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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 195

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©Sir Zach


The Professor’s eyes widened in shock, unable to believe what his mom said. If possible he wanted to erase those words out of mind right now and then.

“Stop speaking ill of grandfather just because you didn’t like him. At least leave his soul in peace after he has died. Don’t disrespect a dead man.” The Professor said in a low tone, suppressing his anger as he didn’t want to shout at his mother in front of all.

“Who ki||ed your father?” Lady Amyra asked directly.

“It was the Grey Death group who ki||ed my father. And that was why each and every member of that group was ferociously hunted down and ki||ed by grandpa himself.” The professor said matter of factly.

“And why had they suddenly decided to ki|| your father?” Lady Amyra asked, her expression saying no-more-nonsense.

“To ascend his throne of course. Father was the strongest man in the Imperial nation. They wanted to rule our Imperial nation by replacing my father.” The Professor said, his blood boiling at the slightest mention of those dead names.

“Then why did they do that? Instead of ascending the throne and ruling, why were they missing and went into hiding?” Lady Amyra asked.

“Because they didn’t know the power we had. How strong grandpa was!” The Professor said.

“Were they unaware of that fact? Were the Grey Death group, one of the finest mercenaries, plan so childishly to assassinate a ruler and then regret it by hiding? Are you serious, Aithan?” Lady Amyra said, mockery filled in her tone.

“What do you mean? Just say it out loud and clear.” The professor said, tired of this unnecessary question answer session.

“Your grandpa ki||ed your father.” Lady Amyra said, her statement resonating in a loop in the Professor’s mind.

“Stop speaking ill of grandpa just because you didn’t like him.” He said in a restrained voice, as if trying his best to not lash out on his mother.

“Your father had a different thought on ruling the nation than your grandpa. And especially after marrying me, he changed the previous systems completely.

Your grandpa wanted a tough ruler whom everyone would respect out of fear of being ki||ed.

But your father instead chose kindness for the same. Your grandpa wanted to expand our nation by attacking others. But your father was happy with wh@ťěver nation and people he had and wanted to avoid violence as much as possible.

Day by day your grandpa was becoming disappointed of your father and his methods. He had completely given up on meddling in the national affairs when you were born. And he suddenly had his ray of hope.

But soon after he started watching about how we were teaching you to be kind and grateful just like your father, destroying all his plans about his so-called dictatorship-like rule.

Hence he tried to first get closer to you. After that he started warning us to revert back to the previous system. But your father was hellbent on not changing the rules again.

Day by day your grandpa was growing insane with his desire for a powerful ruler until he planned his own son’s murder. Your father-” Lady Amyra was still speaking when finally the Professor couldn’t take it anymore.

“Stop lying!! Grandpa cared about me so much. How can he ki|| his own son? You left me behind but he gave me shelter and taught me everything. You have no right to speak about grandpa this way!!” He roared at Lady Amyra, not wanting to listen to any other false word about his own grandparent.

“Watch this yourself.” Lady Amyra gave up explaining and directly came out with the proof.

She took out her phone screen which was now playing a video. The background seemed like that of some royal corridor and the Professor would never get this wrong as this was the corridor in front of his parents room.

He could spot a person trying to hide behind pillars but his face was all covered except his eyes.

“Can you recognize that person?” Lady Amyra asked, knowing the professor would never be wrong about them.

“It’s grandpa.” The Professor said in a low tone, not giving out much emotion.

Suddenly a young lady, none other than Lady Amyra was seen coming out of the room. Grandpa has perfectly hidden himself by then.

Once she was gone in the next room, grandpa looked everywhere cautiously, his back and front before confirming that no one was present in the corridor.

With that he started taking slow steps towards their room when he jerked and looked towards the back, his position still in hiding.

At this moment, Lady Amyra was seen returning to the bedroom, without grandpa knowing it. He simply resumed walking ahead with caution, unaware that Lady Amyra had returned to the room.

Once he reached the door, he once again confirmed that no one was inside, before moving in. It took him hardly two minutes to walk out, a golden covered with blood still in his hands as he cautiously walked farther away, cleaning the blade with his black clothes.

The video stopped there along with the Professor’s movement. It was as if he had turned into a statue, except for his breathing which showed signs of life.

“What exactly happened inside?” The Professor asked in a low but cold voice.

“After I went in the room, your father was taking his nap as usual. So I decided to change the flowers on our side table. I took the old flowers and went to the balcony, keeping them aside while plucking new flowers from the plants in the balcony.

I heard some faint noise at first but ignored it. But I once again heard a rumbling noise and carefully looked inside.

Your grandpa had placed a pillow on your father’s face who was struggling beneath. That’s when I spotted blood stains from his chest and before I could move, your grandpa stabbed him one last time before your father stopped moving completely.” Lady Amyra paused, making sure that Aithan was listening.

