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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Pregnant for her worst enemy)
Written by Gbemi ❤️
Chapter Three

Hillary sat still starring at Elena who was still kneeling at her feet begging with all her heart.

Stay calm! Stay calm! Hillary said this to herself countless of times but no matter what she told herself,she felt furious and angry, angry for being lied to by someone she had admired and respected and also angry at being tricked, after the dreadful experience she had faced back then, she had vowed not to be fooled by anyone but still she had been fooled and here she was expecting the child of someone she doesn’t even know.

“I didn’t want to do it but if I didn’t do it, he would put me in jail, you see I stole, I feel embarrassed saying this to you but I stole from the company to help mom hospital bill and he found out and instead of putting me behind bars,he suggested I get someone innocent and decent to carry his child for him”Elena said pleading with her but Hillary was too angry to hear her plead.

“So you decided to use me to help get yourself out of jail”Hillary said as she stood up moving away from Elena.

“Don’t see it that way Hillary, just think of it as someone desperate, someone who didn’t want to leave her poor mother and spend the rest of her life in jail” Elena begged

“I can’t see it that way, I can’t see it any other way Elena”Hillary said and Elena would have replied if her phone hadn’t ring.

She stood up to pick and after talking on it for a while, she switched it off.

By now Hillary was standing by the window, her back turned to Elena.

“he is here now, I will leave you two to talk”She said as she left the room.

Hillary didnt even bother to spare her a glance, she felt fooled all over again, she thought as she touched her stomach.

She had a child growing in her, a child she doesn’t even want, she thought as she waited patiently for the man who is to be blamed to come in.

She heard his foot step and the door closing but didn’t bother to give him a look.

“Hello! You must be Hillary Raven” he said and some how that voice got her remembering someone from the past.

“Am Richard! Richard Watson the father of the child you are having”He added and on hearing that name Hillary felt more shocked than ever.

She turned to look at him and he turned out to be him, the same person she had wished never to see again.

“It must have been a shock to you? But I hope you will try to understand when I get to explain myself to you”He continued as he fixed her a smile.

Those same smile had got her fooled back then, she thought as she kept on starring at him.

“Come and have a seat “he said as he moved towards her but she moved away quickly.

“What’s wrong?”he asked And she felt more surprised by him not recognising her.

“Are you okay mi……”

“Don’t come any closer!!!”Hillary yelled at him and that made him stop

“Is something up with the child? Are you feeling pain or …..”

“You bastard!”she yelled stopping him from finishing his word.

“I know I decieved you and got Elena to getting you pregnant but that doesn’t warrant any insult from…..where are you going?”He asked as she moved past him to get her things on the table

She would have left if he didnt hold her by the hand trying to stop her.

“Let go of me!”she said giving him a h@ťěful glare, more h@ťěful than the one given to him by his grandmother and stepmother.

He found himself letting her go and with one last look at him, she left the room in a rush.

Richard stood starring after her, wondering what had gotten into her when Elena walked in.

“What happened sir? She was very angry when she left”Elena asked

“I think the pregnancy must have been a lot of shock to her, she was very angry and didn’t even let me tell her my reason” he replied

“I told you it wouldn’t work” Elena said feeling more guilty than ever

“What’s done is done, there no need for regret. You said you met her due to the fact that she is your mother nurse?”he asked

“Yes! I met her because she is my mother nurse, I can assure you that Hillary is the most decent person have ever come across for a while now”Elena assured him

“I don’t know why but I feel uneasy about her, if I want my mind to be at peace,have got to know more about her and the only way to do that is by getting to know more about her”he said starring at Elena.

“Find out more about her, I want to know more about the woman who will be the mother of my child. The look she gave me isn’t a look of someone just meeting you for the first time”he said starring at Elena.

“Are you saying you know Hillary before?”Elena asked

“I certainly don’t recollect ever meeting a girl who is Hillary but from the way she stared at me, she must know me”he said

“Anyway just do what I ask of you, I will also be doing something from me side “He added as he left the room.

Hillary sat in the bus, starring out through the window while the bus drove to the next bus station.

The hands which were on her laps were shaking and though she tried to stop it, she just couldn’t.

Its been six years, six years since the year she h@ťěd most in her life.

Why did they have to cross path like this? Why did he have to be the father of the child in her.

She had moved on from the past and even though it’s been years, she still hasn’t been able to forget.

He might have been able to put it behind her but seeing Richard again brought it all back, she thought as the bus stopped and she got off.

One way or another, she walked the few distance which led to her house, there she met her mother in the garden.

“You are back early my dear, how was work today?” Brenda Raven asked as she continued to tend to her garden

“Fine! I will go and rest for a bit “Hillary said as she headed to the house

“Do rest but make sure you come down for dinner, your sisters are coming”She said not noticing Hillary pale face.

Hillary went straight to her room, she threw her things on the floor and layed on the bed.

She didn’t want to remember the past but meeting Richard made it all look like it happened yesterday

Closing her eyes, she let her mind drifted off to the event that happened Six years ago.

( Six years ago)
To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

We shouldn’t really blame Elena, she did it for her mother ???

What do you guys think Richard did to Hillary???

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