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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 85

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©Sir Zach


“When was the last time you saw her?” Markus
asked, sounding a little unnatural.

“Five minutes ago.” Joel said.

“Where?” Markus asked.

“Heading towards the southern mountain range.
” Joel answered in a low voice.

“What!!!” Is she crazy?” Markus shouted.

‘You are the one who has married this crazy
person. Why shout at me. My poor heart can’t
bear this anymore.’ Joel thought, almost on the
verge of crying.

“Joel, you keep driving and let me know as soon
as you have found her.” Markus said and hung
up the call.

He then searched for another number on his
phone and called it.

“What made you call me?” A voice was heard
from the other side.

“A drone.” Markus said.

“What?” The man asked in a confused voice.

“I said I need your drone!” Markus shouted
through the phone.

“Okay okay calm down. What do you want to
see?” The man asked.

“Southern mountain range.” Markus answered.

“What do you want to see there?” The man
asked, still confused.

“Just do as I say. I want to see the live video
along with sound within three minutes.” Markus
said and ended the call, connecting headphones
to his laptop.

“Bro, chill down. If she had crossed the speed
limits, she would surely know how to drive!!”
Nicole said, trying to calm Markus.

“Either you shut your mouth or I will kick you out
of the room. Do you even know how dangerous
the Southern mountain range is? People have
died from the cliffs there. And this stupid
woman is racing her bike through the same
route!!” Markus exclaimed, making Nicole shut
her mouth.

After exactly three minutes, the video of the
southern mountain range was visible on his
laptop. The drone started roaming around the
mountain, capturing it from all the sides.

Finally after a minute or so, a black bike
speeding through the route was seen.

“Keep $h00ting the bike.” Markus said through
his headphones and the man followed.

And the next minute, Markus felt as if he was
about to go crazy from Kizy’s stunts.

There was a turn present in front of Kizy, but
instead of slowing down, she increased her
speed, making a sharp turn near the edge and
speeding ahead.


Kizy was feeling this excitement after a long
time. Racing through the winds, challenging her
death time and time again, and getting high on
adrenaline – these were the things Kizy rode a
bike for.

She only had one thought in mind.

‘Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed
overcomes the fear of death!!’

Thus she was speeding past through the routes.
Especially the sharp turns felt like challengers,
challenging her ski||s, her will to live.

This was the reason why she had decided to
ride through the southern mountains.
Surrounded by the lush green trees, breathing
the fresh soil scent, feeling the wind passing by,
riding under the blue sky.

All of them made her feel alive, made her forget
all her problems, made her have a breather in
the continuously hectic life.

Therefore, once she saw the next turn, a
satisfying smile could be seen on her face. She
increased her speed, and went ahead, making a
sharp turn.


“Why is Diamond riding a bike?” Jason said
while entering Rose’s room.

“I don’t know.” Rose said truthfully.

“But I heard that it was Rio who gave her the
bike.” Jason said.

“Yeah.” Rose replied.

“Then why is she racing on the mountain roads?
You know that she never rides a bike unless she
needs a break. Whenever she is down and left
with no way out, she opts for racing. Shouldn’t
you have asked why she wanted to ride?” Jason
said, reprimanding Rose.

Rose wanted to speak something, but stopped
herself at the last minute.

“I am sorry.” Rose said and went back to her

“Do ask why she is upset once she is back.”
Jason said.

“Yeah.” Rose replied monotonously.

“Why this tone?” Jason asked, noticing the
change in Rose’s voice.

“Leave it. Anyways you won’t understand.” Rose
said before inserting her headphones, ignoring

Jasin looked at Rose for another minute, before
leaving her room.

‘Will there ever be a day when you’ll
understand?’ Rose thought sadly, turning back
to look at the empty space where Jason was
standing moments ago.


“I am going. Inform me if anything happens.”
Markus said and directly ran out of the house,
entering his Bugatti before speeding away.

“You not only love her, but instead are head over
heels for her.” Nicole said, shaking her head
while looking back at the laptop screen where
Kizy could still be seen racing away.

Markus sped all the way beyond the Southern
mountain range, reaching the end point of this
adventurous route.

Driving his Bugatti, Markus started speeding
from the opposite direction, crossing the limit of

He was still racing when he received a call. He
pressed the bluetooth, accepting it, which turned
out to be a call from Nicole.

