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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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PSYCHOPATH IN LOVE – Episode 29 & 30

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“Alright, give it to me. Tell me what you’ve been so eager to tell me about” Tony said as he walk into her room.

“Really? I called you two days ago to share my plan with you but you are only coming today….do you think you deserve to know what that plan is?” Charlotte crossing her arms in anger.

“Have just been busy. Ever since I made the mistake about Luther and Sierra’s marriage have been having a hard time”

” A hard time by playing in door?” Charlotte ask.

“Stop complaining and just tell me what you have to tell me” Tony grumble.

“Fine. I wanted to let you know that I sent a spy to work as a maid in Sierra’s chamber” Charlotte inform.

“A spy will no longer do” Tony said.

“And what will? We can’t just seat back and do nothing”

“Lately I have been having this urge to ki||. Well, it won’t exactly be done by me but I could send someone and then….bam”

“What are you trying to say?” Charlotte ask, giving him a quizzical look.

“What am trying to say is that I plan on having Luther ki||ed. With him out of the way, I can get everything I want” Tony explain.

“Don’t you even dare! Don’t you dare touch a hair on his head” Charlotte warn making Tony stare at her.

“What’s with you?”

“What’s with me? I thought we are working together to benefit from it. You take Sierra and I take Luther. If you ki|| Luther, I don’t get to benefit at all!” She yelled at him.

“Tch….so your anger is about losing the man you love” Tony said synically.

“How would you feel if I decide to get rid of Sierra too and isn’t Luther your brother , how can you just ki|| off your own blood?” Charlotte ask and that finally did it.

“Luther is no longer a brother to me. All I see is an enemy, an enemy I so badly want to get rid of!” He said fiercely.

“Then you leave me no choice, if you hurt Luther. I will hurt your precious Sierra” Charlotte thr_@ten only for him to hold her by the neck, pushing her roughly against the wall.

“Let go!” A frighten Charlotte said as she fought off his hand.

“I have the right to get rid of Luther if I want. It’s easy for you to find someone else to love and am sure you will since the love you claim to have for Luther isn’t that great, if you really love him, you won’t be sharing your bed with me. So quit the yapping and find something worth while to do, don’t get in my way” He added sternly before letting go of her.


A long with her maids and personal guards, Sierra made her way to Luther’s chamber.

Though it’s been two days, a lot of things have change.

She hardly gets to sleep since she has to learn the duties of a queen before the coronation day and there is the last thing Luther said to her.

“Let’s make a baby”

After asking her such a thing, he told her to think about it and for two days the thought of it have been making her feel uneasy which is why she’s going to see him right now to give her answer.

“Your highness….lady Sierra is here to see you” James announce and instead of waiting for one of the servant to open the door.

Luther himself open it and pulled Sierra into his room, starring at her lovingly.

“I was just about to sneak out to see you” Luther admit.


“According to the lady tutoring you on the duties of being a queen, I am a distraction and until the coronation day, I have been forbidden to see you” Luther explain.


“Is that all you are going to say? Aren’t you sad that we won’t be seeing each other for a week?” He ask and she shook her head.

“How heartless you are” he said, frowning but it was meant to be a joke, a joke he expected her to laugh at but Sierra’s expression didn’t even change.

“What’s wrong? Have Tony been bothering you? ” Luther ask

“Am too busy to even be allowed to go out. Lady whale didn’t even want me to come see you but I pleaded with her which is why am here, right now” she said.

“I have something to tell you. It’s about what you ask me some days ago” she said.

“If you are talking about the baby thing…I was just joking and….”

“I don’t want to have a baby with you and even after the coronation, they expect us to have a child, i still won’t do it” Sierra said.

“May I ask why?”

“Have spent two days thinking about it and I have come to the conclusion that I don’t love you enough to have a child with you”

“But you…”

“I know that you are going to say that I was welcoming during the first few days we met again. I won’t deny that am attracted to you but am not in love with you” she said breaking his heart.

“That’s…. understandable ” Luther said, forcing a smile her way.

” If that’s all you have to say then it’s best you leave. We wouldn’t want Mrs Whale angry” He added lightly, walking her back to the door and out of the room.

Sierra went back to her chamber, glad to have given him her answer. She was suppose to be relieve but instead she felt worse.


Two men could be seen walking into the stable with a white stallion in toll.

“Make sure everything is okay with the horse. The soon to be king will be riding it tomorrow morning” The first man said.

“Okay sir, I will make sure the horse is ready for his highness use” the second man reply as the first man left.

“You must be hungry right, I better get you something to eat” The man said and left the stable.

An unknown man dressed in black came into the stables, walking towards the white stallion.

He caress the horse to calm it down and proceeded to bringing out an injection which he injected into the horse.

And as quietly as he came, he left.


“Where are we going? I thought am not allowed to leave the room until I memorize the whole of this book” Sierra said to Mrs Whale as the maid got her ready.

“It’s the order of the king that you visit the stable today. His highness, your husband will be out riding and the king will like for you to join him in watching your husband ” Mrs Whale inform.

A while later, they made it to the stable and after greeting the king, she join him under a large shade just as a hovering maid pour them a glass of orange juice.

At that moment, Luther walk into the field with his white stallion and Sierra was taken aback by how handsome he is.

She was so lost by his beauty that she didn’t see how he got onto the horse.

“Luther have always been a good rider” King Lewis said, praising his son.

She stared at Lewis to see the pride In his eyes and at that moment, they heard the horse shriek, trying to free it’s rein from Luther hold.

Luther tried to stop the horse from its sudden wildness when he fell off the horse.

“Luther!” Both Sierra and Lewis scream but Luther was lifeless on the ground, blood oozing from his head….


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