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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Pregnant for her worst enemy)
Written by Gbemi ❤️
Chapter Seven

Hillary walked out of school brooding over the past few days.

Days in which Richard has been showering her gifts and trying to change her mind.

Word had gotten out and most of the students knew she was the new girl in Richard life, some were envious, while some wanted to be friends with her.

She declined being their friends and luckily for her ,Tracy had gone on a trip with James.

She would definitely be worried once she gets to know that James son was interested in her best friend.

And what bothers her the most is that she keeps on falling for Richard. He has been nothing but a perfect gentle man, he has been showering her with a lot of things just to get her to see how much he liked her.

Her heart longs to accept him but her head keeps on telling her that that will be betraying Richard.

Her head was down bent and so she didn’t notice the car parked at the entrance waiting for her.

She was walking past it when someone pulled her back.

“Richard!”she called, surprised to see him

“What were you thinking that you didn’t even notice me or my car?”he asked

“Just some stuff”she evaded

“You look a bit down”he said softly

“I was just thinking about something “She replied

“If it has to do with money, you only have to tell me and I….”

“Have told you that I don’t want your money”she returned quickly, cutting him off

“Fine then?” He replied and Hillary didn’t notice the angry look in his eyes.

“Common have come to take you home”he said

“Home? You don’t have to….I can get home myself”she said quickly not wanting him to go to the place where his father mistress lives.

“Its not that far, I will…..”

“Take me out instead, the dinner you have been asking for, let’s do it today”she said quickly and he stared at her for a while before nodding.

“Fine then but I won’t be taking to eat, we will be having a very long day today”he said and though it got Hillary Curious, she never asked him where was taking her to.

His car stopped in front of a game house and he smiled at her.

“The look on your face was one of worry, I don’t want you worrying about a thing and that is why have brought you here, by doing this, you will certainly lose track of time”He said and not waiting for her response, he got out of the car and came to open her door pulling her right into his arms.

“Relax! We are out in the open and I know that we aren’t a couple yet, so I won’t do a thing”he said starring at her.

Hillary whose body had stiffened to having him close to her relaxed in his arms only for him to give her a swift kiss on the lips.

“You really fell for my lies right?”he asked grinning and walking off, he called for the shocked Hillary to come along.

Hillary who was feeling a lot of sensation at having her first kiss walked in unsteady legs to meet him.

They had a lot of fun, trying most of games which Hillary lost most of it to Richard.

It was late in the evening when they walked out of the building.

Its been long since she had this kind of fun, Hillary thought as she stared at Richard who had gone to buy an ice-cream .

He had noticed that she was worried and had decided to cheer her up by bringing her here, just that little gesture earned him a lot of point from her, she thought as she stared the guy she had fallen in love with for the first time.

He came back to gift her the ice cream while giving her a smile.

“Thanks”Hillary replied

“If you think am going to take you back home, I won’t be doing that, I still have somewhere else to take you”he said suddenly

“Where to?”she asked as she clumsily let the ice cream trail over her lips.

She was trying to clean it off when he pulled her hand away and licked it off her lips.

“I really really enjoy tasting your lips”he said when she tried to say something.

Kissing her on the forehead, he let her into the car and drove off.

Hillary couldn’t say ask where he was taking her because she was still reeling from the shock of how kisses.

The car stopped right in front of their school and Hillary turned a questioning eyes at him.

“Like I said, I have a surprise for you”he said answering her questioning look.

He drew her out of the car and walked her into the school, heading to the garden where she had told him to leave her alone just a few days ago.

Hillary gasped out at the beauty which the garden had turned into.

It was all decorated with sparkly light which were all a symbol of stars, the light had been the only thing sparkling in the night and the roses which had been added to the garden touch gave it a romantic atmosphere.

“What’s this Richard?”she asked

” A surprise! Do you like it?”he asked

“Of course I do! Its so beautiful and romantic”Hillary gushed out and Richard who had been standing beside her moved towards her back and hugged her.

“Its a way of expressing my love to you, I hope you see the sincerity in it and cherish this memory”he said softly making Hillary feel like the most luckiest girl on earth.

“And I also hope that you will accept me and be my girlfriend, there is nothing I would enjoy most in this world than to show the whole world that you are the one for me but if you still need more time… willing to…..”

“You don’t have to wait anymore “Hillary said as she turned in his arms to stare at him


“My answer to your question days ago is yes. I will be your girlfriend”She said and smiling down at her, he kissed her fully on the lips. Not the kiss he had given her earlier but a deep, breathless one.

He pulled back and gave her a hug, Hillary held onto him,hoping with all hope that this happiness of hers last forever.

“Your mine now”he murmured

“Am all yours Richard, so don’t break my heart”she said jokingly and he replied by holding her more closely in the embrace.

“I love you”She muttered softly and was too happy to notice that Richard never returned that sentiment.

Richard on the other hand smiled while he held her with one good arm, he pulled out his phone,texting a message to someone.

“Finally she has taken the bait, let’s move onto Plan B”

He sent the message and returned the phone into his trousers pocket before giving out a devishly smile.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

What’s this Plan B???

Read to know more???

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