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HomeA BOY LIKE ME (Gay Story)A BOY LIKE ME: True Life Story Of A Nigerian Gay Boy...

A BOY LIKE ME: True Life Story Of A Nigerian Gay Boy – Episode 7

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Collins knows my password and I also know his password to our phones, Facebook, 2go and
everything. So one day I tried accessing Collins phone, I discovered he has changed his
password, I challenged him for doing such but he was just nagging, he said he has something
personal, I suspected something was going on but I wasn’t sure if it was a girl or a boy cos I know i was the only guy Collins was having segz with, little did i know that there was someone under my
nose servicing my boyfriend in the same compound we were living, I couldn’t believe it. How I
found out was so divine, seriously divine. Collins was sleeping with the student male hair dresser
in my compound, this hair dresser has a shop in our compound, this guy is so Ɓîtçhy and ugly, his
name is Slimzy, that is what they call him. Like I said earlier how I found out was really funny, it
was so funny, Collins thinks he’s smart but I’m smarter, I can be foolish at times but I got Collins
really bad this time.

Lately, I discovered Collins doesn’t demand for segz anymore, he hardly makes love to me, I will
be the one to make an approach. Unlike before, Collins must make love with me almost
everyday, we make love almost everyday, both day and night , to the extent that I used
Collins’ Ďïčk as pillow. What was going on? He changed the password to his phone and all that, I
was beginning to suspect him. I also changed my password to my phone and Facebook, 2go and
Nimbuzz too, as he was always checking my phone and my social networking account, so one
day he picked my phone, he tried accessing it, he couldn’t, the next thing he said was “You’ve
started again abi, you’ve started sleeping around”, I was just laughing, I didn’t say anything, he
got angry that day and was nagging on why I changed my password, I confronted him too on
why he changed his own too, Collins was really angry that afternoon, he has changed, he
wanted to hit me, cos he couldn’t believe I could laugh over it, he warned me to change the
password, I didn’t answer him, he came closer to me, I was even scared, I thought he wanted
to beat me, Collins is older and stronger than me, taller than me, he’s huge too. He gave me my
phone and told me to unlock it and change the password to his name “Collins”, I didn’t answer
him, the next thing Collins held my neck and was thr_@tening me, he was really angry that
afternoon, he went out cos if he had stayed a little bit longer in that room, he would break my
head. Collins loves me but he’s a possessed jealous lover, I remembered how he tried ruining
me and his sister’s relationship. Collins always want to have things done in his own way, very
domineering. Collins left the room out of anger, i was really scared and worried, I had to change
the password to “Collins” just to please him.
It was getting late, really late, Collins is not yet back, what is going on? I tried calling him, I sent
him several text messages apologizing, he finally came back, it was late in the night, I was
begging him, I began to apologize, I showed him my phone that I’ve changed my password to his
name, he didn’t answer me, I tried kissing him, and the only way I can get him to forgive me is through segz, he was pushing me away, I finally kissed him, he responded, he said he loves me,
we kissed then we had cool segz that night to make up. Later in the night, I woke up in the night
to go defecate, there was no light, so I tried picking a phone to flash the light, fortunately it was
Collins’ phone that i picked instead of my phone. I didn’t even know, I got to the toilet,
defecating, I pressed the phone again to flash the light, I discovered it wasn’t my phone, to cap
it all,, the phone wasn’t locked, he forgot to lock it, I adjusted and started going through his
phone, I saw his text messages, nothing important on it, I went through his pictures, nothing
spectacular in it. Then I thought about logging into his 2go account but my believe was that he
has changed his password, low and behold I clicked on 2go, he didn’t log out, his account was
showing “away”, I quickly went through his chat, I shouldn’t have gone through his chat cos
what I saw their was heartbreaking, I read his chat with Slimzy, who is Slimzy? The Slimzy didn’t
use his picture as profile picture, so I was wondering if it was a girl or a boy, the content of
the chat was about me and Collins, how we fought, our relationship and how we do have segz,
how him and Slimzy do have segz, how they had segz that evening, that same night he had segz
with me, how Collins was comparing me to Slimzy saying he’s tired of me, he detest me, that he
was only using me, saying Slimzy was good on bed than me, the Slimzy even advised him to
break up with me and throw me out that he can’t wait to be exclusive with him, the only good
thing I could read in that chat was Collins saying he can’t break up with me that he think he still
loves me but he’s tired of me and if he breaks up with me that I might ki|| myself cos I can’t do
without him. I was mad, I couldn’t cry, I was just laughing, I was surprised, I tried finding out
who is this Slimzy, his picture wasn’t there, so i scrolled down to read their last chat, in the chat
Collins asked him if he would be coming to shop tomorrow, Slimzy said he would be coming cos
he has customers he want to make hair for. Then Collins asked him if he would come play with
him in his room, Slimzy said maybe, if I won’t be at home, I still remember that side very well,
let me quote him he said “if your Ɓîtçh won’t be there”, can you imagine, a Ɓîtçhy fool calling
me a Ɓîtçh. It was then I realised the Slimzy he was chatting with was the student hair dresser
that has a shop in our compound. A very Ɓîtçhy guy that I loathe with passion.

