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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 127

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©Sir Zach


Thus, for the first time, Kizy thought of running away.

“At least listen to me completely. Then we can talk.” Kizy said, her voice a little less firm.

“I know that we would never let this happen again. But what if? What if we fall into another huge trap next time? I don’t want you all along with your family members to suffer because of me.” Kizy said.

“But we are a team second sister!” Harry said.

“And this isn’t even your fault.” Rose spoke.

“I know this all. Yes we are a team. In fact we are a family, guys. But I don’t want my family to be harmed because of me. And I am sure, once I leave, the professor won’t come seeking trouble with you people. Once he knows that I am not associated with you guys, or I don’t have any contact with you all, he would simply forget you all.” Kizy said.

“What if he doesn’t?” Jason said.

“Then you guys are more than capable of saving yourself. I would only be a burden in such situations, and we all know that. I am good with guns, but guns can not be used always.” Kizy said, pointing out her own weaknesses.

“You were never a burden!” Victor said, his voice serious.

“First brother. Please support me about this single decision. It torments me to see you all suffer because of me.” Kizy said, her voice cracking at the end.

“We don’t have to do this Diamond. It was my mistake because of which, we were thr_@tened about our family members. But I have tightened the security around them. And this won’t happen again.” Jason said, his heart feeling as if it was being squeezed by someone.

“Jason please. Why don’t you all understand my stance!! I just want to live happily, watching you all being safe and sound. This team means a lot to me. But that is exactly the reason I don’t want this team to suffer. Please let me leave. And Jason you had promised. After spending fifteen months, it depends on the member, whether they want to continue working or not. I want to stop here. So let me go.” Kizy said, tears thr_@tening to fall from her eyes.

‘It was fifteen months, because I felt that this much time would be enough for you to get used to all of us. Get used to our presence so much, that you won’t even dream about living away from us.’ Jason thought, a dejected smile appearing on his face.

“Okay.” Jason said, before getting up.

He went to another room, making Kizy feel sad, because she knew she had truly disappointed Jason. But she had no way out.

No member uttered even a single word. None of them wanted Kizy to leave, but Kizy was literally pleading and Jason had already agreed to it.

After a few minutes, Jason came back, with some documents in his hand.

“These are your contract termination papers. This is another contract which states that you will always remain our teammate, and you can utilize any resources you want to, that belong to the group.” Jason said while passing two papers and a pen towards her.

Kizy came and read both the contracts. By the time she ended second contract, she was about to cry.

Jason had altered so many clauses, just so that she would remain their teammate forever.

She took the pen before signing the first contract, but then she closed the pen cap, before passing both the contract back towards Jason.

“Why?” Jason asked.

“This isn’t fair Jason. You can have any team member better than me. So let’s not do this.” Kizy said.

“But Diamond, we-” Jason was still speaking when Kizy cut him off.

“Sorry Jason. I can’t do this.” Kizy said, turning and leaving the room.

“Diamond, think about this once again. Because if you don’t sign this, it means we are no longer a team and won’t be anything more than acquaintances.

You will never be able to return to this place, contact any of the members, or seek help from us. Are you okay with all this?” Jason said, his voice controlled.

Kizy paused in her tracks but didn’t turn back. She had already started crying, and she didn’t want the team to see that.

“Second sister, please think carefully!” Harry said, tears flowing down his face.

Rose and Victor instantly stood up, walking towards Kizy.

Kizy felt them nearing her, and wiped her tears away.

“Yes. That’s what I exactly want.” Kizy said, before running out, not even looking back at the members again.

Jason just kept standing on his place, staring at the place where Kizy was standing moments ago, while Rose and Harry cried.


“You know wh@ťěver happened after that. Even after she had left, she continued doing the job I had given her. But somehow the CEO came to know that she was wanted by the professor.

To save his own company, he fired her. She searched for many small or big jobs, but no one was helping her out.

I kept protecting her along with her mother secretly. But whenever she would leave her house or any other place, she would find someone following her.

Knowing that her locations were revealed in C city, she moved back to A city at midnight. She hardly spent a day here, and next night, her mother was almost murdered by professor.

Unfortunately I was away on some private mission, and couldn’t help her at that time. Thus she ended up with you.” The Professor said, a sad smile appearing on his face.

“She has suffered a lot.” Markus said, not knowing what else he was supposed to say.

“And that is why, if you ever treat her wrongly, I won’t think twice to take her back, away from you.” Jason said, a warning tone visible in it.

“As if I am letting you do that.” Markus said with a smirk.

And for the first time, the invisible pressure that always used to surround Markus and Jason at every single meeting had reduced little.

They talked for some more time before Jason left leaving Markus and Kizy alone.

“Little lamb, there is one thing I need to tell you. Get up early, please.” Markus said, looking at the sleeping Kizy.


