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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A COMPLICATED LIFE – Episode 47 & 48

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Life 💖

( Revenge Or Love …. )




By,Divine Peace



“You seem to be coming from the door over there?” The lady asked.

“Yes,” Linda replied.

“That means you are my roommate,” The lady said.


“That’s cool,my name is Linda, what’s yours?” Linda asked.

“Celine,” The lady said.

“Celine, it’s nice to meet you!” Linda said.

“I’m happy to have a roommate, it can get pretty lonely around here” Celine said with a smile.

“I know what you mean,” Linda said, returning the smile.

“I’m glad to have someone to talk to,” Celine said.

“So, how long have you been here?” Linda asked, curious to know more about her roommate.

“A few weeks ago” Celine replied.

“But it feels longer, you know?” Celine said and Linda nodded as they began to head back to their apartment.

“I get it, time can feel like it’s moving slowly when you …”

“Hey Celine” A voice called behind them.

They both turned around and saw a young lady, who was about the same age as them, running towards them.

“Hey, there you are!” the young lady said, clearly out of breath.

“I’ve been looking for you, Celine”

“Huh! Do I know you?” Celine asked, confused by the stranger’s familiarity.

“It’s me, Kiran,” the young lady said, beaming.

“From high school?”

Celine’s eyes widened, and she gasped.

“Kiran” She called, hugging her and Linda just stared at them with her brows raised.

“What are you doing here?” Celine asked, still in disbelief.

“Kyran and I just moved into the dorms. Our apartment is over there,” Kiran said, pointing to a building across the street.

“I was just taking a walk to clear my head when I saw you,” Kiran smiled.

“That’s so cool that we’re neighbors now!” Celine said, her excitement evident in her voice.

“We’ll have to get together for a coffee or something soon”

“I would love that!” Kiran said.

“It’s been too long since we’ve seen each other, we have so much to catch up on!”

“I know, right?” Celine said, already imagining all the things they would talk about.

“So who is your new friend?” Kiran asked, looking at Linda.

“Oh! She is Linda, my roommate” Celine replied.

“Nice to meet you, Linda!” Kiran said, extending her hand for a handshake.

Linda smiled and took Kiran’s hand.

“Nice to meet you too, Kiran,” Linda said with a smile and Celine smiled too, seeing how happy they are getting along.

“So how are you liking college so far?” Kiran asked Celine.

“It’s been a lot of fun,” Celine replied.

“I’m enjoying the classes and the people here,” Celine smiled.

“How is Max doing,is he still working part time?” Celine asked Kiran.

“Max is doing great! Though I once told him to quit his work and focus on college, he won’t listen” Kiran said, sounding concerned.

“He must be really enjoying his job,” Celine said and Kiran shook her head.

“It’s not that,” She said.

“It’s just that he misses Rudy since they both always work together, ” Kiran said.

“Everyone miss Rudy,” Celine muttered, touching her lips.

“The guy I gave my first kiss to,” She said inwardly.

“Wait, do you guys know Cody too?” Linda asked.

“Huh! Cody?” Kiran raised her brows.

“Who is Cody?” Celine asked.

“He is the guy you call Rudy just now” Linda said and suddenly covered her mouth when she realized what she just said.


Nathan nodded, trying to be brave but deep down he was scared,because the guy who owns half of the place has a criminal record.

Cody opened the door with his card then suddenly screamed.

“Dodge” Cody screamed as he saw a knife flying out.

The knife was heading straight for Nathan.

Cody quickly reacts by pushing Nathan out of the way a little and the knife hits the wall behind Nathan narrowly missing him.

Nathan stood there in shock breathing heavily with his eyes widened in fear.

“Are you o..”

Cody pauses as he sights some couples of knives heading for them.

“Bend down” Cody yelled at Nathan who just stood there frozen, unable to move.

His mind was racing, trying to process what was happening.

But he couldn’t think straight.

All he could do was stand there, paralyzed with fear.

Cody leaped into action, grabbing Nathan and pushing him out of the way.

The knife flew past, missing them both by inches as it fell after hitting the wall.

