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Friday, October 18, 2024
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We h@ťě Each Other

By Genevieve E.?




Driving home from his moms house after getting an ear full of her marriage lectures, Jared found himself stopping in front of a jewelry shop.

His heart and feet leading him, he walked into the shop nervously.

The girls gawked at him, droooling and flirting with him.

Unlike his usual self, he ignored them.

With nothing in mind to purchase he allowed his legs lead him to wherever they feel.

His eyes caught a cute diamond necklace, grabbing it he went to pay without second thoughts.

The cashier seeing him recognized him immediately, everyone knows the city womanizer.

To her, today seems to be her lucky day…

She quickly opened the two top buttons on her shirt as she tried to make eye contact with him.

Jared placed the item before her waiting to hear the price but his eyes was glued to his phone.

He had a smile on his face as he stared at wh@ťěver was on his screen.

Few seconds passed and he got no response from the cashier, wondering why Jared lifted his head.

Only to meet with her flirty look with her cleavage on display.

Seeing she got his attention, the cashier slowly placed her hands in his trailing her fingers on his arm while staring seductively into his eyes…

You like what you see? she asked and Jared smiled.

Those shrinked balls?

Oh, I see them, he replied sarcastically making the cashier close her shirt hurriedly.

Shrinked balls?

The the hell! she thought as she quickly began her job.

She helped him package it properly then bowed when she handed it to him.

Ignoring her discomfort, he dropped his phone on the counter as he fished out his card from his wallet.

She curiously took a quick peek at his phone and was shocked to see he was staring at his wedding picture.

It was the picture that was taken when they kissed in church.

Jared saw her but chose to ignore her since she didn’t say a word, he paid and walked out the same way he came with those wedding memories in his head..

Getting into his car, he received a message from Asher reminding him of Alondria’s dinner with Williams.

It was like remembering that made him so angry.

He tried to wave it aside as he began driving home but his mind wasn’t at rest so he made a call to one of his spies who follows Alondria to ask if she’s sage.

Even when he was told they were dinning in an open place and Alondria just got there, he couldn’t stay calm.

? What are they doing? he asked.

? Just talking boss.

? How close are they?

? Boss?

? How close is that bastard to my wife, is he touching her? Jared asked and the spy took another glance at Williams.

? His hands… his…

? Speak!!!

? His hands.. are on Boss lady’s cheeks, he said in a frightened tone hopong he doesnt get punished for just sitting and watching.

? f-__-k! Jared cursed as he turned the car away from home, driving towards the left.




Wow, that’s interesting Will, I’m so proud of you, I said after he told me about his business.

Williams has been doing everything and just anything to get his skin to touch mine once in a while but I’ve made sure to pretend like I don’t notice.

What about you? How is marriage treating you? he asked.


I don’t want to talk about that crappy thing called marriage, I replied with a wave of hand…

I see you didn’t marry for love, he pointed out.

Which girl in her right mind will love someone like that, I snorted watching his expression.

Why did you marry him then? he asked.

Just for fun, I replied with a sarcastic tone.

I don’t know you to take stupid decisions, you know you can talk to me, he said.

Enough about me, i barely know anything about you, I pointed out.

I’m Williams, what else is there to know? he asked with a smile.

You sure are insane, I muttered as I chewed on my food slowly.

I knew he was staring at me but I chose to ignore him.

He is up to something, I must find out what it is.

We’ve been friend for ages yet all i know is your name, I said with am eye roll.

Come on, there is nothing interesting about me, he said.

There’s a whole lot o want to tell you, I missed you so much, I said changing the topic.

I don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable or suspicious.

You can make up for leaving, you know, he said.


By hanging out with me more often , we have a lot of catching up to do.

You are right,we need to do this again, I replied.

How is your mom amd your dad, you never told me about them, I chipped in.

I saw him take a deep breathe, then he smiled.

Okay, since you want to know, I never met my mom and my dad, he is very much alive, he said with a smile on his face but I could see sadness lurking around his eyes.

I’m sorry about your mom, I’m sure she must have been so beautiful, I said feeling pity for him.

Its fine, at least I have my dad.

Your dad must be so proud of you,is he out of the country? I asked.

No, my dad is very much around.

Wow,I would love to meet him, what is he like? I asked acting so excited.

Oh I have his pictures on my phone… wait let me… uhm… i watched in excitement as he searched for his dads picture.

I couldnt wait to see his face…

You can’t find it? I asked maintaining that fake smile on my face.
I was already growing impatient.

I’m almost there…. yeah here it is, he said turning the phone to my direction when I got pulled out of the chair.

I almost punched the person on the face when I realized its just Jared.

What are you doing here? I asked angrily…

Let’s leave, you have spent enough time, he said trying to pull me out.

Let her go, Williams said pulling me out of Jared’s grip.

He wasn’t holding me tight, maybe so he won’t hurt me.

Since when did he become considerate anyways.

I’m here for my wife, hand her over to me, Jared growled.

Your wife? She doesn’t even like you, Williams said and I frowned.

