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Friday, October 18, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 11

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©Sir Zach


“The patient is out of danger now. He has lost a
lot of blood. Other than that, his wrist has a
hairline fracture and he may have difficulty in
walking for another week. He should remain
bedridden for this week. After that we will give
him another checkup and if everything seems
normal, he can be discharged within twenty
days” The doctor announced politely knowing
who was standing in front of them.

“Doctor when will he wake up?” Kizy asked.

“Most probably by midnight. But it may take
until tomorrow as his body is too weak right
now” Doctor replied. Kizy nodded and didn’t say
anything more.

“If there is anything you want, just let me know”
With that the doctor went away.

Both Kizy and Markus went towards Jack’s

“What is his name?” Kizy asked while watching
the man laying on the bed.

“He is Jack.” Markus replied after thinking for

“What about the other one?” Kizy asked.

“He is Alex” Markus was now sure that Kizy had
known about his two men following her for a
long time.

“Ok. Then have you arranged a caretaker for
him?” Kizy asked while looking at Markus.

“For god’s sake he is my man!!! If not for me,
who is going to care about him? Stop behaving
as if only you are worried for him” Markus

“Fine. But i want to wait here till he wakes up”
Kizy said.

“Are you deaf? The doctor said that he will wake
up near midnight. Do you plan to spend the
night here?” Markus asked while rasing his

“Can we wait?” Kizy tried pleading him, as she
knew that he must be angry with her

“We are going back home. I don’t want excuses
now-” Suddenly Joel entered the room.

“Boss this was purely an accident. The car
belongs to a spoiled kid from the Shen family.
He and his friends were drunk at the time of
accident. In fact i checked the entire footage.
They left the bar almost ten minutes before
accident and stopped at a nearby shop to
purchase some cigarettes before driving at full
speed on the road. Also our plan to stop at this
mall was confidential and even our timing were
not decided. So this can not be planned” Joel
finished in one breath.

“Make sure that the Shen family along with
other families of those friends regrets producing
and upbringing these spoiled kids for there
entire lives” Markus replied coldly.

Joel didn’t needed any more instructions. He
nodded and left for completing his task. Kizy
was still debating whether he should try
convincing Markus or just leave with him. At the
end of day, Jack was her benefactor. He had
saved her life and she at least wanted to do
something for him.

But suddenly the multitalented secretary, who
had just left returned back while covered in

“Boss we have a problem” Joel said in an urgent

“What is it now?” Markus was already annoyed
beyond words by Kizy and wasn’t in the mood
to deal with another $h|t.

“Boss the video where you carried young miss
to the car was captured by the onlookers. And
right now you both are hottest topic online” Joel
said while crying inside his mind.

“Are you new to this? It is long known that my
pictures can never be published, let alone a
video. We had already warned everyone. So why
is this happening now?” Markus asked while
running his hand through his hairs.

“Boss normally we have bancrupted the
companies that tried publishing anything
related to you. But this time, a lot of people were
watching and $h00ting you. Some even had the
guts to go live and show what was happening.
And they published it on social media. On top of
this, most of them are commoners. If we are to
suddenly sue them, the public would rebel” Joel
said while wiping away his sweat.

“Fine i can not go against the citizens but why
am i paying you all. To watch how our faces are
revealed all over? What was the company and
PR doing all this time?” Markus shouted.

“Boss initially the company didn’t knew about it
as the situation itself was an accident. By the
time they started removing evidences, many
people had already seen and saved it. They tried
contacting me, but investigating this accident
was my prime task, thus i ignored there calls.
Sorry for my negligence boss. You can punish
me however you want” Joel said while lowering
his head.

“I will see that the company knows how to
handle situation next time onwards. For now
increase the security around us. Many already
know that i am already at this hospital. I don’t
want any more accidents now. As for your
punishment, go write an apology with no less
than two thousand words. I want it on my desk
by tomorrow morning” Markus said composing

“Yes boss. I will go-” Joel was speaking when
Kizy spoke up.

“Are you seriously retarted? Can’t you see he
was following your order. If i am not wrong, it
must be you who ordered him to investigate the
accident. Now that you are in trouble, you blame
him. He won’t be writing any apology” Kizy

“Ladyboss don’t make it difficult for me. I will

“I said you won’t write an apology. Is that clear”
She was still glaring at Markus.

“You think that i am listening to you. I am yet to
get back at you for your stupidity which resulted
in this accident. If not for you, do you think all
this damned things would be happening? And
now you have the audacity to defy my order”
Markus was frustrated by now.

“Look Markus i apologize for my mistake back
then. I know i have caused a lot of trouble
today. But right now what you are doing is
called bullying. Joel was busy performing the
task you gave. Why do you have to punish him.
He can see how the situation turned out
because he ignored the phone calls. This
situation is enough to teach him a lesson. So
don’t punish him this time. Afterall i was in the
wrong because of which all this happened” Kizy

Markus was furious till the end but something
changed when Kizy spoke her last sentence.

“Indeed you were the one who created trouble,
thus you should also be the one to recieve
punishment right? Thank you letting me view
this matter clearly honey. Joel your punishment
is cancelled. Keep an eye on Jack. We will be
heading back home now.” Markus declared and
walked out of the room.

Kizy just looked at Joel and Jack one last time
before quickly catching up with Markus and
entered his car.

“Be ready for your punishment love” Markus
suddenly whispered in her ear with that devilish
smirk pasted on his face.

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