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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Life 💖

( Revenge Or Love …. )




By,Divine Peace



Nathan nodded and pulled out his phone.

He unlocked it and handed it to Cody.

“Here you go,” He said.

Cody quickly installed a tracker into the and entered his phone number into Nathan’s contacts, then handed the phone back to him.

“Just call or text me, whenever you find yourself in danger,” He said.

“I will be there for you.”

Nathan smiled, his eyes full of gratitude.

“Thank you, I really appreciate it,” He said.

“I don’t know what would have become of me …”

Nathan paused when he saw a figure approaching them.

The figure stepped closer and Nathan’s eyes widened.

“The…the pri …pri … Principal daughter Sally” Nathan called in shock.

“Sally,” Cody called as she approached them.

“Hello Cody” Sally smiled when she got to them.

“Excuse me,I will be leaving now” Nathan said and quickly walked away.

“So, what are you doing?” Cody asked.

“I came here to see you,” Sally smiled beautifully.

“You came to see me?” Cody said.

“Yes,” Sally nodded.

“But how did you know that I’m here?” Cody asked.

“That’s pretty easy.” She smiled and Cody raised his eyebrows.

“I saw two files on my father’s table when I went to his office,” Sally said.

“Two files?”

“Yes, one had your name on it and the other had …”

“Linda’s name, that must be her file” Cody cut in and Sally shook her head.

“No, that wasn’t the name on the file”


“The other file had a guy’s name on it,” Sally continued.

“My father always talks highly of him”

“He said he might look cold and rude, act like he doesn’t care about anything but deep down he is the kindest person he knows”


“Yes, his name is Rudy Gray” Sally said and Cody’s eyes widened.

“My father always talk about him a lot”

“Now that I think about it, you are just like the guy my father always talks about, you act cold and rude but you’re also kind” Sally said and Cody was speechless.

“Two files on Mr. Robert’s table and they are both mine, he must be suspicious of me already” Cody said inwardly feeling a little uneasy.

“Are you okay?” Sally asked, noticing the look on Cody’s face.

“You seem a little…flustered”

Cody took a deep breath and said.

“I’m nothing like that guy,” He said.


“I’m nothing like the guy you call Rudy, okay”

“I …”

“So don’t compare me with him” Cody yelled.

Cody’s outburst caught Sally off guard.

She hadn’t meant to upset him, and she certainly didn’t expect him to raise his voice.

“I’m so sorry,” She said.

“I didn’t mean to upset you, I just wanted to say that you and Rudy have the same….”

Before she could complete her words, Cody already went in and locked the door.


Cody sighs heavily resting on the door.

“Rudy is already dead, your father ki||ed him, Sally” Cody said inwardly.

“He backstab me” Cody muttered remembering how Mr. Robert shot him then he folded his fist angrily.


Cody’s sudden departure left Sally feeling confused and hurt.

She had only wanted to compliment him, and now she had upset him.

She wasn’t sure what to do.

She stood outside the door, not knowing if she should knock or just leave.

“Cody” Sally called knocking on the door but got no response.

She decided to wait a few minutes to see if Cody would come back out.

As she waited, she thought about what she could have done differently.

Finally, after about five minutes, the door slowly opened and Cody stepped out.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you like that” He said.

“I was just a little bit upset,” Cody smiles and Sally blush.

“He smiled at me,” Sally screamed inside her head.

“It’s okay, I’m not upset with you” Sally said, trying to sound reassuring and Cody smiled again.

“Would you like to go out with me?” Cody asked.

“Like on a date,” Sally asked, not believing her ears.

“Yes,” Cody nodded.

“I will use it as an opportunity to know more about Mr. Robert and the others,” Cody said inwardly.

“We should get going, my car is a bit far from here” Cody said and took Sally’s hand.

“Let go” He smiles as they begin to walk away.



Immediately Nathan enter the class, he was quickly approach by Alex

“You are back Nathan” Alex smiles looking at him and he smiles back.

“Yeah” Nathan muttered, still in shock about what happened at the apartment earlier.

“Hmm, Nathan what happened to your face?” Alex asked.


“You’re bleeding” Alex said.

“Huh?” Nathan’s eyes widened as he brought his hand to his cheek, and felt a thin trail of blood.

“What the…?” He muttered, confused.

He quickly pulled out his phone from his pocket and opened the camera.

