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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 64

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©Sir Zach


“What happened?” Kizy, who was playing on her
phone, kept it aside and asked.

After all, Aaron shouting and getting tensed up
was not an everyday thing.

“How could I forget Satan? He was trying to
remain silent all this while, so that he could
attack suddenly.” Aaron said to himself.

“What happened Aaron?” Kizy asked again.

“Markus men attacked our hotel behind the
mountains. I will go and fight.” Aaron said,
about to leave the room.

“Wait. I am coming..” Kizy said.

“No, don’t. Markus is attacking with full force. I
should have understood that he won’t remain
silent after that oldie’s death. I knew they were
searching for our base near mountains, but I
never knew that they would actually find it this
fast.” Aaron said going to the weapon room.

“Aaron let me come. You lack sharp$h00ters
and I somehow turn out to be good at that. Plus
I have seen Markus’s men, they are better at
guns.” Kizy tried to convince Aaron.

“No Kizy. Not when I know that Satan is after
your life.” Aaron said firmly.

“I promise I will protect myself, and believe me
Aaron I can do this.” Kizy said.

Till now, Aaron’s men were already informed
and thus were standing in a straight line in the
main hall.

Aaron picked his gun up, about to leave the
weapon room when Kizy stopped him.

“Aaron I am coming.” This time she told her
decision instead of placing a request.

“No Kizy I said-” Aaron was speaking when Kizy

“Aaron I am telling you, not asking or
requesting. You said that we will be partners.
And I feel there is no need to ask for your
permission while being your partner.” Kizy said.

“Okay. But I don’t want to see even a single
scratch on your body. Will that do?” Aaron
asked seriously after considering her thoughts
for a minute.

“Yes.” Kizy replied firmly.

“Let’s go.” He said to Kizy and his teammates.

It took them fifteen minutes to reach the hotel
base at their maximum speed.

But the moment they entered their area, they
were welcomed with open fire. Bullets were
raining from all the sides while drivers were
doing their best to not pause or stop.

Aaron’s side had a total of three cars. And he
had already ordered them not to back off. Few
of his men along with Raymond were inside the
hotel, fighting Markus’s men from inside.

Thus he was sure that Markus men would try
everything to break them apart so as to weaken
their strength. But if he was to somehow enter
inside the hotel, then their entire force would be
enough to fight back.

One of the cars was leading Aaron’s car while
the second one was following them from

Kizy and Aaron were both seated in the middle
car, ready to attack whenever needed.

But suddenly the first car stopped in tracks,
making the other two behind it screech to a halt.

“Why did you stop?” Aaron shouted at the driver.

“Boss they have placed some barrels in front.
We don’t know if the barrels contain explosives.
Thus we can’t risk driving our cars through the
barrels barrier.” Driver replied.

“Move aside.” Suddenly Kizy shouted from
behind the driver’s seat.

“Kizy you stay behind.” Aaron said in a firm

“Aaron you listen to me. We don’t need to go
and collide with those barrels. Let’s take all
three vehicles in reverse mode. And keep our
vehicle at the forefront. Let me $h00t those
barrels.” Kizy said loading her gun.

“No that’s dangerous. What if those barrels
explode? Let me $h00t.” Aaron said, dismissing
Kizy’s idea.

“That’s why I am asking you to reverse all our
vehicles. I will $h00t from a distance. At least
trust me once Aaron.” Kizy said frustratedly.

Aaron remained silent for a minute, but the
firing from the opposite side was getting worse
with each passing minute.

“Ok. We will do as you say.” Aaron said.

“All vehicles will move thirty meters in reverse
direction.” Aaron ordered and all three drivers

“Give me a bulletproof vest along with a helmet.
” Kizy ordered.

Aaron’s man, who was sitting on the front
passenger seat, looked at Aaron, as if asking for
his permission.

“Get two sets for the same.” Aaron ordered.

“Why two?” Kizy asked.

“I won’t leave you alone baby girl.” Aaron said
with a smile, his sapphire eyes sparkling.

Kizy didn’t say anything in return. The man in
the front passenger seat provided both Kizy and
Aaron with vests and helmets.

“Ask both of our cars to protect us from both
sides. I will $h00t alone through my window. No
one else would open their windows though.”
Kizy paused.

