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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 168

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©Sir Zach


Meanwhile all other members were witnessing this chaotic duo with controlled laughters, the duo that reunited in such a weird way, and was now having an entirely weirder conversation which was definitely abnormal from how usual couples.

“Because-” Markus was about to tease Kizy some more when she interrupted him.

“No wait. I want to ask something more important first. This will come later.” Kizy said, proceeding to ask a different question.

“What else?” Markus asked in an amused tone, waiting to hear Kizy out.

“Are you injured? Or more appropriately, where are you injured?” Kizy asked in a serious tone.

“No I am not.” Markus answered almost instantly, as if he was prepared for this answer.

“Yes you are. I can smell that blood.” Kizy said, looking at Markus right in the eye.

“We can talk about it later-” Markus was still speaking when grandpa spoke from behind.

“Left arm it is, right? And your back and chest as well.” Kizy asked, or more like spoke her thoughts out loud leaving Markus wide eyed from shock.

She had noticed Markus’s change of expression while catching the glass jar, and it took her no time to conclude her diagnosis.

“Go get yourself treated. You will listen to everything that my precious granddaughter in law orders you from this very moment onwards.” Grandpa said in a tone that left no room for discussion.

“Am I truly your grandson? How can you ask me to obey her orders?!!” Markus asked in a frustrated manner.

“Doctor, tend to his wounds.” Grandpa said while turning towards the two doctors, completely ignoring his dear grandson.

The two doctors had entered inside the ward with other members while the nurses were pleading with Kizy to not leave the hospital.

“Okay okay. But not here. Let’s go to some other ward.” Markus said, knowing he had no say now.

“No. You will be treated right here, in front of my eyes.” Kizy demanded.

“Little lamb.” Markus said in a gentle tone while making Kizy sit on the bed as he held her hands between his.

“I think you already have an inkling about this. But let me tell this to you once again.” Markus said and took a deep breath before continuing.

“You are pregnant! We are gonna be parents soon!” Markus said and paused again, wanting to catch every single expression by Kizy.

And Kizy teared up, a happy and contented smile blooming on her face. Markus could literally see her eyes shining with a whole mix of emotions ranging from happiness, excitement, affection, a little of nervousness and maybe slight fear as well.

“And I don’t want my baby to witness me like this for the very first time. I want her or him to only see me in happiness and not in pain or darkness. So please allow me to leave the room for treatment.” Markus said in a literal pleading voice, his puppy eyes in full action.

But Kizy’s reply was definitely not what he was expecting.

“And that’s exactly the reason why I want our baby to see all of this. Right from the very first moment, he or she should know that their father is a born fighter, with blood and scars all over. He is the king, and nobody can take him down.

They will have to get accustomed to all this well, and starting from now on won’t be a bad idea. They need to know that till the time you are there, standing ramrod straight in front of them, no one has the courage to touch them.

And if needed, they will also have to evolve into one in future. Our baby will be a warrior by heart, no matter what he or she chooses to be later on.” Kizy said, a sense of pride visible in her tone.

And for the first time in years, Markus’s eyes teared up, hearing Kizy speak all those words. The moment he had heard that he would be a father soon, his first instinct was to keep his baby safe and hidden from his world. Somewhere deep down he felt a little ashamed of his own profession.

But hearing it from Kizy this way made him feel lighter. Knowing that Kizy not only accepted him for all his gore-filled job, but even felt proud of it, made him feel warm and at home.

“Please check his wounds.” Kizy said while signalling Markus to lie down on the bed while she herself stood near him, her left hand still pierced with the needle that was transferring medicine to her body.

“Are you sure about this young madam? I mean many of the pregnant ladies feel nauseous to strong smells, not to mention blood and its metallic odour.” Doctor phrased in a careful tone.

“Yes. This is our baby, our strong baby. He or she won’t be troubled by this smell, and if they do, they will have to get accustomed to it.” Kizy replied in a firm tone while placing her right hand above his, showing she was definitely not leaving Markus.

In fact it was within seconds that her motherly instincts had kicked in and blended with her cold natural personality. She knew that she would be an overprotective mother, but she was definitely not going to go soft on them. If anything, they needed to learn everything through self experience while she would always have their back.

“Ok young madam, as you say.” The doctor said, while other members including Nicole, Black command, Joel and the rest, left the ward, leaving only Grandpa and Kizy by Markus’s side.

“Mr. Markus, will you be able to take your shirt off, or should we remove it?” The doctor asked politely, trying to make Markus comfortable.

“I will take it off-” Markus was still speaking when Kizy interrupted him.

“Cut the shirt.” She pronounced each word, loud and clear.

And without any arguments, the scissors were brought, cutting Markus’s black shirt into pieces only to reveal a set of bandages wrapped over his torso, back and left arm.

The doctors looked at Kizy who nodded her head, signalling them to continue cutting the bandage as well.

But what came next made the doctor’s eyes go wide while tears started flowing down Kizy’s face as she held Markus’s right hand in a strong grip, as if trying to support herself more than Markus.

