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HomeFIRE & ICEFIRE & ICE – Episode 52

FIRE & ICE – Episode 52

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Alice opened her eyes slowly and Kingston looked at her

“Alice” He called

Alice sat up and immediately hugged him tightly to herself

“It’s going to be okay,,I’m here” Kingston hugging her back

“Kingston” Alice called and started crying

Kingston broke the hug

“Talk to me,,please”

“I had a dream” She said

“What dream? What is it about?” Kingston asked

“I was told I am going to die,,because I am carrying your child,,she said my time is running out fast,,,I’m going to die,,I can feel it already,,,it’s like my powers are leaving me already,,,,I don’t want to die Kingston,,I don’t want to leave you,I don’t want to loose you,I love you so much” Alice said in tears and Kingston hugged her again

“I won’t let anything happen to you,,I don’t mind ending the whole world because of you,,I already promised you,,I will protect you no matter what” Kingston said hugging her more tightly

Alice sniffed in

“Do you trust me?” Kingston asked

Alice nodded

“Keep trusting me,,I will do anything for you,just trust me” Kingston said and kissed her hair


Alice slept off again after some minutes,Kingston stood up and pecked her lips before going out of the room. He got downstairs and Mrs Johnson rushed to him

“I heard everything you two talked about” She said

“Please save my daughter,,she’s the only one I have,,her sister hardly comes home,,so please,,I don’t want to loose my child,,please” She cried and hold Kingston’s hand

“I promise,,” Kingston said and went out of the house.

He got into his car and rest his head on the steering wheel thinking of what to do,,he can’t watch her die,he have to save her,how will he live without her?? How??

He looked up and sighed before starting the car immediately,he speed up to Vestas’s house.

In few minutes,he was there. He stepped down from the car and went in,Vesta smiled the moment he entered.

“I’ve been expecting you” She said

“I need your help” Kingston said

“Okay,,what is it?” Vesta asked

Kingston sat down in front of her

“Alice,,,Is pregnant” Kingston said and Vesta gasped

“Her life is going to be in,,,,,”

“That’s why I am here” Kingston cut in

“There’s nothing I can do” Vesta immediately said

“That’s what the deities said” Kingston muttered

“That’s right,,,,”

“But I know you can do something,,I have faith in you,that’s why I am here” Kingston said

“Why would you believe in me more than the deities?” Vesta scoffed

“Please,,,help me. I can’t watch her die right in front of me this way,,,I will do any f-__-king thing,,just tell me” Kingston said in a gentle voice

“There’s nothing I can do son,,you can’t do anything either,,,just give up on her,,I told you from the beginning,,just give up on her,,,,” Before she could finish,Kingston’s demons took over and grabbed Vesta’s neck

“How dare you tell me to give up on my mate!” Kingston yelled choking her while Vesta struggled in his hand

“I’m,,I’m sorry” Vesta said

Kingston released her and she fell on the floor still coughing

“Will you tell me now?? Tell me!”

Vesta swallowed

“I’m your mother! Learn how to control your demons!!!” Vesta yelled

“Answer me”

“You’re the only one who can save her,,there’s only one way” Vesta said

“What way?” Kingston asked immediately

“Reality Manipulation” Vesta said and Kingston’s eyes widened


“That is the only way Kingston,,that’s why I said you should give up”

Kingston let out an angry growl again

“You will be changing people’s dreams just because of your mate!!!” Vesta snapped

“I don’t mind,,” Kingston said turning back already

“Really?? Then I guess you should know you two might not meet again after you manipulate the reality” Vesta said and Kingston faced her back

“You might not meet again,,,even if you meet,,she won’t know who you are anymore,,she won’t be the same person anymore,,,she won’t have any memories of you left,,,will you still risk this?? And save her?” Vesta asked

“I can make her remember me when that happens” Kingston said

“She can’t remember,,”

“Will the curse be broken after that?” Kingston asked

“Yes,,and even if you mate with any other human,you will be fine,,”

“I don’t want anybody aside her” Kingston said

“She won’t feel the same for you anymore Kingston,the child will be gone too,,,”

“I don’t care,,as long as she doesn’t die,,I don’t mind” Kingston said and Vesta sighed

“Then goodluck”

Kingston turned and walked out of the house

Kingston drove out of the house but his head was filled with what Vesta said.

What if she doesn’t recognize him anymore,,for real?? What if they don’t even meet again?? He will be the only one getting hurt,,,

*We have to save her no matter what*

*She’s our mate,,we will meet again*

*Let’s save her,,she’s dying*

Kingston didn’t know when tears started rolling down his eyes as he drive,,



Jove opened the door and stepped out of the car,,he looked around and smiled

He came here specially because of someone,,he received a message and he knew exactly who she is. He was about walking when he saw Seraphina also staring at him. They both looked at each other without saying anything and then Seraphina started walking away

“Sera!” Jove called and she immediately stopped

He started walking to her and before she could think of what to do,he grabbed her and kissed her right on the spot

Seraphina’s eyes widened

Jove broke the kiss after a while and smiled

“I got your letter” He said and Seraphina blinked

“I love you too” Jove said and her heart skipped a beat

“You,,love me?” She asked and Jove nodded

She immediately fell into his arms,,hugging him tightly to herself.



Kingston knocked on the door and it was opened

“Kingston” Mrs Johnson called and he entered

“Where’s Alice?” Kingston asked

“She refused to leave her room,she said she’s only going to talk to you” Mrs Johnson said and Kingston sighed

“Did you find a solution?” She asked and Kingston nodded

“Tell me”

They both sat down and Kingston told her everything

Mrs Johnson gasped out

“Are you going to do it?” She asked

“I already promised her,,,” Kingston said and stood up

“But I don’t want her to forget about me,,” Kingston muttered and Mrs Johnson hugged him

“If you two are destined to be together,,you will” She said

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