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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A COMPLICATED LIFE – Episode 7 & 8

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Life 💘

( Crazy + Cold … )



By:Divine Peace × Lerry



“It’s none of your busin…”Lana was shocked to see who it was.

“Rudy”Lana and her friends called in shock.

“Rudy,”Celine called, smiling.

Rudy stared at them for a while so he could understand what was going on.

He sighs shortly afterwards knowing Celine is being bullied by Lana.

“Help me please,Rudy”Celine said and Rudy walked into the class ignoring her.

“I won’t be getting involved in what doesn’t concern me”Rudy said and carried his school bag.

“But if Alex were here she is going to force me to help her”Rudy said inwardly.

“d@mn you Alex”Rudy sighs heavily walking back outside.

“Rudy”Celine called in excitement immediately he came outside and he frowned.

“Lana,what are you guys still doing here and what with the scissors”

Rudy asked facing Lana and she began to shake in fear because she knows how scary Rudy can be when he is angry.

Lana and her friends have already seen it the day they bullied Alex not knowing she is Rudy’s little sister ever since that day they have been scared of him.

“Lana,what are you doing with the scissors?”Rudy asked coldly.

“Hmm-mm,the .. the scissors”Lana stammered not knowing what to say.

“Lana,”Rudy called.

“Hmmm Rudy,the sci-sci…scissor is for nothing”Lana said, throwing it away.

“Then what are you still doing here then?”Rudy asked.

“Nothing,”Lana shook her head.

“Then you guys should leave,”Rudy said and glared at her.

“We.. we .. we are already leaving”Lana said in fear walking away and her friends followed.

“Finally time to go home”Rudy yawned and started walking away.

“Wait Rudy”Celine called, running after him but Rudy didn’t answer.

“Rudy, wait”Celine said when she got close to him.

“What?”He asked coldly and Celine hugged him.

“Thank you for saving me from Lana,”Celine said, still hugging Rudy.

“Yeah”Rudy broke the hug and Celine pouted.

“I know you are still mad at me for kissing you earlier but I am sorry”Celine apologized.

“Okay”Rudy said, trying to walk away but Celine grabbed his arms to stop him.

“Wait”Celine said and Rudy stared at her hand on his arm.

“Oh! I am sorry about that”Celine quickly let go of Rudy’s arm.

“Sooo,why did you stop me?”Rudy asked.

“Hmm..Hmmm,ahem..hem-mm,Rudy”Celine stammered.

“What is it?”Rudy asked.

“Mhmm..hmm I was wondering if I could kiss you,Rudy”Celine asked.

“No,”Rudy replied.



“Pretty please”Celine begged.

“Still no”

“I just wanna have a taste of your lips again, please”Celine said.

“Not a chance,”Rudy replied.

“Gawd,you are so cold!”She pouted.

“But I am sorry about this,”Celine said, biting her lower lips seductively as she moved closer to Rudy.

“About what”Rudy asked and his eyes widened as Celine kissed him.

“What the …”

“Sorry”Celine cut in and patted his hair.

“Hey stop that”Rudy slapped her hand away and she smiled touching her lips.

“I would love to kiss you again,Rudy,”Celine said and Rudy frowned.

“Not happening”He muttered walking away.

“Bye Bye,see you tomorrow”Celine waved at him but Rudy ignored her till he went out of sight and she smiled.

“I love you so much Rudy”She blushed heavily touching her cheeks and walked away.


“Hey she is getting away, Kyran,”Kiran said.

“Yeah,I can see that,”Kyran said.

“What? Ain’t we gonna do…”

“We are doing nothing,Kira,”Kyran interrupts.

“What? She is trying to steal Rudy away from us”Kiran said.

“I know that,but if Rudy finds out he is gonna h@ťě us even more”Kyran sighs heavily.

“I’m sure you don’t want that,”Kyran added and Kiran nodded.

“I think we should become friends with Celine,so we could be closer to Rudy,”Kyran said and Kiran nodded.


“We should go home now, mother will be waiting for us,”Kiran said.

“Yes”Kyran smiled as they started walking away when all of a sudden a guy bumped into Kiran.

“I’m so sorry”The guy quickly apologized and adjusted his glasses.

“Are you blind four eyes?”Kiran yelled.

“Am sorry”The guy apologized again and Kiran slapped him.

“I can’t believe you are wearing glasses and still can’t see it,”Kyran said.

“Then what is the point of it,you should take it off”Kiran removed the glasses from the guy’s face.

“No don’t do that”

She threw it to the ground and Kyran stepped on it.

“Noo!”The guy screamed in tears.

“You should go and get a better one,”Kyran said, walking away.

“Four eyes,if you ever say anything about this to anyone,I’m going make your life a living h*ll”Kiran said, following Kyran.

