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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{She’s on a mission}


?Don’t copy or repost?

Chapter Forty Seven

After everyone settled in the room, Rebel charged to Sammie’s room.

“What was that nonsense about? Why did you give him Matteo’s location?” She yelled at him the moment she stepped into his assigned room.

“Relax….” Sammie sighed.

“Don’t tell me to relax” She screamed

“This wasn’t part of the plan” She added in anger.

“What if i tell you that the address i gave him wasn’t exactly the clan’s own?” Sammie said with a smirk lingering on his lips.

“Wait..what?” Rebel gasped.

“You fooled Watson?” She chuckled.

“He won’t take this likely with you” She added still laughing.

“I gave them something to be busy with, they’ll like who they’ll fetch” He winked.

“Can you tell me who it is?” Rebel pleaded making puppy eyes.

“It’s a surprise, next time don’t barge into my room like that, you think I’ll give out the boss that easily after everything he has done for me, I’m no fool” Sammie said feeling a little bit annoyed.

“Sorry” Rebel apologized.

“It’s fine, return back to Monarch and the rest before that dangerous nanny of his sees you” he ordered.

“You’re right” Rebel smiled and sneaked out shutting the door silently behind her.

She was sneaking quietly and making sure that no sound was heard from her.

That moment Watson’s nanny was walking out of the kitchen, she stopped when she saw Rebel sneaking out of Watson’s room….she hide behind the cellar to ensure that Rebel didn’t see her.

“I said it, they are planning something…there’s no way i won’t bring this to Watson’s notice” She shuttered and pulled out her phone from her pocket.

“Yes…how you found her location?” She asked sternly after the caller picked up.

“She’s in Pierce’s clan?” She shivered on hearing the name.

“How did she get someone of that status to protect her?” She wondered…everyone in country R knows the druglord called Pierce, many fears him but not as the name Matteo Pierce is feared.

“Break their defense man, get Vanessa and do it tonight” She ordered hanging up the call.

“Fooling Watson will be easy but trying to fool someone like me is impossible” She spat before matching to her room.




Wren sneaked out of the room the moment Monarch dozed off and Celia went to have a shower……she mounted the stairs out of curiosity heading to God knows where.

“Wow!!!” A loud gasp left her lips on seeing how extravagant the passage leading to a certain room was.

“This dude is swimming in dollars” She screamed happily and continued walking.

She stopped in front of a room with Watson’s name inscripted on the door.

“I wonder how hotties room look like?” She smiled dreamingly and pushed the door open.

“As expected his room is as clean as he is” She smiled sweetly before stepping into the room fully.

“He has many awards, so sweet” She smiled staring at the transparent glass by her left displaying his numerous awards right from highschool till date.

She walked to his closet and pushed it open.

“Look how his clothes are neatly arranged” Another smile curled on her lips.

“He’s just perfect” She gushed…she closed the closet and headed for his bed…she jumped on it happily.

“It smells like him…..the best scent ever” She smiled shutting her eyes.

Rebel’s warning earlier replayed in her head but she shrugged it off.

“They’re misunderstanding him, I know he mean no harm” She pouted peeling her eyes back open as the words get ringing in her ears

“Bell always end up winning the hearts of cute dudes, I’m envious of her” She sighed and shut back her eyes.

“This bed is so soft” Wren yawned and before she knew, sleep came knocking at her door.


The plane landed at the airport in country R, Matteo and his men stepped down……they came with few luggage because they had no intention of staying long, rescuing his lover’s mum was what brought him to country R….

Every ladies they walked past gushed at his cuteness but quivered at the kind of aura he was depicting……

?I can’t believe I’m seeing Matteo Pierce in person (someone screamed)

?he’s as expected.

?Matteo my crush.

?The rumors are true, he look mean (swallowed fearfully)

?Rumors have it that he’s a mafia.

?Country R is home of mafia so duh!!!

Matteo rolled his eyes as he happened to hear some of their comments.

“Should we deal with them?” One of his men inquired.

“Letting go for once won’t hurt” Matteo mumbled shrugging it off.

They continued walking until they stepped out of the airport walking into the booming streets of country R.

“Who did he come to ki||?”

“Heard he’s a monster”

A man screamed and everyone they walked past took to their heels.

“Hey….” Matteo roared referring to a man who was about entering his car.

“Can we borrow your car?” He muttered at the man who was trembling in fear.

“Y-yes” He stammered.

“Please don’t ki|| me” The man added going on his knee.

“Why would I? I’m just asking for your help, I’ll have my men return it once am done” Matteo responded in his usual cold voice.

“Thank you lord, thank you” The man said placing his head on the floor and withdrawing it twice.

“Can we get there more cars?” Matteo demanded.

“Alloy….” The man called his friends who were in hiding.

