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Friday, October 18, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 34

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©Sir Zach



A man was seen sipping wine while sitting
lavishly on sofa.

First sister suddenly barged inside the room
before shouting.

“Second sister was kidnapped.”

The wine glass in his hand instantly dropped on
the ground with a loud clatter.

“How brave!!” The man said in a low voice but
First sister could feel the sudden murderous
aura emanating from him.

“Her ski||s have definitely diminished a lot
though. Call everyone, lets welcome her back to
C City properly.” the man said before taking
huge strides and leaving the room.

Soon ‘The Man’, first sister, Harry and another
man wearing a formal black suit were seen
entering vehicles, followed by almost twenty
men in vehicles behind them. The group set out
towards the airport road while first sister briefed
‘The Man’ about entire situation.

“Second sister was travelling with four
bodyguards and a driver when a group of
twenty men surrounded them.

Earlier they were quiet for some time before
men from her side started $h00ting at the
surrounding men.

They ki||ed almost half of them before they
suddenly stopped $h00ting. Then-” First sister
was interupted in between.

“All four of them stopped $h00ting at same
time?” ‘He’ asked.

“Yes.” first sister replied.

“I guess you aren’t that dumb either.” The man
muttered to himself.

“What?” First sister asked from the side as she
wasn’t able to hear ‘Him’.

“Nothing. Continue.” ‘He’ said.

“Then they were blindfolded and there hands
were tied before those men took them towards
the Eastern mountains.” First sister said.

“Even Diamond was blindfolded and her hands
were tied?” ‘He’ asked.

“Yes.” First sister replied.

“I think we won’t be needed then.” ‘He’ said with
some amusement.

“What do you mean by that?” First sister asked
with some confusion.

“I meant exactly what I said.” ‘He’ said.

“So should we not go and return back?” First
sister asked.

“Are you that dumb?” the man wearing black
suit replied after being irritated by first sister’s

“Do you want to die?” First sister fought back.

“Ok stop you two. We will definitely go to
witness the good show.” a bone chilling grin
was seen across ‘His’ face.



Three consecutive gun shots were heard and
suddenly everyone went silent. Even the person
who was holding the camera phone dropped it
to ground, and the call got disconnected.

And that was because the people who got shot
were men belonging to the blue eyed man.
While the one to $h00t them was none other
than Kizy.

Kizy had untied herself, snatched the gun from
man pointing it at her, shot him, shot the person
about to ki|| Alex and the one holding camera in
a matter of ten seconds!!

All the men immediately pointed there guns at
Kizy while she simply pointed it towards the
blue eyed man.

“Tsk, I won’t warn you twice but let me tell you
something. I don’t have anything to loose. So
even if you $h00t me, nobody would care. But
before dying, I will make sure I $h00t him and
die together with him.. But what will happen to
you if your boss was ki||ed?” Kizy said non
chalantly as if all those thirty guns were not
pointed at her.

She waited for a moment but there was no
activity seen on the enemy side.

“You still won’t drop your guns? Fine, just have
a look at your dead brothers. Can’t you see that
all those ki||s were one shot? No worries.” with
that she shot the man nearest to their boss right
in center of his forehead before pointing it back
towards the boss.

The bodyguards as well the driver who were
covered with bruises were entirely stunned
speechless at this sudden demoness who had
literally crawled out of hell with just one motto –
ki||. Where was that woman who was acting
meek and scared just a second ago.

‘Is she even human? She is so terrifying, just
warned them once and then let her action
speak! What on earth was Boss thinking when
he asked us to protect her?’ all the five men

“Don’t $h00t.” Their boss ordered with a smile.

And therefore all these men started lowering
there guns, though unwillingly.

Kizy simply ignored them and walked towards
Alex and started removing the ropes around
him. But suddenly one of the men raised his
gun towards Kizy.


And another gunshot was heard.

“Are you deaf? This lady already warned you
but you still wanna court your death? But don’t
worry, this lady is more than happy to grant
your wish.” Kizy said after she finished
removing the tied rope.

She hadn’t even looked at her target and just
shot aimlessly while removing the rope, yet she
unbelievably shot him on his forehead and the
man dropped on his knees before eventually
breathing for the last time.