Markus’s whole left chest was bruised black and blue, with a deep wound near the centre of his chest.

His left arm had a torniquette tied around his arm while three deep stabs could be seen on his left forearm.

His back had a long cut running in downward direction from left shoulder, ending on the right side beyond the centre line.

“When.. when have you… you recieved… recieved these… cuts?” Kizy asked in between her sobs, her heart almost skipping a beat at the ghastly sight of Markus’s injuries.

“Please don’t cry-” Markus was trying to console her when Kizy finally burst out.

“Are you out of your mind? Just tell me when have you recieved those cuts?? You know they are poisonous, right?!!” Kizy literally yelled at Markus, not knowing what she was supposed to do.

She just couldn’t imagine that what the hell was Markus thinking while delaying his treatment for this long. In fact how in the world was he able to endure all this!

“Calm down little lamb, I know what I am doing.” Markus said, gently squeezing Kizy’s right hand.

“No you are not. Doctors please clean up his wounds real quick! That’s a deadly poison!!” Kizy literally cried.

The two doctors could already see how serious the situation was. The edges of stab marks on Markus’s forearm had already turned into a shade of green.

They instantly started cleaning the wound first, knowing that any more delay would result in a morbidity.

The process went on for almost forty minutes before the doctors were able to save Markus’s limb from losing all its functions.

All this time, Kizy never left Markus’s side even once. Instead she was holding onto him so tight as if her life depended on it.

“Thanks to Mr. Markus’s timely first aid. If he wouldn’t have cleaned his wound up and tied this tourniquet, the poison would have spread to all other body parts.

As for the back, that’s a superficial cut so dressing it up frequently with antibiotics will heal that one.

Main problem will be the chest. He received a fatal blow on his left chest, barely saving his heart. Any more depth would have damaged his heart muscles. Thankfully we were able to suture the wound.

But in the process, he has broken two of his ribs, and a third one has a hairline fracture. He will have to take proper rest for them. We will prescribe a cast like belt to tie around his torso for support.” Doctors explained everything briefly, knowing that Kizy already had some basic knowledge in medicine judging from the way she had diagnosed Markus’s condition.

“Thank you for your hard work. But can you please run all the tests on him? Just want to be sure that he isn’t injured anywhere else.” Kizy said, who was much more composed now after crying her eyes out moments ago.

“Yes Young madam, we were going to do that anyway. But I suggest that you both have some rest before we start with the tests as that will take another hour or two.

Both of you have damaged your bodies to quite some extent, and they need replenishing. I advise you to have some light but healthy food and rest for an hour before we resume with examining Mr. Markus’s body.” The doctor commented politely.

“Sure.” Kizy replied while looking at Markus, who was silent all this while, knowing he was in for a good scolding soon.

“Also forgive me for not congratulating you earlier, young madam. Congratulations! You are pregnant.” The doctor spoke professionally.

“Thank you for your care.” Kizy replied in a genuinely grateful tone.

With that, both the doctors bowed and left while Kizy ordered the nurses to leave them for sometime.

“I will let you both have some good rest. Also child, don’t waste your energy in scolding this brat now. We will scold him together once you are healthier and when your grandma is there with us after we return back home.” Grandpa said while chuckling.

“Yes.” Kizy replied with a smile.

“Grandpa, can you not be so cruel? Haven’t you seen my injuries? Is Kizy not enough? Why are you and Grandma joining her for the scolding? This is pure cheating!” Markus complained after listening to grandpa’s words.

“You fool!! Be thankful that I am not beating you up right now. Now have some rest before I change my mind.” Grandpa said and turned, while a grin could be seen on his face as soon as he had left the ward.

Markus was still looking at the closed door while he felt a very cold stare being thrown in his direction. He instantly pasted his brightest smile on face while turning towards Kizy, who was standing beside the bed, still holding his hand.

“Little lamb, why are you still standing there. Come here. Let us rest together.” Markus said, while shifting towards the other side, making space for Kizy.

But Kizy took her hand out of his before turning, taking Markus by surprise.

“Where.. where are you going?” Markus asked in a desperate voice.

“To rest.” Kizy said while pointing towards the huge sofa of their VIP ward.

“Why will you go there when we have this bed. Come, rest here.” Markus said, patting the space beside him.

“No thanks.” Kizy said while taking another step towards the sofa.

“Kizy please don’t. How can I let you and the baby sleep on sofa? Come here.” Markus said, trying to be as gentle as possible.

“Sleeping on this sofa would in no way harm the baby or me. And for your information, I don’t want to sleep with you!” Kizy said in a half angry half mean voice.

“Kizy please. I will take the sofa, you take the bed.” Markus tried to convince her one more time, only to be met by her silence as she walked towards the sofa.

Markus kept protesting while Kizy simply ignored him, reaching the sofa.

As soon as she was about to lie down, Markus finally spoke while getting up from the bed.

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