“Come and give this boss your key” He screamed and Alloy stepped out shivering…..who doesn’t know Matteo Pierce? The stories of his brutality travels more than his good deeds.

“Please don’t ki|| me” Alloy went on his knee crawling to Matteo.

“Why do people keep talking of ki||ing?” Matteo rolled his eyes.

“I just need your key that’s all” Matteo muttered.

“My key? Y-yes, you can have it” Alloy placed the key in his hands bursting into tears.

“Don’t worry, I’ll return it” Matteo patted his bald head.

“Can you get him more Alloy?” The man from earlier asked while Alloy threw him a glare.

“Can you Alloy?” Matteo asked staring into his eyes.

“I’ll be right back” Alloy muttered rushing off.

He returned some minutes later handing more keys to him.

“Give them some cash” Matteo ordered one of his men who threw a bundle of dollar notes to the two men.

“We’ll be back” Matteo said as they boarded the cars.

“He’s not as bad as they say” Alloy smiled picking up the cash from the floor.


Matteo and his men parked a good distance away from Pierce’s clan surveying the territory and scanning the guards on duty.

“Do we attack by hand boss?” Axe inquired.

“No Axe, we sneak in” He ordered.

Matteo flung his long jacket to ensure that his weapons were in position before signalling his men to follow him.

“According to the map of Pierce’s quarter which i happened to study, Bell’s mum and friend should be in the rooms in the fifth hallway, that’s where he normally keeps his guest” Matteo explained to his men.

“Axe and i will head to the fifth hallway and get them as quietly as we can while the rest of you should keep off the men” He added and his men nodded in agreement.

“Stronger arms should give up a lift” He ordered…the men positioned themselves in front of the fence stepping on eachother’s back until they were thesame height with the fence….the boss was the first person who jumped it.

“It should be as quiet as we can, don’t $h00t unless necessary, just attack the men from behind to avoid alerting the rest, we are small in number, have to leave some people behind to safeguard the clan” Matteo mumbled before they all divided themselves…him and Axe heading for the fifth hallway and the rest men, attacking Pierce’s men in silence like the boss has ordered.




“Where are you going Jolie?” Mrs Vanessa voice popped making Jolie to flinch…she was about to sneak out of the room to go visit Vector.

“I..I..was going to get some fresh air outside” Jolie excused scratching her head.

“Jolie….” Mrs Vanessa chuckled.

“You aren’t a kid anyway but just take my advise, I’ve been saying it and I’ll keep saying it, Razor is just using you, he doesn’t love you” Vanessa said honestly

“I took your advise the last time, Razor and i are no longer together, I’m with Vector now” She replied shyly.

“Wow!!” Mrs Vanessa smiled sweetly.

“I’m not stopping you, you can go…” she said happily and Jolie flashed her a smile before stepping out.

“My kids are all grown now” She said excitedly….despite the fact that she ain’t Jolie’s mum, she sees her as her daughter.

“I wonder who my bell is dating now” She clicked her tongue in anticipation.

Jolie was singing loudly as she walked to Vector’s room, smiles never left her cherry shaped lips as she walked…she was just some distance away when someone pulled her to the dark and pointed a gun to her head.

“If you want to keep your head, answer my question quickly” The strictest voice she has ever heard shuttered.

“I-i will” She stuttered in fear, she didn’t know when she peed on her pantie due to fear, fear that she might get ki||ed.

“Who has she offended? Who is this scary man before her?” She swallowed in fear.

“Where is Jolie?” Axe deadly voice could be heard.

“Wait….they came for me?” Jolie felt another urge to pee on her pantie for the second time but the urine never came, it seems her system was also in pressure.

“Jolie?” She pouted breaking down in tears.

“Stop scaring her Axe” a voice said alerting her that they were two in number….she raised up her head to see the second face, she nearly passed out on seeing who it was.

“M-matteo P-Pierce?” She gasped…that moment, she felt like dying….

“Did he find out that she was also involved in the case? Did Rebel fail on the mission? He should be in jail now, shouldn’t he?” All these ran through her mind.

“What do you want from me druglord?” Jolie asked fearfully.

“Just tell us where we can find Vanessa and Jolie and i give you my word that i won’t ki|| you” Matteo assured.

“I-i am Jolie” She answered sweating profusely.

“You’re Jolie?” Matteo furrowed a brow.

“Don’t play games with me” He warned.

“I’m not lying, you should be behind bars now, did Rebel fail on the mission and then ran away? I can’t connect the dots but are you trying to get your revenge by digging out everyone involved in the case with Bell and punishing them as you dim fit?” Jolie pouted.

“You’re funny” Matteo smiled surprising her.

“We are here to rescue you and Vanessa, Rebel asked me to” He explained surprising Jolie for the second time.

“Rebel did?” Jolie frowned not understanding how she became friends with the mafia.

“There’s no time to waste, I’ll explain everything to you later” Matteo added and signalled her to lead the way.

