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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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My ?
( A sweet pretence )
Genre: Fantasy and Romance
Written by Gbemi ❤️
Chapter Twenty

“You must be joking right?”Claire asked as she stared at him and when he didn’t reply she pulled back the curtain a bit and saw that they were up in the clouds.

“Believe me now?”he asked and the shocked Claire stared at him.

“Are you crazy! How can you just take me to Australia without my consent and besides you said it was over if I left last night. And my grandma, along with Nick will be worried about me, I didn’t even get to give my colleague at work a notice that I will be leaving, I left everything without arranging them, how could you take me without letting me do those things? turn this plane around!”Claire said throwing those questions at him and instead of replying, Andrew found himself laughing.

“Do you know you look cute whenever you are angry?”he asked and that made Claire blush.

“Stop messing with me”she said putting a hand on her red cheeks

“Have handled it Claire, I knew you would be worried and so I told your grandma and Nick about taking you to Australia and they agreed, Nick even helped me to pack your stuff and as for your colleagues at work, I made Peter the gay head of the department and told them that you were my fiancee because Grace kept asking questions about you and as for not asking for your consent ”

“I knew you were going to give me a hard time and so I got my men to bring you here.Am sorry if they were rough with you”He apologised.

“They were more than rough! I got a scare,I thought I was going to be ki||ed”Claire said as she hit him on his shoulders because he was now sitting on the bed beside her.

” Am sorry about that Claire”he said softly.

“I already told you that am not going to do this if there is no trust between us”She said quickly.

“I know, I almost lost your help last night and for that am really sorry”he apologised again.

“I trust you Claire and I will keep on doing that till this pretence is over”he said taking hold of her hand.

Claire felt surprised and also excited by the touch of his hand on hers, so she quickly pulled away and got out of bed.

“Apology accepted and there is one more thing we have to do before this pretence starts”she said trying to keep a distance from him.

“What?”he asked starring at her from where he was seated on the bed.

“We have to get to know each other better. The only thing I know about you is what I read online, Successful, Rich, handsome and…..”

“I don’t recall the newspaper addressing me as handsome”Andrew said cutting her off.

” Really! I think I read one which said so”

“I doubt that, they had chosen to use Well endowed and hard looking instead of using handsome. You thought that yourself because you think of me as handsome right?”He asked

“Of….of course not….you aren’t handsome, well not to me”Claire said quickly and walked out of the room in a rush.

Andrew smiled to himself, At least knowing she thinks of him as handsome makes him a bit thrilled.

He found her standing by one of the window starring out to the clouds.

“Aren’t they beautiful?”She said mesmerised by the clouds.

“They are”He replied starring at her instead.

Claire was so engrossed in looking at the cloud that she didn’t even notice him moving to stand behind her.

It wasn’t until he held her by the waist that she noticed.

“What are you doing?”she asked

“This is the family private plane and the people working here also work for my other relatives, knowing how inquisitive my grandma is? She will certainly ask them about us and wouldn’t it be better if we give them something to tell than nothing at all”he explained and she found herself relaxing in his arms.

“Tell me about your family”She said softly

Andrew told her things that were necessary, he told her about his loving grandmother and also his dominating mother, who likes to rule everyone except his grandma and there was the story about Sophia being his mother adopted daughter.

“Is your mother that domineering?”Claire asked as she stood in his arms.

“She is only if you let it, she still thinks am the little kid whom she tells what to do all the time”Andrew replied.

“It won’t be easy right?”she asked uncertainly.


“This pretence, it won’t be easy trying to act the perfect lie”Claire asked again.

“It will. All we need is just to trust each other and we don’t let anyone meddle between us”He said holding her tight wanting to enjoy more of her in his arms but she pulled away ruining it all.

“I think we have given them a little to watch, am starving and while we eat,let’s share more info about each other”she said.

“But you already know that am handsome”he added jokingly.

“Don’t let it get to your head, you might as well be an ugly duckling tomorrow”She added jokingly too.

“Really? Who will turn me into one?”he asked.

“Me of course! I get really mad when am annoyed, so you better not make me mad”she lied sweetly.

While they both satisfy their hunger,they got to know more about each other, learning new info and also laughing at some things which were a funny to the ears.

“What do you think our concept should be?”Claire asked suddenly

“What concept?”

“About us falling in love, what story should we give out about our first meeting, your grandmother certainly will like to ask”Claire said and Andrew smiled having already thought about it.

“We will tell them that I fell for you first”He replied Meaning his words.

“That you fell for me?”she asked in return.

“The story goes likes this, we use our original meeting but in a different way. You tried to push me away and so you lied that you were a lesbian but me having fell for you, I kept on coming to see you and as faith will have it, you worked for the company I just bought and though you tried to resist me, you gave in eventually due to my willfulness and charm “he finished softly.

“You really have it well planned”Claire said cheerfully liking the story he created.

The air hostess arrived to tell them that the plane would land soon and that they need to be seated.

They did as they were told and a while later Claire got out of the plane starring around the new country that she just arrived in.

“Let’s go”Andrew said as he held her hand in his but she pulled away.

“Give me a few sec”she said as she took in deep breaths.

She was trying to calm her nerves but it wouldn’t work, she kept on breathing in and out when Andrew held her hand.

“You don’t have to worry,I will always be by your side, just stick to me always”He said softly and that calmed the tight nerves in her.

She found herself smiling and tightening her hand in his as She gave him a reply.

“Let’s go” and together they set off to a new life together.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

What will happen now that they are in Australia???

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