preferences.

“You seem to like chicken, you always have it” he said.

“Yeah, my favorite” she replied, and he smiled before stretching his hand towards her lips.

He cleaned the crumbs on it with his thumb and licked the thumb, and Luxury choked on her food, she started coughing.

“Careful” Spencer gave her water quickly, and she drank fast before calming down.

“You better?” He asked.

“Yeah, thanks” she replied.

“Did you hear about the party?” He asked.

“Yeah, your dad is hosting it for the rich men in Los Angeles” she replied.

“I’ll be there” he said.

“Really?, Won’t he cause a scene?” She asked.

“I don’t care” he replied, and she nodded.

They continued eating, and when Luxury finally concentrated on her food, Spencer started staring at her with a smile on his lips.

“I found out your friend is color blind last night” she suddenly said.

“Fernando?, That’s one of his greatest secrets, how did you…

“I found out somehow, but what type of past did he have?, Is it that bad?, He can’t drive, he’s scared of furry things like dog, he’s scared of Ç0çƙroaches and now he’s color blind?” She said, dropping her fork.

“He’s scared of darkness too” Spencer replied.

“What!” Luxury almost screamed.

“He might look strong, but he’s as fragile as an egg” Spencer said, and Luxury sighed.

“At least he’s not scared of p@zzy” she said, and Spencer laughed.

“Stop it” he said, and she giggled before continuing to eat.

Lauren also came for lunch at the restaurant, and she has been staring at them.

She dropped her fork and stood to leave, but she bumped into someone.

“So sorry!” She said, wiping her tears as she walked out of the restaurant.

The man she bumped into adjusted his cap, and a part of his face came to view.


He gave Spencer and Luxury another look before leaving the restaurant too.


Luxury got a call from Deluxe, so she excused herself and went to the restroom to pick.

“Hey sissy!” She smiled, resting on the dispenser.

“How’s it going?, Is Fernando falling for the bait?” Deluxe asked.

“Of course!, Don’t you trust me?,my charm is kinda strong” she replied, and Deluxe laughed.

“So… how’s it going at the company?”

“Trust me mum is always on my neck, but it’ll soon be over once Fernando falls” Deluxe replied.

“Sure” Luxury smiled.

“Got to go now, bye!”

“Bye sissy!” Luxury replied and hung up, then she left the restroom, but when she got to the office..

“Luxury check this out!” Chelsea called her attention, and she rushed to her with the others.

The trending news online is about Benita Moritz.

She’s getting married this month to Marcus.

“What!, Marcus the real estate agent?” Luxury said.

“Gawd!, Marcus and Fernando are age mates!, How could lady Benita do such!, how would president Fernando feel?” Mr Moore said, and almost immediately, Marcus came out of the elevator, and their eyes widened as he stepped into the office with a cigar stick between his lips.

“God of mercy” Mrs Williams said, covering her nose with her palm.

Fernando came out of his office angrily, and when he saw Marcus, his anger doubled.

“And what in the freaking jargons are you doing here!, How did you even get in!” He demanded, and Marcus laughed.

“I’m becoming your stepfather soon, and I’m becoming the general manager of this company soon, you should respect me oh boy” he said, and Fernando laughed, roughing his hair.

“Get out” he said, and Marcus blew smokes on his face.

“Get out!!!” He shouted, punching him on the face immediately.

Marcus laughed cos the punch did nothing, he didn’t even bleed.

“Benita was right, you’re weak” he said.

“What!” Fernando said .

“Look, I’m the one who got punched, but you’re the one who’s bleeding” Marcus replied, and Luxury looked at Fernando’s hand.

The hand he punched Marcus with is wounded, and it’s bleeding.

Her eyes widened.

“Your skin is like a piece of paper, so fragile” Marcus laughed as he started leaving.

“Learn to respect me, then we’ll be good” he said as he entered the elevator.

Fernando wiped the tears that were about to fall from his eyes before entering his office.

“Has his skin always been like that?” Chelsea said, still in shock.

“How come he punched someone and his hand got wounded instead” Mr Moore said.

“Is it…a skin disorder?” Mrs Williams said worriedly, and Tyler came out of his office.

“Tyler, what was that earlier?” Mrs Williams asked.

Tyler didn’t reply before leaving.

“Now I’m more curious” Mr Moore said.

“I’m just worried, what if Marcus posts it online?” Chelsea said, and Luxury stood.

“Where are you going?” Chelsea asked, but she didn’t reply.

She walked to Fernando’s door and opened it, then she walked in straight.

She was shocked to see him sitting on his chair, crying slowly.

Her eyes widened, and she rushed to him.

“President” She said slowly, and he sniffed, covering his face with his palms. The wound on his palm became more visible.

“Leave me alone” he said.

“Are you crying because of what that idiot said?, Or is it because of the upcoming wedding?” She asked.

“Just… just go…go please” he cried harder, and Luxury sighed before going closer to him.

She forcefully removed his hands from his face and before he knew it, she hugged him.

“I’ll borrow you my shoulder to cry on, for just today” she said and started stroking his hair.

The door opened, and Spencer came in, but he stopped when he saw them.

Fernando hugged Luxury back slowly, resting his head on her B-__-bs.

Spencer’s eyes widened, and he started walking to them.




TB Continued…

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