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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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AN ALPHA PRISONER – Episode 23 & 24

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He sat Infront of the sea his mind was made up he was going to drown himself , even do Katy had saved his life he still felt died.

Bella , I really h@ťě you , I wonder why you couldn’t just choice me, I loved you , I was always their we grow up together ,what happened to our promises we made as children , I regretted the day we went to that gala , the day you saw Santiago , I love you so much katty but in the end we will never be ~ he spoke coldly removing his jacket walking towards the ocean going into the water.

Holding his breath going under the water then opening his mouth letting himself struggle for air drowning down into the dept of the sea.

He was slipping away when a hand touched him pulling him out of the ocean unto the sea sore.

He coughed out water after his heart had been pressed to start again looking up into the floorless eyes of Salomi ,her hair were golden,she had the most worm eyes ever like a sunny day ,her gown was as endless as the sea , she smiled at him sitting next to him like a common being.

U are a good prince , your heart is big blaze ,but it isn’t your time to die yet , you haven’t meet her yet , but before you meet her , you most do what you were created to do infact all of you , you were born for the sacrifices of souls ,go back and be by katty side , sincerely her love for you was something even gods couldn’t control ,but faith will do what it meant to do for the balance of the world, katty isn’t born to be mated ,she was born to be sacrificed ,as painful as it is Lucifer was never destined to have a heritage~ she spoke parting him slowly on the air

But what about bella ,is she in the right place,I feel like I ki||ed her , her death is all my fault ~ he spoke sadly.

No bella is serving her destiny , you did nothing wrong ,this century will pass just like in the beginning ~ she spoke gazing forward at the sea.

So if i return,what would I be too her ? I broke up with her , katty wouldn’t want to see me right now ,he spoke excitant.

She chuckled .

She loves you ,but so as all her mate , Santiago is her better half ,he was her mate from time ,he is her shield , you are her support and strength you have always been , and zamiel he is going to be all of you backup plan , you all protect what inside her , don’t let Lucifer touch them at all cost ~ she spoke strictly kissing him on the forehead like a child.

And he coughed out waking up from the actual dream seeing himself alone on the edge of the sea.

A girl staring at him with bright sea cristal eyes.

U are awake ,she spoke jumping into the ocean hiding herself from him. He found her action funny moving towards were she was.

What are you ?he asked noticing she was just a teenager.

A serine , mother will be so disappointed ,if she knows I saved a man not being him home ,she spoke rolling her eyes.

I thought you race disappeared after the last war ,how is it possible you are still alive ~ he spoke totally lost.

Grandmother said her mother survived the moon goddess protected them , saying something we will have a prince to protect us ,but he never came to keep our race alive we kept capturing males to trick them into mating with us so we can have children ~ am meant to capture my first male ,but I couldn’t I couldn’t capture you ~i have to go ~ she spoke turning to leave.

Wait !

He didn’t know why he stopped her ,she turned back.

What ?

Thank you ,he spoke smiling at her she blushed waving back.

U are welcome , she replied diving deep into the ocean.

He sat up going back to his car packed in the sea side driving back to the school.


He appeared into hades house hold and hades stared at him with a broken look

She ran , he spoke pain reflecting in his eyes.

My mate as always been predictable when she can’t handle something she runs ,that act is already becoming old ~ he spoke angrily disappearing out of hades house.

Hanna sat by the road side crying loudly a car stopped Infront of her , and four men jumped down with guns grabbing her.

Let me go ,she screamed as they pushed her into the car.

Stay quit before we blow your brains open , one of the men spoke.

She trembled crying in a silent sobber tone.

I failed as a mother , Katy please forgive me …, she spoke inwardly.

Boss we have a new one ,she is beautiful ,yeah she will be good for making new babies for the organization ~ the driver spoke .

Excellent bring her to the wearhouse , we have candidate , the man responded .

