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Friday, October 18, 2024
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MY SEX TEACHER – Episode 17

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💦 MY
segz Teacher 💦

❄️Use what you have…..
To get what you want🔥
(segz at Paragon High)
Written by: Empress BIMS 🌻
(Not edited expect mistakes)

CHAPTER 17: WHO IS Rebecca’s Mum?

Mr Ken and Mr Japheth arrived at the hospital in a jiffy. They met Rebecca’s mum at the reception pacing up and down.

Immediately she saw them she was surprised…. “Honey….. Paragon” she called fearfully. Mr Ken hissed and sat down without sparing her a glance.

Mrs Ken walked up to Japheth Paragon…….. “Paragon…. Where have you been? After Your wife’s death i didn’t see you again?” She asked.

“Tell me is it true that Dan and Tessy are my children?” He asked. The woman shifted uneasily before the nurse came around… “Mrs Ken, where’s your husband? Your son is dying” she said.

Mrs Ken looked at RTD Col. Ryu Ken’s face but it was devoid of emotions but blazing with sparks of anger and disdain. He walked ticking his legs subconsciously while biting his fingernails in the process the habit he had always had whenever he was anxious.

Mrs Ken faced Mr Japheth Paragon…… “Japheth, come with me” she said making the anger in RTD Col Ryu Ken’s blood boil.

“I can’t go and waste my blood on our child when I was not even their father” he argued.

“Come with me for the sake of our old connection…… Have you forgotten what we had, what we shared?” She asked emotionally.

Grudgingly, Mr Japheth went with the nurse and his blood matched that of Daniel.

After some hours, Daniel was move to the general ward where his family can access him.

>PARAGON HIGH< Rebecca and Ian were in Ian's house when she got a call from Judy to com back to school. They both left for the school to face the Vice Principal. "You can both come back to school tomorrow, the new director has vindicated you" he said. Rebecca And Ian who was bowing respectively raised their head in Surprise....... "New director?" Ian asked. "Yes, our new director, Mr Joseph Paragon called me to inform you that you resume to school tomorrow if you still wanted to be a student of this school" Rebecca and Ian was shocked.... Ian didn't expect his uncle to assume the position of the school director that quickly. He didn't know much of the connection his uncle and Dada shares but all he ever know was that they both used to fight over position of the school director and both trying to win the try of their grandmother who was in abroad recuperating. When they left the VP's office ....... Ian left to call his dad and Rebecca went to visit her friends. "Hey bunger fish I thought you had died.... You didn't even call me even once" Judy pouted. "Cray fish don't you have a phone to call me too? Anyways I miss you Baby girl and I miss you too Ricco" Rebecca expressed. "I thought you ditched us for your ki||ian Paragon..... I miss you but I can't come to your house" Ricco said. "Hey its just a day that I have been gone and you're talking as if I have been gone for years..." Still chatting as if they are just seeing each other for 100th years, Ian came with gloomy face.... They were amused "hey, what's with the sad face? Are you trying to act cool because you got called back to school?" Ricco asked. " dad stepped down from the school directorship... My uncle is now the new director" ian lamented. Ricco erupted in laughter.... Judy also bursted out laughing... Ricco now asked "So you mean, you're going to be a normal student like us? Wait did all these Happened Because of your scandal with Rebecca? Ohh what a pathetic life you're living in" "That's not the case..... Just then his phone rang again and he left to received it and this time it was from his dad again calling him to come to the hospital with Rebecca. "Rebecca.... Your brother...." Ian said. "What happened to my brother? What Did you know about my brother?" Rebecca asked "Your brother is admitted to the hospital!. >>>>
The family sat around the bed, Mr Ken’s face was as angry as that if someone that just lost an important family member.

Mrs Ken sat down in a corner without looking up, she was too ashamed to look at the two of them…

Tessy broke the silence with her sobs… “So mum… Dad… I mean Mr Ken is not our father?” She asked with sobs.

“Am sorry… Tessy am so sorry” the woman sobbed

“Stop saying you’re sorry just spill the ink already and get rid of your guilty sobs, explain what is happening to me or else I’ll tear your limbs apart!! Mr Ken thr_@tened.

Mr Paragon was also trying to hide his face but Mr Ken’s word made him stagger….

“Honey… I mean…. Ryu… I.. don’t know it will actually happen and turn to pregnancy… That day so we can, we actually……….. We were actually drunk and when it happened I don’t know” She stammered.

“Mum…. You actually had segz with this man? What were you thinking then? How did you expect me to explain to my friends and boyfriend whom I have bragged to that my father is a Retired Colonel that he’s not that anymore? Dad say something!!!” Tessy asked

“Ryu Ken you’re the main cause of this…. You’ll travel for months without even knowing what is happening at home and even if you come back, you’ll neglect me and $h00t yourself into our Private training grounds and be training as of you’re the first person to become a colonel” Mrs Ken shouted.

There was a silence in the room….. But the door suddenly opened! Rebecca and Ian rushed into the room.

“What are you saying? Did you mean to say… Ian and I were from thesame blood? Rebecca asked.

“No that can never be true….” Ian muttered “Dad say something dad tell me it’s a lie”

The adults bowed thier heads nobody say anything…….Ian faced his father with tears in his face…

“Dad you knew Rebecca was my sibling all along and you didn’t attempt to let me know?” He asked

“I am sorry Adam, I don’t know it will turn out this way….. And I don’t want to hurt you!” He pleaded…

“The what about Mum! Did you ever think of her?

After sometime, Mr Ken took Rebecca by the hand as if to take her home… But before that he looked back at his wife…… “Thanks for everything Wife…. Even though you cheated…. You’re still my wife come back home when Dan is okay”

He was about to leave but the woman suddenly interjected…….

“Ryu Ken!!! I just figured if you saw me, if you looked in my eyes, You’d remember our connection and be freed from the lies
I just figured I was something that you couldn’t replace….But there was just a blank stare and I couldn’t relate, I just couldn’t understand and I couldn’t defend. What we had, what we shared, and I couldn’t pretend. When the tears roll down it’s like you ain’t even notice them.
If you had a heart, I was hoping that you would show it some
What the hell you really telling me? What you telling me? Tessy and Daniel are your children no matter whose DNA they are carrying…. I never expected this” she lamented.

Ryu Ken looked back with hurt expression….. “What are you saying? Did you forget our love when you’re cheating with my friend? I could tell you lying, get the f-__-k out, don’t yell at me
I don’t mean to cut you, I don’t wanna catch a felony. This ain’t How To Be A Player, you are not the wife I married!! Listen here! They say you don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone…They say that your darkest hour come before your dawn
But there was something that I should’ve asked, all along….” He stopped….

Everyone looked at him….

“Who is Rebecca’s Mum?”

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