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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A COMPLICATED LIFE – Episode 27 & 28

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Life 💘

( Crazy + Cold … )



By:Divine Peace × Lerry



“Very soon,your boyfriend Rudy is gonna get expelled from our school”

“What?!” Mina said, her eyes wide with disbelief.

“You can’t be serious,Why would they expel him?”

“He beat up a fellow student,and this,”Adrian said, showing Mina the pictures of Rudy kissing Angela.

“Those are fake!” Mina said, her voice rising in pitch.

“Someone must have edited those! Senior Rudy would never do something like that!”

Adrian laughed, clearly enjoying the distress he was causing.

“You really are naive, aren’t you?”He said.

“Do you really think Rudy is as innocent as he seems?”

Mina felt a wave of anger wash over her.

“Senior Rudy is a good person,”She said, her voice shaking with emotion.

“He’s not the type to doing something like that”

“I think you’re just refusing to see the truth,” Adrian said.

Mina felt her anger rising, but she fought to keep her voice steady.

“I’m not refusing to see anything,”She said.

“I’m just not willing to condemn someone without proof”

Adrian rolled his eyes.

“You’re being willfully blind,” he said.

“I’ve seen the evidence, and it’s pretty damning,I don’t know why you’re defending him so fiercely”

Mina took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

“I’m not being willfully blind, okay”she said, struggling to keep her voice level and Adrian scoffed.

“You’re so naive,” he said, his tone mocking.

“It’s like you’ve never met a bad person in your life. Do you really think Rudy is inherently good?”

Mina felt her temper rise, but she bit her tongue to keep herself calm.

She knew that if she let her anger get the best of her, she would regret it later.

“Ahem,can I see the picture again?”Mina asked.


“So I could see the lady’s face,”Mina replied.

“Sure”Adrian gave her his phone.

“Thank you”Mina’s smile zooming on the lady’s face in the picture.

“Whoa she is beautiful”Mina complimented.

“Yeah and very hot too,”Adrian added.


“Do you know her?”Mina asked.

“Yes,her name is Angela. She just transferred to our school today with her friend Ellie,”Adrian smiled.

“Ellie”Mina called as her eyes widened.

“Did just mentioned the name Ellie just now”Mina asked.

“Yes, Ellie is Angela frie..”

“Is Ellie a model?”Mina cut in.

“Yes,I’m certain,”Adrian replied.

“No .. no .. no .. she can’t be the one …it can’t be her”Mina said inwardly.

“Are you okay?”Adrian asked.

“Ye,I’ fine”Mina stammered.


“Anyway Brother, how do you get this picture?”Mina asked as she clicked on the delete button.

“I took it when I saw them kissing,”Adrian replied.

“Ohh”Mina faked a smile after she deleted it.

“So what are you going to do with it”

“That’s none of your business and give me back my phone”Adrian said and Mina quickly returned his phone back to him with a smirk on her lips.

“What the heck”Adrian’s eyes widened in shock as he wasn’t able to find the picture.

“Mina what di…. th..the picture,where is it”

“Where is the picture?”Adrian asked.

“I deleted it,”Mina replied.


“Yeah I deleted the picture and there is nothing you can do about that,”Mina said.

“But why?”Adrian asked, not believing his ears.

“Because you might use the picture to get Senior Rudy expelled and I don’t want that”

“I don’t want senior Rudy to leave the school,”Mina said sadly and smiled.

She stuck her tongue out at him.

“I will be in my room in case mom calls on me”Mina said walking away.

Adrian watched her till she was out sights then suddenly smirked.

“Haha,” Adrian laughed, shaking his head.

“She is quite the dumb one, isn’t she?”He said and brought out his laptop.

“She thinks she can just delete the picture just like that, she has no idea it’s in my laptop,”Adrian smiled, his voice full of mischief.

He pulled up the picture on his laptop, clicking through the folder where he had saved it.

He couldn’t help but feel a little smug, knowing that he had the picture and Mina didn’t know.

