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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAN IN MY DREAMS – Episode 3 & 4

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💧IN MY 💧
🥵DRO£M€S 🥵

🔞 RATED 18

3🙀4 episode

Morgan walked with us back to Mike car we all hoped in waving him goodbye.

Isabella held tightly to my arm as we drove back to our place.

Alicia noticed the beautiful pendant around Isabella neck and she guessed Isabella and I were dating.

That pendant is really cute , Jane nice gift ~ she praised me and I gave her a blank stare.

Yeah me and Jane are taking our relationship to the next level ~ Isabella spoke with a smile.

Wow buddy is that true ? Benjamin asked hitting me lightly on the shoulders.

I was left dumfounded I couldn’t even deny it .

Yeah we are together now ~ I lied giving them a fake smile.

That means you be taking Isabella out to the dance with you tonight ~ Kelly asked .

Hmm yes why not , he responded getting down from the truck .

Goodbye Jane !!

The girls screamed loudly and I waved them off as they rode home , Isabella trow me a air kiss , guess I finally had a girlfriend.

I got into my apartment and my parents were still on their holiday vexation , I was tired I got inside my room removing my clothes going inside the shower letting the water pure on my body.

I got so lost in thought , I got startled hearing the door to my bathroom move look back in a hurry .

Hello !

I called out my heart beat racing searching my whole room to see if anyone was at the mansion .

I groaned tiredly guessing I was getting anxious over nothing , right no all I needed was a good nap.

When I open my eyes I be fine ,I spoke to myself tired to wear clothes falling asleep with the towel around my waist.


I felt some touch my leg and I gasped opening my eyes slowly but the whole room was dark I couldn’t see a thing, fear covered my whole body and I was trembling as the person finger crowled up towards my towel .

Who are you ? I asked but the person said nothing I tried moving but for some reason I was paralyzed i couldn’t move my whole body.

The towel around my waist came off and I was completely naked to the person view , I felt so useless I couldn’t even protest.

Slow down your racing heart ,I can hear you heart beat , and it only making me more excited ~ his deep mellow voice rang in my ears.

I’m not gay you psycho !

I yelled my heart pounding in it rib cage.

We both know your secret , u are so perfect , he whispered slamming his lips on mine .

I thought I would h@ťě it or trow up , but it was the opposite of what I thought I would do , I found myself Mõ@ɲing into his sweet soft lips.

I felt the grace of fangs on my lips and he quickly pulled back after sucking the life out of me .

Taste better than I thought ,see you tonight bunny ~ he spoke placing a light kiss on my neck.

It was so intimate shivers ran down my spine .

My eyes snapped opened and I was sweating profoundly , I quickly got up and checked outside the window but their was no one the wind only blow softly against my face

I gentle placed my finger on my lips still replaying light kiss.

I’m I going insane.i think I need a therapist ~ I sighed I was born transgender that means having both the features of a female and a male ,my mum actually wanted a girl child so they dressed me up at first as a girl , but someone I had the characteristics of a boy . I never wanted to do what girls did , when I was six I used a blade and cut my hair short .

So my mum disappointedly changed my room colour to blue deciding that I had chosen the gender i wanted to be ,but she never changed my name from Jane.

Even do my dad gave me diago ,but I didn’t want see my mum sad so I stoke with Jane . Dressed like a boy and had a short hair .

Growing up I looked feminine but my body statue was of a guy slender and flat , I wasn’t growing anything on my chest so my guys never really noticed that I was having both the female and male reproductive organs .

I still feel embraced when I have to make excuse about not bathing with them after every basketball game.

Even Alicia doesn’t know my little secret .

My cellphone rang and I snapped out of my thoughts . I quickly grabbed my phone placing it too my ear without checking the id caller.

Babe !

I called the caller id and saw it was Isabella .

What up Isa ? He asked placing the phone back to his ears

I just wanted to ask what should I wear for tonight party would you like pink or your favorite color lemon green ? she asked holding the dresses using her shoulder to hold the phone to her ear.

What ever makes you feel pretty with be good, he spoke not really interested in the conversation.

Awwwwn you are so loving babe alright I will go with the green , I also want to make you feel good ~ she spoke ending the call.

Someone was standing by the glass door watching Isabella shop ,his black eyes sparkled seeing the pendant dangling around her neck.

She payed taking her shopping bags coming out of the store going into her car calling the other girls.

She was about to start the car when someone hand covered her lips she tried screaming. But a soft feminine voice stopped her.

Don’t scream it me ~ she spoke removing her hand slowly.

Lucy what the f-__-k , you scared the hell out of me ~ she spoke steadying her pounding heart.

Drive ~ she spoke looking around like she was hiding from someone.

She started the car driving off , Lucy finally relaxed after they had gone deeper into the road.

That was a close call , so we’re are you headed ? She asked sitting at the back sit.

Where were you coming from ? Isabella asked still curious.

Running from my ex boyfriend ,we didn’t break up well ~ she explained laughing awkwardly.

Isabella wasn’t paying attention to the road lucky suddenly screamed stop.

