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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 180

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©Sir Zach


“Do you mind briefing me over that timetable?” Kizy asked, scratching her head in embarrassment.

“Sure young madam. First of all you will be having a glass of warm milk as soon as you wake up which is usually between 6 to 7 am. Next will be your breakfast at 9 am with the usual breakfast served with some fruit juice. Next will be a short snack time at 11.30 am with at least one fruit. I will serve your lunch between 1 to 2 pm. Next will be another short break where-” The old chef was still speaking when Kizy cut him off.

“It’s ok. No need to explain anymore.” Kizy said, wanting to bang her head somewhere.

She should have known the amount of overprotectiveness Markus has for her, which has only increased due to the addition of a baby.

With that she quietly drank the milk completely before heading towards Andrew’s room.

‘What exactly is Markus planning? He was there with Andrew till late night. Even now he is there with him. They both always end up with dangerous plans. I don’t feel right about this.’ Kizy thought worriedly before she knocked on the door.

“Come in.” Markus’s voice could be heard from inside.

Kizy pushed the door open, watching both Markus and Andrew sitting in front of each other, looking quite serious.

“Did I interrupt something?” Kizy asked, feeling the atmosphere solemn.

“No no of course not. Please come and sit.” Andrew said while Markus gestured the same.

“So what are you planning about?” Kizy asked, her voice hopeful.

“About tomorrow’s departure.” Markus replied briefly.

“What about me?” Kizy asked, her hopes increasing.

“What about you?” Markus asked dramatically, feigning innocence.

“Mr. Markus, have you already started aging? You seem to forget things quite easily.” Kizy retorted, clearly not happy with Markus’s reply.

“Mr. Markus? And for your kind information, your husband is just 27, the youngest business tycoon in country B, fit and segzy at that.” Markus replied Ç0çƙily.

“Don’t you think too highly of yourself? Fit and segzy? More like fat and ugly.” Kizy said, making Andrew choke on his own saliva.

“Pffft!! Kizy, you are the best.” Andrew said while laughing hard, making Markus roll his eyes.

“Do you want to come along or not?” Markus asked, using his finally thr_@t.

“Of course I want to!” Kixy instantly replied.

“How cheap of you? How old are you to thr_@ten your wife this badly on such minor jokes? 5 or what?” Andrew asked, feeling sympathy for Kizy.

“None of your business.” Markus said before turning towards.

“Say – I love you, Markus. You are the sweetest, most handsome, segzy, domineering, adorable, perfect husband to ever exist on earth.” Markus replied.

“Man, I am still here, right in front of you. At least think about me.” Andrew said.

“Who cares for single dogs like you?” Markus replied without even looking at Andrew.

“I should go and ask grandpa for permission I guess.” Kizy said, clearly not in the mood to tolerate any further jokes from Markus.

“Ok ok calm down. Just say – You are the best.” Markus still tried.

“Bye Andrew. Meet you tomorrow while departing.” Kizy said while turning to go back.

“Fine stop. You are coming. No more drama now!!” Markus exclaimed, not wanting to suffer from the combined wrath of Kizy, grandpa and grandma.

“Seriously? You are taking me along? You promise to? And most importantly you won’t break the promise, right?” Kizy asked in one single breath.

“Yes.” Markus replied while rolling his eyes.

“Done then! Andrew you are the best!!” Kizy said happily.

“Thank you Kizy.” Andrew said, knowing he had no role in this but, still wanting to get on Markus’s nerves.

“Wait wait wait a minute. I am the one who allowed you, then why is Andrew the one who is being thanked for?” Markus asked, clearly annoyed.

“You were not allowing me till last night. Today you had a talk with Andrew and are allowing me. Which means it was Andrew who changed your mindset.” Kizy said, matter of factly.

“Guess your IQ has started to diminish.” Markus said.

“Says the one who has come up with a stupid meal plan for me!” Kizy said.

“Cause some weird woman just loves to starve my baby.” Markus said, wanting to avenge himself for not receiving the thank you.

“I wasn’t starving the baby!” Kizy retorted.

“Yesterday night?” Markus asked with an eyebrow raised.

“You are so immature!” Kixy said, getting all riled up.

“Okay okay guys chill down. No need to get hyper over this. Relax!” Andrew interjected, knowing the argument was going in an unnecessary direction.

“Tell him!”

“Tell her!!”

Both Kizy and Markus shouted at the same time.

“I… I’ll go and bring something to… eat maybe.” Andrew said, trying to get out of this couple’s banter.

“Where are you going? Stay right here.” Markus said.

“Yeah. You wait, I should be the one going.” Kizy said, her voice getting a pitch higher.

“Kizy!” Markus called out but she had already turned towards the door.

Kizy directly walked out of the room, not knowing what exactly she was speaking or doing.

Just as she was about to climb the stairs, she felt a hand pull herself from behind, before her back collided with a muscle wall, hands encircling her from both the sides.

“Cool down. I am sorry. I should have ended the argument instead of fueling it.” Markus whispered gently near her ear, knowing he went overboard.

And Kizy took a deep breath as well, knowing full well that she was also at fault.

