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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DEEP CRAVINGS – Episode 22

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Naptha shook her head. “It should be only diana and Nikita from this kingdom but someone included your name into the admission list.” She replied.

“Who?” They asked, simultaneously.
Naptha looked at Flynn and looked back at the girls. They followed her line of sight and Milena squealed.

Britt scoffed loudly. “He shouldn’t have included my name.” She groused inaudibly.

“What he did was for your own good. You will learn how to control your powers and yourself.” Naptha scolded.

She rolled her eyes again. “I know how to control myself, even more than anyone else so, sorry but I’m not going.” She replied, sternly.

Naptha held her shoulder, sighing. “Even if you know how to, you still need training. There is a lot you need to teach Mil and you can’t teach her in this dark palace.” She try to convince her.

“Even if you’d go to school because of her…” She whispered and Brittany just grumbled more.

“Fine!” She sat down grumpily and Naptha chuckled while Mil smiled at her.

The Lycan suddenly sat up, being laying on the ground before, looking and sniffing around.

“Why’s he doing like that?” Mil whispered as their eyes were all glued at him.

“I think…he is sensing something.” Britt whispered back.

His hairy legs balancing on the ground, he continued sniffing. “Someone I can’t recognize is coming.” He growled.

Britt looked down the right hand side window and she gasped. “The gang’s member, what’s his name again?” She asked.

He growled again, walking about in the room. “It’s Jedrek!”

“I thought you caught him…” Naptha asked.
He started sniffing again, more intensely. “They are close, very close.” He growled more and entered the bathroom.

“Flynn? What are…are you doing?” Milena gasped but he already landed on the ground at the backyard, from the bathroom window.

Just when he flew through the window, there was a knock. “What do you want?” Britt asked, coldly after opening the door.

Jedrek pushed her slightly sideways, entering into the room without sparing anyone a glance at all.


Jedrek and Rime rushes into the palace, leaving the gate open. “Do you know this girl’s room because it’s not maids time yet, to cook dinner so, definitely, she’d be in her room.” Jedrek stated.

“I’m afraid I don’t know her room but we can surely ask around.” He replied.

They crossed the first hallway, to the second, the third but they haven’t even seen a single person in sight.

“Did they all go on leave?” Jedrek asks while Rime almost rolled his eyes.

“Looking for someone?” Someone says, from their back.

They turned. “She’s the one, boss.” Rime informed.

“I believe you are the maid called Nikita?” Jedrek asks even when he already knew the answer as he walked closer to her.

She smiled, Jedrek’s jaw dropped open. Her round face, a little big eyes, dark eyebrows and peached lips accompained with a small space in the middle of her incisors when she smiled.

“Why are you looking for me?” Her smiling face suddenly dropped, in a frown.

“Look, I know you saw me when I was copying a certain file into my computer so, you deleted it somehow when I wasn’t there.” Rime explained, hastily.

“I think you must have mistaken me for someone else.” She smiled and started walking away from them.

“Wait!…” Jedrek stopped her, he doesn’t even know what to say.

She looked back and they both darted backwards. “Voile?…” Jedrek whispered.

“How did you…?” He tried asking while Rime’s mouth wouldn’t even close.

It was Nikita just a second ago, how the hell did she turn to someone else? – He wondered.

Jedrek ran to hug her, she hugged him back but later pushed him away slightly. “What are you doing here?” He asks, looking all over her.

“There is so much to tell but there’s no time at all as you are in the wrong hallway.” She said.

“What do you mean?” Jedrek asks.

“You came for Flynn, didn’t you?” She narrowed her eyes at them.

“No…I mean, yes. We were looking for a particular file that could ki|| him.” He explained.

“Well, I think I’ve found something better.” She winked.


“Where’s he?” Jedrek asks, looking around the room.

Britt scoffed. “Does this look like a ‘he’ room? And who is the he?” She asked, sarcastically.

Jedrek positioned himself right in front of her. “Don’t behave ignorant or you will face the consequence.”

“Consequence of what young man?” Naptha chipped in.

He faced her. “It’s an honor meeting the great sorceress of this kingdom. If I may ask, where is the Lycan?” He asked, shocking everyone.

“What do you mean? Or Brittany, do you know what he means by Lycan?” Naptha asks.

Britt perked her left brow up and shrugged. “I don’t understand too.” She replied, eyeing him.

“It is of great essence if you’d gently provide the Lycan for safety of people’s lives.” He said, his eyes wandering around the room.

“Safety of people’s lives?” Brittany asked.

“A Lycan would destroy and ki|| many people available, especially if he is just transformed into it.” He says.

“How do you know he was just transformed?” Milena who hasn’t spoken a word since he entered, asked.

“That won’t be necessary.” He smiled.

“You are a Mafia, what’s your business with supernaturals?” Naptha asks the oblivious question.

“There are things that needs urgent attention.” He replied.

“Well, as you can see, this is a female’s room not for Lycans sir.” Mil says, shifting her lips forward in a mocking manner.

“He is here. You have hidden him right?” He asks.

“Under the bed, the bathroom or in the wardrobe?” Britt scoffed, grabbing a stool to sit on it.

