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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 194

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©Sir Zach


“Mom.” Was the only word that left the Professor’s mouth while watching the lady in gold clad outfit walk slowly towards him.

The entire battlefield made way for the duo to walk without interruption, reaching nearer to the Professor’s army.

Once they were near, the commander ordered the army to make way for the same.

The man walking beside the woman suddenly stopped, making the woman pause as well.

“My role ends here. I was grateful to meet you, lady Amyra. Thank you for accepting my last minute request and saving a million lives.” The man said, his blue eyes filled with nothing but contentment.

“I should be the one thanking you. If not for you and Satan, I wouldn’t have made my decision of returning back. I am sorry for putting you all through so much pain and grief that my son has inflicted on you all. Thank you, Aaron.” The lady said before giving an understanding nod and turning ahead.

Meanwhile Aaron, who had stopped at his position immediately started searching for Markus, hoping he wasn’t late and everyone was safe.

Markus, understanding Aaron’s searching gaze, immediately climbed down the tree, before walking ahead, knowing no one could dare to attack him without the Professor’s order and the professor was definitely not in the position to order something similar when his long lost mother had finally appeared before him.

“Is everyone safe?” Aaron asked in a worried tone while his main worry was directed towards none other than Kizy, though he was trying to remain nonchalant about her situation.

“I wished I could say yes.” Markus said a few words, but the weight his tone carried was way more than that.

Joel was in grave condition, Nicole was still unconscious and pale, Victor was missing and he had no news from Jason nor Kizy. Was everyone safe? No he didn’t knew. And now that everything was quite, he suddenly couldn’t help but blame himself fpr being a terrible leader, a bad friend and the worst husband and father.

“Don’t worry. Everything will be alright.” Joel placed a hand on Markus’s shoulder, trying to reassure him when he himself wasn’t much aware of the current situation.

If somebody would have told him a year or two ago that he would be witnessing a day, standing alongside Markus on the same side, he might have beaten the crap out of that person. But today he did, standing in front of the Professor as Markus’s ally.

“And Kizy will be fine as well.” Aaron spoke again, knowing this was what Markus needed to hear the most right now.

Markus just nodded with a sigh, hoping Aaron’s word would come true.


Jason, Harry, Kizy and Rose – all of them were simply speechless at the events that were taking place in front of them.

They all were busy ki||ing the Professor’s army from behind when those loud blasts were heard. And them being at the last meant no proper view for the scenario ahead.

Those loud blasts had even made Kizy, the gun goddess loose her target for the first time ever.

“What exactly is happening?” Rose went towards Jason and asked.

“Do we have that secret drone?” In turns Jason asked Harry.

Harry immediately nodded before taking out a cricket ball sized gadget, along with a small notebook like thing which was the screen.

“If anyone finds out, we would be in grave danger!” Rose warned Jason.

“Everyone has quietened down which is something unusual. There is no movement from both sides. I don’t think anyone would attack others for the time being. As for why this is happening, we can not go out by ourselves. Hence drones are the best way.” Jason explained Rose in a low voice.

“Okay, as you deem correct.” Rose nodded, agreeing to Jason’s plan.

With that the drone, without making any noise, was quietly sent to the battlefield while the live video of wh@ťěver was happening on the battlefield instantly appeared on the screen.

“Who are they?” Harry questioned with an eyebrow raise, watching the invaders intently.

“Aaron?” Suddenly Kizy who had been silent all this while peeked at the video, only to be surprised by wh@ťěver she saw.

When the professor had attacked her last time, where Aaron had saved her life, she thought he had died.

She had even asked Markus about Aaron, but Markud only replied that he wanted Kizy to heal properly before he could discuss other matters.

She thought he was avoiding Aaron’s topic because he might have died while saving her which would definitely make her feel nothing but utter guilt.

But from the scene playing on the screen, she thought there was something else that Markus might have wanted to tell her.

“Second sister, I think you are right. He does look like Aaron. But wasn’t he dead?” This time Rose spoke up.

“I am not sure, first sister.” Kizy said in a contemplating tone.

“What about the woman accompanying him? Can anyone identify her?” Harry asked after confirming that the man was actually Aaron.

“I might have some hint about her identity but I am not sure as well.” Jason mumbled, his thoughts trying to piece everything together.

“Look, they both stopped.” Rose pointed towards the screen.

The duo was seen talking for a minute or two after which Aaron stopped in his position and the lady continued walking ahead.

“As I had guessed!” Jason said to himself but was loud enough for all his team members to listen.

“You know her?” Rose asked.

“No. But I now know who she is.” Jason paused before speaking again.

“Lady Amyra, current ruler of the Imperial nation and that psycho’s mother.” By the time Jason stopped talking, all of them were shocked to the core.

“Are you sure?” This time Kozy asked in disbelief.