“I am sorry. I am being unreasonable unnecessarily.” Kizy said, while turning sidewards, trying to look back at Markus.

But Markus had some other plans. Just as Kizy turned sideways, he gained access to the other side of neck, planting kisses over her bare nape and neck, making Kizy feel shivers all over her body.

Markus was planting slow and sensual kisses which were driving Kizy nuts. How could she withstand such an attack?

Just when she thought that this was already too much, Markus bit her on her sensitive spot, making her Mõ@ɲ his name with pleasure.

“CRACK!” A loud glass shattering was heard.

The poor maid who was carrying a tray full of glasses and a jar back to the kitchen saw this scene and accidentally dropped the glass jar in her flustered state.

Markus and Kizy who were about to lose their control instantly came back to present, embarrassed as well.

Kizy quickly pushed Markus away, her cheeks turning red from embarrassment as her heart was racing wildly.

And Markus, no less flustered, scratched his head, not knowing what to do.

“Carry that carefully next time.” Markus pretended to scold the maid before taking long strides towards Andrew’s room.

“Pfffttt!!” Andrew welcomed Markus in his room with a hearty laughter.

“What are you laughing about??” Markus barked at Andrew.

“I just wanted to check that both you and Kizy won’t fight. Who would have known that you will be witnessed by your maid in such an awkward scene.” Andrew said, still laughing hard.

“Yeah and you were eagerly waiting for something like that to happen.” Markus said, his mood still foul.


Nina and Joel were sitting in the hospital cafeteria, air surrounding them seeming dull.

“Nina, I have already exposed everything in front of you. Why are you hellbent on your decision even then?” Joel said as gently as he could.

Ever since Kizy and Markus had experienced Professor’s cruelty first hand with both of them ultimately ending in hospital, Nina had started to question Kizy and Joel.

Though she wasn’t pressing on them.for the truth, but somewhere both Kizy and Joel.felt that they needed to be honest for their relationship to remain strong.

Hence both of them had already started briefing her on the kind of lives and jobs they did.

Over the past few months, Nina was well aware of the underground and was gladly accepting Kizy and Joel for what they were.

However today, when Joel decided to make it all clear and end their relationship, she was dead set to not do so.

“Joel, I have been hearing about all this stuff for quite some time now. We have already discussed that psychotic professor a lot of times as well. Then why do you want to break up with me now? It’s not like this is your first mission since we started our relationship.

There were a lot of times when the missions were tough and you were worried but you still came out healthy and safe.

So what is different this time? Why do you want to leave me forever?” Nina questioned, trying to remain as calm headed as she could.

“I don’t know Nina. It’s just that I don’t feel like doing this anymore. I don’t want to trouble you more than this. You have had enough. It’s not like I can not see the sadness you are masking every time I am leaving for a mission.

You deserve a much better man, definitely better than someone like me who makes you worried all the time.” Joel said, his voice diminishing at the end.

Nina took a deep breath, as if done with Joel’s speech. She counted till three in her mind, a habit she practiced whenever she needed to compose herself, before holding Joel’s hand, placing her hand over his.

“Look at me.” Nina said in her usual calm and sweet voice, making Joel look at her.

“No matter what you do, how much ever you make me worried or how much troubles we both have to face together, I am never leaving you.

The day you asked me out was the day I decided to stick to you like a ghost and I am definitely not giving up on such an outstanding man.

In fact I was about to talk about us to my mom and dad. So go and come back quickly. You have to meet my mom and dad once you return.” Nicole said in a cheerful voice, making Joel feel a weird sensation in his chest.

“Why are you so sweet?” Joel said, literally questioning his entire life about whether he saved a galaxy or maybe an entire universe to have Nina by his side.

“Just come back early and safe. I want to introduce my boyfriend in his healthiest state.” Nina said with a blooming smile.

“Sure.” Joel said while pulling her cheeks making them tomato red.

“Joel! Stop doing that!!” Nina exclaimed as Joel pulled them even more resulting in Nina slapping on his chest, though it was too gentle for Joel who was used to bullets and weapon fights.

The couple eventually hugged each other before Joel left to join the teams called by Markus and prepare for tomorrow’s departure.


Markus had already instructed all his men about the mission they were about to begin.

To stop attracting any attention as well as to trick the Imperial nation, his teams were divided into groups of three.

One of them would be boarding private planes and helicopters, the other taking the sea route while the last ones were to take the land route and join the sea route at the end.

With one final instruction all those black commandos left together, Marlus and others departed as well.

“Take care.” Grandpa said to Kizy while grandma and Mary simply hugged her, not knowing what else to speak.

Markus was looking expectantly at grandpa, who took a step toward him.

“Return early. We will be waiting.” Grandpa said before hugging his grandson, making Markus feel his warmth.

“Make sure that my great grandchild is well taken care of.” Grandma said while Mary simply rubbed his head and hugged him tight.

With that the family separated, Markus and Kizy taking their private vehicle.

Kizy was strictly made to sit in the passenger seat with a seat belt tied. Markus had already decided to not leave her side for even a second as he took a seat next to her.

Once the engine was started, Markus looked at Kizy.

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