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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE MAN IN MY DREAMS – Episode 7 & 8

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πŸ’§THE MAN πŸ’§

πŸ”ž RATED 18 πŸ”ž

Mystery & Murder

7/8 γŠ—οΈ


Who is going to die next Jane ? he asked chuckling loudly.

Could it be Ben ,or Jessica , maybe your little crush Morgan ,am so excited ~ he spoke sending shivers down my spin

Please I will do anything don’t hurt them, he pleaded trembling in fear

Sleep with me and I won’t harm your friends for now , he spoke bearing his fangs at my view.

What happened to you ? He manged to ask.

U left be there to die, well I was saved by the devil , made a deal to take revenge and claim you as mine ,we belong together Jane ~ he spoke holding the wine cup in his hand tightly that I started to crack

This isn’t you , the Justin I knew would never hurt anyone , you are good ,he spoke trying to reach out to him

Oh that was old me , I feel so alive now , riping out Isabella heart was blissful , hearing her scream for your help just the same way i did, brought back that night , I want you all to feel exactly how I felt fear ~ he spoke coldly before a bright smile grazed his lips.

Please forgive us , I didn’t know it would turn out that way ,I beg you just forgive us ,he begged in tears trembling in the bathtub.

It too late for sorry now , do you agree ?he asked showing me to the bedroom filled with rose’s and candles .

If I agree what happens to me ? he asked .

U become mine ,i get access to come to your school ,we get to become a real couple , isn’t that awesome , ones I mark you , you have to start dressing up pretty for me , you played this male part for way to long , low beautiful you look ~ he spoke stretching his hand forward at my direction.

I swallow but I had no choice but to agree to his demands , it really didn’t matter as long as everyone was say

Back at the mansion .

Morgan woke up watching my face twist in pain as tears rolled down my eyes as I mumbled something in my sleep

Wake up jane , common wake up ,he screamed repeatedly .

The others heard his voice from downstairs and they rushed upstairs

What going on ? Jessica asked fearfully.

We need to wake Jane up right now , he spoke loudly.

They started to shake him, his fingers suddenly started turning white

What happening to him , Kelly asked already panicking

Should we get the police ? Lucy and Joyce asked .

No , just keep waking him up, Morgan spoke going to get something in his bag ,he chanted some spells his eyes turning green

Going back to help them

Your eyes , mike pointed out.

Everyone move aside ,he spoke and Jane body started floating in the air , Ben and the other’s ran back.

f-__-k what going on , he cursed

Morgan held him tightly.

Common Jane , open your eyes look at me ,he spoke trying to reach out to Jane in his dreams.


He laid under Justin as he slowly took off his dress , his lips touched his and both their bodies exposed to each other

Tears rolled down his eyes ,he couldn’t let them get hurt

Do you know how long I have waited for this moment Jane ? He spoke huskily claiming his lips again in a breathless kiss.

He pulled his leg up against his shaft.

Please be gentle ,he whispered terrified uncertain of what he was doing .

Just tell me you want me , he spoke locking their finger’s together.

I wa…nt ..y.., before he could finish his statement .

Morgan voice rang in his head.

Jane it just a dream , am right here open your eyes , I love you , he confessed kissing Jane lips and he gasped his eyes coming open coughing out.

NO !

Justin screamed loudly forming in rage.

Morgan bugged him tightly as he trembled in his arms.

I got you , am right here ,he spoke brushing his hair

Am so scared , he spoke hugging Morgan tightly.

The other’s came to hug him as well all of them already emotional.

Can someone explain the f-__-k that just happened ? Kelly asked wiping his face.

Jane us being possessed by a letch demon , and I believe it out for revenge ~ Morgan explained.

So what you are saying , some supernatural monster his bewitching Jane dreams and it ki||ed Isabella , so we are dealing with something more than a psychopath ,but a supernatural demon , Okay this is way too much for me to handle , am leaving ~ Kelly spoke running off.

Stop him from leaving non of you are safe , I believe this demon is after everyone around Jane , you are going to stay alive if we are all together ~ Morgan explained.

Jessica quickly ran after Kelly hugging him she knew he was scared they all were scared as well.

Jessica let me go , I just can’t do it , this is more than all of us , he spoke pushing her backwards.

But we can all fight it together , Morgan said we shouldn’t leave each other , this demon might be after all of us ~ she spoke and he sighed frustrated kicking the basket next to him.