“My new glasses”The guy cries picking the pieces up.

“Darn those two twins,”The guy said.

“This is all your fault,”the guy said, looking at Kiran and Kyran as they walked away.

“I’m going to tell Mr.B,”the guy said, wiping his tears.

He picked up the broken pieces of his glasses and started running home.

Meanwhile, Kyran and Kiran were walking down the street when they heard someone call their names.

“Kiran, Kyran!”a man yelled, running toward them.

“You guys have a lot of explaining to do!”The man said as he stopped in front of Kyran and Kiran.

“What are you talking about, Mr. B?”Kiran asked, feigning ignorance.

“Don’t play dumb with me. I know what you did to Max,”Mr. B said, angrily.

“We didn’t do anything!”Kyran protested.

“Don’t lie to me. Max just told me everything. You broke his glasses.

“I don’t care what you say. I know the truth,”Mr. B said, crossing his arms.

“But we’re telling the truth!”Kiran said, stomping her feet.

“Then prove it. Come with me to Max’s house,”Mr. B said.

Kiran and Kyran looked at each other, unsure of what to do.

“Fine, we’ll go,”Kiran said, reluctantly.

The three of them started walking to Max’s house.

Kiran, Kyran, and Mr. B arrived at Max’s house. Mr. B knocked on the door, and a moment later, Max’s mother answered.

“Hi, Mrs. Anderson. I’m sorry to bother you, but I need to speak to Max for a moment,”Mr. B said politely.

“Of course, Mr. B. I’ll go get him,”Mrs. Anderson said, and she disappeared inside the house.

A few minutes later, Max appeared at the door. He looked nervous, and he wouldn’t meet Mr. B’s gaze.

“Hi, Max. Can we talk for a moment?”Mr. B asked.

“I guess,”Max mumbled.

“Why don’t we go to the backyard?”Mr. B suggested.

Max nodded, and the two of them headed to the backyard. Once they were out of earshot of the house, Mr. B turned to Max.

“Max, I need to ask you some questions about what happened earlier today,”Mr. B said.

“I don’t want to talk about it,”Max said, looking down at his feet.

“Max, I know this is difficult for you, but it’s important. Did Kiran and Kyran break your glasses?”Mr. B asked gently.

Max hesitated, and then finally nodded.

“Can you tell me what happened?”Mr. B asked.

Max took a deep breath, and then he told Mr. B the whole story. He explained how Kiran and Kyran had broken his glasses, and how he begged them to stop. He told Mr. B about how Kiran had thr_@tened him, and how he had been too scared to say anything. By the time he was done talking, Max was crying.

“Max, I’m so sorry this happened to you. You did the right thing by telling me the truth. I’m going to do everything I can to make sure Kiran and Kyran are held accountable for their actions,”Mr. B said.

As Mr. B was talking to Max, he noticed Kiran and Kyran coming around the corner of the house. They both looked angry, and they were heading straight for them. Max’s eyes went wide with fear, and he took a step back. Mr. B stood in front of him, facing Kiran and Kyran.

“What do you two think you’re doing?”Mr. B asked, his voice stern.

“He’s lying! We didn’t do anything!”Kiran said, pointing at Max.

“You’re just trying to get us in trouble!”Kyran added.

“I know the truth, and you’re not going to get away with this,”Mr. B said. He turned to Max.

“Max, are you okay?”

Max nodded, still looking scared.

“I’m going to tell your parents, and we’ll figure out what to do next,”Mr. B said, taking out his phone.

“No, please don’t!”Max said, grabbing Mr. B’s arm.

“Why not?”Mr. B asked, surprised.

“Because they’ll be so disappointed in me!”Max said, tears starting to form in his eyes.

Mr. B’s expression softened. He could see how upset Max was, and he knew that this was a difficult situation for him. He put his phone back in his pocket.

“I’m not going to tell your parents. But we do need to figure out what to do next. I want to make sure you’re safe,”Mr. B said.

“I just want them to leave me alone,”Max said, wiping his eyes.

“I can talk to them, and I’ll make sure they understand that what they did was wrong,”Mr. B said.

Kiran and Kyran were getting more and more agitated. They didn’t like that Mr. B was siding with Max.

“You’re taking his side!”Kiran said, her voice rising.

“He’s lying!”Kyran added.

“I’m not taking anyone’s side. I’m just trying to make sure everyone is safe,”Mr. B said calmly.

“We didn’t do anything!”Kiran said, her face turning red.

“I saw you break his glasses,”Mr. B said, his voice firm.

“You’re lying”

“I’m not lying. And you know it,”Mr. B said. He turned to Max. “Go inside and wait for me, okay?”

Max nodded, and he ran back into the building. Mr. B turned back to Kiran and Kyran.