Mrs Hanna wasn’t a bit worried about herself , she stayed silent until they arrived at the warehouse .

Come down ,they spoke placing a bag above her head dragging her along with them into the building .

Boss we are here , one of the men spoke pushing Hanna to her knees.

The man chair was faced backwards against them and the sit slowly turned revealing Lucifer instead if theirs old boss.

They quickly pulled out theirs guns .

Who are you , you are not our boss how did you get here ? The asked angrily.

Lucifer ignored them crossing his legs over the other staring at Hanna who had a bag over her head he pulled the bag off and her eyes widened horror reflecting in them.

Please someone ki|| me right now don’t let him take me ,she begged the thief’s begging them to end her.

He frowned in displeasure ,he wasn’t expecting her to ask for death he was expecting her into jump into his arms happily , just like when she was little , she was his hero back to then but now she h@ťěd him just like every other human.

We said we’re is our boss ,one of the men spoke cracking their guns ready to shout.

Just like the masai said who haven’t sinned trow the first stone but in this case release the first bullet ,he spoke in a dry plain tone.

Shout this bastard , the man ordered and his boy’s $h00t at Lucifer releasing bullet’s into his body.

He pretended to be died and they stood proud thinking they had ki||ed him ,he suddenly opened his eyes making them move back in terror.

Gently you shouldn’t have done that , unlike the masai am not here to preach too you about salvation ,am here to collect your hideous souls to a better place ,he spoke releasing all the bullets inside his body back at them.

They dropped dead instantly one of the men grabbing Hanna using her as a human shield.

Please ki|| me ,she spoke shaking in fear.

The man placed his gun against her forehead seeing Lucifer stare at him with bright black eyes.

Just do it please ,she begged again.

Shout the f-__-k up Hanna , he growled at her.

If you come near me I will grate her her death wish ,he spoke thr_@tening Lucifer.

Alright I don’t want anything to happen to my mate so I allow u too go ,he spoke calmly.

No don’t trust him , ki|| me , she spoke looking for an escape.

Short up !!!

They both screamed at her .

U have only one chance to run now and let her go , or try and make me angry and end up dead ~ he spoke warningly.

If I let her go you agree to not ki|| me , he spoke moving backwards towards the warehouse door with Hanna.

Yes I give you my word, he spoke with a bright smile.

Okay have her, he spoke pushing her towards Lucifer pulling the trigger shorting at Hanna but Lucifer spined her around already guessing what he would do taking the bullet instead .

Hanna heart caught hearing the loud bang of the gun short .

Are you okay ? He asked in a soft tone looking into her eyes pretending like he had no idea the man was running away.

Stay away from me ,she spoke struggling with him ,he suddenly kissed her aggressively she kept fighting but couldn’t continue kissing him back memories of the first day the meet flashing true her eyes.

Bug face ,the kids at the orphanage screamed pushing her to the ground while a girl grabbed her glasses , she cried croweling on the ground trying to find the glasses .

U are so pathetic , African dawf ,the girl mocked kicking Hanna against the tommy ,she coughed spitting out blood.

Please am sorry ,she begged the children and they kept kicking her like some ball.

Lucifer walked towards the children dressed in a sweater top and black pants wearing a transparent glasses as well,but he looked so responsible and handsome ,he smiled at the youth bullying Hanna.

The girl with her glasses blushed seeing Lucifer stare at her direction,ye finally smiled at her.

Give me the glasses ,he spoke calmly and she handed it too him.

He bent towards Hanna level,she was shaking like a leaf left in total darkness ,his eyes softened wiping the tears falling down her cheeks,she shivered but stayed calm as he slowly placed the glasses on her face and she blinked looking directly into his bright green eyes.

Do you want to come home with me ? he asked sweetly.

Yes mister ,she spoke happily hugging him and he slowly hugged her back taking her hand and walking away he snapped his fingers and the girl bully Hanna suddenly screamed.