“Bell’s mum is headstrong, she’ll need proof before she comes with you so the best way to get her is by abducting her” Jolie advised as they headed to the room.

On arriving, Axe pushed the door open charging at Mrs Vanessa, he pulled out and handkerchief from his jacket and drvgged her from behind.

“Did i tell you to drug her?” Matteo threw him a glare.

“Sorry boss” Axe bowed his head and lifted Mrs Vanessa from the floor.

“I hope she forgives me when she wakes up” Matteo sighed and gave the order for them to leave.

That instance, a $h00ting contest broke out outside the clan alerting everyone.

“This is so not my men, i think Pierce’s clan is under attack, let’s leave quickly” Matteo ordered and they began running out.

“Before i forget, there’s someone i have to get” Jolie stopped and turned changing direction.

“Where are you going?” Matteo pulled her back.

“I have to get Vector and someone else that’s important to Mrs Vanessa” Jolie pouted struggling with him.

“That would mean delaying us, we have to leave before we get attacked” Matteo shuttered.

“No, I’m not leaving without him” She pouted freeing herself from him and running off.

“Should we go boss?” Axe asked.

“If we leave Rebel’s bestfriend behind, she won’t be happy, i say we wait” Matteo muttered.


“No but” Matteo cut Axe who was about protesting with a glare.

“Look behind you boss” Axe panicked as some men were charging at them from behind.

“Exactly what i want avoiding” Matteo hissed.

“Get her out, I’ll fend them off” He added pulling out two pistles from his jacket.

He aimed at them and began $h00ting them like the pro that he was……he kept dodging every bullets that the attackers threw his way, this hr saw as fun.

He made to pull the trigger of the gun in his left hand when he discovered that it was short of armor.

He threw it and it landed on one of the attackers head, he fell to the floor instantly.

He took off his long jacket pulling out a knife, he charged at a man slitting open his throat…..he withdrew the knife…..on seeing a bullet heading towards his direction, he dived driving a knife through the leg of a man that dare attack him on the floor.

“Ahh!!!” His loud screams could be heard.

Matteo’s men arrived that moment and took over from him.

Jolie arrived few minutes later with two men behind her….her jaws dropped on seeing the corpse on the floor.

Matteo signalled her to come faster and she did with Vector and the other man beside her.

The men mounted on eachother’s back creating a path for her to jump down the fence.

Vector and the other guy did same….when it was Matteo’s turn, he pulled out a bomb from his pocket and threw it towards the direction of the surviving attackers.

“Motherf-__-kers” He spat before jumping down and landing on the floor with his back…..the rest of his men jumped down, those who were left behind used the spiderman’s style to get down the fence.

They all took to their heels running off before the bomb would blow off.

They were about entering their cars when it finally blasted scattering the walls of the clan and shaking the entire axis.

the gases of every car was stepped on speeding out of it’s initial position.

“Who were those attackers?” Vector who was sitting beside Matteo in the car asked.

“Aren’t they Pierce’s men?” Matteo frowned.

“They aren’t one of us” Vector muttered.

“Dam said they asked for Vanessa” one of Matteo’s men chipped in.

“If they did then they’re from Watson, he’s the only one that would go to that extent to get us” Jolie shuttered.

“Then it’s good we came first” Matteo smiled.


Watson stepped into his room looking furious.

.”they didn’t get him, they didn’t get Matteo Pierce, the cops were happy because they were able to catch one of the strongest citizens of the underworld but he isn’t….he wanted Matteo, just Matteo” He gritted his teeth and punched the wall angrily.

“Ah!!!!” He screamed and continued punching the wall in anger till his hands began bleeding.

The noise woke Wren up from her sleep.

She jumped up quickly with a frown plastered on her face on seeing him hurting himself by punching the wall venting out his anger on it….

Watson charged at the curtain tearing them into pieces….

He suddenly felt a tap..he turned like a maniac pinning whoever it was to the wall and choking her.

“What are you doing in my room?” He brawled grabbing Wren’s neck.

“This isn’t you hottie, you’re hurting me” She whimpered as he began choking her.


“Where is Wren?” Rebel asked the moment she stepped into the room and found just Celia and Monarch….Monarch was sleeping while Celia was putting on her clothes.

“Ion know” Celia shrugged climbing the bed to take a nap.

“Okay” Rebel smiled leaving the room to go look for her.

She stopped by Sammie’s room, on saying that she didn’t stop by, she headed for the kitchen but still, she wasn’t in sight.

“Where could she be?” She furrowed her brow stepping out of the kitchen and resting her back on the cellar thinking of the next place to search.

The sound of something shattering drew her attention to the stairs.

“Is Watson back?” She furrowed her brow.

The sounds became louder this time drawing her attention again.

“There’s no way I’ll ignore” She purred heading for the stairs..

