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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 185

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©Sir Zach


Because the voice belonged to none other than the captain of her ship, who was leading the other half of her team, which meant that they now had a saviour.

With this thought in mind, Kizy once again started struggling with all her might.

Unfortunately, those men did the same, increasing their strength as well as speed, reaching the car within seconds.

With one push, Kizy was already seated inside the vehicle, erasing her last strands of hope, if she had any remaining.

By the time those men could rush towards the car, Kizy along with those men had already disappeared with a roaring noise of the car left behind them.

Without delaying another minute, the captain immediately started rescuing his men, overpowering the ones from Professor’s side.

“Send Joel Sir to a safer place and start his treatment immediately. This is an emergency!” Leo, their captain, ordered two of his men who placed pressure bandages over Joel’s wound to stop the enormous bleeding, before shifting him back to the shore for further treatment.

Meanwhile Kizy sat quietly in the car with her hands cuffed, knowing that it was better to stay calm rather than take another wrong step in haste.

Plus she knew that no matter what, the professor would at least not hurt her for now.

Along with that, the arrival of the second half team somehow made her relieved that neither Joel nor others would have to keep on fighting anymore with the backup.

With all these thoughts in mind, Kizy decided to calm herself down, think about this entire situation through and simply remain alert for herself and the baby’s sake.

On the other hand, Markus who was about to step ahead saw two men coming back, which rang alarm bells in his head.

And true to his fear, he saw Joel, unconscious and pale on their shoulders, lying lifelessly.

Without thinking about anything else, he went running towards Joel.

“Treat him immediately. Everything else can be dealt with later on.” His tone came out heavier than he wanted to.

He had never seen Joel this quiet, this weak.

“Boss, lady… lady boss..” the man tried to speak, not knowing whether he should go against his boss’s order of keeping everything aside and focus on Joel’s condition, or report Kizy’s situation.

“What about Kizy?” Markus instantly asked, remembering he had completely forgotten about her after watching Joel’s condition.

“Lady boss… she has been abducted. Men from the professor’s side took her away. Captain and others are heading their way.” The man informed while lowering his head, ashamed.

And if anyone would have asked those men what death looked like, then they couldn’t be anymore clear – Satan.

Markus didn’t speak even a single word, but nobody on this earth was dumb enough to not recognize the deathly aura he was dissipating which meant nothing but doom of mankind.

“Boss, we have managed to stop Master Joel’s bleeding.” One of his men replied, terrified to make any mistake which could delay his lady boss’s rescue.

“Hmmm.” Markus replied, ready to save his wife and baby.

“Connect me to your captain.” Markus said in a low voice, low but cold to the core, enough to freeze their souls.

“Ye.. yes boss.” Even the man couldn’t help but stutter under such pressure.

He instantly connected him to his captain, praying to all gods to save his poor captain from his boss’s wrath.

“Where have they taken Kizy?” Markus asked, directly going to the main point.

“Boss, the vehicle went towards their main headquarters. We are heading in the same direction.” Captain informed immediately.

Markus didn’t reply and turned back towards Joel.

“Has his condition stabilised?” Markus asked, knowing he couldn’t leave Joel just like that.

“Yes boss.” The man replied.

“You should move ahead. I will stay with him till he is conscious. Kizy needs you over there.” Andrew finally spoke up from behind, knowing that Markus was put in an awkward position.

Markus nodded, glad that he had Andrew by his side.

“So what’s the plan now?” Victor asked Markus, worried about his second sister.

“We will have to remain on high alert while moving ahead. That psycho will never let us succeed, not when he has finally managed to abduct Kizy.” Markus said, his tone stiff.

“Don’t worry, Kizy will be safe. We will bring her back.” Nicole said, patting Markus’s shoulder.

And with that, the team started moving ahead, ready for their ultimate battle.


“This is no good.” Rose said after getting all the updates, the latest one being about Kizy’s situation and Joel’s injury.

Jason just kept quiet, his brain already in chaos from Kizy’s news.

Their ship was supposed to be the second one to land, but Kizy’s sudden plan changes had made them the last one.

They had started to speed up after watching her ship overtake them, but just like Markus’s ship, they were unable to catch up with her, making them the last ones to reach the shore.

“We are nearing the shore. Markus’s group has left to rescue second sister.” Harry informed.

Jason looked at the island ahead of him, his heart beating erratically while his mind finally calmed down, knowing exactly what he was going to do.

“Harry.” Jason called out.

“Yes.” Harry replied, knowing there must be something important from Jason’s tone.

“Hack through their headquarter’s security system. We are taking the jungle route. Disconnect the electric current fences near the jungle area.” Jason said, formulating his own plan.

Afterall Markus had given them all the rights to attack the way they wanted.

But Harry paused for a minute, looking at Rose, both of them having the same worry in their eyes.