My eyes I can’t see ~ she yelled in pain all the children running towards her direction.

Hanna pulled back away from the kissing raising her hand to slap him but he caught her hand tears rolling down her face.

I h@ťě you so much, why didn’t u let me just die back at the orphanage ? She yelled and he pulled her close placing her head on his chest.

I’m sorry, am so sorry Hanna, let me explain myself ,u didn’t want to reason with me , you ran and you keep running , have you ever stopped to see my pain ,those gods made me an enemy no second chance condemned forever Hanna ,all I want is too be recognized ,I want them too know how angry I am , all I wanted was too creat a world were everything could be fair, imagine a world everyone could get what the wanted no faith no destiny no mate bound compelling anyone into dancing to their tones , you could do anything Hanna no limitations no impossibility,this god’s keep controlling reshaping our life’s like we are something to be controlled ,they think my dreams is going to bring the world to an end but what if it changes the world for good ,if things change I don’t have to be Lucifer anymore I could just be your man ~ ye spoke softly .

U have always non how to use words with me , and I have always fallen for it , you have lived a hundred years but you are still blind ,but I who haven’t lived so long I can see better than you can , the world you want to creat is the destruction itself ,if humans could get anything they desire , this world would be pushed to nothing, everyone will do the impossible ,greed will run wild ,and war will spreed loss everyone trying to over shadow the other,they won’t be peace Lucifer this rules were made to keep us all in cheek ,it sad but it what as kept thw world in balance , do you really believe the gods punished you , she asked seeing the anger in his eyes as she talked.

Yes they did, they bounded me in a place and made me a tormenter, someone everyone h@ťěs and rebooks just at the mention of my name while they gather your support and affection, I get their hatred and rejection, yes it a punishment ~ he spoke stepping away from her folding his hands into a fist.

No it not,they gave you a job you only could do properly ,u were born to give the evil a place to pay for their sins, you are the god of punishment , you are not a out cast , you just don’t see your purpose , no one likes punishment they see who gives punishment as a cruel person but the learn from others mistakes and correct themselves so that they do not also receive punishment from the punisher , you are a big part of the goddess plans, you are blessed indeed with me and katty can’t you just be happy with that ,she spoke try to touch him.

His eyes glowed bright red tears falling down like blood falling down to her palm.

Nobody will ever understand me, I never wanted the rule the gave me ,no one ask me if I was comfortable with it ,it not a excuse enough for shoving me aside , I have had enough , with or without your support,,I will show them a world much better than what they have made ,he spoke grabbing her hand tightly.

She tried pulling herself out of his grip .

Your heart is covered with h@ťě and revenge that why you are never going to be saved , because you will never see reason and more centuries will pass and you will forever alone ,I won’t let you take me,she screamed pulling out a gun his eyes widened as she short herself falling into his embrace blood flowing out of his mouth.

No ! No ! No Hanna you can’t leave me ,I need you ,he spoke trying to stop the wound but she kept bleeding.

It all their fault ,he screamed in agony as her eyes finally stared clear no life in them anymore.

Hades appeared into the room a ocean of tears flowing down his face he stared at her dead body and back at her soul look sadly at him.

Allow me pass ~ she spoke looking into hades eyes his lips trembled hugging her tightly stepping back holding a card reading her file.

Lucifer could do nothing but watch bitters in his heart.

Hanna Andersson,age 30 years old cause of death self murder , record clean , as your messenger to the after life , rest in peace `~ he spoke the last words in tears looking down remembering how is wife passed on as well.

U were a wonderful man Johnson,I will never forget you ~ she spoke fading away into white butterflies.

After she was gone he fell on his knees crying loudly .

Lucifer what happened ? Hades asked totally confused.

He said nothing disappearing out of the warehouse boiling in rage his mind was made up he appeared at the door step of the kidnapper who took Hanna ,the man opened the door and his hearty sank.

His wife called his name from behind .

