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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 188

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©Sir Zach


“What now?” Victor asked.

“We can sense movements from their side. They are preparing to finish all of us right here.” The man replied while catching his breath.

“Take me to the control room now!” Victor ordered before leaving the room, not turning back again.


Markus, who was still surviving after the first attack from poisonous blades, instantly ordered the injured to tend their wounds. After all they were poisonous and the extent of harm they could cause was not known.

“We can move ahead now. Remember to stay alert and not get injured. It’s okay if we enter a little late, but let’s not weaken ourselves by being poisoned.” Markus instructed in a stiff voice before resuming ahead.

With that, the team started moving ahead, slow and alert.

“Boss, we have news from Master Victor.” A man informed Markus in a low voice.

“Speak.” Markus said, pausing in tracks to hear from Victor.

“Miss Nicole’s condition has been stabilised, her bleeding has stopped, the bullet was removed and the doctors will finish closing the wound soon. But…” the man said, looking at Markus with horrified eyes after knowing the information.

“Speak up.” Markus said, not having a good feeling about this.

“Their ship is being attacked right now. Seven ships are approaching them from behind, attacking them and he won’t be able to stop them for much time. He has asked you all to remain alert.” The man finished it in one breath, knowing this wasn’t something he could delay speaking.

Markus’s heartbeat raced, understanding the professor’s trap immediately.

“#k him!!” Markus cursed.

“Ask them to leave immediately. Victor doesn’t have any backup over there. If something happens, he won’t be able to escape on time.” Markus asked to convey the message.

“Yess boss.” The man replied before instantly passing the message to Victor’s team, hoping no more losses would be faced by their side.

“Who are all on board?” Markus asked while simultaneously starting calculations inside his brain.

“Master Victor, Miss Nicole, their teams, a few doctors and Master Joel.” The man informed Markus.

“Ask men to help him in shifting Joel and Nicole. Both of them are unconscious. Ask them to hurry!” Markus ordered, angry at himself for leaving themselves exposed to the enemies from behind.

But what he regretted the most was letting Victor face this on his own. He should have predicted that the Professor was not the one to play by book rules. In fact he was the one who was likely to cheat and destroy the set of rules, and if needed, maybe ki|| the referee himself for his own win.


“We can not leave the first brother alone!” Rose said, as all of them had paused after hearing news from Victor’s side.

“Yes. He alone can not escape all of this. Plus we already know about Nicole’s situation.” Harry said, after watching that Jason was not responding.

There was complete silence for another thirty seconds before Rose spoke up.

“Look Jason, I know you are worried about Second sister. But we all know that no matter what, that psycho won’t harm her at any cost. In fact she is the reason why he is going to such great lengths! Why do you have to think so much? We should have already started returning by now!” Rose said, getting all riled up by now.

She understood that she couldn’t abandon Kizy halfway like this. But at least Kizy was guaranteed to remain safe till the end.

But as for Victor, he alone was standing against seven ships loaded with enemies.

No matter how she had to think about this situation, she couldn’t help but choose to go back and help Victor.

And what was irritating her the most was lack of response or any movement from Jason. She knew how important Kizy was for him, but how could he not understand the gravity of the situation after hearing from Victor’s side? No matter what, Victor was his soul brother. So how could he not know what he was supposed to do?

“I totally messed up this time.” Jason murmured, his hands in his head, pulling out his hairs.

“What?” Harry and Rose asked at the same time while looking at the team of men, wanting to know if they heard or understood what Jason said.

But all of them were as blank as they both, not knowing why their leaders were stuck in this conversation instead of taking firm decisions.

Though there was one thing they were sure about. Jason was definitely regretting his entire life right at this moment.

“I thought I was a step ahead, but no. I was walking, walking right into his trap.” Jason said, knowing he had totally f-__-ked up the entire plan this time.

“What do you mean by that?” Rose asked while placing a hand on his shoulder, knowing something was off about Jason.

“Professor already knows about our plan. He is waiting patiently for us. He knows we are heading for Kizy, which means he has already prepared our surprise over there.

Plus he purposefully attacked from behind now, knowing we are deep inside, and not matter how hard we try, we won’t be able to reach near Victor at any cost.

So even if we return now, we in no way would be able to help him out. In fact the teams waiting here would take a step ahead and attack us at our lowest. No matter what we do, we are sure to lose this time, lose a big one at that.” Jason said, not being able to look Rose, Harry or any other team member directly in the eye.

Rose and Harry looked at each other, knowing that they were totally stuck. Even if they were to go for Kizy, they were in for almost an impossible battle to fight. And even if they were to return, they were only to face regret and nothing else.

But both Rose and Harry knew that this was not the time to get upset. In fact this was the time to support their leader and make him realise what all he was capable of.

“Jason, tell me one thing. Do you trust us?” Rose asked.

“Yes, I do.” Jason replied while nodding, his voice low, almost inaudible.

“Now tell me, do you trust the first brother?” Rose asked again.

“More than my life.” Jason replied within seconds, as if he didn’t even had to think before saying this.

“Then everything will be alright. Look, now that I think, Victor purposefully sent this information to us, knowing he was unable to stop all of them single handedly. He mentioned that he is sending this message as a warning to us so that we remain prepared and not receive a shock like first brother.

But that does not means he will be sacrificing himself or put himself in death’s way.

Remember he has Nicole over there. And we all know that even though he hasn’t shown much, but he actually cares for Nicole. So he definitely not leaving her this way.

Which means no matter how impossible this sounds, he will come out of this alive, with Nicole in his arms. He informed us because he was unable to take care of all those men alone, which means he will have to escape and we will be facing those men from behind.