But as he looked at the picture, something started to nag at him.

He knew that using the picture to get Rudy expelled would be wrong.

It wasn’t fair to Rudy, and it certainly wasn’t fair to Mina.

He had never really considered the consequences of his actions before.

He had always been focused on what he could gain from a situation, without thinking about the cost.

But now, for the first time, he was starting to think about the impact of his actions on others. And it was making him feel uncomfortable.

He knew that he had to do something about the situation, but he wasn’t sure what.

He couldn’t bring himself to delete the picture, but he also couldn’t bring himself to use it against Rudy.

He felt stuck, like he was in a maze with no way out.

But he knew that he had to find a solution, and soon. The longer he waited, the worse the situation would get.

He closed his laptop, rubbing his eyes wearily.

He was exhausted, both mentally and physically.

He had spent the last few hours consumed by thoughts of Rudy, and it was starting to take its toll.

He decided that he needed some fresh air, and headed out the door for a walk.

As he walked, he tried to clear his head, but it was no use.

The thoughts kept swirling around in his mind, refusing to give him a moment’s peace.

He sighs shortly.

“What the h*ll is wrong with me why couldn’t I just post the picture and end all this drama”He said to himself.

But a small voice inside him whispered.

“Because it’s wrong”

He knew that voice was right, but he still struggled to make sense of it all.

Why did Mina care so much about Rudy?

Why did everyone like Rudy so much?

Why did the new girl kiss him?

Is he better than him?

Is Rudy special or something?

“No, that couldn’t be it,”He muttered.

“There is nothing special about Rudy,He is just a normal guy, like anyone else but he is cold”

“There had to be another reason,”Adrian thought, suddenly his stomach rumbled.

“f_ck,I’m hungry”He muttered and headed back home.



“I can’t believe I screwed up on today’s photo$h00t,”Angela muttered as she laid on her bed.

She replayed the events of the day in her head, berating herself for each and every mistake she had made.

She hasn’t been herself since they left the school, and it has shown in her work.

The photos were not up to her usual standard, and she knew the magazine would be disappointed.

She was about to give up and go to sleep when her phone vibrated on her nightstand. She picked it up and saw that it was a text from Ellie.

“Hey Angela,are you okay,you got me all worried on today’s $h00t” The text read and Angela sighed.

She didn’t want to tell Ellie about what had happened between her and Rudy in the hallway today,so didn’t reply to Ellie ‘s text.

“I’m not different from Ellie”Angela muttered as everything that happened in the hallway kept rushing through her head.


“What are you going to do?”He asked, coldly but it didn’t seem to affect Angela.

She smiled widened as she leaned in close to him.

“This,”She whispered, before kissing him on his lips.

Rudy was stunned,he had no idea what to do next. Should he kiss her back? Push her away? Say something?

Before he could decide, Angela pulled away from him and looked at him expectantly.

“Tha..that was my first kiss and..and.. I want it to be romantic”Angela said shyly as she stared at Rudy’s lips.

She grabbed Rudy’s arms and wrapped it around her waist.

“Rudy,you are the whole reason why I came to this school,so if you don’t love me what is the point?”Angela said, wrapping her arms around Rudy’s neck.

“I love you so much,Rudy please love me back”Angela said as tears began to roll down her eyes again.

“Rudy,”She called, kissing him again but Rudy pushed her away which surprised Angela.

“Stop this Angela” Rudy said, holding her at arm’s length.

“You’re not thinking clearly”

“You don’t mean any of this”

Angela stared at him, her eyes wide.

“What do you mean?”She asked, her voice shaking.

“I know what I feel,I love you Rudy”Angela said and Rudy sighed.

“You don’t love me, you just think you do,”Rudy said gently.

“You’re just confused and hurt because you found out I have a girlfriend”

“No, that’s not true,”Angela said.

“You’re just latching onto me because you feel lost and lonely,” Rudy continued.