I still remember it was this same Collins that was warning me against Slimzy telling me not to
associate myself with him, calling him all sorts of name, not knowing it is the same Slimzy my so
called boyfriend was f-__-king behind my back in the same compound, Collins was saying bad
things about Slimzy in my presence whereas he was also saying bad things about me in Slimzy’s presence. I’ve had enough, thank God there is still Wale….

Ever since I read that chat, my attitude has changed towards Collins. I stopped having segz with
him, I stopped cooking, I hardly cook, there was a time I was washing my clothes, he now
brought his own clothes for me to wash it, he even dropped them on my dirty clothes and told me to wash it for him, he went out. I just smiled to myself, I washed my own clothes and left his
clothes outside, why would I do such? He should take it to Slimzy. He came back late that
day, it was on Saturday, he brought a food flask, i guess Slimzy cooked for him, he met his
clothes outside, he rushed inside the room with anger, he started nagging, shouting, I was just
laughing, I didn’t even say a word, he kept on calling me names, he said he h@ťěs me, I stopped
giving him segz, I was just laughing, I didn’t reply him. When I discovered, he’s calm,
he was eating, I said “why don’t you go and give it to Slimzy to help you wash them?”, he looked
at me and started laughing, “so you already know, thank God you now know, he’s the one that
cooked this food I’m eating”. He didn’t even care, I felt bad somehow, he didn’t even apologize
or something, he wasn’t remorse at all, has it gotten to this? I was just hissing, we didn’t talk to
each other through out that day. Later in the night, I didn’t sleep beside him, I slept on the rug
cos I felt bad, I cried at some point, i love Collins so much, I practically worshipped him. He
was sleeping on the bed, I was sleeping on the rug, the next thing, he came to meet me on the
rug, he tapped me, squeezing my @zz, flirting with me “Bruno i want segz, I miss you”, I told him
to go meet Slimzy, I pushed him away, i was annoyed, he told me to adapt to Slimzy, he said I
once cheated on him too. I told him it doesn’t mean anything at least he has numerous
girlfriends, why does he need to go meet Slimzy of all people. He tried to get into my head, I told
him I can’t have segz with him again until he apologizes and stay away from Slimzy. He said its
impossible, its either I adapt to Slimzy or we break up. I told him i prefer breaking up with him,
he said I was joking, he tried kissing me, I pushed him away with anger, he fell on the floor. “You
are mad” he said, Collins loves saying that anytime he’s pissed. “Its over between us, I even
prefer Slimzy to you, he’s better than you”, I made up my mind already, my love for Collins died
instantly. We slept separately that night, we both couldn’t sleep that night, I couldn’t sleep, he
couldn’t sleep, he woke up very early in the morning and went out, I picked some of my
clothes and went to Wale’s place since I’ve told Wale about everything.

After so many weeks, that we broke, we were still living together. I began dating Wale, me and
Wale became lovers. Wale f-__-ks me a lot, Wale even got me a Blackberry phone, Wale was so
caring. Yes, I met Wale’s friend, Tayo, oh my God, Tayo too is cute but Tayo was flirting with me,
for the fact that I was dating his friend. The first day Wale introduced me to Tayo, he was just
staring at me, looking at me with segzy eyes, I wasn’t comfortable. He was just smiling at me, so
many times our eyes would jammed. Anyway, Tayo stole my phone number and Bbm pin, me
and Tayo’s case was something else, so crazy I fell for him but that story is for some other time,
will gist you how me and Tayo had segz in Wale’s house very soon. So, me and Collins we don’t
talk at all, we hardly talk, we sleep on separate mattress in the room, I don’t cook anymore, I
would go to my boyfriend’s place, I mean Wale’s place to cook and eat, I’m a good cook, Wale
loves my cooking, Wale was really begging me to move in with him but I don’t want to leave
Collins for now cos I was still hoping maybe he would come back to his senses. I do sleep in
Wale’s place most times. Less I forget, did you know that the Ɓîtçhy Slimzy turned me to rival?
Each time I walk pass his shop, its either he hissed, or sings abusive songs, he was insulting me
indirectly. That dude can Ɓîtçh, he’s so razz, sincerely speaking I don’t like male hairdresser, all
male hairdressers are so razz, so razz, ninety nine percent of them are so razz. I would just
ignore him anytime he does that, but there was one time he really got on my nerve, we almost fought that day cos we were exchanging abusive words.