Honey who is at the door the kids are at sleep ,she spoke and the man froze unable to say anything .

Honey don’t come outside, take care of the kids ,he spoke sweat rolling down his face stepping outside to meet Lucifer.

U showed bravery ,it just that am too broken to give you a award right now ,I want to make you feel my pain ,he spoke looking at the window of the house.

The man fell on his knees.

Please I will do anything don’t touch them,I have nothing else in life, nothing ,he begged lowering his head.

Alright you will help with my mission ,he spoke coldly snapping his finger and the man turned into a demon .

Your first mission is ki|| your family,he ordered and the man humanity’s was gone he souled his soul, Lucifer had bargained with him not too ki|| his family so he compelled him to ki|| them himself.

❤️ KATY ❤️

Mummy !!

She screamed jumping out of her sleep sweet rolling down her face , Santiago opened his eyes looking at her with worry.

Are you okay ? he asked

Mummy ,I need to see my mummy ,she spoke tears streaming down her face

He sat up from his coach going to hugging her tightly parting her hair slowly.

I promise you am going to bring you home tomorrow ,he spoke parting her hair softly.

Can you sleep by my side , she asked too scared to sleep alone .

Yes ,he replied kissing her head and they slept ,he admired her beautiful face brushing her hair slowly off her face.

I don’t want to ever loss this moment ,he whispered softly cuddling her into his embrace.


Kathy opened her eyes gazing at Santiago perfect face he looked so harmless and attractive at the same time.

Are you hungry ? he asked opening his eyes slowly.

Her lips dread up , suddenly craving for something , she moved closer showing her fangs staring at him like he was some hot dinner.

I want you , she spoke licking her fangs he moved his neck to the side giving her a access to bite him.

She rapped her legs around his wait licking his neck her her fangs grazing his neckline,he grabbed her waist tightly shivers running down his spin.

Bite me ,he spoke intimately already turned on.

She sank her fangs into his neck and a groan left his lips his hands cubbing her soft @zz , she drank his blood pulling her fangs out.

I want too make love to you? he asked his beast craving to have a taste of her gazing at her lips.

A blush appeared on her cheeks ,she leaned in kissing him passionately he kissed her back both their tongues playing a game of tag ,his hands went to her chest squeeze her B-__-bs slowly and she Mõ@ɲed into his mouth ,her hands went to his pants removing his belt both their cloths coming off in a hurry.

He laid her gently on the bed kissing her neck down to her shoulders leaving hickeys all over her body massaging her right brea@st sucking the other one sovering every bit if her body,she Mõ@ɲed loudly robbing his di@k he groaned in pleasure kissing down her body to her waist line her ćƖĩť tightened she was already dripping wet.

Please don’t stop ,she begged in desperation her breathing coming out shallow.

He parted her legs slowly her body trembling under his touch.

U are beautiful ,he whispered Bering his head between her legs sucking all the wet juice hungrily.

Ahhh Santiago ,f-__-k !! she cried out her legs shaking from the wave of pleasure.

Com for me babe,he spoke licking her honeypot dry fínģƐŕing her at the same time.

Ahhh mhmm gosh so good, she kept speaking off point.

He pulled back after she had her first 0rg@zm watching her pant softly a smile on her face.

He positioned himself between her thighs using his hard rode to torment her robbing his shift slowly at the entrance of her wet whole .

f-__-k Santi , please ahhh fuvk me ,she begged grabbing his shoulders.

No tell me you want me ,he spoke possessively kissing her for a while.

She stayed silent, he used his finger at the same time playing with her puss@y with his Ďïčk.

Ahhh please I can’t take it anymore , just end my misery,she begged tears rolling down her face.

His beast wanted to hear her beg desperately for him.

Say it Katy tell me you love me,he ordered kissing her cheeks rapping his hands around her neck lightly.

f-__-k me Santiago I need you , I want you , please !!! she pleaded and he finally went half way into her she sighed in pleasure.

