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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 60

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©Sir Zach


“Fine. I don’t have any problem. You can pre
book my regular order then.” Kizy said, finalising
their plan, right in front of Aaron, without letting
him know.

She hung up the phone and within five minutes,
Aaron excused himself from the room.

“Raymond.” He called once he entered his own
study room.

Raymond instantly knocked on the door and
entered inside.

“Search for some ‘7th heaven’ cafe within C city.
Also see if there is some event going on. And
check if Kizy has ever went there and ordered
something. I want all her visits to that cafe
since beginning.” Aaron ordered in a stern voice.

Aaron didn’t pay much attention to Rosie in the
beginning, but the more he listened to their
second conversation, the more he felt that there
was something hidden behind their words. Thus
he couldn’t help but suspect them.

“Yes Boss.” Raymond replied and bowed before

Aaron came back inside the room, casually
going and sitting on the bed.

“Baby girl.” He called Kizy.

Kizy just turned towards him, indicating to him
that she was listening.

“Who is this Rosie?” Aaron asked directly.

“You suspect me, right?” Kizy replied

“Yes.” Aaron said honestly.

“Then wait for Raymond to answer it on my
behalf.” Kizy said and went back to her work,
ignoring Aaron.

“You are too smart for your own good.” Aaron
said dejectedly.

None of them said anything and as usual
Raymond was back within two hours with a
document folder consisting of almost twenty

Aaron left the room and started reading the

It said that there was a cafe called ‘7th heaven’
and it was very near to the place Kizy worked

She would go, talk with her clients or have some
gossip time with her colleagues over there. In
fact the owner of the cafe knew Kizy by her

They had even memorized her everyday order
and would always greet her with a smiling face.

And most importantly, she had a best friend
called Rosie, who would accompany her most
of the time to this cafe.

Out of those twenty pages, only three pages had
information on the cafe, its owner, and other
details. Rest all seventeen pages were more of
Kizy alone or Kizy taking Rosie with her to the

Plus the most important part was, the cafe was
going to launch a week-long event, celebrating
its ten years anniversary.

‘Kizy actually went to this cafe. Plus what she
said about the event is true. Was I suspecting
her unnecessarily? But I felt that something was
wrong, and my sixth sense never fails me.
Maybe I am overthinking everything. Tomorrow
Kizy is supposed to ki|| that old man therefore I
am feeling a little unsure about my plans.
But Kizy must be hurt because of my suspicions
about her. I already gave her this task to prove
herself, and I should only trust or doubt her after
the mission ends.
I should go and apologize to her.’ Aaron thought
to himself, feeling a pang of regret for doubting
Kizy unnecessarily.

He went back inside the room. Kizy was once
again scribbling something in her diary, revising
her plans one last time before executing it

He came and stood behind her.

“I am sorry for suspecting you.” Aaron said

“You don’t have to apologize. You should never
trust others easily. That’s how we are supposed
to work.” Kizy replied, without even lifting her

“Were you offended?” Aaron asked a little

“I was a little disappointed. That’s it.” Kizy said,
still ignoring him.

“I won’t repeat that again.” Aaron said in a stern
voice, as if promising it.

Kizy didn’t reply anymore and Aaron left the
room like a kid who had committed a grave

Rest of the day he didn’t come to Kizy’s room,
giving her ample time to communicate with
Rose via her secret phone.

Kizy had purposefully behaved like a dejected
girl, to make Aaron feel guilty and leave.

And about the cafe and its event, that was all
planned by Rose. This cafe actually existed,
which was the reason why their group used it as
a codename, avoiding any suspicion from

Plus this cafe was owned by one of their men,
so when Rose talked with Kizy about the event,
she had already asked the owner to launch this
event, making it seem even more realistic,
saving Kizy from unnecessary trouble.

Thus Kizy had enough time to discuss her plan
with Rose via her secret phone. But she
purposefully left Markus out of this entire
situation and informed him at the last minute,
so that wh@ťěver emotions he would express
would be real, not just an act.

But the most important act in this plan was to
get a body that had been embalmed, saving
them from a different blood other than

Kizy had told Rose to keep grandpa’s blood in
his vehicle, so that when his vehicle blasts,
wh@ťěver blood stains would be seen on the
floor would only belong to grandpa.

