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HomeDON'T GHOST MEDON’T GHOST ME – Episode 43 & 44

DON’T GHOST ME – Episode 43 & 44

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—-Few days later—–Jewel’s Mansion

Five persons could be seen in the room. Glenda, Dina, Alex, Jewel and Grandma. Grandma offered to help because Time was running out on Jewel. They were are presently gathered around a table with books and pictures in the middle.

“Jewel, It’s been it’s three weeks already”

“No, it’s just four days left” Jewel said sitting down

“And we haven’t done anything” Dina said ruffling her head.

Once again the room was quiet, only the flipping of books could be heard.

Jewel flipped through Luke’s note and she came across the song titled UNENDING LOVE. This was the same song Luke never wanted her to see or read. What could it have been about? Was it for his girlfriend??? No, No, Luke doesn’t have a girlfriend.

The thought of Luke having a girlfriend made Jewel’s heart beat irregularly.

“Alex,” Jewel called making everyone face her. Jewel gulped down her spit nervously. She had called Alex not everyone.

“huh…..Did Luke have a girlfriend when he was alive??”

“Why would you ask that?” Glenda asked not understanding the sudden eruption of such a question.

Dina gave her raised eyebrows while Grandma had an unreadable expression.

The place was quiet once again and Alex decided to break it.


“Well to the best of my knowledge, I never saw him go out when the one”

If Luke never dated then this song UNENDING LOVE must mean something else. But what could it possibly be? Thoughts flowed her head and she soon realized it. He had written it for his friends. A small smile appeared on her lips and her heart race became leveled. ‘He cared for his friends’

Jewel kept scrolling until she came to a page with some digits.

CKA 3200

She stared at the number for a while, thinking of what it met.

“Did you find something”

“Just this” Jewel said showing them the book

“That’s a plate number” Dina plainly said

“Maybe that’s the clue we’ve been searching for” Glenda picking up her phone to search it up.

“I have a feeling I’ve seen this number somewhere” Jewel said as she thought hard

“Me too, but I can’t remember where…wait, Zach’s mansion. it was parked in his house” Dina said

“I never expected Zach to be part of…..what I’m I saying? He stole Luke’s songs so he must have been related to Luke’s death. we should have started from there from the very beginning” Alex said and they all nodded except Jewel who kept drifting up to space.

“Jewel” Dina tapped her, bringing her back to reality.

“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to snooze out on you guys” Jewel said picking up Luke journal.

Everyone had their gaze on her. ‘She’d been this way since Luke left. Always snoozing out. Lost in thoughts. Where was Luke. It’s been seven days since he left. And it’s been seven odd days with Jewel. She really missed those happy days. Is Jewel gonna go back to the sadist she was?? Maybe it’s been Luke along. Because she only started coming out of her shell when Luke was around. Was she going to go back to all gloomy and sadness when Luke is finally gone???’ Thoughts ran through Dina’s mind as she looked at Jewel.

Alex faced Jewel. They might not be that close but he knew she wasn’t herself. He had seen Luke and asked him to return but Luke claimed Jewel didn’t want to have anything to do with him. He claimed Jewel was angry at him and he felt he was just adding pressure on her. He said he didn’t want to bother her anymore.

“I have an idea of where we should begin” Jewel said and everyone gave her attention.

“Mom, Dina and Alex, you need to get into the euphorium. Mom, I need you to get you three inside and with your influence, you should be able to distract Mr. Ryder and probably Zach, If he’s there. While they are distracted, you two will have to enter the CEO’s office and search for anything evidence or will lead us to the next step. That’s what you’re gonna do tomorrow.”

“And me????” Grandma asked

“You will be at home looking for clues.” Jewel said standing up to leave the room

“And what about you?” Dina asked

“I’ll go look for Luke”

********NEXT DAY********

Glenda and Dina were out on their mission leaving just Jewel and Grandma.

“Grandma, I’m off, bye” Jewel said as she walked past Grandma in the living room.

“Peanut wait” Grandma making making Jewel to face her.

“Is there something you are not telling me?” She asked as Jewel faced her.

“Me??? I can not hide anything from you”

“Liar” Grandma said as she tapped the sit gesturing for Jewel to sit down.

“There’s nothing” Jewel said, sitting down with eyes glued on the ground.

“You know you are a bad liar” Grandma said chuckling a bit.

“Before Luke came into your life, you were gloomy and sad. while he was here, you had the brightest smile. And when he left, you went back to a former you” Grandma said looking at Jewel, expect her to say something.

“I might be old but not blind” Grandma said again while Jewel kept biting her bottom lips slowly.

“Are you trying to seduce me?”

“Huh????” Jewel asked taken aback

“You keep bitting your lower lips” Grandma said touching her own lips in demonstration.

A small smile appeared on Jewel’s lips. Her grandma was funny. If everything she could ask, she just had to ask her if she wanted to seduce her.

“Don’t you want to talk about it?” Grandma asked

“There’s something going on right?? It’s more than just helping him finish his unfinished business, Isn’t it?” Grandma asked as Jewel nodded slowly.