“Bro, another car is speeding towards Kizy. They
will collide soon!!” Nicole exclaimed through the

“Can you tell how long it will take for them to
collide?” Markus asked.

“I think hardly twenty seconds. Plus there is a
turning in front of them. I fear that both of them
won’t slow down. The car is.. wait.. isn’t this
your car!!” Suddenly Nicole shouted.

“Yes that’s me. I can see a sharp turn right in
front of my eyes. Is this the one you were
talking about?” Markus asked.

“Yeah. But why are you there? How did you get
there so fast!! And why are you colliding with
your wife? Do you want to ki|| her?” Nicole said.

But Markus simply ignored her, no more
wanting any disturbances in between.

He sped up even more, racing towards the turn.

While on the other hand, Kizy was still enjoying
her ride. Knowing that the route will end soon,
she started speeding up even more, unknown to
the calamity that was about to fall upon her.

“Bro, she has increased her speed!!” Nicole
shouted through the bluetooth.

Markus thought for a second before reaching
the maximum speed of the car, and reaching
the turn three seconds earlier than Kizy.

He made a sharp turn, and stopped his car with
a screech in front of Kizy, who was speeding
towards the turn.

Kizy, who was still chilled out, saw the car and
pressed the brakes urgently, making a sudden
stop, while the backwheel of her bike was lifted
in the air.

The sound made all the birds present on the tree
above fly away, chirping while leaving the place.

She managed to stop the bike right in front of
Markus’s car, just inches away from colliding
into it.

“Are you craz-” Kizy was speaking but Markus
directly came out of the car, slamming the door
hard, making Kizy pause in between.

“Why are you here?” Kizy asked, shocked at his
sudden appearance.

“I can ask the same thing.” Markus said, his
voice dropped by an octave, making the entire
place freeze.

Kizy was about to reply when she remembered
how she had to leave her bedroom because of
Markus’s friend.

“None of your business.” Kizy said, removing her

“Get inside the car.” Markus said, his voice still

“I am not coming.” Kizy said, making a U-turn
with the bike.

“Kizy, don’t test my patience!” Markus said, his
pitch higher than before.

“I never asked you to come here.” Kizy said,
starting the bike.

“Kizy, you’ll regr-” Markus was still speaking
when Kizy waved at him and accelerated away.

“Pray that I’ll never catch up with you.” Markus
said coldly behind her before going back to his

On the other hand, Kizy was returning through
the same route she had come.

‘Who the hell does he think he is? I was so
happy just moments ago, but his face ruined it
all. Such a mood ki||er!! And who told him to
come here? First you kick me out of the room
and now you come following me this long.’ Kizy
thought with a pout, accelerating even more.

Thankfully Markus didn’t follow her and by
night she was able to return Blackie to Rio
without any problem.

She took a cab back home and entered silently,
knowing all the servants and maids would be

She quietly locked the door behind her and went
to the dining room, remembering she had asked
the Old chef to leave a glass of milk for her.

Unfortunately the glass wasn’t there. Thus she
planned to skip the milk and go to sleep directly.

With this thought, she started climbing up the
stairs when suddenly a voice was heard from

“Do you intend to waste this glass of milk?”
Markus asked, suddenly turning the hall lights
on, making Kizy close her eyes at the sudden

After a moment, she removed her hand which
was covering her eyes, adjusting herself to the
room brightness, and saw Markus, sitting
leisurely on the sofa, looking dishevelled in his
night robe, holding a glass of milk.

“I thought that Old chef forgot to keep it for me.”
Kizy said honestly before climbing down the
stairs, going towards Markus.

She extended her hand, asking him to pass the

“It isn’t warm anymore.” Markus said, not
passing the glass.

“It’s ok. I can drink it.” Kizy said weirdly.

She could feel that Markus seems different
tonight, but she just couldn’t pinpoint what was
wrong with him.

Markus ignored her and got up, heading
towards the kitchen. He started the stove and
transferred milk from glass to another vessel,
boiling the milk.

Kizy just stood behind, not knowing what she
was supposed to do.

Once Markus was done, he poured the boiling
hot milk back to the glass and passed it to Kizy,
before speaking.

“Make sure you won’t spill that.”

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