During second semester examination, I was still in 100 level when this whole thing happened. I came home late that day, I met Collins in the room, he was on the bed, I was even
surprised he came home early this time, he was putting on only his boxers, I greeted him, I don’t have exam the second day though. I was so tired that day, ever since me and Collins broke up I’ve stopped going naked in his presence, I don’t go naked in his presence anymore. So that day, I was weak, I pulled off my clothes to go and shower, while I was in the bathroom, we stay in a room self contain, showering in the bathroom already..

Then my phone rings, I quickly jumped out of the bathroom to get my phone. It was on the
reading table, it was my mum that called, I picked up the phone talking to my mum, I’ve totally
forgotten that I was naked and I never want to be naked in Collins’ presence anymore, well its
not my fault I’m used to going naked in his presence. I was on phone with my mum, I didn’t
realize I was naked in his presence, while talking on the phone, I noticed Collins was staring at
me, then I looked at him we were both staring at each other, then he smiled at me looking at
me flirty eyes. I gave him an irritating look, an angry face, the way he was looking at me made
me realize I was naked. I went back inside the bathroom still on the phone with my mum, the
next thing, Collins entered the bathroom, he said he want to use the toilet, he was hard already.
I finished talking to my mum on phone, he was sitting on the water closet, staring at me and I
know what Collins is capable of doing. I quickly showered in his presence, I even thought he
would come and harass me while I was taking my bath, I finished taking my bath. He was still sitting on the water closet, only God knows if he was really defecating, I was about to exit the bathroom the next thing, Collins touched my lap, trying to flirt with me, I fling his hand away, he was just smiling. He knows what he was doing and he’s never gonna get it, never, until he
apologizes and stay away from slimzy.