“Jason, the jungle route would be dangerous. First of all it falls between two of the main gates. If people from both sides were to attack simultaneously, we would be put in a tough position.” Rose said, knowing that Jason was taking this risk for Diamond.

But if they were to face a life-thr_@tening situation even before reaching near her, what was the point of taking all this risk then? Their main purpose was to save Diamond. Hence she was trying to reason out a little.

“From the map that Markus discussed with us, there is quite some space between both the gates. We just need to head straight towards the headquarters without giving them much time to reach us.

Plus I guess the majority of those guarding the gates would have retreated back to headquarters for the final battle. So I don’t think there is any harm in us heading this way.” Jason replied calmly, considering all possible situations they might have to face.

Rose and Harry exchanged one more look, knowing Jason would never ignore their safety even if it was for Diamond.

Harry nodded at Rose, gesturing he was going to follow Jason and Rose did the same in response.

“We are almost near the area of our entrance.” Rose informed the others.

“I have disconnected their defence system. It is safe to enter now. We have 10 minutes in our hands to cross the defence line.” Harry informed them, knowing that it would hardly take 5 minutes on the professor’s side to know what he had done, and five more minutes to get back their original defence system.

“We are descending in two minutes.” Jason informed the group of men accompanying them, his tone battle ready.

With that, all of them covered themselves up in those battle suits, picking up their weapons and waiting for their descent.


“Has Hazel arrived?” Professor asked coolly, knowing they had succeeded in capturing her safely.

“Yes. They have reached our base.” Captain replied politely with his head lowered.

Professor, without waiting for another minute, got up from his seat, ready to leave the battlefield as it was.

“Satan is nearing us. You can not leave the fight midway, even if it is for her.” Suddenly the Imperial physician interrupted.

First of all he didn’t want to risk their soldier’s lives, which was bound to happen if the Professor was to leave.

Secondly he was worried about Kizy. He knew that she was pregnant and was an easy target. Plus in her current state, it was easier to get her all riled up. Hence the Imperial physician knew that the professor’s visit to Kizy would do no good and instead worsen the situation.

“Are you truly worried about Satan and my fight? Or…” The Professor stopped midway, his incomplete statement and intentions all very much clear to the Imperial physician.

“Both.” The Imperial Physician replied, not hiding his true reasons.

Professor simply smirked at him before staying, knowing he needed to remind people what he was capable of. He knew that the Imperial physician wasn’t much approving of his recent methods and behaviour, but he couldn’t care any less.

Yes he was his best friend, but maybe the targets and missions he had started formulating had slowly started blurring out their friendship.


Both Kizy’s previous team and Markus’s team had joined hands and were attacking simultaneously on Professor’s fort.

“I can spot traps ahead. Leo’s team would follow me. Team Alpha, attack from right with Andrew. Team beta, take the left side with Victor. Team Charlie and Delta would provide coverfire to all of us along with Nicole.” Markus formulated the plan within seconds.

He had purposefully chosen to stay with Leo’s team as they had taken first hand blows from the professor’s side and needed a leader. But at the same time, he knew the kind of rage his men had for letting their lady boss get captured. So letting team Leo follow him was the best choice he could make.

“Now.” He said and all of them split up, heading in their directed directions, ready to take lives and win this final battle at all costs.

Once they had covered some distance and were near the professor’s headquarters, Markus gestured them to stop and take cover behind the trees.

“BOOM!” A loud sound was heard before the wall facing them started showing some cracks as Markus had bombed it.

“BOOM BOOM!!” A series of bombing was heard before the wall started falling down, giving them enough smoke and dust, and more importantly enough openings to enter inside.

“Stay alert and enter.” Markus spoke one last time before heading inside.

Behind them, constant $h00ting could be heard as Nicole with team Charlie and Delta started taking down all those snipers and guards on the edges.


Instead of entering in a grand way, Andrew chose to remain silent and enter quietly in the lion’s den.

It hardly took them a few smoke bombs to enter inside and even less to take those men down one by one.

You could easily call Andrew a silent slaughtering machine who was entering the insides of the palace at an alarming rate.


On the other hand, Victor was facing some problems as the enemy side had started $h00ting very early.

It was getting difficult to move ahead while defending themselves at the same time.

Nicole and others were doing a decent job at taking down the snipers, but maybe from the lessons from front and right side, the professor had suddenly increased his defences on the left side.

Victor was still calm about the situation knowing he would somehow enter the palace, no matter how much time and patience it was costing on his side.

But maybe God had some altered plans to test his patience.

And hence, against Markus’s orders, Nicole, instead of staying at her defence position, moved ahead, wanting to help Victor out.


But even before she could reach near her love, she was shot, exactly in abdomen and everything went black for her.

“Nooo!!” Was the least scream she heard from Victor before she fell harder on the ground, unconscious.

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