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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 76

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©Sir Zach


And finally the most awaited moment arrived,
with all the lights turned off and only the
spotlight remaining, highlighting the person

But that one moment was enough to shut
everyone down and make the entire venue turn

People were shocked speechless at the outfit
presented, which would be remembered for the
coming years as ‘Masterpiece of the century’.

Kizy, clad in a red body tight outfit entered the
ramp. The mermaid gown with off shoulder
ruffle neckline hugged her body in the right
places, highlighting all her curves, making her
appear even more tempting. Her silver high
heels shattering millions of hearts with every
single step.

Her hairs were tied into a low bun, few fringes
left untied, accentuating her heart shaped face.
Her smoky eyes and dark red lips looking most
inviting at the moment.

Kizy walked like a queen, the way she had
always been. But her surprise entry wearing the
masterpiece from ‘Purple’ was something that
no one had expected.

Audience was mesmerized, not daring to even
breathe loudly to disturb the scene in front of

Suddenly someone clapped from the audience
and soon all others followed behind. They had
no words left to describe how phenomenal Kizy
was looking.

Kizy walked to the centre, took a spin in the
centre, the bottom of dress swirling with her,
before going back. Finally she, Irene and Alison
came together in the middle of the stage and all
the lights were turned on.

“Oh my god!!! OH MY GODDD!!! I am truly
speechless at the ‘Quotidian twinkle’ collection
presented by ‘Purple’. Especially their ninth
dress worn by our beauty queen Miss Kizy!!
Miss Kizy, though I am afraid of Mr. Markus, but
I can not stop myself from complementing your
beauty today. You look georgeous!!” The male
anchor said.

“You are flattering me Mr. Daniel.” Kizy said with
a shy smile, flustered from all the attention.

Daniel, the male anchor for tonight’s show was
shocked, hearing that Kizy knew his name.
Afterall being engaged to such a reputed and
filthy rich family like Evans, Kizy didn’t needed
to pay any attention to such small characters.
But this showed how kind and humble Kizy

“No Miss Kizy. I am only speaking the truth.”
Daniel said sincerely.

“Daniel, a certain person is glaring daggers at
you. If you want to keep your life safe, I think
you should pay more attention to the finale than
Miss Kizy.” The Female anchor accompanying
him joked, making all the audience laugh and
look at Markus who was trying to not appear

“And I am sure that people no longer want to
hear us but only confirm the results from
judges. Am I right?” The anchor said

“Yes!!” The audience shouted in unison.

“So let us welcome the judges for our 13th
International Fashion week, Mr. Taylor and Miss
Georgia!!” The anchor announced.

The judges went on stage, all of the audience
eager to know the results.

“Hello everyone. First of all we already decided
to not deliver long speeches as none of you are
willing to wait for the results.” Mr Taylor started
with a joke.

Everyone laughed before he continued.

“But there are some things that I want to bring
to light.
No. 1, this competition was the best that I have
ever seen till now. The fashion trends being the
Secondly, I personally want to thank Miss Mary
for bringing such masterpieces amongst us,
and redefining Fashion statements once again.”
The audience cheered and clapped at this

“Thirdly, I don’t know how many of you had
identified it, but one of the masterpieces from
‘Purple’ was similar to that of ‘Den and Jane’.”
Mr Taylor paused, to let the audience remember
the dresses he was mentioning.

“To be honest, my secretary had already
brought this matter to my attention, saying that
one of the teams had plagiarised.” Audience
instantly started whispering about the sudden

“But I wanted to see how the event would turn
out. And crossing my expectations, ‘Purple’ has
passed this test with flying colors, showing
what a true fashion brand is.
Even when their design was copied, instead of
panicking or creating a drama, and ruining the
entire show, they changed their styles last
minute, showing what a winner is without any
words or arguments.” Mr. Taylor said and
immediately the audience burst into another
round of cheerful applause.

“Also I hereby announce that ‘Den and Jane’
would be forever banned from the International
Fashion week!!” Mr. Taylor declared and passed
the mic to Miss Georgia.