He moved slowly in and out of her still teasing her , even do it wasn’t in his nature to be this gentle.

U haven’t told me u love me yet ,he spoke watching her lick her lips seductively turning him on even more.

Because I don’t want to lie too you,she responded sovouring the sweet sensation.

He slapped her @zz .

U have to love me and only me no one else, you are mine alone ,he spoke growling at her she opened her eyes slowly seeing his wolf in his eyes

Am yours,she spoke kissing him and he increased his speed th-ru_sting into her aggressively but watching her tommy so she wouldn’t be in an uncomfortable position he already knew she was carrying his baby.

Her loud Mõ@ɲs and groans filled the room making the early hours of the day hot both their body’s covered in sweet after making love for hours ,he lifted her sleepy body into his embrace his small brother still hard just being close to her ,he sat her into the bathtub watching her body,she was too weak to open her eyes ,he kissed her head .

I will make you love me katty,he whispered never wanting to let go of her.


Jaz sighed deeply knocking on pretty room door but no one responded he heard her arguing with someone loudly and decided to step into the room but he found her talking into tin air but no one was in the room she was so deep in the conversation she didn’t even observe him.

See I can’t help any of you am just human ,it not like I can Rever you all into your bodies ,I don’t understand what you guys are trying to tell me that I can see the future that crazy am crazy even speaking to you people ,she spoke groaning in frustration.

Pretty are you okay? he asked and she jumped turning around.

Hey don’t you knock before going into someone room what if I was naked,she spoke winking at him going to short the door .

Who were you talking too pretty ? He asked worriedly.

It insane but somehow I have the gift of seeing dead people ,silly right,she spoke laughing awkwardly not wanting to be judged.

No it not I also came to tell you about something,he spoke nervously.

She smirked pushing him on the bed climbing on his body before he could say a thing his eyes widened seeing her take off her hoody placing both his hands on her B-__-bs.

I will listen better if you hold them and make do anything else you may like,she spoke in a perverted voice.

He couldn’t understand her but his hand subconscious pressed her B-__-bs massaging them she Mõ@ɲed softly and his Ďïčk rised but he did his best not to focus on her soft singing voice.

So tell me what you want too Jaz ,she spoke riding slowly on his shirt feeling it pressed against her skirt.

It hard to talk with you on my shift ,he spoke distracted by her ski||fully movement he imagined actually being inside her how worm it would feel like.

Do you want me to get off ,she asked waiting for his response.

No ! He responded shyly and she smirked kissing his lips.

So tell me ,she asked pulling back.

Am a wolf I mean a real werewolf ,he spoke and she climbed off him, he frowned in disappointment he didn’t want her to be scared of him.

He sat up looking at her and she stared back at him not running like she was waiting for something.

Transform so I can see ,she spoke bravely.

What can of a human are you,he asked totally amazed most girls would frick out and run.

Am different so show me ,she repeated.

And he stood up taking off his shirt shifting into his wolf her eyes sparkled staring at the brown wolf in excitement going to part him he lowered his head and she robbed him slowly petting him like a dog but he shamelessly rolled over letting her rob his tommy wigging his tail her fingers felt so good.

He transformed back sitting beside her happy at list the got to bound a little.

So will you be my mate ? He asked

Well yes ,it really cool , she responded happily and he smiled hugging her.

Thank you,

She hugged him back playing with his hair.

Zamiel walked towards Santiago apartment in rage dark clouds following him he knocked on the door loudly and Santiago opened the door glaring at him.

Were is she ,he demanded angrily.

She is with me ,he responded plainly.

How dare you touch her ,he yelled boiling in anger.

Katy stepped out standing between them seeing their were ready to fight.

Enough I don’t need you two grown up fighting,she spoke softly facing zamiel and his lips dropped seeing her tommy swollen his eyes turning bright red.

Am going to ki|| you Santiago.


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