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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SINNERS – Episode 36

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[ # 1 in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogant , billionaire , Age gap , Marriage contract .

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]




” It’s so good to see you trying to look more beautiful for Massimo …” I heard a familiar voice and froze .

” How is it ? I mean living my life ? She asked and I raised my eyes in shock .

” Gina ” I said as my heartbeat increased .

” Did you miss me ? She asked Walking towards me and I looked away .

I h@ťěd the fact that it felt like I was staring at myself , Gina and I we’re exactly the same …we we’re splitting image of each other and It hurts .

” I’m not leaving your life Gina …you know what you’re so shameless to even come infront of me after everything you’ve done ” I said and she laughed .

‘ “shameless huh ….? Who’s more shameless between us Grace ? Fine I’ve been a wh-_-re. …for the most part of my life but you …how does it feel spreading your legs for the man that ruined your life ? Mo*ning his name and even having the effontry to Com after Your activities..don’t you feel disgusted with the fact that you enjoy all of that ? She asked as she trailed her fingers in my hair and I pushed her hand off.

” Trying to Act tough huh ? We’re all in this game Grace and trust me father knows you’re married to Massimo. ….you’re just a game for all of us ” she said and I sucked on my breath .

” Let go of me Gina I’m not interested in knowing any nonsense you have to so ” I fired Angrily at her and before I could scream she pushed and slammed me right back on the slab .

” Listen here little step sister , I won’t have you run your mouth I’m not Massimo got it …” She asked as she sent a knife to my throat I froze .

” Massimo doesn’t love you Grace , that’s how he acts when your Pů$$¥ is where he finds solace …once he’s done he’s done …don’t start building sand castles in the air no woman can love him the way I do baby sis ” she said and a whimper escaped my lips .

I tried to struggle and felt the tip making me cry out at the pain .

” Now listen and listen good….” She trailed and we heard gun shot.

” f-__-k ” she cursed as she turned with me in her hands .

” Let her go Gina ” I heard Massimo’s voice and looked up to see him .

” Massimo …my king ” she said and I nearly threw up in disgust ..

” Let go off her before I f-__-king blow your brains out ” He said pointing a gun at her .

” You can’t escape this time around Gina you’re surrounded ” Sergio said coming out with a gun and when I looked I noticed everyone was here …at the ladies flow .

” Nte nte nte ….” She clicked her tongue.

” What do you De Luca’s take me for ? A fool …do you think I’d just show up in front of you so you’d take me on …? I’m not new to this game” she said and I tried to struggle again.

” Don’t you dare hurt her I said let her go ! Massimo fired and I could feel drops of blood on my hands .

” Scared I’d slit her little throat ? She mocked and Massimo shot at her .

She Dodged and pulled me closer into the knife .

‘” Don’t ‘” Sergio screamed and the men dropped their guns .

” Hahahahaha I didn’t think I’d see a day like this … were the number one crime family can’t end the life of one woman ….”

” Massimo how does it feel to finally have a weakness ” she asked and I could already feel my vision blurring.

” What do you want ” He fired his voice held no emotions but as our eyes met …I saw fear for me in his eyes .

He was scared ….scared Gina would hurt me.

“You wanna know what I want ? I Want you Massimo …” She spat and he gritt his teeth .

” You’re just a cheap wh-_-re Gina …let go of my wife before f_cking k*ll you ” massimo tried attacking and Kristov pulled him back .

Gina mo*Ned in shock as she someone shot at her hand ,she let go of me with one hand and I cried in pain as the knife Grazed my arms .

” That’s enough I told you not to $h00t ! Massimo fired Angrily.

” This is out only chance at getting ..her ….and you ! I heard Rico’s voice as my eye lids began to close .

” Y’all think you can get rid of me …but even if you ki|| me tonight , y’all won’t make it out of here alive , non of you ” she said mockingly.

” Let her go ” massimo said and she laughed.

” The time’s counting we can all get out of here if you all cooperate with me …I’m leaving this place with your wife , or you all stay here untill my men set this place ablaze and we all die together…at least I get to die with my favorite people ” she mocked and before my eyes closed they met with Massimo for last time.

” Touch a strand of my hair. ..De Lucas and I promise you …the bomb would go off …”



” How’s she. ..? ” I asked kristov in pannick and he sighed .

” Calm down Massimo we’ve dressed the wounds. . were lucky we got here on time …or else I don’t know what would have happened ” he said and i stared at my fragile woman on the bed unconscious .