Rebel came to a stop in front of Watson’s room, she pushed the door open and gasped at the sight that she saw.

“Watson…..” She screamed rushing into the room.

“Let go of her” She yammered grabbing a cord and wiping him on his neck….Watson was about to stab Wren with a broken piece of the vase which he happened to break.

The moment a pain was inflicted on Watson, he released Wren who crashed on the floor and charged at Rebel striking her.

The punch he gave Rebel made her to crash on the floor whimpering in pain.

He mounted on her and began brutalizing her; slapping and punching her leaving Rebel to whimper in pain.

Wren rolled on the floor trying to catch her breathe…on seeing that he might end up ki||ing her, she decided to do something.

“Stop hottie….stop” She screamed and jumped on him, he flinged her and continued beating Rebel up.

“You guys f-__-king fooled me, the map didn’t lead to his clan, it led to the mafia Bruno’s clan” He yelled.

“Stop Watson, you’re hurting me” Rebel whimpered feeling pains allover her body.

“I don’t want Bruno, the cops are happy but I’m not, i want Matteo Pierce….” he yelled.

Wren’s eyes suddenly caught something that will be helpful….she jumped from the floor heading for his glass display of awards, she pushed it open and grabbed one of it…..she rushed back to them and striked him from behind.

“Ahh!!!” Watson screamed falling to the floor with his hand on his bleeding head.

The door cracked open and his nanny ran in.

“Shstt have you guys done?” She screamed.

“I’m sorry hottie…I didn’t mean to hit you” Wren pouted.

Rebel stood from the floor and took to her heels.

“Wait for me” Wren ran after her on seeing the kind of glares his nanny was throwing her.

“Watson are you okay?” His nanny asked pulling him up.




Vanessa’s eyes suddenly peeled open in the car, she jumped up with a loud scream.

“Ahh!!! We have been kidnapped” She screamed loudly making Jolie to crack up in laughter.

“You’re awake” Matteo’s voice made her to snap her neck at him.

“Who are you and where are you taking us?” She yelled.

“Sorry for abducting you ma’am, it was all Jolie’s idea” Matteo pouted.

“I’m Matteo Pierce your daughter’s lover” he smiled.

“Wait, Rebel is dating you?” Jolie gasped.

Mrs Vanessa scanned him with frown lines showing on her face.

“You look like…”

“Yes, I’m a mafia” Matteo completed on seeing where she’s headed.

“My daughter is dating a criminal?” She yammered.




“What’s your problem Wren, what were you doing in his room, can you see what he did to Bell because she was trying to save you…..that dude is an animal you shouldn’t get close to him” Celia said with disappointment evident in her voice.

“Don’t call him that” Wren snapped making everyone to stare at her confusedly.

“Is there something you aren’t telling us Wren?” Sammie who happened to be present arched a brow.

“No…” Wren sighed.

“You guys should have seen the way he was choking Wren, i warned her but she didn’t listen, if i hadn’t gone there, he would have stabbed her to death….Watson ain’t the type that can easily control his anger” Rebel muttered.

“She got what she deserved, next time she won’t sneak into his room” Monarch shuttered.

“Are you really okay? Your face is swollen” Monarch turned to Bell.

“I’ll be fine” Rebel smiled.

“Don’t risk your life that way some other times, if anything happens to Matteo’s child, he’ll punish us all except you of course” Sammie said making his worry obvious.

“I’m sorry once again for risking your life and that of your child” Wren pouted.

“Just be careful the next time, you see how pissed he was that we gave him the wrong map” Rebel chuckled on making the last statement.

“The location was a wrong one? Bravo!!” Monarch praised Sammie.

“Whose location was given to him then?” Celia interrogated.

“Bruno” Wren sighed.

“Are you okay, you keep sighing” Celia frowned.

“I’m not okay Celia, Watson needs help, he’s suffering” Wren pouted releasing her heart….she saw the glint in his eyes when he was choking her….he looked unhappy, lonely and like a beast.

“Help? Is that what we came here for? To help him?” Monarch threw her a glare.

“He was your friend right? If you ever considered him one then bring him out of his darkness” Wren said breaking down.

“Watson doesn’t need help, he doesn’t want to be helped” Rebel tried to explain to her but she snapped surprising everyone again.

“Don’t say that, you don’t know him” Wren snapped.

“If she doesn’t know him, are you the one that does? They were f-__-king bestfriends, she has known him for years and you, you knew him for how long? It’s been barely twenty four hours….if there’s anyone that knows him then it’s Bell, if she says he doesn’t want to be helped then she’s right” Monarch shuttered.

“Calm down Monarch” Sammie said on seeing how pissed off she looked.

The door to the room opened making them all to go silent as Watson stepped in….he had a bandage wrapped around his head.

“OMG!!! It’s serious” Monarch pouted.


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