$h|t !! he cursed loudly

β›… DAWN β›…

Non of them could fall asleep , Jane laid his head on Morgan leg the sun was slowly rising.

So what are we going to do to stop this thing ? Benjamin asked .

Jane as to tell us exactly what he saw , Morgan spoke facing them.

Jane tell us what you saw , mike asked .

Justin !

He responded in one word and all their eyes widened .

That impossible we see him drown that night , how is he a demon know ? Kelly spoke trembling.

I saw him ,he is back for revenge ,he wants to ki|| all of us and make me is soulmate ,he made a deal with the devil for a second chance ,he explained everything still traumatized

So am next on his death list ,I and Isabella were the one who pushed him , this is all your fault Ben ,if you hadn’t come up with that stupid idea to mess with him ,I wouldn’t be a target , Kelly yelled angrily at Benjamin.

U got to relax bro , this isn’t all my fault you all agreed to it ,so don’t pin this all on me , Benjamin screamed back at him.

This is not the time to be shoving blames ,we got to work together ~ Lucy spoke tugging her hair.

Yes Lucy right , Jessica responded.

How do we ki|| him ? Mike asked facing Morgan.

Morgan bite his lips excitant , he didn’t want to do this but Jane was the only one that could save them all.

U can ki|| a letch demon when he can’t be touched so Jane as to agree to become his soulmate ,but I promise you we will find away to break the bound ones we ki|| that mother f-__-ker ,but for now I will hand you all some pills every night take them before you sleep ,he can still harm you true your nightmares , I only was able to harm Isabella because she gave him permission to come in~ letch demons are like ghost only their victims can see them but they become visible when you permit them into your homes or thoughts ,so don’t think about Justin don’t have a strong emotion about him before going to bed and most important never forget to take the pills~ he warned strictly.

U don’t have to tell us twice not too forget to take them , Lucy spoke .

I was meaning to ask what happens if you are unable to break the soulmate bound between Justin and Jane ? Jessica asked

Morgan eyes gazed distantly at them.

Jane dies right after him , he spoke swallowing a lump of saliva.

Jane shivered hearing his statement but Morgan held him tightly.

But that won’t happen because we will find a way to break it , Joyce assured him.

Jane phone rang and they all gazed at it , Benjamin slowly went to take the phone picking the call.

It detective Henry , did anything strange happen last night ? He asked waiting for the person to respond.

Benjamin stared at them unsure of what to say.

Tell him nothing happened , Morgan whispered .

Hmm nothing came up ,but we will inform you if anything change , he replied nervously standing by the window and he felt he saw a shadow he quickly blinked refusing to let Justin get into his head.

Alright the cops will be coming back this morning and guarding Jane mansion again at night , he spoke ending the call.

His assistant Aura stepped into detective Jane office.

The doctor sent the reports , and u won’t believe what he said ,she spoke crossing her arms against her chest.

Henry opened the documents and he looked up at his partner totally confused..

The reports claims no one did this to Isabella , but she hurt herself on her own , that she most have taken something harmful that caused an unusual acid substance to affect er mental state in a matter of second that she committed self harm to herself ,if that so then how is it possible she ripped her own heart out,this makes no sense , did you ask the doctor to run another report ? he asked

Yes and they both came out the same I even stayed back to receive the papers myself ,I think their is something more to this and those kids are not letting us in ~ aura spoke giving Henry a straight face.

Their was a male voice in the recording , I matched it to Jane tune and nothing fits ,it like this murder doesn’t even exist ,or he is just too good to be uncovered ,what do you say we do ? she asked .

Wait for him to strike again and sure he will be coming for someone in their circle ~ Henry responded standing up with the documents leaving his office.


He sat in his bedroom smoking on cocaine , spinning around on his letter chair gazing at the pictures hanged on the wheel Isabella was already ex out .

Minny, minie , mini ,mu who is the next lucky winner ? he asked trowing his dagger while spinning around and it hit right on Benjamin face , he smirked standing up going to draw a x on it.

Remove the leader and the rest of the head runs right under my feet ki||ing you will be a privilege Benjamin Adams ,my sweet Jane wait for me , coming to finish our horny moon ,that demon slayer is going to get what coming to him ~ he spoke laughing loudly.

Pulling out the dagger from Benjamin photo stabbing it in Morgan picture

TBC ✍️

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