A lady was walking alone, scared of her surroundings, trying to find her way back.

She had been stuck in this dark forest for days. She couldn’t even differentiate between days and nights as the sunrays couldn’t even enter the deep crowded forest.

Even she herself didn’t know how long she had been walking, searching for something, more accurately searching for her way, a hope that would let her be back.

It had been days since she hadn’t seen even a single living organism around her. Sometimes she would hear some sounds, some muffled voices, something that made her walk towards the unknown sound.

She wasn’t sure about what was awaiting her, but she kept walking towards that occasional sound, praying that at least the sound would pull her put, give her a way towards her home.

And finally after walking all this time, she suddenly found a hand extended towards her.

A hand coming out through the deep bushes signalling her to come forward, to hold it.

She immediately ran, her speed increasing, intending to grab that arm.

But just as she reached near it, the hand was gone, with only bushes remaining there.

She tried to grab an imaginary hand, holding on to the bushes, desperately searching for that one hope which had suddenly vanished.

She even tried to shout and cry for help, but only a weak sound was produced, making her feel even more agitated.

She was clearing all those bushes when she once again started hearing those muffled sounds.

She paused in her actions, waiting for the voice to get clear or louder so that she could follow it.

And she heard that once again. This time it was more clear than it had always been.

She immediately ran towards the voice, deciding that she was not gonna lose it just like the disappeared hand.

The voices became even louder as she felt that maybe she was nearing the sound. She kept running and running until she found a light, a light at the end of this path, signalling that maybe she had crossed the entire jungle.

She ran towards the light at her fastest speed, huffing and puffing by the time she was exactly at the end.

She could still hear those voices. And she kept running. But suddenly the intense brightness made her stop in her tracks and close her eyes.

“Kizy!” She heard the voice again and slowly opened her eyes, trying to adjust her vision to the room brightness.

And the first thing she saw was Markus, her husband, her devil friend, the man who she had vowed to spend her life with.

“She opened her eyes!! Doctor look at that!!” Markus exclaimed, his voice high pitched.

The doctors started doing their job, examining her vitals, asking her to follow his moving finger with her eyes, to lift a hand or foot or to move her fingers or toes.

Once they were done with all of these, they congratulated Markus, stating how miraculous this recovery was and how healthy and strong-willed his wife is.

They stayed for some more time before leaving the ward.

But before Markus could have any talk with Kizy, all his family members kicked open the door and entered hurriedly.

He had been sitting near her bed, watching her face when he felt her finger move.

At first he thought that maybe it was his delusions. But when they moved once again, he was sure that it was Kizy.

He immediately started calling her name while pressing the emergency button for the doctors.

He could see that her fingers were moving for a while, but they suddenly stopped moving.

By the time the doctor arrived, no movement was visible.

Markus still held her hand, calling her name, telling the doctor about how she was moving her fingers.

And being a VIP patient, the doctor immediately started doing some tests.

But suddenly, Kizy creased her forehead, before her eyelashes fluttered and slowly opened her eyes, shocking all the doctors.

The Evans family had already appointed caretakers who immediately passed the message of Kizy waking up to the family.

Thus now here Kizy was, surrounded by all her family members and friends including Kate, Mary, grandma, grandpa, Nicole, Joel, Nina, Lewis, Felix, Lisa, Catherine and finally her pitiful husband Markus, who couldn’t even greet her properly.

“How are you feeling? Do you feel any discomfort or pain?” Kate asked, tears thr_@tening to fall from her eyes.

“N… no.. I…” Kizy tried to speak but her throat was parched, making her unable to speak properly.

Markus instantly stood up, filling a glass with warm water and placing a straw inside, before passing it to Kizy.

Kizy just looked at him, before taking a sip or two of water slowly, before sipping more.

After that she talked a little with the family after which all the members forced her to rest and went back one after another.

Markus, who had wanted to speak with Kizy, was left sulking, knowing that he wouldn’t get to speak with her until she woke up again.

But still he was happy and content with being back to normal, looking at him with those shiny eyes of hers.

He looked at her sleeping face one more time before getting up, setting the temperature a little higher to make her comfortable, while standing up and going towards the window to make a call.

He was about to call the person when he heard a voice behind him.

“Markus.” Kizy said, coming out a little dry than she expected.

Markus immediately turned back, only to frown at the scene that greeted him.

Kizy, wearing her hospital dress was standing near the bed, trying to walk ahead.

“Stop!! Why are you standing???” He exclaimed before rushing back to Kizy, lifting her up and placing her back on the bed.

“B.. but-” Kizy was about to speak when Markus directly kissed her gently, capturing her lips while pouring out all the emotions that his heart had been holding onto. He kissed her slowly, for a minute halting and refraining himself.

“I want to tell you something.” Markus said gently, once he had broken the kiss.

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