“What are you waiting for? She is alone while
we are so many. Lets $h00t together.” One of
the man from opponent side shouted and
instantly all those aimed there guns at Kizy
before $h00ting continuosly.

Kizy simply hid behind a barrel while dragging
Alex with her.

“Can you fight?” She asked in a serious tone.

“Yes Ladyboss.” he replied firmly.

“Watch my back while I save those four.” She
ordered and ran towards Jack while $h00ting
continously at the men.

Alex on the other hand didn’t needed a second
order, he quickly took out his gun which he had
kept after $h00ting only three men back in the

The enemy had considered that they were out of
bullets and hence never thought of checking
and removing those weapons.

While it was hard for Kizy to $h00t all the men
while still removing those ropes, Alex became
her perfect ally, $h00ting those whom Kizy

Kizy didn’t removed the ropes completely but
just loosened them enough so that the
bodyguards and driver could remove them on
there own.

Just as she was done with all four of them, she
ran out of bullets.

‘Holy $h|t’ She thought before running back
towards the dead man who was ordered to ki||
Alex and snatched the gun before hiding behind
another barrel.

She had been trying to observe her surroundings
carefully all this time while she was talking with
the boss. She knew that the place didn’t have
much of hiding space except those barrels and
that wasn’t the best place to hide.

Similarlly all the four people took a shelter
behind those barrels while helping Alex to $h00t
and giving Kizy enough time to snatch the gun
from dead man.

Thus the team of six started $h00ting
maniacally while the number of men from
enemy side were decreasing with each passing

Kizy who was nearest to these men heard some
footsteps approaching but this was giving her a
bad feeling.

Thus she ignored the rest of men while directly
$h00ting at their Boss. But somehow a man
jumped in front of him, trying to save there boss
while getting shot himself.

“Save Boss.” He said before dying and all the
members came to stand before their boss to
shield him.

‘Bunch of @zzh0les’ Kizy shouted in her mind.

Afterall if she couldn’t ki|| there boss, they would
keep fighting and her team wasn’t enough to
stop them for much time.

Gunshots were heard from all sides while Kizy
was trying hard to rack her brains to come up
with some escape plan. Since she couldn’t ki||
the enemies, she needed to escape safely with
the team.

“Jack!!” Kizy shouted.

Jack who was just hiding behind the barrel
nearest to her looked at her.

“There are two exits, one from right and second
one behind us. You people split and run as fast
as you can. I will cover you up.”

“No ladyboss. We won’t leave you alone.” Jack
immediately replied.

“Listen you people are way too slow and would
be ki||ed if I leave you behind. So you run first,
don’t worry about me, I am way more ski||ed
than you think.” Kizy replied a little annoyed.

She just wanted all of them to leave quickly
before the enemies backup would come, which
she was sure already on there way.

“Ladyboss sorry but we can’t-” Jack wanted to
speak some more.

“Thats my order. You very well know that you
can’t reject orders. Quickly convey my message
to all others. I don’t think we have much time
left.” Kizy spoke frustratedly.

Jack was confused over what to do but
knowing that Kizy was way better than all of
them, he followed her orders and passed on the
message. Though unwillingly, the group
decided to follow with the order.

“Okay on count of three, run” Kizy spoke one
last time before making sure that her gun was
completely loaded.

“1, 2, 3, RUN!!” she shouted and all the five men
ran as fast as they could while Kizy sprinted
behind them to catch up with the team.

Though she was still facing the enemies so that
she won’t be shot on her back, she was still
pretty fast.

But somehow what she had feared actually
happened. Before she could reach till the gate
on her right, a backup of almost hundred men
was already running in from the door behind
their Boss.

She tried $h00ting but her fortunes were truly
bad this time as she ran out of bullets once

‘Crap!! Lets just run.’ Kizy thought and turned to
run out quickly, as running while watching her
back was making her slowdown.

But as she was about to cross the gate,
someone $h00ted on her right leg.


The gunshot wound made her suddenly halt a
little and lose balance, making her fall head on,
on the floor.

‘Doomed’ was the last thought before she was
going to hit her head and fall.

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