He turned the camera toward his face and saw a small cut run across his left cheek.

He had no idea when it had gotten there but he was sure it was from one of those knives.

“I’m not sure how that happened,” He said, turning to Alex.

“It must have happened when I was running to get back here, I didn’t even feel it until now” Nathan added.

“Well, let’s get it cleaned up,” Alex said, taking Nathan’s hand.

“Come on, I’ll take you to the nurse’s office,” Alex said, leading Nathan through the halls.

As they walked, Nathan was lost in thought.

He couldn’t stop thinking about the strange incident at the apartment.

He couldn’t figure out what had happened.

Why are the knives aiming for me?

He couldn’t figure out why anyone would suddenly throw a knife at him.

It seemed like a freak accident, but it had also felt strangely intentional.

Like someone had been trying to hurt or ki|| him lately.

“Could it be because of the ….”

Nathan paused, shaking his head.

“No it can’t be because of that” He said inwardly, still shaking his head.

“But ….”

“We are here” Alex said when they reached the nurse’s office, Alex knocked on the door.

The nurse, Ms. Jenkins, opened it and ushered them inside.

“What seems to be the trouble?” Ms. Jenkins asked.

She was a kind, middle-aged woman with a warm smile.

“Nathan has a cut on his cheek,” Alex explained.

“We’re not sure how it happened”

“Let’s take a look,” Ms. Jenkins said.

She led Nathan over to a chair and had him sit down.

Then she gently wiped the cut with a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol.

Nathan winced slightly as the alcohol stung, but the cut didn’t seem to be too deep.

“You’re lucky,” Ms. Jenkins said.

“This doesn’t look too bad,” She continued.

“It should heal up just fine”

“That’s good to hear,” Nathan said, feeling a little relieved as he stood up.

“Thanks Ms. Jenkins,” Nathan smiled, heading out.

“You’re welcome, Nathan,” Ms. Jenkins said with a smile.

“If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to come back and see me”

“I will,” Nathan said, and then he headed back to class.

“See you later Ms. Jenkins” Alex smiled and went after Nathan.

As he walked down the hall, he couldn’t help but think about what happened at the apartment and how Cody saved his life.

The only reason why he is still alive right now was all thanks to Cody but he couldn’t help but feel guilty for not telling him the truth.

“I just can’t tell or show anyone that” Nathan muttered

“Hey Nathan, are you okay?” Alex asked.


“You have been acting strange lately, ever since you got back” Alex added.

“Oh …” Nathan paused.

“Alex I think it best for you to know this” Nathan said bringing out his phone.

“Know what?” A voice asked behind Nathan which startled him, causing him to drop his phone.

It hit the floor with a loud crack, and the screen went black.

“Oh no!” Nathan exclaimed, picking up his phone.

“I just got this phone last year, Mina”

“I’m sorry” Mina apologized.

“Let me see it,” Alex said, crouching down to get a better look at the phone.

“It looks like the screen is cracked”

“I’m such an idiot,” Nathan groaned.

“I can’t believe I just dropped it like that”

“It’s okay, accidents happen,” Alex said, trying to reassure him.

“We can get it fixed,” Mike said, walking toward them.

“That will be after school” Nathan said and Mike nodded.

“I’m so sorry, Nathan I didn’t mean ….”

“It’s fine” Nathan cut her off.

He picked up his broken phone and started walking away.

“Alex, I think Nathan is mad at me” Mina said as they watched Nathan walking.

“Yeah,” Alex nodded.

“But I don’t think so,” Mike smiled.

“I’m a fool, I shouldn’t have tried to show it to her when I know that she is going to be sad”

“I should show it to that guy first, since he knows a lot” Nathan muttered walking out of the hallway.


“Robert, how is it, is Nathan dead?” A male voice asked.

“I don’t know, but the guy I sent isn’t picking up my calls,” Mr. Robert replied.

“What should we do now, we don’t know if Nathan has been ki||ed or not” A female said.

“We need to be patient, I’m sure the guy can’t fail” Mr. Robert said and they all started chatting with each other.

Mr. Robert let out a short sigh and said.

“I see no reason why we need to ki|| Nathan, since his mother is one of us I’m sure the kid is going to keep his mouth shut” Mr. Robert said and they all kept quiet with their eyes on him.

“You really don’t know what’s going on, Robert”

“That boy you called a kid as a video of you ki||ing Rudy”



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