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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 103

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©Sir Zach


“Who do you work for?” Kizy said in a calm
voice, as if she was asking whether he wants
tea or coffee.

“Aaaarrghh!!” The man kept shouting, without
answering Kizy.

“Quickly answer me or I can proceed to the next
step.” Kizy said.

But the man didn’t answer and simply kept
shouting, his scream no less than an animal.

“Fine.” Kizy said after waiting for ten seconds.

And the next minute, the man shrieked like never

Kizy had pierced the back of both of his palms
with short knives.

“Oh I forgot to tell you, these knives were coated
with drugs. The drug will awaken your nervous
system a hundred times, making you
hyperactive.” Kizy paused.

“But you know what will happen to you? You
will feel this pain a hundred times worse,
because your nervous system will be
magnifying everything you feel by a hundred
times.” Kizy said with a smile, before once again
stomping her heel on the same finger.

The man cried loudly.

“Answer me quick or I can go even further.” Kizy
said, removing another blade from her pocket.

“Arrgh… wai.. wait… uhhh.. wait.” The man said
immediately, his voice barely audible.

“That’s like a good boy. I will give you fifteen
seconds. If you don’t answer, then be ready.”
Kizy said, still calm, as if she wasn’t the one
being so cruel to the man.

The man barely managed to take a breath
before speaking.

“C.. Caesar.” The man said, not wanting to
experience this worse-than-hell-pain anymore.

“Very good.” Kizy said with a smile and turned
towards a certain someone who was standing
with his mouth wide open, jaws about to touch
the ground.

“Did you hear that?” She said.

But Markus was simply standing there frozen,
his eyes widened, not knowing how he was
supposed to react.

The man they had been torturing for almost two
days had spoken up within two minutes after
Kizy entered.

“How did you do that?” Markus asked, finally
finding his voice.

“I did exactly what you saw.” Kizy said.

“But.. how… you-” Markus was still speaking
when Kizy cut him off.

“Ask your men to look for whoever this Caesar
is. Do you want anything else from him?” Kizy
asked, pointing towards the man who was
trying to remove those knives from his hand.

Markus just shook his head.

“I won’t trouble you anymore. Bye.” Kizy said to
the man with a smile.


“BANG!!” Kizy had shot the man, exactly at the
centre of his forehead, between the eyebrows.

“This was the most I could do for you.” Kizy
said, turning to leave the prison cell.

Markus instantly followed behind Kizy.

“How did you-” He was still questioning when
Kizy interrupted.

“Anyone else?” Kizy asked.

The men from surrounding cells had all seen
how brutally Kizy had tortured the dead man,
and how easy it was to be ki||ed. They were
looking at Kizy with terror stricken eyes,
shivering with fear.

She was looking at all these prisoners with a
smile when she heard another scream from

“Take me to the place where they are torturing.”
Kizy said.

“Are you sure?” Markus asked, not even knowing
why he asked such a stupid question when he
had seen how vicious Kizy was with the dead

“Yes of course.” Kizy said, excitedly.

With that Markus led her to the deeper parts of
the dungeon, stopping in front of the prison cell
where the scream was coming from.

But Kizy was truly surprised to see the room
once she had reached there.

And it was because the person who was
torturing another person turned out to be a

Kizy had never expected to see another female
worker inside this dungeon, but shockingly a
female turned out to be the torturer here.

“Wow!!” She exclaimed.

The woman who was creating deep cuts on the
person with a dagger, paused, turning to look
who dared to make a sound during this session,
especially when the prisoner wasn’t uttering
even a single word for the past one hour of
continous torture.

But she was shocked to see a female along with
their boss.

She immediately dropped the dagger near the
feet of the prisoner, who was tied to the metal

“Boss! Lady boss! Sorry for not welcoming you
properly.” The woman said, kneeling on the

“What’s your name?” Kizy asked with a smile.

“Ruth, lady boss.” The woman replied politely.

“Get up Ruth.” Kizy said, walking inside the

“No, no, don’t enter lady boss. The room is filled
with filth. I’ll take you to the meeting room.”
Ruth said, a little embarrassed at her own
appearance which was messed up after
torturing the person continuously for one hour.

Her hair was tied into a messy bun, her bare
face along with her tracksuit smudged a little
with blood, while her hands were bloody, as a
result of cutting the prisoner. Her white shoes
had turned a little pink from old blood stains.

She was feeling inferior when standing in front
of Kizy, who was wearing her uniform, along
with neatly done hair.

“Don’t worry. I don’t mind.” Kizy said, walking
towards the tied man.

“Why is he tied up?” Kizy asked.

Ruth looked at Kizy, who seemed unaffected by
the gruesome scene in front of her. The tied
man had received more than hundreds of cuts,
some of the blood dried, even his face was not
left intact.

Then she turned to look at boss, as if seeking
an answer on what to do. Though Kizy was their
ladyboss, and she was a big fan of this couple
since the day they had announced their
relationship, she didn’t know the amount of say
Kizy had in work affairs.

Thus she was waiting if the boss nodded, to
confirm whether she should follow the lady
boss’s order. Because anything within these
dungeons was top secret, hidden from the entire
world. Thus revealing any information was
risky, no matter who the person was.

And Markus nodded at her.