Which is why we received the warning from the First brother. We should stay updated about his side from time to time and now attack towards his base to rescue the second sister as we had planned.” Rose said, knowing that someone needed to think rationally and bring Jason back to his element to resume the fight as they didn’t have much time.

Jason looked Rose in the eye, a little relieved. It wasn’t like he hadn’t thought of all those things, but maybe he needed someone to confirm that he wasn’t leaving his brother in danger just to save Kizy.

Somewhere his guilty conscience was eating him up for making him choose between saving Kizy or saving Victor.

“Jason, buck up! Get ready to fight and be prepared to win!” Rose said, cheering Jason up.

And to her shock, Jason hugged her the next moment, very briefly, before he instructed his men.

“Men, let’s resume. At the same time, keep a watch on your back, we have enemies on both sides.” Jason said, fully knowing what he was supposed to do.

Meanwhile Rose, who was talking and explaining everything to Jason, suddenly went Numb after his hug.

She could feel this sudden warmth in her chest, rapidly coursing through her veins, making her feel butterflies in her stomach. But she was quick to shake her head and return back to present, knowing they had a battle to fight.

With that, their group once again resumed, with even stronger willpower, wanting nothing but to end this professor story as soon as possible and return back to their homeland.


Victor went running towards the cabin of the ship, wanting to understand and see their dire state with his own eyes. The captain was prompt to pass him binoculars, his actions showing the urgency of the situation.

Before Victor could understand the situation, the first thing he saw was one ship, leading six others.

But what he saw made his eyes widen in shock. And this was because the missile launcher was being prepared for launching missiles in their direction from the first ship.

And from their size itself, he was sure that even one single missile was enough to blast half of their ship into dust.

From his knowledge on missiles, he only had one knowledge to his advantage i.e due to the enormous size and strength of that missile, it took almost two minutes to prepare and launch it. And from the view, he could deduce that he almost had a minute left to save all those who were on board.

“Ask everyone to leave the ship within a minute. We don’t have much time!!” Victor ordered before running back towards the room where Nicole was being operated.

Meanwhile all others instantly started leaving the ship, knowing something bad was about to happen.

“Are you done?” Victor asked while entering the room.

“Two more sutures and we will be done.” The doctor replied while his hands were working at breakneck speed.

“How long?” Victor asked, knowing they would need more time to shift Nicole as she was recently operated and her body needed tk be handled delicately.

“Twenty seconds.” The doctor replied, starting with the next stitch.

Around twenty men stopped at the doors of the room, knowing Victor would be needing them.

“Half of you go and take Joel out. He is unconscious as well.” Victor said in an urgent tone, knowing that time was ticking and it was becoming more and more impossible to leave the ship unharmed.

“Yes, we will go.” And with that half of the team went running towards the adjacent room, where a pale Joel was seen sleeping peacefully.

“Are you done?” Victor asked impatiently, knowing it was getting way too late.

“Almost.” The doctor replied, he himself was covered in cold sweat.

“Done!” The doctors replied, knowing that even their own lives were in risk, but more than that, they knew that lives of their patients came first, hence none of them even thought of leaving the scene.

“Run fast. You barely have thirty seconds. Head towards the front of the ship. Even if the posterior part of the ship is blasted, you will have some more time to escape.” Victor said before rushing towards Nicole, knowing he didn’t have any time left.

The remaining men didn’t delay as well, following Victor and carrying Nicole on a stretcher, careful to not affect her wound in any way.

“Towards the front of the ship.” Victor said as all of them started moving in the same direction, trying to be as quick as they could.

Before they could complete thirty steps, a loud crash was heard, shaking their entire ship terribly, forcing them to pause for a moment to stabilise themselves.

Just as the men were trying to get a grip of something to hold and balance themselves, someone shouted.

“RUNNN!!” One of the men shouted, making all of them alert.

Just one look at their back, and they could see what death looked like.

Posterior part of their ship had collapsed and the rest of the ship was similarly in a half collapsing half sinking position.

They could literally see those ships approaching them while their own ship had started to bend a little in backward direction.

And to make it even worse, another missile was in process for being launched, which screamed nothing but death and destruction.

“We can’t afford to stop. Run to the front, we can take the lifeboats and escape from there.” Victor said, knowing they wouldn’t risk losing even a single second.

And the men instantly sped up, knowing this was the only way to save themselves from the next blast.

Within seconds, they were already at the front of ships, two men immediately going and preparing the lifeboat to descend.

But something unexpected happened during the last minute.

“Master Victor, we only have one spare lifeboat remaining which can accomodate 15 people at max.” One of the men informed Victor.

Victor immediately processed the entire situation. He was about to speak when the rest of the team, carrying Joel, came and joined them.

“Okay so we can consider Nicole and Joel as two seats because we will have to let them stay in resting position. We can not make them sit. So their four seats along with us eleven makes fifteen. Now quickly shift them in the lifeboats.” Victor said while simultaneously acting accordingly.

All those men followed the same as they could feel the vibrations increasings. It was getting harder by each passing second to remain stable and not let Nicole or Joel suffer from it.

“Hurry up. They are about to $h00t again!” Victor exclaimed, knowing this was their last chance.

And he, in no way, was going to let Nicole, Joel and these men remain on board till then.

Just as they were done settling down, they heard some shouts.

“Take us along with you!” Saying this, those two doctors somehow managed to reach the group.

The ship was quite tilted by now, so it was getting difficult to stand straight by now.

Victor looked at those doctors who had, just moments ago, operated on Nicole and saved her life.

“Take these two along with you all.” Victor said, without a second thought.

“What about you Master Victor?” Captain asked.

“Don’t worry about me.” Victor said while looking at Nicole.

“No Master, we can not leave you like that. We will manage all of us together.” Captain replied.

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