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HomeDON'T MARRY, DATEDON’T MARRY, DATE – Episode 43 & 44

DON’T MARRY, DATE – Episode 43 & 44

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{….hearts meant to be….}

Theme: The billionaire’s addiction









Andrew rushed into the ward breathing heavily, he could barely catch his breathe because of how far he ran. He didn’t even see Kimora and Redford at the waiting area and went straight to the operating room. The door has been locked though, he banged on it wanting to be let in.

“Andrew” Redford called going to him. He pulled him back but Andrew resisted slapping his hand off.

“Karen…. where is she?” He inquired.

“We’re waiting for the doctor to run some tests on her” Redford answered.

“And what the f-__-k happened!!” Andrew yelled out of the blues.

“Well…. it’s all my fault, I shouldn’t have left her alone when she need someone. She might just be going through an emotional distortion and that cause the bleeding. Let’s wait for the doctor” Kimora said from her seat, her face was pale like she had been sick for days. She was badly shaken by the incident.

Andrew kept on pacing around, unable to seat. The doctor came out in no time and they all rushed to him.

“What happened to her? Where is my wife? Is she okay? Tell me she’s fine” Andrew rushed the doctor with questions.

“Talk to us doctor” Kimora snapped a little when it appears as if the doctor was hesitating.

“She is fine but she is still unconscious” The doctor answered.

“And the baby? The baby is fine right? We saw her bleeding and we don’t know……

“I’m sorry but we lost the child, she had a miscarriage” The doctor cut Kimora off. Andrew staggered backwards unable to keep his firmness on the ground. He rested his back on the wall and went down, slumping on the floor dejectedly.

“What!!? How did that happen?” Kimora said almost close to tears. Redford pulled her closer to himself, wrapping his arms around her.

“I found a large quantity of oxytocin in your blood” The doctor answered.

“What’s that?”

“Oxytocin is an abortion pill that destroys the developing foetus and considering the fact that she took in a large substance of it, I’m sorry to say this but she also lost her womb. There is 0.00000001% chance of her carrying a baby again and that is close to impossible……

“Just stop talking!!” Kimora screamed in an high pitched voice cutting the doctor off.

“Are you sure that’s the result of the test conducted on her? There should be a mix up somewhere, I’m sure of that! Karen would never do anything to harm her baby let alone take excess of wh@ťěver abortion pill you called it. Just tell me why she would destroy her womb!? Why!? Karen has always been thoughtful and very caring, she would not even hurt a fly! We are talking about her child here!!” Kimora continued easing her voice at each word she spoke. She nearly grabbed the doctor by his collar but Redford was quick to hold her back.

“I demand you conduct the tests again and get the facts right this time!” She concluded with a sneer.

“Thank you so much doctor for your time. Karen will be fine right?” Redford asked, he is the only person who still appears to be in his sane mind. Kimora was crying bitterly while Andrew……

“Yeah…. She slimly escaped death and she just need time to recover and get back on her feet” The doctor answered before leaving.

It was at this point that Redford turned to Andrew who had buried his head on his both knees, crying like a baby. Andrew is not the type of show his tears but he did.

Redford took a deep breathe, confused on what to do or say next.

“Why do I feel like there I more to this? Karen wouldn’t take the abortion pills and we all know that, what if someone else drvgged her with it? Or….” Redford reasoned.

Andrew slowly raised his head up, his eyes were all puffy and very red.

“Was there anyone strange around her? Was anyone in the house apart from Karen when you left?” Andrew standing standing up on hi feet.

“None that I can think of, there was no one strange at all” Kimora replied.

“So you mean Karen was all by herself, alone in your apartment and boom! The abortion pills entered her food or drink? How ridiculous!” Andrew scoffed loudly

“She was not alone when I left. Luciana was with her, Karen mentioned something about having a drink with Luciana….. hold on! Do you think she is the one?” Kimora sled with widened eyes.

“$h|t!” Redford cursed running his hand through his hair.

“How did she get in? If I could recall well from what you told me, she pushed you both away, especially Karen. When did you three reconcile together? You never mentioned any of this to me” Redford asked.

“She came over to the house a few days back and she apologized for everything. I forgave her on seeing her truthful her apology were, I had no idea she had ulterior motives” Kimora answered.

“d@mn you Luciana Park!” Redford said angrily punching the wall.

Andrew was already storming out of the hospital angrily.


“Andrew Lancelot!” Redford called but he got no reply from the livid Andrew.

“It’s all my fault, I should have suspected her at least when she suddenly apologized and wanted to be friends again after staying away the whole time. I thought I was welcoming a friend back, I didn’t know…..” Kimora paused on her words trying to stop back her tears.

“None of this is your fault okay? I’ll be back soon, Andrew might just ki|| someone if I didn’t stop him” Redford replied, he placed a gentle kiss on Kimora’s forehead before running off, taking the same direction that Andrew took.