“He is the leader of a small gang. But he
accepted the mission to ki|| boss. We captured
him, but he isn’t telling us about the person who
paid him for doing it.” Ruth said, frustration
visible from her voice.

“Let me ask.” Kizy said and went ahead, walking
towards the man who was tied to the metal

Ruth just looked confusedly at this lady boss,
not knowing what exactly she wanted, but she
walked behind her, in fully alert mode.

This time Markus was much more confident
about Kizy. He just stood near the prison door,
hands folded, one leg crossed above another,
while resting his figure a little on the door frame,
waiting to watch a good show.

“So who is it? Who paid you to ki|| him?” Kizy
asked with a sweet smile, shocking Ruth, who
was standing beside her.

‘It must be Ladyboss’s first time visiting such a
place and meeting such man. Should I tell her
that the man won’t speak if she is being so
sweet to him? But the Boss isn’t saying
anything as well. Will it be appropriate for me to
meddle?’ Ruth was thinking when she heard a
loud scream from the tied man, the scene
making her shocked to the core.

Ruth had been giving him deep cuts, making
him bleed from various places.

But Kizy just scraped off an entire layer of skin,
including some internal layers beneath it,
cutting out a perfect cube from his arm.

The man who was tired from all the pain and
yelling started shouting like crazy, never
expecting to experience such excruciating pain.

“You still won’t talk right?” Kizy said, making an
innocent face, but this exact face was making
this man experience hell.

Kizy turned towards Ruth.

“Do we have hydrogen peroxide?” Kizy asked
with a smile.

Ruth just looked at her, not knowing what Kizy
exactly wanted. She was already shocked by
what Kizy had done to the man.

“No, we don’t.” Markus answered from behind,
understanding what Kizy was planning to do.

“Alcohol?” Kizy asked with a grin.

“No alcohol for you.” Markus said in a stern

“But I need it for him. Alcohol will help clean his
wounds. Look at all those cuts, I can’t bear how
he is screaming. I pity him.” Kizy said with a
straight face.

‘Is Lady boss alright? Isn’t she the one who cut
him even worse than me? Now she wants to
treat him!’ Ruth thought, not understanding her
lady boss at all.

“Wait.” Markus said and opened his phone,
calling Joel.

Joel, who was standing at the gate of the
dungeon, was waiting for his boss and young
miss to return. He was expecting them to come
out soon, as it had already been more than half
an hour, enough to see the entire base.

He was still standing, scrolling his phone when
he received a call from his boss.

“Get me two bottles of alcohol.” Markus said
and ended the call.

“What!!” Joel exclaimed.

‘Is boss planning to drink in the base? But he
has never done that. Plus he is accompanying
the young miss.

Wait. What if young Miss wants it? Should I not
go? I can still remember how insane she
becomes after being drunk.

But no. I can’t just stand here. Boss will punish
me for not obeying him.’ Joel thought
everything before entering the base, knowing
that Boss’s men would definitely have some

And as expected he easily found two bottles
and directly went towards the meeting room.

But unfortunately, no one was present inside it.

Joel stopped one of the men and asked him
where the boss and young miss were. But the
location left him stunned, because he never
expected his boss to show young miss his dark
place, and order alcohol over there.

‘Something bad is about to happen.’ Joel
thought, crying internally.

Within three minutes, he was standing in front
of Markus, passing him two bottles of alcohol.

But Markus simply took them inside the
dungeon, giving one of them to Kizy.

“You still won’t speak? I am giving you a
chance.” Kizy said sincerely.

“I am not afraid of you all.” The man said,
gritting his teeth.

“Fine. Don’t beg me later on.” Kizy said, and next
moment she directly poured alcohol over the cut
she had made.

“Arrgghhh!!” The man shouted, the pain

“Stop crying like a kid. All I am doing is
disinfecting your wound for your own good.”
Kizy said in a calm voice.

‘Young miss, why can’t you act like some
normal women? You should be shouting and
crying, leaving this place as early as you can.
Isn’t that the normal reaction? Do you have to
be so extraordinarily out of this world?

And are you sure about the disinfecting part? I
mean yes, alcohol is used as a disinfectant, but
what you are doing is literally burning his
wound with alcohol. How is he not supposed to
cry?’ Joel thought, making a fixed note that he
was never supposed to go against his young

By now, Kizy was already done pouring one
bottle one his wounds, especially his face and
the cut she had made.

“I would never… never speak!” The man still
spoke through gritted teeth.

“You don’t have to.” Kizy said with a smile.

She turned back towards Markus.

“Salt.” She said calmly.

Markus just signalled Joel who went and came
running back, a tiffin full of salt in his hand.

This time he directly passed it to his young

“Thank you Joel.” Kizy said.

“We need to disinfect it more. And salt is a
natural disinfectant.” Kizy said while looking
towards the man.

And the next moment, the man screamed like
never before.

Kizy had directly applied salt on his wound
made by her, which was freshly inflamed due to

She didn’t wait for him and rubbed it roughly.
The man was still screaming when she repeated
the same for some other wound, rubbing the
inflamed wound with salt.

“Stop.. Stop, stop. I.. I will tell you.” The man
said, not being able to tolerate the pain

“But I don’t want to listen to anything. I am just
helping you.” Kizy said, rubbing another wound.

“No please don’t, I will speak… speak. Please!”
The man said through gritted teeth, never
expecting Kizy to actually make him beg.

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