She had stitches on her skin ….

” Max …” Rico called as I stormed out of the room .

I was loosing my mind ..flashes of how close Gina was and the fact that I let her escape was messing with my mind .

Gina escaped tonight …she was prepared for the attack just as much as we we’re.

She hurt Grace d*mmit she hurt my woman .

” Massimo …! ” Rico called after me but I didn’t stop .

” Don ” Dante called as I stormed into the dungeons .

I needed to vent my anger on something or someone …I need to see something suffer for what Grace has gone through tonight .

” Don ” one of my men nodded and pointed at one of the Criminals who had dared to cross my part .

” Don I swear …on my life …I’m innocent ..I only wanted money for my son’s treatments…”

” You’re sons treatments …since when did you need such huge amount of money for your son’s treatments ? We take responsibility for all your children health and education you earn well so c’mon tell me what you needed such amount of money for ” I said gritting my teeth as I threw him a pu`nch and bl**d rushed out of his lips.

” I’m innocent I swear I’m …..” He cried with each punch he passed out and Dante pulled me away from him .

” Wake him up …I want him alife while I deal with him …I ..” I Trailed.

” Bro that’s ENOUGH! Frederico screamed at me and I rubbed my forehead.

” It’s not enough ,I couldn’t do anything I just stood there and watch Gina …that wh-_-re hurt Grace …she hurt Grace …she ” I trailed as my voice broke .

” MASSIMO ” I heard my father’s voice as he stormed into the dungeon.

” You have completely lossed it , you had your chance to eliminate Gina tonight and you let it go because of that woman you call a wife ? You see why I was against emotions ! He snapped Angrily.

” Dad Grace’s life was in danger …we can’t be so insensitive towards her” Emelio said and Dad lost it .

” Really and you couldn’t do anything to save that worthle`ss girl you used to run around with , there you go supporting love when all it’s done was f_ck you up time in Again .

” Don’t bring her into this ” Emelio said .

” Why ? She’s dead already b…” Dad trailed.

” I SAID STOP IT FATHER ! He screamed as tears rolled out of his eyes .

” Get out ! Dad said and he looked at Dad with tears rolling out of his eyes

” With pleasure ” he snapped and walked out immediately.

” Dad that was unfair you shouldn’t have brought that up ” Rico said and dad chuckled.

” Why scared I’d bring up yours too ? Y’all disappoint me especially you Massimo you let your heart rule you !

” Grace could have died tonight father …I promised her safety …I gave her my word …” I trailed .

” She’s mikhail’s Favorite daughter if she’d died tonight you could have ki||ed Gina too …and still get out of that alife y’all Weak men ! He snapped and I walked Angrily .

I Didn’t want to go to our room in this state so opt for the guest room to freshen up .

I nearly Lost Grace tonight , I need to top of my game ,I need to be too steps Ahead of Gina if I must Win this game .

I took a shower and walked out wrapped in a towel just to see someone nak*d on my bed .

” Don ” she said as she walked close to me .

” What are you doing here Lucia. ..who let you in ! I snapped angrily and she smiled.

” Hey is that the way you welcome me …I haven’t seen you since you returned from your honey moon …now don’t tell me you don’t Miss me in bed .

” You don’t miss the crazy nights ..the way I make you feel …” She said and for some wiered reason I just stared at her like she’d lost it .

” Lucia I’m married …I’d really appreciate it if you get out ! I snapped angrily and her jaws dropped .

” Massimo you can’t say this to me ..what’s wrong …with you why are you hell bent on letting those two sisters make a fool out of you ? First Gina how this Grace has you wrapped around her little finger …!

” Why don’t you stay with me Don I give you freedom ….this grace would be your Doom …I know my limits ,I don’t even want your heart ….I just want to please you Massimo …mmmm” she trailed kisses on my neck and tried to untie my towel .

I pushed her into the bed and she called me teasingly with her fingers , I stared at her in disgust and left the room immediately .

I walked into our room and grace was still unconscious , I walked passed her and into the closet to change .

When I walked out , she was now awake,our eyes met and she smiled at me but I didn’t return the smile.

” Massimo …it’s not your fault …! she said softly and I laughed bitterly.

” Congratulations at officially being my weakness Grace ” I said and she stared at me as I stood up and stormed out Angrily .

Gina might have escaped , but the next time she won’t be that lucky .


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