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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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★to love you ★

Theme (his soulmate)

written by Isabella library
Tags:Romance, love, h@ťě, segz, heartbreak, suspense, thriller.

Chapter Thirty-seven

Daisy folds her hands across her Břě@šť staring angrily at Desmond.

“What do you think you are doing?”.She asked.

“What do you mean?”.

“You wanna explain to me what I saw a while ago?”.

“Explain what?”.

“Are you serious!”.She scoffed. “What is your relationship with Jasmine? Are you having a thing for her?”. She asked waiting for a response. Desmond walked away without a word and she sighed angrily. “Not on my watch, I will never allow you to have a thing with that wretched Jasmine”.She said and walked away.

Meanwhile, Jasmine was on the school roof trying to calm her nerves.

“What did he do that for?”.She asked and then Martha interrupted her.

“Is everything ok?”.She sat next to her and Jasmine modded.

“How is work going?”. Jasmine asked and she got interrupted.

“You bîtçh!”.Daisy yelled and they turned to her. “Just because fate has made a U-turn on you, you want to seduce my brother!”.She said rudely and Jasmine scoffed.

“Please calm down and–“.Martha got interrupted rudely.

“Stay out of this, you nitwit!”. Daisy said.

“You don’t speak to her like that!”. Jasmine retorts standing face-to-face with her.

“Or what? You stay away from my brother, I know what your silly motives are”.She warned and Jasmine scoffed.

“Did you see your brother hanging around my waist? Or are you jealous because he prefers me to his sister than you”.She teases. Daisy got angry and raised his hand to slap her, but Jasmine held her hand.”Don’t you dare, because if you do, I won’t be able to control my anger”.She said staring hard at her and she flipped off her hand.

“I think that’s enough”.Martha said standing in between them.”You don’t want the principal to see you girls like this”.She said.

“This isn’t over”. Daisy said and walked away.

“You really need to avoid that girl, she is too aggressive”.Martha said.

Desmond sat upright on his bed lost in thought about what happened in school.

“What are you doing?”.Blake interrupted from the doorstep jolting Desmond out of his reiver.”Is everything ok?”.He sat on the bed.

“What are you doing in my room? I didn’t ask you to come in”.He said and Blake scoffed.

“I knocked and you didn’t respond, I guess you were lost in thought, so, tell me, what are you thinking about?”.

“Why do you want to know?”.

“I want to know if what you are thinking is the reason for Daisy’s angry mood”.He said.

“What happened to Daisy’s mood? Why is she angry?”.

“How would I know, she is your twin sister and you both share the same bond, so, you should know what is going on with her”.He sighed and continued. “Right now I can’t stand the way she is rude to Nanny and the maids, it pisses me off, you should talk some senses into her before she became worst than this”.He said angrily.

“Did you come here to report Daisy’s mood to me or did you come for something else? Mom and Dad are the better people to report to and not me”.

“She is your sister!”.

“And she is who to you?”. Desmond asked and Blake rolled his eyes. “You have to get used to her, she is your sister too”.

“I wish she wasn’t, I prefer Jasmine to her, I wish they could be another switch”.He frowned.

“I understand, you know Daisy is still getting used to her new lifestyle here, just try and ignore her attitude”.

“I am trying, but seeing the way she is rude to Nanny and the maids, really gets me angry”. He sighed angrily. “You should talk to her, maybe she will listen to you, Mom and Dad have tried to talk to her, but she still not abiding by their words, and right now she asked Nanny and the maids to wash her dirty clothes without using the washing machine”.He said and Desmond was surprised.

“What? She did that?”. Desmond asked surprisedly and he stood up from his bed and he rushed to the backyard to see Nanny and the maids washing the clothes with their hands.”Stop washing that!”.He said and they stopped and turned to him.

“Now you see”.Blake said.

“Nanny”. Desmond moved to her and helped her up.”Am sorry”. He said sadly and Nanny smiled at him.

“Is ok dear”.

“Blake, get Daisy down here this minute!”. Desmond said and Blake left to fetch Daisy. “How long has this been going on?”.

“For a while now, “.1st maid said.

“And none of you could tell me?”.

“We didn’t want to bother you with it”. Nanny said.

“And you think I am not bothered? If my sister is acting like this towards you all, the least you can do is report it to my parents or me, is not a crime for you to wash her clothes, that’s why there is a washing machine, but making you guys wash with your hands is not advisable, most especially you Nanny, you not just our Nanny, you are like a mother to us”.He sighed.”I am sorry for my sister’s behavior”.

“Is ok, she is still a little girl”.Nanny said.

“You sent for me”.Daisy said from behind and Desmond turned angrily at her.

“What was the meaning of this? Why will you ask them to wash your clothes with their bare hands?”.

“And so? Isn’t that their job?”.She replied rudely.

“Don’t you have hands? can’t you wash your clothes yourself? aren’t you a woman? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Jasmine will never do such a thing, she will never allow anyone to wash her clothes for her when she knows she can do it herself”. Desmond said and Daisy rolled her eyes in disgust.

“Jasmine, Jasmine, Jasmine, that’s what you all keep saying in this house! I am not Jasmine and don’t you ever compare me to her”.She said angrily.

“That’s because she is better than you, she is never mean like you”.Blake said.

“You think Mom and Dad will be happy once they know about this?”. Desmond sighed trying to control his anger.”Don’t you ever try this next time! Now apologize!”.He said.

“What? Are you crazy? I should apologize?”.

“Yes! You were being rude and they deserve an apology”.Desmond said.

“Never!”.She said and turned to leave and Desmond dragged her back holding tight to her hand.”Let go of me!”.She struggled.

“Apologies now that I am still in a good mood”.He said and Daisy was proving stubbornness.

“Son, you should let her go”. Nanny said.

“No, she needs to apologize for what she did”.He said and Daisy continued to struggle with him.

“Let go of me, Desmond, you are hurting me”.


“Fine! am sorry”.She said and Desmond let go of her hand and she ran off sobbing.

“Don’t worry about anything Nanny, she will never do this again”. Desmond reassured her and she nodded.

“Thank Mr. Desmond”.The maids said and he smiled at them.

“You two can finish the clothes by using the washing machine”.He said and walked away with Blake.


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