“Yeah. I have heard some bits and pieces about her missing. I have also heard Markus saying something about that. We will have to ask him for the sidestory though. I am not aware of the details.” Jason said, something shining in his eyes as he saw the Lady walk ahead while Markus reconciled with Aaron in the back.

Kizy also saw Markus reuniting with Aaron as they discussed something. But simply watching Markus safe and sound after all the twisted battles were enough to relax her strangely beating heart and tears to pool down in her eyes.

Rose saw this, feeling the same relief knowing that the battle was finally over. She then turned towards Jason, a weird warmth feeling through her chest and spreading all across her body knowing that she had once again survived a life and death situation with Jason by her side.

Her mind went back to Kizy’s glistening eyes before she whispered to Jason.

“Can we let her go now? I think the battle is over. And she has already been on a roller coaster of emotions, it would be good to calm her down by reuniting the couple.” Rose said, knowing how much Kizy needed Markus at this moment.

Jason thought for a split second before nodding.

“We can all move back now.” He said, knowing though the battle has ended, he can not risk Diamond’s safety. Hence shifting with their entire team was a better idea.

And for the first time, they could walk back peacefully to their teams while the mother son duo met each other, not even minding them going back.


The Professor was too shocked to react at the moment. Lady Amyra had to knock thrice on the window glass before he roared at the driver.

“Open that damned window!!” And the next moment instead of waiting for the window to roll down, he opened the door and walked out himself.

He stood stunned for a good two minutes,not even realising that Kizy was walking just beside him.

All his attention was focused on the woman ahead who he thought he would never get to see his entire life.

“M… mom.” The Professor uttered only one single word, but the next moment, his entire army was seen kneeling on the ground in one fluid motion, paying respect to their original ruler.

“How are you, Aithan?” Lady Amyra asked in a flat tone, obviously a little disappointed in the Professor.

The Professor was once again stumned, hearing that foreign yet all too familiar name in ages.

“I am.. I am g.. good.” Nobody even in their wildest dream would have imagined a day where the Professor would stutter in front of someone.

“Wh… why did you… you leave me?” This time the Professor asked, still unable to believe that his own mother had returned after decades and was standing in front of him.

“Because I was starting to see the kind of monster you were turning into after your father left. Aithan, I only had two people I cared about, your father and you.” Lady Amyra said and paused as if remembering the past was something she never wanted to do, because it only brought sadness and nothing else.

“No mom! I just wanted to avenge my dad’s death.” The Professor shouted back, unable to hold himself and his facade that he had been maintaining for years.

“At the cost of ki||ing the innocents?” Lady Amyra asked sharply, she knew that if she was considering staying with her son, he had to morally correct his principles which were twisted and brainwashed into him by his merciless grandfather.

“I never cared! I just wanted the ki||er to rot and suffer till he begged for death yet I would not give it to him easily.” The Professor said in a sour tone, only vengeance dripping from his words.

“Aithan, wake up! Would your father ever do this to someone if he was alive?” Lady Amyra asked, her pitch rising with every word.

“No. And that is why he was ki||ed. Because he was too soft and kind. People, not just people but this entire world is cruel to begin with. Only the cruel ones live.” The Professor spat out.

“Am I not surviving? Do you think I needed to be on a ki|| and run spree for making a living for the past decades?” Lady Amyra asked.

“No, but are you living the life you wanted? Are you satisfied with it?” The professor asked, as if knowing the answer would be ‘No’.

“Yes. If anything, the past few years after leaving this $h|t place have been the best years of my life. I helped people achieve their goals which in turns made me happier. Helping the poor, the disabled, the needy, orphans and every other person that needed someone to help them, I was there for them and nothing made me happier than watching them succeed with my little support.” Lady Amyra stressed each word clearly and loudly.

“You were running an NGO?” Suddenly it dawned on the Professor.

“Yes.” Lady Amyra replied curtly.

“Why mom? Did you ever feel that instead of those weaklings, your own son needed you more?” The Professor asked, his blood boiling from remembering how badly he had cried after knowing his mother had left him behind.

“No Aithan. It’s high time for you to open your eyes and see things clearly. You didn’t need me, if you did you would’ve listened to me. You just wanted me to babysit you while you made stupid plans of destroying this globe with your grandpa.” Lady Amyra said.

“Your father and I had made a kingdom where people lived peacefully, respecting us for our kindness. They never feared us, Aithan. Only those who did something wrong had to fear us. But what about you, your respect is based on the fact that without respect people would die. Hence they would submit themselves to you unhappily instead of respecting you from their hearts.” Lady Amyra continued.

“And this kindness ki||ed my father.” The professor said, his tone filled with mockery about all the principle and moral stuff his mother was speaking about.

“His kindness never ki||ed him, but his father did.” Lady Amyra finally lost her cool and shouted back, unable to keep those emotions in check after holding onto them for all these years.

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