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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 198

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©Sir Zach


“Then what do you intend to do?” Kizy asked again, feeling a little heavy.

“I plan to start up a security company. I will hire contracted bodyguards to the ones who need them. The men working under me are willing to stick by my side and I will offer them the job soon when the plan is made. But-” he turned towards Markus.

“I will need some guidance and help. I don’t have much knowledge about business and companies.” Jason said honestly.

“Don’t worry. Just ask wh@ťěver you need, I’ll help you out with everything.” Though Markus didn’t say much, he meant and did everything he had said.

Jason nodded in return.

Once they were back home, Jaosn went to his room and called Rose and Harry there to discuss the same.

As Kizy, they both protested, but finally Jason reasoned out with them, even suggesting some of the things they could start doing after this.

Ultimately Jason won in convincing them, along with telling them about what plans he had for himself.

Both Rose and Harry agreed to this and agreed to everything happily.

Once done with everything, Harry and Rose decided to leave. But suddenly Rose changed her mind.

“You go ahead, I have something to discuss with Jason privately.” Rose said, to which Harry nodded and left.

“What is it, Rose?” Jason asked.

Rose took a deep breath, finalising on something. She had spent a lot of years on developing these one sided feelings but guess it was high time now.

She realised that Jason had no interest in her, and just like Jason said, she should search for something to start fresh. She couldn’t stay stuck in him for a lifetime.

Hence she decided that rejection might be the best way to end things. She had tried to explain herself multiple times, but nothing worked. She just couldn’t let go of his thoughts.

With that she steeled her heart, knowing this might be the best way to forget him. Maybe she would be heartbroken, but at least hearing solid ‘No’ from him helped her move on.

“Rose.” Jason called her out again, feeling she was struggling with something.

“Jason, I wanted to tell you something. Guess this might be the right occasion.” Rose said.

“Go ahead.” Jason said.

“Jason.” Rose said and paused.

‘You can do it. Deep breath. Three. Two. One.’ She told herself in mind before blurting out.

“I love you.” Finally, finally she said those three words which had haunted her sleep on endless days and were reasons for her daydreaming in between.

Jason was visibly shocked, stunned for a complete minute before Rose resumed, feeling more confident.

“I know I took you by surprise, but I know you feel nothing towards me.

I tried to distract myself from you a lot of times, but nothing worked. So maybe this is the best way. To face a direct rejection.

I know this is embarrassing and maybe this might make things awkward between us later on, but for now I am making a selfish decision to stop those emotions for once and all.

I can not keep loving you secretly the way you do for my second sister. Sorry for shocking you this way, but guess this is my ultimate option.” Rose said, her smile not reaching her eyes.

Afterall it wasn’t about days or months, it was years. She had even thought about forever keeping those feelings to herself while working by his side.

But now that they were already on a point from where they would be walking different paths, she needed to get him out of her heart.

“You knew about Diamond?” Jason asked after some time.

“Hmm. I could see that in your eyes Jason.” Rose said, her heart breaking for Jason. Afterall he was still carrying on even after going through all this.

“Rose. I have a request.” Jason said after thinking carefully.

“What request?” Rose asked with a confused face.

“Can you give me some time to think over your confession? I promise I won’t keep you hanging for long. Maybe five days to think this through.” Jason said.

“You.. you mean you are considering it?” Rose asked in a shock, knowing this was the worst.

If he would have downright rejected her, she would have taken her own time to heal and get back to her feet.

But now her heart was already carrying hopes for a positive answer. This was the problem with time.

Jason nodded to which Rose only replied “Sure” before leaving his room, wanting to go and talk with someone, most probably Kizy.

Three days. It took Jason three days to a “Yes!!!”.

“I know I might not have the same feelings for you. But I want to give it a try.

And don’t get me wrong. This is not something I am doing to get past Diamond. I know I will never have her. But that doesn’t mean I’ll use you to get over those feelings.

I genuinely want to start again, just like our professions, I want to give a better beginning to my mind as well.” Jason said calmly after thinking it all through.

They gave each other some more time, before finally breaking the news to family and friends.

All of them were happy to see them together. The only thing worrying everyone now was Victor.

Nicole felt better having Rose by her side as Jason started spending more time with Victor at the hospital, she was slightly getting back to her original chirpy behaviour.

Meanwhile Jason also started focusing on the security company, though this time he had Rose by his side. They had decided to build this in partnership and were working on it together.

On the other hand, Nina as promised, took Joel to meet her parents. She was still laughing internally, looking at how the usually calm Joel was nervous as hell over meeting her parents.

But finally it wasn’t as difficult as Joel had imagined. Nina’s parents were easygoing and open minded. Plus with Joel’s relation with Kizy and Markus, it only added him in her parents’ good books.

“See I told you, there was nothing to be nervous about.” Nina said while laughing at Joel after coming out of her house and going to a nearby cafe.

But midway, Joel suddenly stopped, confusing Nina, only to kiss her for the first time, not imagining the news would make headlines the very next day.