She yelled and Isa feet came down on the breaks really hard halting the car,she stared forward and someone was standing Infront of the car wearing a long hoody that covered their whole face and body.

Hey move fool this isn’t Halloween that till next month ~ Lucy screamed loudly and the person walked away.

Isabella eyes stayed glued to the mysterious person till the disappeared by a alley.

Strange !

She whispered driving off.

They arrived at the apartment and Lucy got down helping her pack her shopping bags going inside the apartment with her.

Wow your place is really nice am serious we have never come crashing at your place ? Lucy spoke checking around .

Thanks , she spoke going into her room to take a shower.

She stepped out of the shower after taking a long meat meeting Lucy the the kitchen making something for herself .

Won’t you be heading home it almost time for the tonight dance ? She asked leaning against the door of the kitchen .

Hmm I will head home soon what the time ,she asked coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of cereal.

7: 54

She responded .

So you and Jane are really dating now ,that sweet ,so how did you two fall in love ~ Lucy asked staring at the diamond pendant around her neck.

Recently I guess ~ she replied staring at the necklace around her neck.

You both just got together recently and he got you a Egyptian green diamond for a start that diamond is .more than old it cost a fortune ,am surprised he would spend so million’s guess you are beyond special ~ Lucy spoke from the moment she saw the diamond she recognized it instantly it was placed for bidding in London two months again ,and she was sure Jane didn’t travel to London two months ago then how did he buy it ,but she didn’t want to drag the topic.

Well Jane cares a lot about me , but since you know so much about pendant what those it means since it accent ? Isabella asked .

It means spellbound , Egyptian believe that the diamond belongs to the devil soulmate ,but it a beautiful gift ~ Lucy spoke standing up ready to leave.

Are you leaving ? Isabella asked watching Lucy head to the door.

Yeah I need to go get prepared , bye see you at the dance ,I hope you both turn out great ~ she spoke hugging Isabella leaving the apartment.

She smiled turning on the music going to do her nails and fix her hair adding make-up on her face . She grabbed her clothes and heals changing into the dress wearing heels placing her ear rings on and grabbing her phone sending Jane a text .

Come pick me up am ready .

She heard a knock on the door and felt maybe Lucy came back , maybe she left something behind.

Coming !!

She spoke loudly going to open the door but was blown away by the sight of a very handsome young man he looked mysterious but segzy with his black pitch eyes.

Good evening her you mrs Isabella ?

He asked giving her a wide mysterious grain .

She was tongued tied .

Hmm yes please come in ,she spoke moving aside.

Your boyfriend asked me to give you a beautiful diamond necklace to wear for tonight dance , he spoke smoothly.

She found herself blushing.

Wow seriously ~ she asked taking the package from him opening it and she smiled widely staring at the red diamond necklace .

Should I help you place it on ? He offered turning her around he ski||fully removed the first pendant around her neck replacing it with the new one .

He placed the pendant in his pants pocket letting her hair down slowly after placing the new necklace she smiled widely her eyes glowing staring at the diamond he whispered softly by her ear.

Do you want to know what I means ? He asked whispering close to her ear.

What those it mean ? she asked still admiring it beauty.

It means the end ,he spoke his voice changing into a demonic tone.

She quickly turned around and a loud scream left her lips.

Jane was surprised to see the rest of the gang at at his place the Ladies looked really beautiful , Alicia looked really segzy.

Wow you ladies look amazing ~ he pressed coming downstairs .

What about us your dudes , his friends asked.

U all look cool but the ladies are gorgeous ,Jane praised.

Thanks Jane , the girls responded.

So let go surprise your girlfriend as well , mike spoke dragging Jane as they all headed out to Isabella place.

They all got into the truck and the message finally appeared on his phone.

Pick me up .

He placed his phone back into his pants pocket.

I saw Isabella this evening we meet at the shopping mall ,she spoke resting her head on Mike chest .

That means she will be ready by now , Jessica spoke redoing her makeup.

They arrived at Isabella apartment and their lips dropped seeing cop cars packed everywhere tap placed around the house.

They quickly jumped down from the truck running towards the house but the LAPD stopped them.

This is a investigation ground now ,who are you to the despised.

We are her friends what happening ? Joyce asked already crying so as the rest of the girls , Jane stared at the bloody window traumatized staring at the bloody message and a finger hanging on the wall holding the pendant he gave Isabella.

Do you like this gift now ,the bloody message spelt out bodly.

He trembled realizing he was the reason for Isabella murder.

The detective played Isabella lady voice mail she sent to Jane in horror trying to get away from the ki||er.

Please help me Jane ,I don’t want to die ,the next thing the heard was a loud scream and the voice of a man Jane my bunny I will be leaving you a little gift , the voice spoke and the voicemail ended.

Their heart sank and Jane cried out loudly.

Isa am so sorry ,he screamed in agony sitting on the ground pushing his hair backwards.

The detective walked up Jane.

U have to come with us for questioning , this ps guy left a note and it linked to your late girlfriend murder ,u are going to tell us everything you know ~ he spoke hell Jane up.

TBC ✍️

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