“I couldn’t move even an inch at the scene in front of me. It was way beyond any form of cruelty I had ever seen or heard or imagined.

Before I could digest this, your grandpa looked at your father. ‘You should have listened to me. Now wait till I turn your son into the king I want.’ Your grandpa said sinisterly, no guilt, no remorse.

With that he left, unaware of my presence and witness to this scene. However it was short lived, cause he went to erase the CCTV footage and replace it with an edit of the Grey death group entering and leaving.

He immediately came running back to the room where I was hugging and crying my eyes out at your father’s death.

‘Dare you utter even a single word outside.’ I heard him speaking from behind. But I was definitely not going to take it this way. Though we were against violence but that didn’t mean we deserved deaths and injustice.

‘I will announce that you murdered my husband, your own son! I will not stay quiet until he receives justice.’ I said fiercely.

‘Who would believe you, not even your own son, not to mention the outsiders. Try if you want but it would never be useful, instead people would call you a maniac.’ Your grandpa had replied.

And he was true. When I simply mentioned that your grandpa is bad, you shouted back at me for the first time. The seven year old you was too young to understand murder and conspiracy.

But your grandpa didn’t stop there. When he started realising that I was gathering witness for your father’s murder, he tried ki||ing me as well. Afterall the power behind that useless throne had blinded him.

I planned to take you with me, but you were hellbent to stay with grandpa. In fact you informed him about my plan of running away. Because of this I barely managed to save my life and escape to that island that you destroyed moments ago.” Lady Amyra finally stopped speaking, her breath a little faster, as her eyes turned back towards the now destroyed island before looking back at the professor.

The professor stayed quiet. In fact Jason and his teams were crossing the battlefield, with Kizy in between but the Professor didn’t even move a single inch.

His brain was way too cloudy to pay attention to Kizy for whom this entire battle was fought.

“Why didn’t you show this video to me earlier?” The Professor asked.

“This video was retrieved by Satan recently. To stop this fight, he had gone to great lengths, coding decoding and what not to find this missing tape from decades ago.

I would have agreed to meddle this fight even without the video. But this tape gave me confidence to face you and show you what the reality was.” Lady Amyra said, her breath returning to normal.

“Aithan, don’t turn reality down when everything is presented in front of you. Accept it, son.” Lady Amyra said, her tone softening.

The professor was quiet for almost a moment before he roared, shouting his heart out at being betrayed by his grandpa whom he trusted the most.

“How! How can he do that to me!!” He shouted, unable to believe that he had been sharing shelter for years with the same person who had murdered his father.

“Calm down Aithan. Nobody could have expected him to turn out like this. But at least you now know the truth. It’s high time you leave his rotten ideology, son. Let’s start again.” Lady Amyra said, placing a hand on the Professor’s shoulder.

“But mom-” The professor said in a low, shaky voice, his shock visible.

“Let’s start by apologising to them.” Lady Amyra said while pointing towards Jason’s group who was midway towards their Markus.

The professor didn’t move from his place but simply watched the group, and Kizy who was present in the centre, looked no less beautiful even after going through all this.

“Satan does not want anything except for his wife and her safety. You were chasing the wrong girl all this time, Aithan, and that too with utterly wrong methods.

She is already married and pregnant with someone else’s child. You can not have her, no matter how much you love her son. What she and her husband share for each other is mutual. We should never force our feelings on others.” Lady Amyra said and paused

“Let’s apologise together. And I am there with you. We will build this kingdom together, and search for someone who is meant to be yours.” Lady Amyra said to which the professor finally nodded.

Nobody could understand how much this single nod meant. The professor, who had been taught nothing but cruelty all his life was suddenly asked to forget that teaching and start being a polar opposite person. No one could easily accept that, but thankfully he was smart enough to think rationally even under these circumstances.

“Let me apologise for my mistakes. You don’t have to do the same though. Stay here, I’ll be right back. You have a lot to cover up for the past few years.” Aithan finally said in a heavy tone, accepting his fate the way it had turned.

Maybe it was his mother’s return after so many years, or maybe the video clip. But it somehow made him a little more human.

“Stop.” He said while walking towards Jason’s group.

Jason and his group, who had been moving carefully towards Markus instantly stopped in tracks, their guards high.

All of them immediately took a defensive stance against the Professor, putting Kizy in the centre.

Aitha did nothing but simply walked ahead until he was at a ten step distance from Jason, who was leading the group.

He searched a little before his gaze finally landed on Kizy, who looked back at him with mixed feelings but mainly hatred and fear.

“Sorry.” He said before turning back and moving towards his mother, shocking the entire group, especially Kizy.

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