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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?his royal darkness ?
(living in his darkness)

? written by provy?

chapter 37

the royal family were having dinner together with the king whom had just return from his trip , they eat in silence and only the sound of cutleries hitting their plates could be heard . the king cleared his throat and look up at his daughter and wife
” Matilda am sure you know you’re the future of this kingdom” he suddenly said and she halted and put down her fork
she twisted her lips sideways
“what about brother Kyle ” she ask and for a quick seconds the king frown , he turn to his wife who wasn’t talking instead she eat quietly absent minded .
“Kyle isn’t gonna be king, his present predicament is worst so you have to take his place and to be queen .you need a husband who will guide you . don’t worry I met a great young man his name is prince Felix of phyton hill , he is ski||ful in martial arts and a good swords man . his wisdom is beyound anything I have seen and do you know the best part huh

he is the heir to the kingdom throne .he will make a good husband for you don’t you think “the king said and took a sip from his cup , Matilda expression filtered away and her face paled up after hearing this . her heart hammered in her chest while her ears and neck redden
“father I do not wish to marry a stranger ” she said
” oh don’t worry my dear he isn’t a stranger , I can book a meeting for … ”

” I have someone else “she cut in and he pause and his happy expression changed
” what do you mean by that “he ask with a harden voice
Matilda swallowed into nothing as her palm started sweating , she look down at her plate contemplating what to say next
she stole a glance at her mother hoping she will help but too bad the queen didn’t seem interested in any of this and it breaks her heart to know her mother won’t even back her up like other mother’s would .
” I love someone else h-he i-is my world “she stuttered
the king stared t her for a while then scoff
” what position does his family hold in the society” he suddenly ask
“Milo owns a bar and his brother is a royal guard “she said
” is that all “he ask with a disappointed look ,she gulped down nervously while playing her wristlet
“father please he is a good man I love him ,we both love each other “she begged
the king hissed and folded his hands with a sore expression while staring at her keenly .he exhaled and narrowed his eyes to his wife who won’t say a word and this bothers him ,her silence was too noticeable
” invite this Milo guy for breakfast tomorrow we will like to meet him “the queen suddenly said but didn’t spare anyone a glance ,a big smile formed on Matilda face while the king scowled in disapproval
“why ” the king snap and queen Emma slowly lifted her head up and her gaze fell on her husband ,she shrug and return back to her food
“don’t force children into marriage because you won’t be there when the will suffer the consequences if you push them into the wrong hands mostly for female children who might suffer domestic abuse and violence .Matilda is big enough to make her own choice ,if she wishes to ruin her life then it’s her problem not ours and if she choice to make use of her life then we will all be there for her “she said slowly like she’s counting her words ,the king hissed and bite his lips angrily not knowing what to say next .his glare move from his wife to Matilda who was still smile
” the kingdom future is not something we should play with, if a wrong leader leads then many will suffer who knows if his Milo guy might be a gold digger who just wanna find his way to the top using her “he half yelled while pointing at Matilda
” he’s not like that “she quickly defended
” oh shut up young lady you know nothing about life shut up when elders are talking . i won’t let my life works go down in the hands of liquor bar drunk “he yelled
” and how did you know he’s a liquor bar drunk “the queen annoying voice came up again and this time it got the king even more furious
“shut up woman what do you know about politic , one little mistake and Zalodan will pay a heavy price”he thundered

queen Emma lifted her head up with a creepy smile which got father and daughter confuse as they stared at her wondering if she’s alright because she seems not to be .
” politics you say , you always put the kingdom first above everything and anything even your family . you rejected your own son because of the stupid future of this kingdom so what’s so good about his whole political nonsense . Matilda won’t marry any nincompoop of your choose she will choose her life partner with her own hands “she yelled back
” and who are you to make that decision huh am your king ” he yelled
“and am your queen and her mother so don’t try to overshadow me because am a woman it won’t work “she yelled , the king lost his patience and lifted his hands to hit her
“father !” Matilda called immediately and his hands froze up above his head , his teeth were gnashing like rubbing stones and his neck red out of anger . his eyes held nothing but pure breath of anger

queen Emma tighten her grip on her fork and that was when it became clear to Matilda , if her father had succeeded in hitting her mother then queen Emma would have stabbed him with the fork . she look at her mother grip on the fork and she swallowed hard

it was he first time she had seen both her parents in such truculent behavior ,yes they usually bark at each other and yell but this one was beyound any of their argument season .