And one had to say that her plan was complete,
not leaving any factors to change their original

Thus on the next day they were able to
successfully execute their plan, without any

Once grandpa’s men were out of his car, and
walked ahead to a safer distance, grandpa
removed the cover from the floor opening of his
car. He slid down and closed it, opening the lid
of the 7th chamber, entering inside it and
closing the lid again.

Once Kizy was sure that grandpa had escaped,
she signalled her men to use a rocket launcher
to blast his car.

Inside the chamber, grandpa met Rose and
talked with each other for a while before Rose
helped him get a face mask, before coming with
him to A city and leaving him at Markus’s

“How can you leave so early? At least come and
sit for some time.” Grandpa said, watching that
Rose was about to leave.

“No grandpa. I will definitely visit you when both
of us are free. Right now I need to head back
and see if Kizy needs me for something else.
She is alone there.” Rose said.

“Yeah that poor child. We have seriously
troubled her a lot and we owe her way too
much. I don’t even know how we are going to
repay her for all of this.” Grandpa said a little

“Grandpa you don’t owe her anything. She is
someone who never does anything for free,
except the times when she is doing it for
someone near and dear to her. But she is doing
it this time cause she thinks you are her family.
So never talk about repaying her because she
will feel sad and lonely.
She has never experienced what it feels like to
have a family to love and cherish you. But you
people showered her with all of it. Thus she is
doing all this as a part of her duty and
responsibility for her family.” Rose said.

“I will keep that in mind. Thank you for saving
me today. Let’s meet once all of this is over.”
Grandpa said and shook hands with Rose
before she left.


Grandpa explained the entire scenario to
Markus, excluding the scenes between Kizy and
Aaron as he himself didn’t know much about it.

“Stupid woman. She should have at least
informed me about her plan. Why do I worry
unnecessarily?” Markus said a little
disappointedly, even pouting a little.

“That’s called Karma ungrateful child.
Remember the time when you acted with Jia?
Wasn’t this exactly what happened with Kizy?”
Grandpa said mockingly.

“Am I truly your grandson?” Markus said

But deep inside he felt as if he deserved it. He
remembered the time when Kizy left the
company, crying, looking completely broken.

He remembered the gifts she had prepared with
so much effort, just because he had asked Joel
to make it seem more acceptable.

Yes he deserved it, experiencing what
heartbreak means.

But he felt even more guilty after remembering
how he had strangled her even before she could
explain anything. And thus kept quiet knowing
that he was wrong.

‘I hope she is doing well there. Wish I could drop
this plan and meet her soon.’ Markus thought.

‘Wait. Why am I thinking such things? I must be
out of my mind.’ He thought before slapping his


Both Kizy and Aaron woke up early, and
freshened up.

“Come with me.” Aaron said and Kizy followed.

Aaron took a few turns before standing in front
of a room.

“We will be moving to my base soon. But that
will need some more time. We will be staying in
your room till then. Hence I brought this as a gift
for your success yesterday.” Aaron said and
opened the door, only to leave Kizy

The room was more like a walk-in closet,
consisting of all branded dresses, accessories,
glittering jewelries, stylish purses and footwear.

“What is all this?” She asked with her eyebrows

“Your gift. You will be wearing all this from
today. Pick wh@ťěver you like.” Aaron said
smugly, unaware of the disgusting faces Kizy
was making behind him.

‘What the heck! Are you trying to show off? That
too with these?!! Markus definitely has a better
taste than you.

Plus he never showed off. He made a closet
even bigger than this one yet never uttered a
single word about it.

If not for me opening my cupboards and
drawers, I would have never known that he had
prepared everything for me.’ Kizy thought.

“Is this what I will be wearing from today?” Kizy
tried to sound as excited as she could.

“Yes. Do you like my surprise?” He asked,
turning back towards Kizy.

“Yeah a lot! Thank you Aaron. I love it!!” Kizy
exclaimed, remembering she was supposed to
speed up her plans, which meant she needed to
get closer with Aaron as soon as possible.

‘I knew it!! Women love these things. Obviously
she is no exception. Plus with my personal
choice, there was no way she wouldn’t like it.
Look how happy she feels.’ Aaron thought

‘Love? My foot! Do you think these things
matter? Man money isn’t everything!! Stop
impressing women with these shitty ideas.’ Kizy
felt like slapping some sense into Aaron.

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