“You can search if you want to.” Mil says, also sitting on another stool, gesturing to the big room.

“You could care to search my room too.” Naptha added, stretching her keys to him.

He glared at them, stamping his feet angrily on the ground and left while they began to laugh.

“I wonder where and what he is doing now.” Milena mumbled.


His large feet hit the ground, dust swirled in that area. Passing through the gate with nobody in sight, he went out of the palace.

When last has he left the palace? Two years? Five years? Ten? Fifteen? – He’s not even sure.

He walked the opposite way of the palace gate, not into the people’s town, into the woods.

He continued walking, his mind far away from the woods world. He isn’t even listening to the music of the birds or as the tree branches clasps against one another or as the wind swirled dried leaves into different directions – His mind was very far away.

That girl! – His thoughts became filled up.

Since she came into the palace, different and strange things has been happening.

The day he was poisoned, she was there – Yes, he remembers now, not everything.

Right when he was transforming, the images rushed into his head that he couldn’t, at first, put them together but he surely saw her in the room, the day he was poisoned.

And then, he started segzing with her without even knowing her, he feels like he is betraying someone but who?

He walked deeper and then, he began running deeper into the forest, into the dark nights – his mind wandering around.

Jedrek! – His innerman growled.

This time is different, he couldn’t feel his demon’s anger but a different type of anger – He couldn’t explain it.

He felt like tearing someone apart or bringing something down, the half moon bright up in the sky, he howled loudly.


Milena kept on tossing on the bed, the bedspreads were all disorganized. “Will you stop turning like a gorilla?” Britt said, her sleepy voice sounding angry.

She muttered a sorry and Britt slept back even before she could apologise but she couldn’t stop turning to her sides.

Where’s he? What’s he doing right now? Is he okay? – She wondered aloud.

“You worrying and not sleeping won’t do you any good.” Britt says.

“You are awake again?” She asked.

“Yeah, thanks to you.” She muttered, yawning.

“I’m sorry but I can’t stop thinking about him. It’s so late in the night and he’s not back yet.” She said.

Britt sighed. “He is a Lycan now. He might have to suffer not sleeping for some days till we find a solution on how he’s going to shift back to his human form.” She convinced.

“I know right? So, he will be in the woods till morning.” She asks, hoping to get a negative answer which of course, not possible.

“By heavens grace and infact, it’s already morning.” She yawned again, facing the wall clock.

Milena’s eyes widened. “By the spirit, it’s already four in the morning! We have to get to school early today and I haven’t even had any sleep.” She complained, rubbing her neck.

“Oh please! Do you really have to remind me about the dungeon?” Britt hissed, laying back on the bed.

“It’s not a dungeon, Britt, it is called a school.” Mil laughed, also laying on the bed.

“Wh@ťěver…” Britt mumbled and slept off.


She sat by the window side, gazing into the dark night; her open palms on her folded gown, she traced the dark marks on her opened palms.

“Does it hurt?” Voile asked, locking the door.

She shook her head. “I’m just wondering why the marks are still visible till now..” She sighed.

“I’m not sure too but don’t you worry much about it as I need to take you somewhere right now.” She said and they both disappeared.

A cave at the South of the palace, they reappeared. “Where’s this place?” Diana asks, looking around.

“This is where I and my sisters meet.” Voile smiled.

“Your sisters but I thought you are the only child of your parents.” She said.

Voile chuckled. “Those are gone. These are my sisters now, I don’t mean siblings.”

Nikita also appeared in front of them. “Sister Voile….” She greeted.
“Who is she?” She narrowed her eyes at Diana.

“You will know soon. Leader Sapphire awaits us in the meeting room.” Voile gestured and they all entered into the cave with Diana trailing behind them.

Many sisters are already in the room with red veils covering their face. “I welcome you all as this is the first meeting we’d have after the initiation.” Leader Sapphire started.

“We should remove our veils as we have a new member in our midst today. We would complete the initiation of the new sisters, including her.” Diana gasped as she recognizes them as some of the maids who worked in the palace.

” Pincy, Petul, Minnetonka, Arn, Deign, Tim,…….Diana; Please, come forward for the final initiation.” Sapphire called out one after the other.

They lined up horizontally, according to each’s height. “Sister Nikita, start the final initiation immediately.” She gestured and an invisible drum start to beat as Leader Sapphire sits on a small throne that looks like a cowry.

Sister Nikita stepped forward with a small round pot in her hands. “Now, you’d say after me.” She stated, taking the first’s left hand ; cutting it with a blade and the blood dropped into the pot she was carrying.

“I, your name, take the blood oath today; to purify me into darkness. I swear my ledgience to the ghost Princess and to the service of Lucifer.” She prayed as all of their blood were already in the pot, including Diana.

Leader Sapphire stands again. “So be all the darkness in the four corners of the earth collide with you all as I pronounce you a sister of the dark today.” She pointed her cowry staff to them.

They all screamed, surge of power rushing through their veins providing each of them horns of darkness, they owned their own dacras.


I just said I should bless you today being the new day in a new month but the part Naptha pranked those small children with them swallowing poison hit me??…God bless my true fans this month??

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