the dining room was filled with tension when a guard came forward and bowed
“greetings your majesty ,my queen and to you my princess “he guard greeted .the king huff and adjusted himself not with out glaring at his wife
“what ” he bark and the guard flinched and quickly brought out a piece of paper
“this letter was sent from the glass mansion “he said fearfully ,his hands vibrated as he climb her to the piece of paper
“read the letter to our hearing ” the queen said and the guard nodded
“good evening my queen if
you have gotten this letter then you should already know it’s me Erica .am happy
for the relief you gave me to return for the festival but it seems I won’t be coming alone …”the guard when he saw something , the queen arched her brows curious as she suck her lips while her husband just stared blankly at the guard .

“why did you stop ” Matilda ask and the guard gave he quickly look before returning his gaze to the paper .
“prince Kyle have decided to come with me to also attend the … ”

” what ! “the king and queen thundered shocked and the guard stop reading
“he wants to do what ..” the king ask again
“he …”

“I heard that loud and clear and no Kyle can’t …”

“that will be great ,wow. wonderful so brother is coming home for the fist time “Matilda giggled and the king glared dagger at her and she stop and look away
” that’s good to hear if my son is coming home then we have to prepare for his arrival “the queen said smiling
” what!. can you even hear yourself talk huh Kyle is carrying the mark of… ”

” and so what, he’s our son you better learn to accept him . curse or not “the queen yelled furiously and the king sigh and shook his head not in support in any of this
” this shouldn’t be happening ” he murmured to himself , the queen turn to the guard
” first thing tomorrow I want you to organize a cleaning squad to clean the entire palace and also clean, rearrange and decorate the prince room which have been locked all this year’s . Erica room should be opposite his so clean the next room close to his room . is that clear “she said
” yes my queen “he bowed and she gestured him to leave . Matilda smile at how happy her mother looks after hearing the news . she couldn’t help but wonder how her brother looks like and bus behavior. is he nice , spoilt or grumpy

she couldn’t wait to seeing him too and just like her mother she also was happy but that doesn’t implies for the king because he looks scared and same time angry ..


it was raining at the glass island heavily like the sky was about to tear open ,the downpour was extremely too much .Erica and he prince where having super in silence as suddenly a loud thunder clap erupt
“ahhhh ” prince Kyle shriek and push down his plate which broke into several pieces
“highness ” she panicked and ran to him
“ahhhh “he wince and another thunder clap erupt , his face was already covered with sweat
” help me take off my shirt ” he scream out and Erica quickly pull down his shirt and just as she did another thunder clap echoed and the horn mark produced red sparks which traveled all around his back down to his ribs . she was shocked to see the horn and also confused why the thunder clap has effect on it
“do you see anything there ” he groan with fist tightly clinched
“y-yes I-i s-see a horn , a red horn ” she stuttered
“ahhhhh “he jolted forward in pain as another clap echoed
” what’s the meaning of this my prince the horn produce sparks when ever there’s a thunder clap “she said but he said nothing , he rouse up and quickly walk away leaving her behind with confusion written all over her face .
prince Kyle walked into the library and shut the door behind him
he walked close to a white board where lots of things where written is languages and symbols .

” lightning had effect on the curse which only means the one things “he groan while staring at the lightning symbol of the board
” earth , fire , air , water and lightning . “he mumbled
” the chaos mark is connected to fire and lightning . 2 opposite elements but similar in destruction , am slowly running out of time . every thunder clap weakens my body both physically and mentally how long can I hold on before he take full control of my body …”prince Kyle said . he pick up a writing feather and drew a lightning bolt which is connected to a fire ball .
” ummm ” he groan as another thunder clap came up again but this time he managed to adsorb the pain he felt …
” manifestation of the powers , pain from thunder claps and blood . blood is the last ingredient for his awakening.

I have the feeling my going to zoo Kingdom won’t be good at all something bad is gonna happen to me there ” he whispered and Mõ@ɲ in pain as another thunder clap echoed ,a single tears drop from his left eyes and he bite his lips painfully trying to control his pains…


?2022 publish ?

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