Nathan collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily and shaking all over.

He couldn’t believe what had just happened. If it hadn’t been for Cody, he could have been seriously injured, or worse.

“Hey,Are you okay?” Cody asked Nathan and he couldn’t reply.

Nathan couldn’t speak, he was too overwhelmed by the whole situation.

He just sat there trembling in fear, staring at the ground, trying to calm his racing heart.

“This is bad” Cody sighs seeing how bad Nathan was shaking.

He knelt down beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“Stay calm, nothing is going to happen to you,” Cody said, his voice reassuring.

“I’m going to deal with whoever is throwing these knives,okay?”

Nathan nodded, unable to find his voice.

He felt like he was in a daze, his mind still reeling from the close call.

Cody stood up and looked into the apartment for some minutes before he looked at the knives on the floor beside them.

He quickly picked three,hiding one behind his back.

“I have an idea,” Cody said, his voice low and conspiratorial.

“But it’s going to be a little risky”

Nathan looked up at him, his eyes wide.

He didn’t know what to expect.

“I’m going to throw one of the knives back at whoever is throwing them,” Cody said, looking at Nathan to gauge his reaction.

Nathan’s eyes widened even further.

“What?” he whispered, barely able to get the word out.

“Are… are you crazy?”

“It’s the only way to stop them,” Cody said, his voice calm and determined.

“I’ll do it when they throw another knife,” Cody said.

“I’ll wait for the right moment, and then I’ll throw it right back at them”

“It’s the only way to catch them off guard and stop them from hurting us” Cody said and Nathan still wasn’t convinced.

“But what if you miss?” He asked, his voice shaking.

“Or what if they throw it too fast, and you don’t have time to react?” Nathan said.

Cody considered this for a moment, then chuckled.

“I’ve been practicing knife throwing for months now I’m very good at it”


“I’m confident that I can do this, but I understand if you don’t want to take the risk,” Cody said.

Nathan sat there, torn.

He didn’t want to risk anyone getting hurt, But on the other hand, he knew that something had to be done to stop the attacks.

“Okay,” He said, his voice shaking slightly.

“But please, be careful”

Cody nodded.

“I will,” He said.

“And you stay low, and don’t move until I say it’s safe, okay?”

Nathan nodded, his heart pounding in his chest, He was scared but he trusted Cody.

And he knew that they had to do something to end this madness.

So, they waited. Minutes ticked by slowly, as they listened for the sound of another knife being thrown.

The silence was deafening, and it felt like an eternity.

Finally, the sound of a knife slicing through the air broke the silence heading toward them.

Without hesitation, Cody grabbed one of the knives and threw it back.

The knives collided together and they both fell.

Cody quickly threw another knife to the direction of where the first knife was coming from and the next thing they heard was a loud groan and thud as the knife hit the attacker.

The attacks stopped, and Nathan was left staring at Cody in shock.

“Are you okay?” Cody asked and Nathan nodded, still in a state of disbelief.

“I… I think so,” He said, still trying to process what had just happened.

He couldn’t believe what he just witnessed.

“He is amazing,” Nathan said inwardly, still staring at Cody.

“What about you?” Nathan asked.

“I’m fine,” Cody replied.

“But… that was a close call”

Nathan nodded, still too stunned to speak.

He couldn’t believe how close they had come to being hurt. And he couldn’t believe what Cody had just done.

“Wait for me here, I’m going in,” Cody said.

“Huh! What?”

“Don’t …”

Before Nathan could complete his words Cody already went in.

Cody crept into the apartment, trying to look for the attacker.

He wasn’t sure if he would be able to find whoever it is, but he knew he had to see for himself.

As he made his way through the apartment, he noticed a trail of blood leading towards a dark hallway.

Taking a deep breath, Cody made his way down the hallway.

It turns out the hallway was a dead end.

There was a door at the end of the hallway.

Cody approached the door and saw a name was written on the door, It was actually his name.

“So this is my room” Cody brought out his key card to open the door when he suddenly noticed a presence behind him.

“Don’t move” The voice said, placing a knife on Cody’s neck.


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