“Look at what you did!” Nina shouted at him through the call the next day while looking at their news. She was never the one who liked attention, much less an intimate photo of kissing Joel under rain spreading all over the internet. Now even the nurses would take a second peek at her and doctors would gossip behind her back.

“It’s a good way. Now we won’t have to make a special announcement for our relationship. No more hiding from others.” Joel took this positively, and so did Nina after some time.

Meanwhile, after another month, Kizy received a midnight call from a shocked Nicole, telling her that Victor was awake.

All of them went together to meet Victor, who was now looking at them, gesturing a little and talking scrambled words.

Nicole and Kizy literally hugged each other with teary eyes.

“Look, your love brought him back.” Kizy said after calming herself down.

Nicole just nodded, crying her heart out. Only God knows all the thoughts she had while she stayed in hospital for the past two months.

With some physiotherapy and continuous monitoring, Victor was getting back to normal as early as possible.

No doctor had spared telling him about how much Nicole had done for him in the past two months, which only made his willpower stronger to heal quickly.

“I am never letting you go anywhere now.” Victor said to Nicole after one of his follow ups.

“As if I am letting you do that. Dare you even think of going away. I will be following you till your deathbed and then in hell as well.” Nicole said, her bubbly dramatic tone returning.

“Why not heaven then?” Victor asked in his deep voice.

“Cause bad boys are meant for hell and you are the baddest of them all.” Nicole said through ragged breath as she felt their proximity and Victor’s eyes sucking her whole.

“Guess I really need to show you what bad is. Because if you call wh@ťěver I did till now as bad, you are about to visit hell right here.” Victor said in his magnetic voice before crashing his lips on Nicole, devouring her in a hungry kiss.

After two months, both of them were found in different schools, interviewing for their dream jobs. Nicole had applied for a kindergarten school while Victor decided to go for high school arts teacher which was not a great choice given how the female students use to drool behind him while males had made up their minds to make Victor their Idol.

But with Nicole’s unrealistic ideas, those poor girls witnessed their heart shattering soon enough as Victor would sometimes come to school with a faint lipstick mark on collar or somewhere on shirt and when Nicole would be pissed, a hickey or two with the collar buttons left open on purpose.

They let another month pass before breaking the news to Nicole’s parents, who after a little convincing from Kizy, Markus, Mary, Grandma and Grandpa finally agreed to it, and decided to get them married once Kizy and Markus did their wedding ceremony.

Within two months, they held an official engagement, tearing away last shreds of hopes of those teenagers, if any had remained after her consistent attack.

Soon Kizy gave birth to the twins, a girl and a boy, bringing joy to everyone’s life.

Markus had instantly kissed Kizy on the forehead

“You were the strongest!” Markus said before going to the cradle and lifting his baby girl.

“Whoa whoa! Why do I smell favouritism already? Bro! This is outright partiality.” Nicole said, noticing how her brother had ignored the boy in blue and picked up the girl bundled up in pink.

Markus didn’t even bother replying to her before saying.

“You are the cutest my lambkin, just like your mother.” Markus said and the babygirl, as if understanding him, smiled back.

Nicole, feeling bad for the poor lad, went and picked him up.

“Don’t worry boy! Your aunt is here to dote on you limitlessly!!” Nicole said Ç0çƙily, but the next moment, the boy who had been quiet all this time started crying.

“Give him to me.” Kizy said after watching how tense Nicole had become, not knowing how to handle a crying baby.

And miraculously the boy stopped crying the moment he was in Kizy’s hands, as if understanding who his mother was.

“My sweet little angel.” Kizy called him exact opposite of Markus i.e Mr. Devil.

Markus gave her a look but the little life in his hand diverted his attention.

Since birth to this day, it was always like that. In fact this gave rise to the way they were named.

Myra being closer to her dad Markus was named with initial M. As to Kyson, being dearest to his mom Kizy was named with an initial K as suggested by the outstanding brains of family Nicole and Ruth!

Though the idea of initials was given by these two, mainly it was Jason, Rose, Nina and Victor who had helped to come up with these beautiful names.

Slowly all the members were settling down in a good way. Markus and Kizy balancing their kids and company. Though the majority of the time the kids were seen being spoiled by their great grandparents and grandmas.

Jason and Rose were working pretty well at a security company and had also started a defence academy where they gave lessons on self defence and some other forms of martial arts.

Victor and Nicole had merged well into their teaching professions. Nicole’s bubbliness complimented Victor’s calm headed nature, making them an even better match.

Joel waited for two more years before he bought a new house and moved in with Nina. The couple would cook breakfast and dinner together, do grocery shopping, go on mini dates, movie nights and were literally living their lives to fullest.

Joel after finishing work and dropping Markus home would come to pick up Nina, the couple coming and leaving together everyday making the single dogs in their hospital feel jealous till they were green from envy.

He was worried about Ruth, and wanted her to stay with them, but Kizy had better planned her future. She guided her properly, and enrolled her into one of the top universities with a hostel.

Earlier Ruth was against this idea, but a little bit of convincing from Kizy and her kids repeating it behind her in cute tones was all that it needed for her to finally agree to them.

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