“Now I would like to invite Miss Mary, CEO of
‘Purple’ to please come and accept your trophy.”
Miss Georgia announced.

Mary stood up and went on the stage. But
instead of going towards the judges, she went
to Kizy and brought her forward, making her
stand next to herself.

“Mary, to be honest, I have been dying to ask
what made you change your style. But I think
you have a background story to that. Am I
right?” Miss Georgia said, who had been closely
witnessing every fashion week for the past five

She had known that either Mary had a new
designer or a completely different inspiration to
change her styles. And Mary bringing Kizy
forward with her had confirmed her suspicion.

“Miss Georgia, you are truly observant. It is true
that the styles we presented this time were
completely different from our usual self. And
the credit goes to this person standing beside
me – Kizy.” Mary went straight to the point, a
trait Markus had picked up from her.

The judges along with reporters and the
common audience were shocked at the sudden

“Mother, what are you saying?” Kizy said in a
low whisper, audible only to Mary.

Mary just gave her a reassuring smile and
continued speaking.

“My secretary had informed me about our
design being copied just half an hour ago. And
not gonna lie, I was truly panicked.
But at that moment, she became my support,
suggesting immediate changes to the designs,
even editing my other masterpiece and adding
this outfit to the masterpiece collection.
If not for Kizy, we might have fought for our
justice, but it would have been difficult to win
this competition.
So the real winner of International Fashion week
is her.” Mary spoke, not taking any credits from
the win.

The audience applauded and both Mary and
Kizy took the trophy, hugging each other.

This way the week long Fashion week came to
an end on such a dramatic note.

‘Den and Jane’ tried to create a scene, but were
kicked out immediately.

Media was highly praising Mary and Kizy,
saying they were Fashion queens. Some had
even labelled Kizy as the best model, beauty
queen, and much more. While some were
questioning if Kizy intended to enter the fashion
world, either as a designer or model.

Kizy didn’t react to any and enjoyed her last
family dinner in country A before returning back
to Country B with the family members.

Kate stayed with them for another two days
before returning back to F city, working for her

Kizy and Markus went back to Markus’s house
after convincing their grandparents that they
will keep visiting frequently.


Markus was lying on his bed, deep in thought
when Kizy came out from the bathroom.

She went to her side and climbed the bed, ready
to sleep, when Markus interupted her actions.

“Kizy.” He said.

And Kizy knew that Markus was serious, as he
rarely called her by her name. He would always
call her little lamb, wifey or honey when happy
or showing off. Or else stupid woman or girl
when pissed.

“Hmmm.” Kizy said, showing that she was
listening to him.

“Do you have an enemy, someone who is way
too strong?” Markus asked directly.

He had wanted to ask the question when those
people had taken Aaron away and Jason had
spoke about praying something. But he felt that
Kizy needed to spend some quality time and
enjoy a good break. Thus he had been silent all
the time, only asking the question after

But this one question froze Kizy. She was silent
for a moment before speaking.

“Why do you ask?” She said.

And therefore Markus ended up narrating the
entire story since he had gone back to C city
after bringing Kizy home, till the time Jason had
disappeared after saying something

“Also I had been dying to know, who is he?”
Markus said, asking about Jason.

“Markus, it’s not that I want to hide anything
from you or I don’t trust you, but it’s just that my
story is way too complicated. It is so long that I
don’t even know where to begin.” Kizy said
sincerely, truly in a dilemma about where she
was supposed to start her story.

“And coincidentally I have a lot of time, patience
and good listening ski||s. So any long story is
welcomed.” Markus said.

“Okay. I will tell you. But I am not used to talking
about my dark past. Thus I need time. I would
start telling my story now, but I don’t know how
long I can go. So if I stop in the middle, please
don’t force me to continue.” Kizy said firmly.

“I won’t press you.” Markus said gently, knowing
he was about to touch a sensitive topic and
also uncover a little of Kizy’s mysterious past.

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