“Open my window.” She ordered.

This time the driver didn’t delay and quickly
accepted her order. While the other two drivers
covered their middle car from both the sides.

As soon as her window rolled down, Kizy shot
three barrels in a row. These shots were
followed by three consecutive explosions,
showing that the barrels were truly filled with

But due to Kizy’s idea, none of their vehicles
suffered from any harm, except experiencing a
few vibrations from the explosion.

Kizy continued $h00ting the barrels which were
roughly twenty in numbers. She was done
$h00ting eight or nine barrels when she
suddenly stopped.

“Wait.” She said.

“What happened?” Aaron asked from the side,
who was busy $h00ting people through Kizy’s
open window, protecting her all this while.

“This is a trap!!” Kizy shouted.

“What do you mean by-” Aaron was speaking
when Kizy cut him off.

“Ask Raymond and your men to leave this
building in any condition. These people are
trying to delay us from reaching the hotel which
means they must have some plan. I don’t know
what their plan is, but ask all your men to leave
the building at once!!” Kizy shouted at Aaron.

Aaron instantly dialled for Raymond, who
picked up his call on the fourth ring.

“Hello Bos-” Raymond was interrupted by Aaron.

“Leave the building right now.” Aaron said.

“But boss, we can hang on for another ten-” And
Aaron again cut Raymond off.

“I said leave the building. Just follow my orders.
No more questions. I want all of you out within
one minute.” Aaron said.

“Ok boss.” Though Raymond wanted to refuse,
he didn’t dare to question his boss at such a

“Leave the hotel.” He ordered other men who
were busy $h00ting through doors and windows
of the hotel.

All men stopped $h00ting at once and left the
hotel through their secret back door. They took
the back road and ran for some time, before
joining the path where Aaron’s vehicle was
standing at the entrance.

Those men started $h00ting from behind and
managed to reach Aaron’s vehicle.

“Boss we are back.” Raymond said, encircling
the car with other men.

Aaron simply looked at Kizy, as if questioning
what was happening.

“There is something wrong.” Kizy muttered to

“I think-” She started speaking with Aaron when
a loud explosion was heard.


And the hotel which was standing in front of
their eyes moments ago, was turned into debris.

The explosion was strong, shaking all the
vehicles. Raymond, along with the men 1
surrounding the vehicles were thrown away.
Even the vehicles felt strong waves from the

Kizy, who was still contemplating what was
happening, was engulfed in a protective hug by
Aaron, shielding her completely within his
strong arms.

Once the vibrations died down, he immediately
released her from the hug, checking her from
head to toe.

“Are you hurt anywhere?” Aaron asked.

Kizy was about to shake her head when she


“Are you hurt?” Aaron asked in a panicked voice.

“N.. no.. no… your.. your arm-” Kizy said, looking

That’s when Aaron noticed that his arm was
penetrated at multiple places by glass shards,
most probably broken from the car window
during the explosion.

“Boss your arm is bleeding!!” The man in the
front passenger seat shouted.

“Don’t worry about that. These are some minor
scratches.” Aaron said, still checking on Kizy.

“You should get treated first.” Kizy said,
panicking a little.

After all, if not for Aaron enveloping her into his
hug, the one to be pierced by those glass shards
would be her.

“Don’t worry baby girl. It is just a minor injury.”
Aaron said, ignoring his wounds.

“No, lets go to hospi-” Kizy was still speaking
when a man from another vehicle shouted.

“Boss Raymond and others are injured!!” He

Aaron looked at his surroundings, noticing that
no men from the enemy side were left. All of
them had escaped during the explosion.

He quickly climbed down from the car, and ran
towards Raymond.

Once he saw that all his men, including
Raymond, were trying to stand and help each
other up, he sighed a little.

“Boss your arm!!” Raymond exclaimed, limping
towards Aaron.

“First check if all others are okay?” Aaron
ordered Raymond.

Thus Raymond unwillingly went to others first,
checking up on their wounds.

Except for the driver of one vehicle and Aaron,
no one was gravely injured from the explosion.

“Get inside.” Kizy said in a firm voice to Aaron.

Once he climbed inside the car, she ordered the

“To the hospital right away.” Kizy said and
turned towards Aaron.

But one look at him and she turned white.

“Aaron!!” She shouted.

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