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HomeDON'T GHOST MEDON’T GHOST ME – Episode 41 & 42

DON’T GHOST ME – Episode 41 & 42

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And there she was. The last person she thought of


The shocked was too much that Natasha fell on her butt.

“Je…wel….ry..” Natasha stuttered.

Never in a million years did she think she would see Jewel dress like this. She was oozing wealth. This wasn’t Jewel. She must be hallucinating.

Natasha quickly got up to her feet.

“Wow, such fancy dresses” She said more like a mockery.

“Who have you been sleeping with cause we all know that you’re a pauper” Natasha said while Sheila laughed but Sydney was quiet. Jewel was alive. What if she recognized them as the ones responsible for the accident. No…no..she was too young to be arrested. She can’t have a prison record. So many thoughts ran in and out of Sydney’s mind as she fidgeted inwardly.

By now a crowd had gathered and some were videoing live in the school website.

Dina was behind Jewel trying to figure out what Jewel had in mind. Jewel had told them in the car that Natasha was responsible for the accident. Glenda wanted to call the police but Jewel said she needed to deal with them herself before involving the police.

Jewel faced Natasha with an angry expression as she matched forward graping her by the collar and using her back to hit the wall.

“aaarrh” Natasha groaned loudly as she felt her bone missing location.

“Are you craz…”


Natasha couldn’t complete her statement as sh was rewarded with a defending slap. She felt her head spin in four different directions.

Sydney and Sheila were shocked as well as the crowd while Dina had a triumphant smile.

Sheila turned to attack Jewel but Dina attacked her making the two engage in a battle of their own. Dina was on top decorating Sheila’s face with blows.

“f_ck” Sheila cursed loudly as Dina had punched her nose making her bleed. Sheila was able to push Dina away for a few seconds as she tried to get herself only to be attacked again.

“I guess I forgot to tell you..” Dina said in between the fight.

“I learnt kunfu during kindergarten” She said pausing as she breathe only to attack a defenseless Sheila again. “And you are the best person to test my ski||s with”

Meanwhile, Sydney was shaking where she was.. She turned around trying to escape the scene but Jewel’s voice stopped her.

“I dare you to move an inch”

Sydney paused. She did know when her lips started trembling.

🗣️: WTF
🗣️: I can’t believe it
🗣️: So Natasha and her crew know what been scared if
🗣️: 😱😱

Sydney turned to see everyone looking at her. Even Natasha and Sheila were looking at her. Sydney gulped her spit as she felt a warm liquid roll down her legs. She looked down to see that she had peed herself.

Dina didn’t know when she burst into laughter. “hahahahaha” She laugher loudly as she unconsciously slapped Sheila left and right.

“What’s going on here?” Mr Jones said getting to the scene. The five girls faced him. Dina disengage allowing Sheila to stand up with a bruised face. However Jewel faced the teacher, her hand still grabbing Natasha collar tightly as though she would escape.

“I need an explanation” Mr Jones said again but was replied with silence.

Mr. Liam and the Manager joined the group.

“Is this a wrestling stage or a school” Mr Liam said while the manager could only nudge him.

“I want you all in my office” The manager said turning to leave only to meet the face of Mr Gregg. The manager gulped silently. He was in a deep mess.

Mr. Gregg’s face went to his daughter who he could barely recognize. His face became furious as he turned to face the girl grabbing his daughter hy the collar.

“Are you crazy??” Mr Gregg yelled as the manager flinched. Natasha smiled. Her dad was here. He was going to teach Jewel a lesson she would never forget. She had a triumphant smile as she tried removing Jewel’s hand from her collar but Jewel held tight. She turned her head to face Jewel who had a smirk on her face.

“Would you get your filthy hands off my daughter?” My Gregg yelled

“Don’t you wanna know what your daughter did?” Jewel asked as politely as she could.

“My Natty did nothing and even if she did, who or what gave a low class fool to hold my daughter by the collar” Mr Gregg said losing his patience.

He turned to face the manager who couldn’t move. He had sweat beads on his forehead. “Are you just looking? How could you let this filthy thing touch my daughter? Do you know who I am?” He lashed out at the poor manager

“S…s…sir….I think we should go to my office. Let’s talk….”

“You’re insane. I want this girl expelled” Mr Gregg yelled at the manager’s face pouring out some saliva in the process.

When he noticed the manager wasn’t doing anything he walked towards Jewel as he lifted his hand to slap her.

“I dare you to lay a finger on her”

Everyone turned as students gave way for Glenda. She marched in majestically. The sound of her heels echoing behind her. Gregg’s hands dropped slowly as he composed himself.

“Mrs. Rise” Mr Gregg and the manager said at the same time.

Glenda ignored the duo as she turned to face both Dina then Jewel.

“Are you hurt?” She asked

“Yes. I’m really hurt. This lunatic wouldn’t let me be” Natasha said finally removing Jewel’s hand from her collar.

“I wasn’t talking to you” Glenda said then faced Jewel “I was talking to butter”

“You don’t need to involve yourself in this matter. Let me handle it” Mr Gregg said still composing himself as he put up the brightest smile that would make a madman laugh.

“Really? So tell me, what’s going on here?” Glenda said facing Gregg.

“You see, this violent lunatic….”

“VIOLENT LUNATIC??????” Glenda asked her voice rising making Gregg shift back.

“Do you know that your daughter has caused a hit and run accident??? Do you also know that the victim would have died?”

🗣️: *gasps*
🗣️: She caused an accident
🗣️: Who could have been her victim
🗣️: She’s worse than a wicked soul
🗣️: And her father is trying to cover for her
🗣️: She deserves more beatings

Gregg faced his daughter who was facing the ground. Things weren’t going his way. He needs to do something to ensure that he and the RISE can collaborate. His business was at the edge of falling and his only solution was a collaboration with someone like Glenda who has a great influence in the business world. He needs to end this decision fast but why was she interested in this girl who beat up his daughter???

“Well, we can just compensate the family”

“Compensate???” Glenda asked in mockery. She turned to face the manager who has said nothing all this while apart from secretly tugging Mr. Gregg’s clothes and telling him to stop talking.

“Well, Let me clear the air. You see…” Glenda paused looking at Gregg’s reaction

“the girl whom your daughter tried to ki||, AKA the violent lunatic….” She turned reading everyone’s expression “is my daughter”

🗣️: Holy Freaking Molly
🗣️: Jewel is from the rise family
🗣️: Rise is her surname but we didn’t even notice it

Murmurs filled the air but Natasha’s face was pale. How can this be? Is this a nightmare mare? She has to wake up. There is no way Jewel is from the Rise family. She didn’t even tell anyone. She had been taking all the beatings before. No No No. Something must be wrong somewhere.

While thoughts surrounded Natasha’s mind, her father, Mr Gregg looked like someone whose life had been drained. He couldn’t speak.

“Heard, he’s the second main investor, well since I’m the first, I will buy all his shares”

‘NO NO NO, she can’t’ Natasha turned to face her father who gave her a deadly glare.

“I don’t want her expelled. She needs to live in this school in shame. I also would let you transfer to another college. You need to eat the harvest of what you sowed” Glenda said turning to leave but stopped.

“Baby” She called and Jewel faced her


As e dey 🔥🥵

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