Not because of what he said but because I remembered i was supposed to be seeing his dads picture before that bastard decided to show up.

I looked at the table and luckily his phone was there, his dads picture was on the screen which is still on.

Thinking of what to do before i get pulled away again I decided to take a peep but peeping is not enough.

An idea struck my head,and i smiled.

Pulling out my own phone with my right hand since Williams was holding my left hand…

I took a picture of his screen with his dad on it then smiled in satisfaction.

They were still arguing.

You don’t force people to be in your life, let her go, Willaims yelled.

I’m not here for you, leave the way, Jared said sternly but Williams refused to listen.
Tared at
She will come back when I’m done with her bastard! Williams yelled amd o could see anger build up in Jared’s eyes.

The next thing Williams was staggering.

Jared sent him a cool punch.

Let her go now! Jared said punching him again

f-__-k off! Williams said licking the blood on his lips.

I stared at his right hand as he put it on his back pocket pulling out a knife.

He wants to stab Jared?

The moment he raised his hands, i was quick to go stand before him not caring if i get stabbed.

And I did.


Summer! They but called at the same time as I fell on the ground.

Summer I …

Get your filthy hands off her! I heard Jared growl and Williams paused then Jared quickly picked me from the floor.

Summer I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry, I heard Williams say then I shut my eyes slowly.




Baby hang on, I’m getting you to the hospital, he said shocking me as I felt him increase his pace to the car.

Made me lie properly on the back seat then went over to the front seat to drive…

He drove out with so much speed making me wonder why he is acting worried all of a sudden.

I listened as he spoke hastily to someone on the Phone.

I have never seen Jared look so scared before.

He made to drive towards the hospital road when I stopped him

Please take me home, I said.

He turned to look at me, you need to be attended to, the hospital…they…

I don’t want to go to the hospitla Jared, I’m fine.

You are not fine, I’m taking you to the hospital, he insisted ..

Its just a small bruise, its not serious, I said trying to calm him but he wouldn’t listen…

He took the road.


Please, I don’t mind you treating me, I’m fine, I pleaded.

The racing car came to halt and he turned to look at me with a worried expression.

I can’t treat you, I…

I know you can, I’m not in so much pain, lets go back home, I begged giving him puppy eyes amd he nodded reluctantly then reversed the car

Thankfully our house was very close from where he stopped.

In no time we were home


Jared quickly got out of the car, then rushed towards Alondria, carrying her bridal style he rushed into the house.

Kurt followed him.

What do you want? Jared snapped when he saw him
.I… I came.. I came to help.

Get out! Jared helped and he rushed out

Why did you send him away? Alondria asked.

I don’t need his help, Jared answered trying so hard not to freak out.

Since she was stabbed on the stomach, Jared didn’t know how to treat her as she was putting on a gown…

I… he stuttered.

Take it off Jared, I’m in pain! Alondria yelled.

She already thought about him seeing her half naked but she had no choice.

She looked at Jared, he was shaking terribly.

$h|t! she cursed as she began removing the bottoms hurriedly since she was putting on a button down how.

Jared looked away as she did that making her almost laugh.

She was bothered about the blood she was loosing more than the pain..

She took the gown off her body as she faced him.

You can do this Jared, I’m loosing so much blood, she said shaking him.

Jared stared at her face like a lunatic then he traced his eyes down her body.

It was like his brain stopped working for a while..

Her body was perfect, the size of her B-__-bs, her flat tommy, and her hips.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

What the hell Jared! Alondria yelled pushing him so hard.

I.. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry, he apologized as he finally took a look at the injury which was so bloody.

f-__-k! he cursed as he made her lie down then he began wiping the blood.

Alondria groaned in pain as she waited patiently for him to finish.

Jared would occasionally look at her face, he expected her to cry out but it seemed she wasn’t going to do that.

How do she do strong?


He was done treating her.

Thankfully the wound wasn’t that deep.

He sat beside her staring into space.

He felt guilty, its all his fault.

None of them said a word to each other.

Why did you do that? Jared asked breaking the silence.

Do what? Alondria asked like she has been expecting him to talk.

You took the fall for me, why did you do that?

Its nothing Jared, you didn’t know he had a knife, I couldn’t watch him stab you, she replied like its nothing.

I would have…

Shh, tell me why you came there, Alondria said.

I… I was just.. I was just passing

You and I know you weren’t just passing, Alondria replied flatly.

I couldn’t stand you hanging out with him, Williams is dangerous, he said truthfully.

Alondria stayed quiet for a while then she finally spoke up.

I need you to tell me the truth, Who exactly are you?

Why is Williams trying to hurt you?

Who is Williams?

Did you offend him?

Are you an armed robber?

A kidnapper?

What exactly?

I feel my life is in danger just by being your wife, that’s true right? Alondria asked staring into his eyes


Shrinked balls ?

E be like say Williams dey mad, now he has injured my queen.

Do you think Jared should tell Alondria about himself?

Why is Alondria interested in Williams father?

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