“What is it then?”

Jewel swallowed her spit as she gathered the courage to tell her grandma.

********ALEX’S HOUSE**********

Glenda was in the car, waiting, while Dina made her way into the house.

She entered slowly. “Alex” She called but got no response. She walked as she looked around. This would be the first time she would have a clear view of his house. She came across a portrait of three teens.

“This is Luke, Alex and this should be that girl I always see” Dina said as she touched the photo.

Thinking about it, who is that girl? Why is she always here? Could it be that they are dating? No, that’s not possible. She’s just a friend.

“What are you doing here?” A voice said, snapping Dina out of her imagination.

Dina turned to see Mira. Wow, the last person I want to see. What was she doing here? Were they living together??? Judging from her appearance, From the messy hair to the spatula on her hand gave Dina her answer.

She must have been staying with Alex. But why would she be staying with him???

“I asked a question”

“I’m waiting for Alex” Dina said dropping the photo.

“Why would you be waiting for him?”

“Um, well we were supposed to be somewhere” Dina said hoping Mira wouldn’t asked anymore questions.

“Somewhere???? Hold on, what’s going on?? Why would the both of you be going out??” Mira asked again but Dina pursed her lips with a smile that said, I THINK YOU SHOULD ASK ALEX

Mira looked at Dina from head to toe, ‘Not like she is that pretty, so why should Alex be going out with her? Why can’t Alex notice me?’

Wave of Jealousy moved through her as she stared at Dina.

Dina faced Mira jealously. Why would Alex allow a girl live with him? Are they dating? No it can’t be. Dina felt her heart beating irregularly as she locked gaze with Mira.

Was this JEALOUSY??
But why should she be jealous???
Not like he is that handsome

“What’s going on here?” Alex asked as the two ladies faced him.

Alex was in front of them with a ripped Jean and an armless with top giving them a clear view of his muscles. His hair was gelled stylishly giving him a bad boy vibe but then his perfume made them reach Pluto as both ladies began imagining a wedding in their separate heads.

Dina lips were parted while the spatula fell from Mira’s hands bringing them back to planet Earth.

“Are you two done staring?” Alex asked picking up his wallet from the cushion.

-oops, he caught them-

“I wasn’t staring” Dina and Mira said at once

“I know” Alex said picking his phone too

“Let’s go”

“Where are you two going to?” Mira asked

“I forgot to tell you, we are going somewhere” Alex said hoping she wouldn’t ask anymore questions but his hopes were chattered.


“The euphorium” Alex replied.

“What are you going to do at th euphorium?”

“Mira, I’ll tell you when I get back” Alex said turning to leave

” So why are you going with her?” She asked again.

“What’s with the many questions? Are you a detective?” Dina asked as she got fed up with the unending questions.

“I wasn’t asking you” Mira said taking her attention back to Alex.

“Let’s talk when I get back” he said as he led the way out

‘What’s with the dressing anyway’ Dina thought as she followed after him

*********Zach’s house**********

Zach was sited as he watched the man in front of him so his work. For the past few days he hasn’t been able to sleep cause something wasn’t letting him to. So he had invited a seer, to tell him what was going on.


He heard the seer say

“Anything yet?” Zach asked impatiently

“The god’s have opened my eyes to see” The seer said.

“And…” Zach asked. He had a song to release today evening and here was this creepy man using the whole of his time.

“You’re house is hunted”

“What do you mean by that?”

“There is a ghost in this house that is very angry…”

“ghost???” Zach asked unbelievably

Was this man crazy?

“Ghost? Ghost don’t exist” Zach said.

“That’s what you chose to believe.” The seer said revealing a set of black teeths.

“Cut the crap. There’s no such thing as a ghost” Zach said standing up

“This house is hunted…”

“Shut it, this house isn’t hunted. It’s your creepy materials that’s hunted” Zach said walking out of the man

“The truth…will be revealed soon” The seer said packing his materials

*********LUKE’S MANSION**********

Jewel had been here all day. She had been waiting for Luke. This was the only place he could be so she waited patiently.

She walked around the house and she came across a photo album. She had a smile on his face as she went through his photo album.

“He’s cute” She muttered lowly.

“Where’s he?” She asked no one in particular as she yawned

‘Or was he not here. No way. This is the only place he could have been right???? Where else could he be????’ Jewel thought.

Soon she heard footsteps.

“He’s here” She muttered but after some seconds of waiting, she saw no one


There was no reply. Jewel gulped down nothing as nervousness kicked in.

“Who’s there??” She asked but got no response

“Show yourself” Jewel said again but got no response.

She noticed a shadow.

-oh no, someone’s here, It’s not Luke, Luke has no shadow-

Jewel heart beat accelerated. She quickly rushed back to hide but wasn’t fast enough as she felt handkerchief covering her nose.

She tried struggling but all to no avail because of the strength of her captor.

Slowly darkness crept in. She tried fighting it but failed

“Luke” the name came as a whisper before she finally gave into the darkness.

As e dey 🔥🥵

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