Angela listened, tears running down her face.

“No you are wrong”Angela shook her head.

“I know what I feel,” she said.

“I know that I love you and I know you love m…”

“I’m not in love with you”Rudy cut in.


“So it wouldn’t be fair to either of us to try and force something that’s not there”

Angela felt her heart breaking into a million pieces.

She didn’t want to accept what he was saying.

“ …no that’s not true,it can’t be true”Angela said wrapping her arms around Rudy’s neck.

“Angela,”He called, gently untangling her arms from around his neck.

“Please don’t do this”

“Don’t do what?”She asked, her voice shaking.

“Don’t cling to me,”Rudy said, his voice soft but firm.

“I don’t want you to do that, It won’t change anything”

“No,that’s not true”She said and kissed him and Rudy quickly pulled away.

“Please, stop,”He said.

“What you’re doing right now is making you no different from Ellie”Rudy muttered and walked away.

Angela felt her heart sinking like her world was crashing down around her.

She couldn’t believe what he just said.

“No difference from Ellie,”She said.

“Is he going to start avoiding me just like Ellie?”Angela’s eyes widened.

“No,he can’t do that”

“What if he did,what if he started avoiding me”

“Why am I going to do,I don’t know what to do”

She didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to let go of him, but she knew he was right.

She couldn’t force him to love her. It would only hurt her in the end.

“I’m really in love with you Rudy and I refuse to believe you have a girlfriend”


Angela is already asleep with traces of eyes on her face.

“I love you Rudy,”She said, still asleep.

“I love you so much,Ru..dy”




👥 The picture is all over the school platform.

👤 I can’t believe Rudy would do something like that.

👤 It not true.

👤It all her fault.

👤 She must be trying to seduce him or something.

👤 Rudy would have never kiss her.

👥 The picture must be fake.

👥 We can’t just make assumptions without any proof.

👤 Rudy can’t be getting expelled or suspended.

👥 They shouldn’t do that there no evidence.

The students continue murmuring, feeling pity for Rudy and staring h@ťěfully at Angela.

“Silent everyone”The teacher said and they all kept quiet.

“Rudy, is the picture true?”The teacher asked.

“Yes,”Rudy replied with a calm face, not feeling scared or anything.

“Then is it true you were harassing her?”The teacher asked.

Rudy hesitated for a moment before he said.


“So you forcefully kiss her”

“Yes”Rudy lied and the teacher chuckled.

“I can’t believe you would do such a thing anyway, park your things and go to the principal’s office,you are getting expelled”The teacher said, looking sternly at Rudy and the students gasps in shock.

Rudy wasn’t surprised or shocked he already knew this was going to happen.

The whole class tried to protest, but the teacher cut them off.

“No excuses,” she said, her voice firm.

“Rudy,I’m sorr….”

Before she could finish her sentence, Rudy cut her off.

“Please, don’t,”He said.

“I don’t want to hear any more apologies or excuses,just… just stay away from me”

Angela’s eyes stung with tears.

She had never seen Rudy like this cold, distant,and it’s hurt her.

“I… I’m sorry,” she said again, the words barely audible and Rudy gathered his things and walked out of the classroom.

Angela watched as he walked out the door, her heart heavy with regret.

She couldn’t believe how badly she had messed things up with Rudy, and she didn’t know how to fix it.

She wanted to explain herself, to tell him that she never meant for that to happen, but she knew he wouldn’t want to hear it.

All she could do was hope that he would eventually be able to forgive her.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the period, but Angela didn’t move.

She just sat there, lost in her thoughts. She felt like a complete mess.

Rudy’s reputation at school was ruined, and it was because of her.

“Everything is going to be fine,”Ellie smiled and sat beside her.

“Celine isn’t in school today,”Ellie said.

Angela looked at Ellie and hugged her with tears rolling down her eyes.



Immediately Rudy walks into the office,the principal said.

“Rudy Gray,you’re getting expelled”


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