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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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★to love you ★

Theme (his soulmate)

written by Isabella library
Tags:Romance, love, h@ťě, segz, heartbreak, suspense, thriller.

Chapter Forty-six

A Month later, at the anniversary kick-off, the whole place was decorated beautifully and guests started to troop in, Mrs.Ava and her husband were welcoming the guests one after the other with smiles on their faces. Daisy couldn’t hide her joy when she met with her grandma and her cousins, they were chatting with each other while sipping from their drinks.

“Is so good to finally meet you”.1st cousin said.

“Same here”.Daisy said smiling.

“You look so much like your father, you got his look”. Grandma said.

“No granny, you are wrong, she actually looks like you,” Blake said and they observed their faces.

“He is right,”.2nd cousin said.

“Daisy got your looks,”.3rd cousin said.

“Well, I guess so if you all say that, my glasses are not with me”.She said.

“So, where is that silly brother of yours?”.1st cousin asked.

“He is probably somewhere”.Daisy said as they all looked around for Desmond to see him standing by the bar sipping from his wine while gazing around.

“Who is he expecting?”.2nd cousin asked.

“Hmmm, my brãt of a cousin, looks so cute in his outfit, I bet ladies will die of his cuteness, “.1st cousin said.

“You are right, my grandson is every woman’s dream”. Granny said.

“What about us Granny, am your grandson too”.2nd cousin said.

“I know, you all are cute and no man or woman will resist your cuteness”.She said and they smiled.

“Is Jasmine and her family not coming to the party?”.3rd cousin asked

“I was mainly to ask too”.1st cousin said and Daisy’s mood turned sour.

“They will, Mom sent an invitation to them”.Blake said.

“Ok, I miss her”. Grandma said.

“Excuse me, everyone, let me say hi to my annoying cousin who is pretending to avoid us,”.1st cousin said and left to where Desmond was.

“You all continue your fun, let me see my children”. Grandma said and left.

“Well, it’s gonna be fun tonight”.Blake said.

Desmond kept gazing around the place when his cousin came behind him.

“Waiting for someone special?”.He interrupted and Desmond flinched as he stared hard at him.

“You startled me, don’t you ever do that again”. Desmond warned.

“Am just asking a simple question, it seems to me you are waiting for someone, so, who is she?”. he asked and Desmond ignored him sipping from his wine. “Aren’t you going to tell me, or do you want me to find out myself?”.

“Can you just leave, go be with Daisy and the rest”.

“Nope, I want to be with you”.He said trying to annoy Desmond.

“Listen, Jeff, I am not in the mood for–“.He paused as his eyes caught sight of Jasmine and her parents stepping into the room and his parents were welcoming them in. His gaze was fixed on Jasmine, he couldn’t imagine how gorgeous she was in her blue flower gown that reached below her knees, she made her hair curly locks with a French braid on one side and left the rest falling on her shoulders, Desmond couldn’t help be drool over her. Jeff traced his eyes to see who he was staring at that got his tongue hooked.

“Jasmine?”.Jeff called happily and rushed to her. “Jasmine”.She hugs her.

“Jeff”.She called happily and the rest came over leaving Daisy behind to welcome Jasmine.

“Oh my beautiful princess, look at you”. Grandma said and pulled Jasmine to her arms.”Have miss you so much”.

“Me too”.They pulled away from each other.” Is so good to see you all here”.

“Yeah, you look gorgeous,”.2nd cousin said.

“Thank you, well, let me introduce my parents”.She said as she introduced her parents to them.

“I am happy you all came”. Grandma said smiling at them.

“Thank you”.Mr.James said.

“Jasmine, you look so much like your Dad,”.3rd cousin said.

“Yeah, she got the same eyes as him”.Blake said and they laughed.

“Alright, let’s go this way, the party is about to start”.Mr George said and they walked away. Desmond came to say hello to Jasmine’s parents and he stared at Jasmine for a while before turning his face away.

“Alright ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you for honoring our invitation and for coming to celebrate with us, thank you very much”.Mr.George said on the microphone with his wife beside him. “We do appreciate your coming and please enjoy and be merry”.He said and the audience cheered them up.

Soon, they came together to cut the cake, the cameras were everywhere taking photos of them, the cake was shared among everyone as they were drinking to their satisfaction, the music was booming in the air, and some were dancing, including Blake who was dancing with Jasmine. Desmond leans at the bar stealing gaze at them as he continues to sip from his drink.

“Yo man, so many pretty girls here”.Jake said as he walked up to Desmond.

“Don’t you dare try to woo any of my cousins”. Desmond warned.

“Come on man, why are you sounding like I am a playboy”.

“No one needs to tell me that”.He said and Jake scoffed.

“Yeah, wh@ťěver, let me go and try my luck tonight”.He Walked away and Desmond sighed tiredly at him as he turned his gaze to Blake and Jasmine who were dancing happily to the music. Then Jeff came behind him and he flinched.

“Will you stop doing that”. Desmond said getting pissed off.

“I can’t, is the only way I can annoy you”.He teased and started staring at Jasmine.”Jasmine looks so different, I didn’t study her when she was still part of our family, but now I realize how beautiful she is”.He said and Desmond stared confusedly at him.

“What are you insulating?”.

“I think I need to ask her out since she is not related to us”.Jeff said and Desmond was stunned by his words as he choked on his drink.”Easy man”.

“What did you just say?”.

“I said I want to ask her on a date”.He stated. “What do you think? Will she be willing to go out with me?”.He asked and Desmond was speechless. “Excuse me”.He left to where Blake and Jasmine were and he started dancing with Jasmine as Blake excused them.

“Hey brother, care for a dance?”.Daisy asked as she walked up to Desmond shifting his attention away from Jasmine and Jeff.

“Sure”.He took her hand and they left for the dance floor.

They danced for a while and their family came to the dancefloor and everyone was cheering them up, soon, the music ended as they had fun dancing.

Desmond came to the bar to get more drinks, he continued drinking as the words Jeff said earlier concerning Jasmine kept echoing in his head, he saw them smiling and chatting with each other, and he kept drinking to calm his anxiety.


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