In the bedroom already, he was on the bed playing with his phone, while I was watching a
movie, sitting on the rug. The light went off, NEPA again. I quickly picked up my phone and
began to chat, I was pinging, I’ve already met new friends on Facebook and 2go and they are all
gay. Some from my school while others from different places, especially on 2go, the gay room in
the lifestyle section (the gay room no longer exist on 2go except the men’s lounge), you can
easily get any dude you want from there. But the fastest place to get any gay dude to hook up
with instantly is Manjam and Grindr, I have account in all these places, I’ve met new friends from these social networking sites but I’ve not meet them face-to-face. So while chatting with my buddies, all of sudden Collins jumped on me “why are you avoiding me?”, he asked, I told him to stop and leave me alone, but he wouldn’t listen, he kept asking silly questions, “who is Wale?”, “is he the one that got your blackberry”, “is it because I’m not as rich as Wale abi”, he was going on and on and on, at some point I didn’t pay him any attention, I tried pushing him away but he’s way stronger, since he doesn’t want to leave me alone, I began chatting, he took my phone “I’m
talking to you, you’re using me to press your cheap blackberry your stupid boyfriend got for you,
Bruno you can’t do without me” he said, I got angry and told him to stop saying such, I told
him he has pride, so he believes everything is not his fault, he doesn’t want to put the blame on
himself. He said he can’t apologize to me that I’m suppose to apologize to him, Collins tried
kissing me, he was horny that night, he was hard. I told him to stop, I told I’m dating
someone else and I can’t cheat on him, I tried pushing him away, he held my two hands, forcing
himself on me, I told him I was going to scream if he doesn’t leave me, he said he want segz, he
was harassing me, I struggled with him, I was beginning to shout, then he slapped me, not a
hard one tho but just a small slap “what is wrong with you, do you think I can’t rape you, if not for what will happen I will have my way and you can’t stop me, if you can’t have segz with me then why are you still leaving with me?” He angrily moved away from me, he was just hissing, he went to the bathroom, I guess he went to the bathroom to m@$tvrb@te cos he stayed in the
bathroom for a very long time, he finally came out and went to bed and slept off. I couldn’t
sleep that night, I was surprised, assuming he had apologized we would have had segz, I wanted the segz with him cos I miss him so much but he’s so full of himself.
The following day, I picked some of my things, I won’t be coming back home that day, I will
be sleeping over at my boyfriend’s place. Collins was on the bed while I was doing this, he was
just staring at me then he said he want us to talk about some things, I told him I have tutorials
that probably when I come back we would talk. He didn’t argue with me, I left that day I went to
school, from school I went to my boyfriend’s (Wale) place. The afternoon I got to Wale’s place
we had segz, lol, Wale loves afternoon segz. After the segz I slept off woke up in the evening to
read for exam, i have exam the following day, Wale did the cooking, he didn’t disturb me because
I have exam and that was the reason why we had segz in the afternoon so that I would be able
read in the evening. While reading, my phone rang, I picked my phone I checked it, it was Collins
calling. I answered him, Collins asked of my whereabout, I told him I was with my boyfriend, he
hissed, he asked if i won’t be coming home that night, that he needed to talk to me. I told him I
won’t be coming home that I was busy reading, I have exams, Collins began to nag on phone,
calling me slut. I had cut the phone since he doesn’t have anything reasonable to say. Collins
began calling again, he kept on calling, calling, calling, calling, Wale was angry, he wanted to pick
the call, I begged him not to cos he was going to insult him. Collins kept on calling, I had to put
my phone on silence, still he kept on calling, he stopped calling, he began to send me text
messages, thr_@tening me, he was going to throw me out of his room, calling me slut, saying
I’m having segz instead of me to be reading for exams, he kept on sending annoying text
messages, it got to a stage I had to switch off my phone cos he was a pest at that moment. I kept
on reading, I wouldn’t want anyone to get into my head at this period, its exam time and I take
it serious, I love having segz during exam time, its very good. If you study after segz for your
exams, you would assimilate very well.

The next day, after my exam, I went home. I got home, I found my things outside, my bags,
clothes, shoes all my things outside. The painful part was my documents scattered everywhere, I
couldn’t cry but I was hurt. I made up my mind that it is finally over between us. I arranged my
things in order, I called Wale and explained things to him, thank God Wale was less busy, he
promised to come help pack my things. I sat outside, while waiting for Wale, Lillian came to
meet, she spanked my head and said “you this boy, didn’t I tell this would happen again”, I
smiled, I couldn’t say anything but to smile. She said she purposely didn’t pack my things cos
she want me to come see them with my eyes, she offered help, she said i should move in with
her. I told her, someone is coming that I’ve made another arrangement, she sat beside me and
we began talking, while talking, Collins walked pass us, Lillian was just laughing, she now said
“why are you people behaving like husband and wife? I’m suspecting you guys”. Wale finally
came, he came with Tayo, they brought a cab to help me with my things. Surprisingly, Lillian
knows Wale very well, they greeted each other, I packed my things, Tayo helped me. I finally
packed my things, bid Lillian farewell, while our cab was moving, Collins came out, he wasn’t
happy, he was sad, he never expected I would do such, he was expecting me to come beg again
like I used to. I could feel he was regretting his action, he never wanted me to leave but I guess it
was too late. While in the cab, Tayo asked if that was Collins, I told him he’s the one. The next
thing, Wale was giving Collins a “f-__-k you” sign. Collins was just looking at the cab as it was
going… That was the end of me and Collins, even though after some weeks Collins apologized
later, begging me to forgive him but it was rather to late, there is no going back. Collins begged
me, he would come meet meet me in the department, begging me to forgive him, the next thing
he started thr_@tening he was going to deal with Wale. I told him its over and over, to the extent
that Collins traced where I was staying. He finally gave up on me, but what annoyed me most
was that Collins ruined the relationship between me and his sister Daniella, he cooked up some
false stories against me, telling Daniella to break up with me. I was surprised, the stupid girl too
called me on phone and told me she’s breaking up with me, I begged her but she said no. It really
pained me cos she was to come to my place for a weekend, I’ve already made some plans, and
sincerely speaking I missed Pů$$¥ I needed to have segz with a girl, I missed Daniella’s Pů$$¥, too
bad her brother ruined everything.

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