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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Life 💖

( Revenge Or Love …. )




By, Divine Peace



Nathan began to feel light-headed and dizzy, his vision going blurry.

“Who….ar-are you guys”

He tried to stay conscious as the gas filled the cab, Nathan felt himself slipping into unconsciousness.

Just before he blacked out, he heard the person in black say something to the driver.

But he couldn’t make out the words, and everything went dark.


“Thanks for today Leah,” Susan said.

“It’s nothing, I’m just helping my friend” Leah said and Susan smiled but it suddenly turned into a frown.

“I can’t believe it, how could they try to ki|| my son” Susan said angrily.

“I know,” Leah said sympathetically.

“It’s horrible, trying to ki|| one of our own members’ children, but there’s nothing I can do if all the members agree to ki|| him,” Susan said.

“Yes,” Leah nodded.

“I guess that’s the price I have to pay for being one of those people who call the shots” Susan said.

“You’re part of the group that makes the decisions, and give orders”

“Those orders and decisions have consequences,” Leah said and Susan nodded.

“If though I might be the leader, I don’t think I would be able to stopped them again if they tried to ki|| Nathan”

“But I will do my best to help just like the way you did for me back then” Leah smiled and Susan nodded, grateful for Leah’s support.

“I just… I can’t believe this is happening,” Susan said, shaking her head.

“I feel so helpless against them”

Leah reached out and took Susan’s hand.

“You’re not helpless,” She said firmly.

You’re a strong, capable woman, some of the members are just jealous of your position in the group. Once we delete the video from Nathan’s phone everything will be back to normal” Leah said and Susan smiled.


“I don’t think you should be doing this,” Mr. Robert said.

“It’s none of your business Robert,” The man said.

“This doesn’t concern you, it’s between me and Susan” The man added and Mr. Robert sighs.

“Revenge isn’t the answer, ki||ing Nathan won’t bring your son back to life” Mr. Robert said.

“You really don’t understand, Robert, she ki|| my son just because he saw her holding a gun”

“She didn’t think twice before she ki|| him and now her son is in the same position and you expect me to let them spare his life easily”

“No way Robert Nathan has to die tonight” The man said.


“Finally close” Max said, locking the cafe.

“Let go, Kiran,” Max said as they started walking down the street.

“Today is totally a stressful day” Max said, sighing heavily and Kiran frowned at him before she said.

“I’ve told you several times to quit your job so …..”

“So I can focus on school” Max cuts in and Kiran frowns at him again.

“You know I can’t do that,” Make said.

Kiran stopped walking and asked.

“Is it because of Rudy?”

She asked and Max stopped walking.

“Is it because of him?” She asked again.

“Yes” Max replied and Kiran sighs.

She walked closer to him.

“I mentioned something about Rudy earlier when I came to the cafe,” Kiran said and Max nodded.

“I know,” Max said.

“You said that you saw someone that looked like him outside the cafe,” Max said.

“Not only that, someone at our school know Rudy but she is calling him Cody”


“Did you just mention the name Cody just now?” Max asked, remembering that he bumped into a guy named Cody who had the same voice as Rudy.

“Yes, is there something wrong?” Kiran asked.

“No, everything is fine, I will be quitting my job tomorrow” Max said and Kiran’s eyes widened.


“Are you for real?” She asked.

“Yes,” Max replied.

Kiran couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

Max had been so insistent on keeping his job, no matter how much she told him it was a bad idea.

And now he was just going to quit, out of the blue?

Something had to be going on, something she didn’t know about.

“Why?” She asked.

“What’s changed?”

Max hesitated, then took a deep breath.

“Nothing,” Max lied.

“Are you sure?” Kiran asked, raising her brows.

“Yes” Max smiled and held Kiran’s hand.

“Let’s go”


Nathan woke up, he was lying on the ground in an unfamiliar place.

He was cold and disoriented, and he had no idea how he had gotten there.

He slowly sat up, looking around.

He was in some sort of alley, surrounded by tall buildings.

“Where am I? How did I get here” Nathan asked.

He had no idea where he was or how he had gotten there but he remembers passing out in a cab.

“Those jerks,” Nathan muttered, remembering everything that happened in the cab.

“I need to get out of here as quickly as possible”

Nathan got to his feet, his head spinning.

He started to walk, trying to find a way out of the alley.

He turned a corner and saw a street sign.

He was in a part of town he didn’t recognize, and he had no idea how to get back to his place.

He felt a sense of panic rising within him.

He took out his phone and tried to use the map app, but his phone was out of battery.

He cursed under his breath.

Just then, he heard footsteps behind him.

He turned around and saw three figures in the shadows, slowly walking towards him.

He couldn’t make out any features, but he could tell that the figures were tall and imposing.

Nathan’s heart started to pound in his chest.

He considered running, but he didn’t know if he could outrun the figures.

He had to stand his ground.

“Who are you guys?” He asked, his voice trembling.

There was no response.

The figure kept walking towards him, slowly and deliberately.

Nathan suddenly heard footsteps behind him again.

He turned around and saw two figures in the shadows, walking towards him.

Nathan felt the panic rising within him.

He tried to think of something to do or say, something that would make the figures go away.

But he couldn’t think of anything.

He was frozen in fear, unable to move or speak.

The figures kept coming closer and closer, until it was just a few feet away from him.

And then, then one of them spoke.

His voice was deep and booming, echoing around.

“Your name is Nathan right?” He asked.

“Give us your phone and I promise we won’t hurt you” The man figure said, bringing out a gun and Nathan’s heart skipped a beat.

“They…..they are after the video” Nathan said inwardly his heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest.

He couldn’t move, couldn’t speak.

He was completely frozen with fear.

Just then, a loud sound of footsteps filled the alley.

Nathan looked around, trying to figure out where it was coming from.

The figures also seemed confused, and they looked around as well.

The sound of footsteps grew louder and closer.

Nathan saw a figure walking toward them.

The figure suddenly stopped and said.

“You five pick the wrong guy to mess with today”

Nathan’s heart jumped into his throat.

He recognized that voice.

It was the voice of Cody.


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