“I want you to apologize to Max,”Mr. B said.

“We’re not going to apologize to him! He’s a liar!”Kyran said.

“You’re the ones who are lying, not him,”Mr. B said.

“You can’t prove anything!”Kiran said, crossing her arms.

“I don’t need to prove anything. I know the truth, and you know it too. The question is, are you going to do the right thing?”Mr. B said.

Kiran and Kyran looked at each other, and then back at Mr. B. They were silent for a moment. Finally, Kyran spoke up.

“Fine. We’ll apologize to him,”Kyran said.

“You’re going to do it, right?”Mr. B asked.

“Yes,”Kyran said, sounding reluctant.

“Good. Now, let’s go inside and talk to Max. I want you to apologize sincerely, and I want you to promise that you won’t do anything like this again,”Mr. B said.

Kiran and Kyran followed Mr. B into the building. They found Max sitting in front of the door, looking upset. Mr. B motioned for them to come over.

“Max, I want you to know that I believe you, and that I’m going to make sure this doesn’t happen again,”Mr. B said.

“Thank you,”Max said quietly.

“Now, I want Kiran and Kyran to apologize to you,”Mr. B said. He turned to Kiran and Kyran. “Go ahead.”

“We’re sorry, Max,”Kiran and Kyran said, looking down at the floor.

“It’s okay,”Max said, trying to smile.

“We’re really sorry. We won’t do it again,”Kiran and Kyran said.

“Thank you,”Max said.

“Do you feel like you can forgive them?”Mr. B asked Max.

“I think so,”Max said, still looking a bit unsure. “But I’m still a little upset.”

“That’s understandable. It’s okay to still be upset. But I think it’s important that we all try to move forward from this,”Mr. B said.

“I’ll try,”Max said.

“That’s all I’m asking for,”Mr. B said. He turned to Kiran and Kyran. “I think it would be a good idea for you two to give Max some space for a while. Can you do that?”

“Yeah,”Kiran and Kyran said, nodding.

“Great. Now, I’m going to talk to the principal about this, and I’ll let you know what he says. In the meantime, I think it’s best if you all should go home. Does that sound okay?”Mr. B asked.

“Yeah,”Kiran and Kyran said.

“Good. And remember what I said. You’re going to give Max some space, okay?”Mr. B said.

“We will,”Kiran and Kyran said.

“Thanks, guys. I know this wasn’t easy, but I’m proud of all of you for working through it,”Mr. B said.

“Thanks, Mr. B,”Max said, a small smile on his face.

“No problem, Max. I’m here if you need anything else. Okay?”Mr. B said.

“Okay,”Max said.

“Great. I’ll see you guys later. Have a good rest of your day,”Mr. B said.

“You too,”Max said.

“Bye, guys,”Mr. B said, and then he left.

Kiran and Kyran started walking away, and then Kiran turned to look at Max.

“Hey, I really am sorry. I hope you know that,”Kiran said.

“Thanks,”Max said, looking at the floor.

“Okay, I’ll see you around,”Kiran said, and then she left.

Max stood at the entrance of the door for a moment, thinking about everything that had happened. Then, he decided to go to his part-time job.

He felt a little better, knowing that Kiran and Kyran had apologized. But he still felt a little hurt and upset , and he wasn’t sure how he was going to move past it.

“I should hurry up,Rudy won’t be coming to work today”Max said walking away.


“I’m home,”Rudy said, taking off his shoes and walking into the house.

“Alex”He called and got no response.

“Where could she be?”Rudy muttered looking around when he noticed a strange note on the table.

He walked toward the table and picked the note up.

Something was written on it and he read it out loud.

💌: Hello brother,we are going to be eating out today and we will be having some fun so can you meet me at Emerald Park,I will be waiting love you.

Rudy sighs after he reads the note and throws it away.

“No happening”He muttered walking toward the dinner table and found another note laying on the table.

Rudy ignored it walking into the kitchen and was shocked with what he saw.

Everything in the kitchen was empty.

The cabinets were bare, the fridge was empty, and the pantry was completely void of food. It was like someone had completely ransacked the kitchen. Rudy’s heart sank.

“What happened here?”Rudy asked, his voice shaking.

“This is all Alex is doing”He walked back to the dinner room and picked up the note.

💌: Do you like my little surprise.

Rudy read the note and threw it away.

“Darn you Alex”Rudy said walking toward his room and was shocked to see the door lock.

“What the heck is going on”Rudy screamed and saw another note placed on the floor at the door entrance.

He picked it up and read.

💌: Sorry to lock your door,but let meet up at the Emerald Park and stop throwing my notes away that’s cold.

Rudy sighs heavily and throws it away.

“Fine,I’m coming so stop playing games with me”Rudy said angrily and walked out of the house.


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