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Friday, October 18, 2024
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( A sweet pretence )
Genre: Fantasy and Romance
Written by Gbemi
Chapter Six


“What are you thinking Andrew?”Mark asked as they both sat at Ben restaurant starring at Alicia who was having a great time with her date.

“To introduce myself to her companion and probably cause a bit of trouble”Andrew said and before Mark could stop him, he went to Alicia table.

Alicia was more than shocked to see him there, the expression on her face when she saw him was of some one who has been caught red handed after stealing some thing. After all she had told him she was some one who is into girls, having to see her here with a male companion tells some thing else entirely.

“What’s wrong Alicia? Do you know him?”Her companion asked

“Uh! I….”

“Of course she does, we met at that blindate a week ago”Andrew said as he stared at Alicia waiting for her to confirm,reluctantly she did.

“And do you know what she told me?”Andrew asked

“Mr Black,I think you…..”

“She said she is into girls. Oh this is a bit hard for me to say but to put it the way she said it, she is a lesbian”Andrew said totally enjoying himself

“Mr Black!!!”Alicia called out his name angrily

“I think it’s best if I excuse you two”Her companion said as he gave them an angry look before storming off.

Andrew took his seat and gave Alicia a wide grin.

“I didn’t think are some one who would hold a grudge?”Alicia asked

“I am, I hold a lot of grudge, mostly on people who makes a fool out of me”He said looking serious now.

“If you are talking about what happened during the date then am sorry, I didn’t mean to lie, I had my reasons and so I just called on my friend for help and she was willing to play…..I shouldn’t have mention Claire” she whispered the last part almost to herself

“If you are talking about Miss Claire, then let me tell you that we have met after that date, quite by coincidence and ever since she knew that am her new boss she has been avoiding me like the plague”Andrew said

“Claire doesn’t have any thing to do with this sir, I am to be blamed, I…..”

“The fact that she participated in the deceit makes it more worse, am sure you know how important I am”Andrew said

“Of…of course I do”Alicia replied

“If you don’t want your friend to get into any trouble, tell her to meet with me”Andrew said

“Why should she?”

“To apologise just like you did. Tell her to stop avoiding me and get her to meet me, I will leave it all ……” Andrew didn’t get to finish his words when he was pulled roughly out of the chair.

“Is it him? Is he the one you are getting charmed over by, is he the one you are falling for? You told me you are never interested in any one but your work and here you are having fun with this jerk”Nick said as he punched Andrew on the face.

“What the hell are you doing Nick!”Alicia yelled as she went to Andrew who was now on the floor.

On seeing this Mark came to help Andrew, who was still seated on the floor starring at the fuming Nick.

“Nick! Nick! Why are you making a scene”Ben asked as he pulled Nick

“I just don’t get her, she says she isn’t interested in dating and here she is with this playboy, judging from his handsome looks he is nothing but a playboy!”Nick yelled

“I think you should stop there, if you don’t want to be the one being punched in the face”Mark said as he stood up.

“Really? What are you going to do?”Nick said as he began moving towards Mark.

“That’s enough!!!”Alicia yelled and that stopped everyone by now a lot of people were starring at them

“He is not my date Nick! This is Andrew Black, your sister Boss”Alicia said and both Nick and Andrew was surprised.

“I…I..I didn’t know”Nick said softly

“How would you? When you jump to conclusion, you have made things more worse, I hope Claire still gets to keep her job”Alicia said as she helped Andrew up.

She followed Mark and Andrew to their car, intent on apologising for Nick behaviour.

“Am really sorry Andrew, he is not some one like that, it’s just that….”

“He is jealous”Andrew finished for her.

“I wonder why he is when we are nothing to each other”Alicia said this almost to herself

“Well he thinks other wise”Andrew replied massaging his jaw

Mark had gone to get the car leaving Andrew and Alicia by themself.

“I hope you won’t add these as another grudge?”Alicia asked

He didn’t get to answer because Mark brought the car to a halt in front of them.