Redford rushed into the open door only to meet the place upside down. He managed to find his way to the stairs and was about climbing up when he saw Andrew a lighting the stairs.

“She left already?” Redford said more like a question.

“Anywhere she is, she should do well in hiding her entire existence because the day I’ll set my eyes on her, I won’t be easy” Andrew said taking deep breathe to call his nerves.

“Where could she have gone too? That w*tch probably realized that she is in danger of exposed and she took her heels” Redford said again.

“I want you to track her, find her anywhere she is hiding, be it in earth or another planet. I want you to find her and bring her to me crawling on her knees” Andrew ordered.

“Yes boss” Redford answered.



“I just got a call from a neighbour of mine, Andrew actually came to my apartment as you said. I would have been long gone if I hadn’t heeded to your advice and follow you here” Luciana said dropping her phone on the couch.

“I told ya” Yasmine answered with a small smile sipping from her wine.

“But you are quite brave though! I’ll commend you for that. You drvgged the almighty Mrs Lancelot” Yasmine added.

“I grew up to having everything I want at my beck and call, once I set my mind to get something, I would do anything to get it. And when I say anything, I mean anything” Luciana said going over to the wine cellar. She grabbed a glass and also poured a drink for herself from the bottle Yasmine was drinking from.

“I’m sure she would be wallowing in pains right now. And oh right! Her womb would probably be a mess too, I added more of the pills than you can ever imagine” Luciana said with a short laugh.

“If I got to be Andrew’s wife as it was supposed to happen, would you have hatched one or two plans against me?” Yasmine couldn’t help but ask.

“That’s not that bad m, is it?” Luciana retorted.

“I guess I should be scared of you from now on, you might just poison me in my sleep one night” Yasmine joked causing Luciana to laugh lightly.

“As much as you are not into Andrewand we are not fighting for the same thing, then you are safe” Luciana responded.

“Too bad! I quit already, I’m no longer interested in having Andrew. But I still want to teach that little brat a lesson” Yasmine said.

“Brat? Who?”

“Karen Lancelot” Yasmine responded.

“You mean Karen Jones?” Luciana raised a brow, Yasmine just laughed raising her hand in surrender.

“So….. what’s your plan now? We obviously have the same motive” Yasmine asked getting serious.

“I was once Karen’s friend yunno and I have her whole life history at my hand. It won’t be bad if I recall something from the past” Luciana said with a smirk at one corner of her lips.




Andrew stirred up lightly as he felt a tap on his shoulder. He opened his eyes to see Redord.

“It’s getting late already Andrew, you can go home and sleep well for tonight. You haven’t had any good sleep in days now. Kimora and I would be here to keep watch over her” Redford suggested.

“No…. I’m actually fine” Andrew answered stretching his body a little bit.

“You both can go, you’ve been here since morning” He added with a sad smile.

Unlike the Andrew of a few days back, this Andrew looks sad and down. His face were pale and very white, his once black metallic eyes which seen to pierce the heart of anyone held on life in them anyone.

“Take care okay? We’ll be here by morning, we can switch turns by then” Redford pat his shoulder once more before leaving with Kimora.

Andrew took a deep breathe taking unconscious Karen’s hand. He held them in his hand fondly and raised them slowly to his cheek. Tears slowly found their way out of his eyes easily, wetting her hand in the process too.

“I miss you” Was all he could muttered staring at her face.


“Are you sure he would be fine? I feel so bad that we left him all by himself, what if he tries something…. I don’t know, I just don’t know” Kimora voiced out her concern.

“Andrew will be fine okay?” Redford answered with a smile.


“It hurts that you care about him too making me feel like a spoon” Redford cuts her off.

“What seriously!?” Kimora laughed.

“I’m serious, you should only care about me. Look at me and no one else, love only me too” Redford replied.

“Alright alright, this girl here will only look at you and no one else” Kimora answered jokingly, slapping his shoulder.

Redford suddenly took a step closer like he wants to kiss her. Kimora played with his fingers nervously waiting for him to slam his lips on hers, she pouted her lips a little do him too. Redford just started at her with piercing eyes, like he was observing her

“You look pale and sickly, your skin tone became darker than normal, your skin is dry too and then your lips….. not captivating….

Kimora took her lips in facing him with a sneer.

“You need rest too, Barbie doll” Redford said.

“Huh? Barbie doll?” Kimora repeated in shock.

“Yeah…. Barbie doll, you actually look like one” Redford answered.

“Even like this? With my pale and sickly face? And dry skin too?” Kimora asked.

“You’ll forever be my Barbie doll no matter what” Redford answered causing her to blush.

“Kiss me” She blurted out.


“Tsk! It’s fine if you don’t want to do it, forget the fact that I asked too” Kimora said and meant to leave but Redford pulled her back before covering her lips with his, kissing her deeply in front of the hospital.



