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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Episode 50


“It will be very hard, to investigate but I’m gonna help you” prosecutor Kim replied from the other end of the call.

“Alright, I will come your office tomorrow morning, we need to discuss about it” Mrs Smith smiled.

“Alrights, I will be expecting you” prosecutor Kim replied and Mrs Martin end the call.

“So is he going to help?” Derrick asked. “He said he will try, I’ll need to know what happened to my child, Karen must not dîè like this” Mrs Martin said and tears drop from her eyes.

“Mum you’re crying again” Derrick said and clean her tears with his palm.

“I can’t help it, I missed Karen I really do, she’s my best friend” Mrs Martin sniffed.

“I understand Mum, we will surely get Justice for her” Derrick said and Mrs Martin nod her head.

“So back to my previous question, you look happy what’s the secret?” Mrs Martin asked. “I got a new Job,” Derrick replied.

“Wow this really caused for celebration, congratulations dear” Mrs Martin said and left her arm wide open.

“Thanks mum, I really need this hug” Derrick said and Mrs Martin pat his back.

“So who’s she?” Mrs Martin asked pointing at Dora. “Mum you don’t know Dora, she has been coming here with me” Derrick replied with a smile.

“I know, you haven’t introduce her to me, or is she your girlfriend?” Mrs Martin asked and Dora blush hard.

“No, she’s my old friend, we have been friends since our elementary days” Derrick replied and Dora and Mrs Martin frown their face at the same time.

“Your old friend, but I have never seen her before, did she know my Karen?” Mrs Martin asked.

“She did, she lost her memory, so she didn’t remember anyone till last year” Derrick replied. “Oh I see” Mrs Martin smile.

“I’m very sure Karen have told you about her, she was Karen friend back then” Derrick said.

“Oh, the one that betrayed my daughter?” Mrs Martin frown.

“She didn’t, Luna pushed her from the rooftop so she lost her memory” Derrick replied. “Oh so sorry, Karen was very angry, how I wish she’s alive to see that you didn’t betray her” Mrs Martin smile.

“So what did you bring for celebration?” Mrs Martin asked.

“Many things, I will be right back” Derrick said and stood up.

“You like Derrick?” Mrs Martin asked immediately Derrick went out and Dora nod her head.

“huh! And he didn’t know?” Mrs Martin asked. “He didn’t” Dora smile.

“Tell him” Mrs Martin said and her eyes growl widely in shock.


“Hey beautiful, what happened to your car?” Henry asked and insert his hand in his pocket. “I don’t even know, it just broke down” Sandra replied.

“Wait! You’re a musician? Sandra’s right?” Henry asked and she nod her head with a smile.

“Why did you come outside without mask? Aren’t you afraid of your fans?” Henry asked.

“I’m I forgot to bring my mask along” Sandra replied.

“Where are you going to?” He asked. “I’m going to the mall down the street” Sandra’s replied.

“Okay, I can drop you off if you don’t mind” Derrick said.

“I don’t mind, but what about my car?” She frowned.

“Don’t worry, I’ll call my friend to come fix it for you” Henry replied and Sandra nod her head with a smile.

“Thank you very much you’re such a gentle man” she smiled.

“You’re beautiful, I don’t like seeing beautiful girl like you under the sun” Henry said and a car park near them.

Mrs Norman came down from the car with a smile on her face and hug Sandra immediately. “Mum what are you doing?” Henry asked.

“I’m hugging my daughter in-law to be, so you have finally find love and you didn’t tell me about it, when are you planning to tell me? I’m the happiest human on earth right now” Mrs Norman said happily and Sandra chuckled.

“She’s not my girlfriend Mum, I was only trying to help her” Henry replied and Mrs Norman frown her face immediately.

“So I was happy for no reason, but you guys can still get married, she’s beautiful and you’re handsome” Mrs Norman said.

Mrs Norman phone ring out loud and she dipped her hand in her bag and pulled out her phone, she picked up the call and waited patiently for the person calling to talk.

“Hey Mum!” The caller said from the other end. “Manteo” Mrs Martin said in shock and Henry moved closer to her.

“Can you kindly wait for me in the cat please?” Derrick asked Sandra and she nod her head. “Manteo, you lied to me, you took your work serious than me, you told me you’re coming back last year, but you didn’t, why are you calling me now?” Mrs Norman asked.

“I’m sorry mum, I truly came but something came up that I had to go back urgently, I am very sorry” Manteo said.

“Oh, you’re sorry, Mr manager” Mrs Norman said. “So why are you calling me? Have you finally decided that get married?” Mrs Norman asked. “Not really” Manteo replied from the other end.

“if you aren’t ready to get married to call me again” Mrs Norman said. “Calm down Mum, I’m coming back with my love don’t worry” Manteo replied.

“Is it one of the diamonds?” Mrs Norman asked.

“You’re a genius” Manteo replied and Mrs Norman scoff.

“I Don’t believe you, I’ll believe when you come back with her, bye for now” Mrs Norman said and end the call.

“Why did you end the call?” Henry asked with a frown. “You can call him, if you want to talk to him” Mrs Norman replied and look around.

“That’s not fair, you know Manteo will not pick my call” Henry said.

“Where’s the lady?” Mrs Norman asked and Sandra came down from the car.

“Beautiful lady, I’ll like to hook you up with my son, or don’t you wanna be this beautiful woman daughter in-law?” Mrs Norman asked.


“What are you doing here?” Mrs Smith asked old Nana.

“I came to see my son” old Nana replied. “He isn’t your son” she snapped.