It wasn’t until he was settled in the car, that he turned to the waiting Alicia.

“You said that guy is Claire brother right?”He asked softly and she nodded.

“Get Claire to see me when she gets to work tomorrow or there will be a lawsuit filed against him tomorrow morning , that is if she doesn’t show up “Andrew said and wh@ťěver Alicia was about to say was cut off by the car driving off.

As soon as the car left, Alicia brought out her phone to call Claire.


What’s happening, Claire thought as she opened her eyes only to see Andrew Black in front of her and he was….he was kissing her, she thought as she tried to pull free only to be pulled back into his embrace.

It deepened the kiss and he held her close, plunging into her mouth more deeply.

Claire had never been kissed like this, she had been kissed in past but they meant nothing to her, she had been saving her first true kiss for Ben but this, she thought as she let him continue.

He stopped to stare at her and though Claire did her best, she couldn’t look at him.

“Does this prove to you that I know you are not what you claim to be”he said softly and this time she forced herself to look at him

“If it doesn’t, Am willing to show you again”he said moving towards her wanting to claim her lips again but the noise from the door made him stop.

They barely had time to pull apart when the door opened.

Feeling very angry by the intrusion, he turned to whoever was there, willing to give him or her hell if necessary for interrupting them but that stopped when he saw her.

“Sorry! Am I interrupting some thing “Sofia Belmont asked starring at Claire and also at Andrew

“What brings you here?”Andrew asked feeling more angry than ever

“Aren’t you even going to ask me in! Its been months since we last saw each other”Sofia said as she walked in giving Claire a questioning look.

“I will take my leave Sir”Claire said as she quickly walked out of the office.

“This is really a surprise Drew,Who is she?”Sofia asked as she seated herself in one of the empty seats

“Its none of your business, what was my secretary even doing when you were coming in?”Andrew asked as he sat down in his seat starring at Sofia.

“Oh she was so bowled over with seeing me.Being a famous actress has its advantage”Sofia said with a smile.

A smile that will melt a lot of people and make them fall for her charms. She knew how to captivate them with her feminine wiles.

He had also fallen for it once but not again, he thought as he stared at her.

“Wont you even entertain me?”she asked

“I would have, if you had been invited but since you are an uninvited guest, I suggest you tell me why you are here and leave”Andrew replied

“Fine then, I will say my piece and leave “She said as she got up looking around the room and touching things.

“Mom sent me to see you”Sofia said

“With the way you call her Mom, people will think she is your mom?”Andrew replied sarcastically.

“I might not be her daughter by blood but she considers me one after all her only son never gives her time, it’s up to me to give her the things she need”Sofia returned softly

“Keep on doing that as long as you know that you will just be a daughter and not a daughter in law to her, am fine with it”Andrew finished.

“Why are you so cold to me Drew! Just a year ago we were planning our wedding,You loved me then? Why can’t you now?”She asked

“You really have to ask me that?”Andrew replied with a question.

“I know ……I know that I did bad by having an affair while engaged to you but it’s partly your fault too”Sophia said

“My fault? You call having to work and also spending time with you my fault?”He asked now angry than ever.

“Yes it is! You never gave me your time, it was always work and work, you hardly had time for me and so I…..”

“You got pleasure from some one who had your time right? I might have understood if it had just been once but you kept on with the affair until I found out myself”Andrew said cutting her off

“Fine it’s my fault, it’s my fault for not resisting temptation but that’s all in the past Drew, can’t we start again?”She asked as she moved towards him

“Never! I will never get back with you Sophia, I know it’s the reason why you stick to my mom, so she can convince me to get married to you but you are mistaken Sophia,I will never marry you”He said expecting her to accept his words and leave but instead she laughed and gave him her most segzy look

“You have no say in this Drew, as we speak your mom is preparing every thing for our marriage back in Australia and my visit here is to give you our wedding invitation” she said dropping the bomb.

To be continued✌️✌️✌️

Andrew wedding is being set for him?

What do you think of Sophia? A real badass right???

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