“Sapphire!” Granny Brenda called knocking on the door. She opened the door when she got no reply from the inside.

“Breakfast is ready and even getting cold already, I already sent the maid to come and call you but you refused to come down. Is anything……

Granny Brenda let out a gasp when she sighted Sapphire shivering on the bed with a duvet wrapped around her.

“What happened to you darling?” She gasped rushing to her immediately. She felt her temperature with the back of her hand, she was not burning hot but she was shaking seriously.

“Should I call the doctor? I should probably do that, I’ll be back soon. Just a minute, hang in there sweetie” Granny Brenda said.

“Call Andrew instead” Sapphire said in a low voice that granny Brenda had to bent over to get what she was saying clearly.


“I just need my big brother here with me” Sapphire replied instead almost close to tears which moved Granny Brenda.

“I’ll try getting across to him and I’ll also get the doctor too” Granny Brenda said, covering Sapphire well with the duvet before stepping out.



Karen woke up groaning, she was feeling slight pains in her stomach region. Her movement woke up Andrew who was dozing off beside her.

“You are awake” He asked the obvious scratching the back of his head not knowing where to start from. How would he tell her that the baby is gone and her womb has been damaged too? How would she react to such news giving her condition.

“What happened?” Karen asked narrowing her gaze at Andrew. The lost memories started coming back to her slowly, the last thing she remembered was passing out after seeing blood….

Blood, she turned to face Andrew immediately.

“The baby….. is our child alright?” She asked, her curious gaze was piercing into Andrew like she could get answers just by looking at him.


Andrew tried taking her hand wanting to explain things gently to her but she slapped his hand off. She raised her hand to touch her stomach wanting to feel something at least but all she felt was pains.

“Karen…. the baby, about the baby…..

Andrew found himself stuttering not knowing where yo begin.

“Don’t tell me anything, I don’t want to hear anything from you. The only word that should come out of your mouth is that the baby is safe in my womb, that’s what I want to hear from you” Karen said, her eyes had that ray of hope in them.

“C’mon, say something” She said after a while when it appears like Andrew was not ready to say anything. Her shoulder fell slowly.

“I’m sorry Karen, I’m really sorry” Was all Andrew could muttered.

” The baby is gone right?” She asked as hot ball of tears rolled down her both cheeks.

” If only I can bring the child back to life then I will happily……

“Then do it” Karen cuts him off


“Bring my child back to life!” Karen screamed before breaking down into sobs again. Her heart was hurting, the real pains was not coming from her stomach, it was from her heart. Her heart was bleeding, it just hurts so much.

“What should I do now? Where will I start from? My life is so hopeless right now…..

Karen kept on crying and Andrew continued petting her gently. She suddenly raised her head to look at Andrew, her teary eyes locked with his.

Andrew secretly cursed Luciana in his mind, raising his hand to wipe her tears but she slapped his hand off, again.

“Is something wrong?” He couldn’t help but ask.

“Why haven’t you abandoned me yet?” She blurted out.

” Huh? I don’t get what you meant by that”

“I understand that the only reason who are with me is because of the baby and now it’s gone…… I think you might want to find your way now” Karen paused for a while shutting her both eyes. She was crying really hard.

“You can leave, I’ll totally understand. I apologise for typing you down with the child the whole…..

Karen had to swallow the rest of her words as Andrew’s lips landed on hers, giving her a perfect shut up kiss. Karen’s hand hung in the air due to shock.

“There is no leaving you” He said simply.

“Fine….. At first, when we first met at the blind date spot, I thought it was just something based on longings and s*xual attraction that we had for each other. Then proposing to you just on the day of the wedding was crazy too, I thought of you as a replacement for Yasmine. Then for all the hurtful words I said to you was to push you away. I wanted to deny the fact that I felt connected to you just somehow. I wanted to push you away because I thought all girl are the same based on my past experience”

Karen just listened to him with rapt attention.

“And then to our first make out as a couple, I couldn’t resist you. Who in his right senses will resist such a beauty staring right in front of him? with the most delicious and suckable B-__-bs ever, with the most delicious and eatable middle. My body craves for you, I want nothing but the whole of you. If it’s not the whole of you then I don’t want that cause all of me wants all of you” He continued.

” I couldn’t help but fall deeper and deeper, madly in love with you” He said.

Karen blinked her eyes rapidly like she didn’t hear well.

“I can’t shy away from this anymore and I have a confession to make…..

He paused taking her hand in his.

“I love you, wifey” He blurted out causing Karen’s eyes to bulge out in shock.

“What did you just say?” She asked wanting to confirm what she just heard.

“I don’t mind saying it a billion times over. I love you so f-__-king much, Mrs Lancelot” He repeated.

Karen’s eyes were like they could pop out of their sockets.

Did he just say the three magic words??

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