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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chloe notice the shock in his eyes ” what do you mean?” His hold on my shoulder tighten ” you must be joking”

” Do I look like am joking to you?” I frown ” my heart hurt, I can’t take this anymore….. All you do is hurt me over and over again”

” I told you, I don’t mean anything I said to her ” he move closer, it was obvious in his eyes, he wasn’t in support of my decision ” you should trust me ”

” no ”

” Chloe ”

” I don’t want to be the third wheel in you and macaria life anymore, am sick of it …. It’s obvious you love her, you can’t leave her” I growl ” Thanatos you’re literally obsessed ” slap his hands off my shoulders, then gasp ” I want to leave ”

” not today ”

” huh ”

” wait till tomorrow, I promise…. By that time we will move back to the mansion and process everything for the divorce ” I know I did talk about the divorce, I knew I brought it up first but I definitely didn’t expect him to accept so soon.. almost like he was waiting for me to say it.

My appetite vanish, I look at his blank expression, he really doesn’t care about me ” why are you giving me that look!!!” He literally growl ” you wanted the divorce, every god d@mn time you keep trying to run away, it happened centries back and for once I thought you were different ”

” do not dump this on me”

” Chloe ” he frowns ” accept the fact that you can’t ever fight for what you want, you always bend to macaria”

” How dare you ”

” you might not remember what happened in the past but trust me…. You’re not different” he looked so angry that disappointed that my heart sank and same time anger rise up

” I was weak? Are you trying to say you protected me? You wanted something to do with me? Are you trying to say you reciprocated my feelings?”

” Chloe ”

” you didn’t and do you know why?” Moving close to him, I yell ” because you’re obsessed with macaria!!!!” With that I walk back to my room, shut the door and cry myself to sleep, I have no idea how long I slept but by the time i open my eyes again, it was already late, my stomach grumble in hunger.

Getting up, I look out of the window, the moon already out, deciding to find myself something to eat, my gaze move to the table beside the bed, food….. That was what registered in my head the moment I caught glimpse of plate

I didn’t hesitate to eat them, it was just soup but it did help a lot, getting up I move out of the room with a mindset of not talking to Thanatos but before i realize it, i find myself looking for him, I searched the entire rooms but he is no where to be found.

Strange voices caught my attention

” I remember saying tomorrow” that was Thanatos voice, that too….. I had no idea a room was located at the end of the hallway ” why are you here” the voice has a hint of annoyance ” this is not the right time!!!”

” I have no reason to wait till tomorrow, I know I love you ” the voice sound more clear when I approach the door, hearing that sentence, my heart sank ” you belong only to me Thanatos, you have to accept it ”

” macaria ” Thanatos growl ” because you keep showing up, Chloe is asking for a divorce, do you really think I want anything to do with you right now? ” he exhale ” do I look happy hearing your shitty confession ”

” Thanatos!!!!”

” I don’t want you here anymore, I rather not lose Chloe ”

” do you really think I can’t ki|| her? Do you really think I will sit still and watch you two be together? Chloe was supposed to be my sister ”

” someone you framed ” their conversation was starting to get confusing ” how do you feel calling yourself her sister ”

” she betrayed me!!!!” Macaria voice remain high pitched ” I had to get back at her ”

” macaria, I really don’t care about the past anymore ”

” she will die anyway, it’s her curse ” moving my hands to my chest, I clench it
” and when she dies, don’t you dare come running back ”

” who says she will die?”

” you’re a god of death, all that attracts you is death” she chuckle ” you can’t bring someone back to life, it’s not in you ” after that the room remain quiet, should I leave now? I feel as if I shouldn’t have eavesdrop.

” come in Chloe, I know you’re standing there ” at that, I open the door, the room was empty, just a single white couch in the middle, what kind of room is this? My gaze move back to Thanatos, he kept looking at me before moving close ” have you been having heart issues?” I shake my head ” you’re taking herbs right?” I can’t remember the last time I did but I won’t say that, so I nod ” you feel fit right?”

” why are you worried? ” I frown ” aren’t you supposed to be happy that soon I will be out of your life?” The moment I said that, I regretted it, the look in his eyes were heartbreaking

” hmmmm”

” sorry for eavesdropping, I should go back ”

” will you really divorce me?” He asked when I already turned around, couldn’t see his face so I was able to reply

” yes ”

” I see ” he chuckle ” goodnight Chloe ” I didn’t notice that his hair is back to black, when I give him one last glance before leaving, I stare at the sadness in his eyes, why is he acting like he is sad?

Of course he doesn’t want me to file a divorce but that doesn’t mean he loves me either. Am not ready to be with someone I have open up to but he can’t even tell me if he feels same way or not.

If am really going to die, won’t it he better if we are apart, no pain, he won’t experience any pains and I will die in peace, probably in tears tho.


Two days passed after arriving in the mansion Thanatos stop calling for me, I haven’t even seen a finger of his, each day he sends Trevor to inform me that the divorce papers are still in process and to deliver herbs for my illness.

Sitting on the chair close to my table, I finish my letter and stare at the bird that have been waiting right there for my reply before returning back to Clifor, tying the letter around the leg, I send it off before looking down.

I stare at Thanatos and Trevor, they stood right there discussing of things I nothing of, he swiftly turn to my direction, catching my gaze…. For two days, it’s the first time we are looking at each other, I smiled but he didn’t, he gave me a nonchalant look before averting his gaze.

How am I supposed to react to that? I feel pained, I mean why will he act like that, I do know I asked for a divorce but that doesn’t mean he should……. I stop worrying after realizing that any little thing Thanatos do, it will always bother me, I can’t stop it.

” Milady ” a knock sound at the door ” am I permitted in?” I frown, look down, Trevor is still with Thanatos, so who is it…. Whoever the person was, didn’t wait for my reply, he walk right pass the door in the room.

” macaria?”

” it isn’t hard to change voice you know ” she chuckle, her dark eyes radiat with excitement, what is she planning ” I heard you succeed in getting married to him ”

” what do you want”

She ignored my question ” after everything, you still want ahead to steal what’s mine!!”

” I repeat ” clenching my hands, my eyes dark ” what is it you want?”

” I want you dead ” I watch how an evil smile stain her face.


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