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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 15

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©Sir Zach


Behind them was left a group of six people,
three of them utterly humiliated. But the worst
situation amongst them was that of Master
Kevin. Kizy’s sudden outburst had suddenly
shattered his weak heart and traumatised him

“I have some urgent matter. So i will take a leave
with my son.” Finally Mr. Song said and
grabbed Kevin by collar before standing up.

On the exitway to hotel, a man was seen
struggling to carry an entirely wasted Kizy in his
arms. And this man was none other than

“Put me down you hooligan.” Kizy said while
struggling to break free from his grip. .

But Markus completely ignored her, trying to
reach his car as soon as possible. During this
entire time Kizy kept calling him names,
sometimes a pervert, other times an oppurtunist,
but Markus ignored her.

Finally he entered his car and made Kizy sit on
his lap. Kizy dazedly looked at his face before

“You look-” but was interupted by Markus.

“Familiar? Right? Now you remember me?”
Markus said in a voice colder than iceberg of

“Hmm. But you look better than that @$$h0le.”
Kizy said while nodding her head.

“@$$h0le? Who are you talking about?” Markus
asked with confusion.

“That stupid, dumbass, idiotic, Devil incarnation,
worst creature ever born on this earth- Markus!!”
Kizy said a little angrily.

Markus was about to puke blood. How can this
woman insult him like that? Till now he was
ignoring her because though she insulted
others, she hadn’t crossed his limits. But what
was happening now?

“Boy though you look better than him, but you
remind me of that useless creature and you are
affecting my mood badly. Now apologize to this
elder sister and this elder sister will forgive you.”
Kizy spoke, still unaware of the temperature that
was dropping rapidly in the car.

“How the hell are you my elder sister?” Markus

“Kid let me teach you some manners first.” With
that Kizy smacked Markus on his head.

“Don’t just look at this pretty face of this elder
sister. Though i look devastatingly beautiful, but
i have knowledge and experience that could
make an elderly bow down in front of this sister.
Now apologize.” Kizy ordered.

Markus was so infuriated that he wanted to ki||
Kizy right there and then.

“Young Master we have arrived.” Suddenly the
driver announced.

“Good. Let’s see who will have to apologize.”
Markus said in a venomenous voice before
lifting Kizy and climbing out of the car.

“We had our dinner. All of you can rest for
today.” He ordered the butler before hurridly
climbing up the stairs. He kicked open the door
and entered his bedroom.

Nobody knew when Kizy had fallen asleep, but
thankfully it saved Markus a lot of energy as he
no longer had to carry a struggling person who
kept on spouting nonsense.

He placed Kizy on the bed before saying.

“Little lamb you are already asleep. But how can
i let you sleep peacefully when the apology is

With that he stradled Kizy while kissing her
violently, making her breathless. Finally she
moved a little, opening her eyes dazedly.

Markus was feeling proud, knowing that he had
succesfully disrupted her sleep. He was thinking
how to make her apologize. But something
disastrous happened.

Kizy had kicked Markus in his sensitive area,
making him shout from pain. Though the kick
wasn’t powerful, but Kizy successfully managed
to push him away.

“Don’t disturb this elder sister. She needs her
beauty sleep. Leave this room, or this elder
sister won’t show any mercy on you.” Kizy said
before drifting back to sleep again.

Markus didn’t knew whether he should laugh or
cry. But the agony he felt, made him make a
wiser choice and leave his bedroom to sleep in
the guests room located on same floor.

Afterall he didn’t wanted to embarass himself
any further, especially in front of his servants
and maids by covertly leaving his bedroom in
middle of night.

Next day Kizy woke up with a terrible headache.

“Finally you are awake my sweetheart.” She
turned her head towards Markus who was
leisurely standing at the door.

“My head is aching badly.” Kizy ignored him and
tried to massage her temples, hoping to
decrease some pain.

“That won’t help dear. I know a way to stop your
headache, but i want to apologize first.” Markus
said with a smirk.

“What apology?” Kizy shouted frustratedly. Her
massive headache wasn’t fading in the least
and Markus was irritating her.

“Ohhh… Don’t tell me you forgot everything?”
Markus said.

“I forgot….” Kizy paused for a minute, trying to
think hard before angrily pointing at him.

“You should be the one to apologize. How dare
you make me drink, even after knowing my low
tolerance.” she said.

“So if that requires an apology, shouldn’t i hear
an apology first for all the stupid things you did
afterwards?” Markus asked.

“What did I do?” Kizy asked still pressing her

This was the worst part for Kizy. No matter how
much alcohol she consumed, she won’t be able
to remember any detail from the period she was

Markus thought for a minute ‘Looks like she
totally forgot. Hmm.. what a great opportunity
for me to have my revenge.’

“So you forgot how you embarassed both of us
in front of all those important guests by saying
that ‘Markus is the most appetising man i have
ever met!!’. Don’t tell me you seriously don’t
remember how vulgar things you said and
tarnished my reputation completely.” Markus

“Impossible. I will never say anything like that,
no matter if i am drunk or not.” Kizy said

“You still won’t confess. So why do you think i
had to leave my room and sleep in some other
room yesterday night?” Markus asked with an
eyebrow raised.

Kizy touched the other side of bed and could
feel that nobody must have slept on it for past
few hours.

“How do I know?” She said in a frustrated tone.

“That was because you tried to **** me!! First of
all i had to apologize all those guests for your
stupidity. Then i carried you for the entire time
as you couldn’t even balance your own body.
And alas you tried to take advantage of te
situation, preying my perfect body in the middle
of night!” Markus said.

“You.. you stop lying. I know myself very well. I
won’t accept your nonsense.” Kizy said.

“Fine. Since you don’t apologize, i will punish
you.” With that he turned around.

“Please bring some hangover soup for Young
Miss.” He shouted and soon a made entered
with a bowl of soup and placwd it on side table.

“Drink it soon and gwt ready in next half an
hour. I don’t want you to be late on your second
day as my PA.” Markus said and went inside the
closet to change.

Kizy simply pouted before sipping down the
soup. ‘Did i really do that?’ she questioned
herself doubtfully.

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