“I know, but I am better than you” old Nana scoff. “Wow, you can now talk back at me right?” Mrs Smith asked glaring danger at old nana. Jayden stood up immediately.

“I won’t allow you to hurt her, stay away from old Nana” Jayden said and hug old Nana to hiself.

“You can’t protect her forever” Mrs Smith smirk. “your plan will always fall,” Old Nana said.

“Calm down” Mrs Smith said to herself and breathe out.

“Jayden I thought you said you don’t like Luna what are you doing with her?” Mrs Smith asked.

“Luna? That’s the last name I wanna hear” Jayden replied and Mrs Smith point to the bed. “Oh my goodness! What are you doing here?” Jayden yelled.

“Relax love, we had a nice time” Luna replied removing the duvet from her body.

Jayden look at hiself that’s when he discovered he’s naked.

“Shît” he muttered. “You R@P£D me!” Jayden yelled.

“No we both enjoy it, I really wish you can remember how you Mõ@ɲ my name some hours ago” Luna said and Jayden rushed to pick his trouser.

He put it on and pick up his phone from the nightstand.

“I’m out of here, and you, you will regret ever raping him hoe, I will discuss what I came to discuss with you later” Mrs Smith said and glare at old Nana before dashing out of the room.

Jayden scrolled through it for a few seconds and dialed a number.

He waited impatiently for a while, then the person from the other end finally picked up after a few ring.

“Hello, this is Jayden Smith, am I speaking with prosecutor Kim?” Jayden asked and Luna stood up immediately.

Old Nana rushed to lock the door. “Yes, it’s prosecutor Kim, how may I help you?” Prosecutor Kim asked.

“I need you to arrest a lady, it’s a rape case, she R@P£D me” Jayden said and Luna gasp.

*How can he say a thing like that?* Luna thought and old Nana smile.

“We will be right there sir, I’m coming there with them sir” prosecutor Kim replied.

“You’re shamèless right?, I’ll show you that I’m also shamèlesa when it comes to things like this, I’ll make sure it’s all over the net” Jayden said.

“You can’t do this to me” Luna said.

“Watch me, nobody will blame me, you will spend the rest of your life in jail” Jayden said.

“Where’s your manager and guards? How did she enter your house?” Old Nana asked.

“I gave them a day off” Jayden replied and roughing his hair with his hand.

“you gave them off, so you can drink yourself to stupor right? Why will Justin accept the offer when he knew, you haven’t gotten over your girlfriend!” Old Nana said.

“it wasn’t his fault, I forced him” Jayden replied. “Why did you drink? Don’t you know that drinking can’t solve anything, Instead of you to find Justice for her, you’re here drinking yourself to stupor” Old Nana said and glare dangerously at Luna.

Jayden phone ring out loud and he stood up. “Where are you going to?” Old Nana asked.

“Prosecutor Kim is here” Jayden replied and moved closer to Luna, she quickly wrap herself with the dûvet. Jayden moved closer to her and drag her out.

“She’s the one you came to arrest, I’ll meet you in your office in an hour time” Jayden replied.


“I’m tired of shopping, we have been shopping all day non stop” I said with a frown.

“This isn’t the Aurora I know, the Aurora I know can shop 48hrs non stop without complaining” Liza replied and I glare at her.

“We need to get going, we have gotten enough cloth for the $h00ting, tomorrow is the $h00ting, so we need to rest before practice” I replied and walked out of the mall.

A guy mistakenly bump into me and I fall down. “I’m very sorry Miss” he replied and help me up, I look into his eyes before screaming, my head is on fire right now.

“What happened Miss? Hope you’re fine?” He asked giving me a concern look.

“Aurora what happened to you?” Liza asked abd rushed to my side.

“I need water” I said and the guy rushed to get water from his car and empty it on my head.

“Thanks” I replied avoiding his face, because his face is the one giving me so much headache.

“Hope you’re fine now?” He asked and I nodded. “I’m Jayson, I’m very sorry for bumping into you” he said.

“No problem” I replied and walked to the car we came with. “Did you know him?” Liza asked. “I don’t know him” o replied grumpily and Liza scoffed.

Practice room.

We are all dancing and practicing for our new album, we are $h00ting it tomorrow and I want it to be the best music diamond have ever produced.

“You’re a whole vibe” Jenny said and fall on the ground. “Are you tired already?” I asked with a frown.

“I don’t have your energy, I’m not ready to lose my waist because of competition” Jenny replied and Susan scoff.

“Aurora, I’ll like to see you for some minutes” manager Manteo said and i roll my eyes, because I don’t know what he wanna see me for, by this time of the day.

“What if I say, I’m not coming?” I smirk. “You can’t do that, it’s urgent” he replied, I don’t have a choice than to follow him.

“Manager Manteo has a crush on you” Liza said and I ignored her.

“I’m here!” I said and placed her hand on her waist. “I love you” manager Manteo said and I burst into laughter, it’s very funny, I don’t know if Manteo have finally turn to a comedian.

“You’re playing right?” I asked. “No I mean it” Manteo replied and placed he grab my hand and placed it on his chest.

“Feel my heartbeat, it’s beating for only you” Manteo said and I scoff. “Look here, I don’t love you and I don’t think I can ever do” i replied because I don’t know why he suddenly fall in love with me.

“Why? Am I not good looking enough?” Manteo asked. “You’re good looking but, I don’t love you” I replied.

“don’t worry, my love is enough for the both of us” Manteo replied.

“I said no!” I yelled and shake my head, I suddenly lost balance and hit my head on the ground. “Ahh!” I screamed and my eyes closed on their own.

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